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#307 : Les amants

L'équipe doit déterminer si un Marine dégradé et viré est la victime d'un complot international ou s'il a vraiment commis un meurtre...

** Captures de l'épisode **


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Les amants

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NCIS Los Angeles - Trailer/Promo - 3x07

NCIS Los Angeles - Trailer/Promo - 3x07


Photos promo

Hetty Lange au téléphone

Hetty Lange au téléphone

Callen qui est joué par L'acteur Chris O'Donnell

Callen qui est joué par L'acteur Chris O'Donnell

Sam Hanna joué par LL Cool J

Sam Hanna joué par LL Cool J

Kensi parle avec Sam et Deeks

Kensi parle avec Sam et Deeks

Hetty téléphone pendant que les agents attendent

Hetty téléphone pendant que les agents attendent

Nell présente un dossier à Kensi sur le grand écran

Nell présente un dossier à Kensi sur le grand écran

Kensi (Daniela Ruah) avec Hetty

Kensi (Daniela Ruah) avec Hetty

les 4 agents parlent avec Hetty

les 4 agents parlent avec Hetty


Henrietta "Hetty" Lange jouée par Linda Hunt

Deeks, Sam, Kensi et Callen devant le bureau de Hetty

Deeks, Sam, Kensi et Callen devant le bureau de Hetty

Sam, Deeks et Callen devant le bureau

Sam, Deeks et Callen devant le bureau


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (redif)
Dimanche 15.01.2017 à 00:30

Plus de détails

Scenario : Jordana Lewis Jaffe & R. Scott Gemmill

Réalisation : Tony Wharmby

Guests :

Yuji Okumoto ............................ Akio Tanaka
Drew Fuller ............................ Connor Maslin
Ron Yuan ............................ Yosh
Jerry Kernion ............................ Patron
Yuu Asakura ............................ Maeko Tanaka

[Metro corridor. A man in suit is hurrying down an escalator. He looks worried, glances backwards]

AUTOMATED VOICE: Attention all passengers: If you're found eating, drinking or smoking, you could be fined $250.

[A younger man running down the stairs manages to tackle him. They grunt and fight. The man in suit is going to win but his opponent bangs his head onto the glass of a billboard]

MAN: Yah!

[The man falls backwards and lies motionless- fainted. A train is stopping]

AUTOMATED VOICE: Please stand clear.

[The “winner” grabs the wallet in the suit pocket and gets into the train]

AUTOMATED VOICE: Please stand clear. Doors are closing.

[The train runs away – the man takes a seat – On the station floor, the man in suit lies on his back, eyes wide open]


                                       ♫ ♫ NCIS: LA 3x07 ♫ ♫ Honor ♫ ♫

                           ♫ ♫ Original air date on November 1, 2011 ♫ ♫


[Callen and Deeks are entering the office]

CALLEN: You sure it wasn't you? Because the guy had your same little surfer drawl.

DEEKS: Uh, I do not speak with a drawl.

[Kensi is reading a newspaper and drinking coffee – standing]

KENSI: The way you just said "drawl", you said it with a drawl. What are we talking about?

DEEKS: Nothing. We are talking about absolutely nothing.

[He sits down]

CALLEN: Someone called into a talk radio show last night. Sounded exactly like Deeks.

KENSI: Did he now? What was he calling about?

[Kensi and Callen sit down opposite to Deeks]

CALLEN: Oh, he just wanted to talk about his feelings. For a coworker.

DEEKS: Don't you think it's strange that Callen is a talk radio guy?

CALLEN: Why's that?

DEEKS: I don't know, I've just always kind of considered you more of a, uh...you know, a...TV static, white-noise kind of guy.

CALLEN: I have no idea what you're talking about.

DEEKS: Well, I am a man of mystery.

KENSI: Mystery or misery?

DEEKS: Oh. It's going to be that kind of day, isn't it? Buddy, you have no idea how lucky you are to have a male partner.

KENSI: What is that supposed to mean? Hmm?

DEEKS: I just...

KENSI: You know what? Don't even answer that question.

DEEKS: I'm not.

KENSI: Speaking of partners, where is Sam? Mr. Always Five Minutes Early is late -again.

DEEKS: And he's taken three long weekends this month.

KENSI: You know what that means.

DEEKS: He's in rehearsals for an off-Broadway revival of Cats.

CALLEN: I'll tell him you said that.

DEEKS: You don't have to do that.

KENSI: Sounds like he's on a new assignment. [Whispering] Is he on a new assignment?

CALLEN: That is a question for Hetty.

HETTY: You rang? [As usual she appeared from nowhere]

KENSI: Ooh. Hi, Hetty.


KENSI: So...


KENSI: Do you think Deeks speaks with a drawl?

HETTY: Well, Mr. Deeks' intonation certainly reflects the motley milieu in which he was raised. But I have to admit, I find I'm rather fond of his idiosyncrasies.

DEEKS: Did you hear that? Hetty is rather fond of my idiosyncrasies.

HETTY: Well, take it easy, Mr. Deeks. That was just a polite way of saying that I agree that you have a drawl. Well. On with it.

CALLEN: On with what?

HETTY: Your new case, of course.


[They get up and find Eric in the stairs, fingers already in the mouth]

CALLEN: Save it.

ERIC: What? Hetty straight up ganked my whistle?

[Disappointed, he heads back to the OPS]


[OPS center.]

ERIC: This was pulled from a Metro security camera last night.

[They watch the fight]

NELL: The victim was Nori Ito, a Japanese accountant who arrived in Los Angeles three days ago, along with a tourist group. He died early this morning.

ERIC: The man giving Nori not quite the warmest L.A. welcome is... Connor Maslin. He's a former Marine.

CALLEN: How former is former?

NELL: Maslin was discharged earlier this year. He was administratively separated.

DEEKS: I'm assuming that's not an honorable discharge. What did he do?

ERIC: Japanese authorities accused him of sexually assaulting a woman while he was stationed in Okinawa.

KENSI: And this second victim is also Japanese?

DEEKS: Could be a possible hate crime.

CALLEN: What else do we know about Maslin?

NELL: We have his home address in Playa Del Rey, as well as a list of his current employers.

CALLEN: Employers? Plural?

NELL: According to what I found, he's currently working three jobs.

DEEKS: Well, you know what they say about idle hands.

ERIC: Hetty wants us to locate Maslin.

KENSI: And bring him in quickly so he can't hurt anyone else?

CALLEN: And quietly, because the military can't afford this kind of publicity.

ERIC: That's actually exactly what Hetty said, except with fancier words and more syllables.

CALLEN: All right, clock's ticking. Let's get to it.

[Sam is entering the OPS…]

CALLEN: Maslin's managed to stay out of trouble for months. Why don't you to talk to his employers, see if anything happened yesterday that could've set him off.

KENSI: Yeah.

DEEKS: Done.

[They leave the OPS]

CALLEN: Sam and I will visit his place. I'll fill you in the car.

SAM: What's the two-second version?

CALLEN: I don't think you're going to like this guy.


[Deeks and Kensi are in a market]

MAN: You want to know where Connor Maslin is? Join the club. Begs for extra shifts like a little girl, and then leaves me high and dry. Marisol! You going to clean up the spill some time this week?

MARISOL: Si, señor.

KENSI: Uh, has Connor ever missed a shift before?

MAN: Nope. Frankly, I had no beef with him-- until today.

DEEKS: What was he like? Did Connor play nice with the other coworkers?

MAN: Who's this guy? Dr. Phil?

KENSI: Did he ever get into a fight with anyone? A customer, maybe?

MAN: Not that I know of. He pretty much kept to himself. And in general, he wasn't a pain in my...Marisol! Mop!

DEEKS: He did work here yesterday, right? Did he seem at all off to you? Emotionally unstable, maybe?

MAN: This one make you sing "Kumbaya" in the car?

DEEKS: All right.

KENSI: Just answer the question, please.

MAN: Look. He punched in, he stocked shelves for ten hours, he punched out. That's as "emotionally stable" as I need him.

KENSI: Okay. If you think of anything else, anything useful...[She hands him her card]

DEEKS: See ya.

MAN: Bye.

[Deeks and Kensi leave the market. They walk in the street]

KENSI: Don't worry. You're nothing like Dr. Phil.

DEEKS: Thank you.

KENSI: With that speech impediment, you'd never make it on TV… Now, imagine having to stock shelves all day and answer to that guy.

DEEKS: Sounds almost as bad as my gig as a lifeguard when I was in high school.

KENSI: Sorry, shouldn't you have loved that?

DEEKS: Well, I was at a pool, got to have a God complex, plenty of skin, all true. But I was working at a YMCA, so I had to watch senior citizens perform water aerobics. There was this woman, I'll never forget her: Gertrude Norland. She was a big, big woman. Skin condition. Overly flirty.

KENSI: Did she ever, uh, you know...

DEEKS: Pretend to be choking so I would have to perform CPR? Yeah. She did. All the time.

KENSI: It's probably the most action you saw in high school.

[Kensi’s cell phone rings]

DEEKS: Okay. You know what? And that is why I don't open up to you right there.

KENSI: [On phone] Hey.

CALLEN: [over phone] Hey. What do you got?

KENSI: Yeah, Maslin was a no-show for at least one of his jobs.

[She gets into the car while Sam stops his Challenger]

CALLEN: [To Kensi on phone] Well, let me know if makes an appearance at his other two jobs.

KENSI: [Over phone] Okay.

SAM: Our boy on the run?

CALLEN: Maybe.

[They go off the car, cross the street and head to Connor’s house]

CALLEN: Got a late start this morning.

[Sam chuckles]

SAM: Huh. If you say so.

CALLEN: Been a lot of late starts lately, huh? You know, they say coffee usually does the trick.

SAM: Yeah, well, Hetty just got me a new coffeemaker. Except this one takes an extra long time to brew.

CALLEN: Waiting can be the hardest part. Can take a lot out of you.

SAM: The waiting, I can deal with. But this, uh, coffeemaker came with a special mug. An incredibly stunning mug.

CALLEN: Ah. That can be tricky. 'Cause if you get distracted by the mug...

SAM: I know.

CALLEN: Or if you let things heat up...

SAM: I know.

CALLEN: That's when you get burned.

[Sam stops dead and looks grim…]

[They enter the hallway – The room door is broken and open. They pull out their guns and check the place]

CALLEN: Clear.

SAM: Clear!

[Sam notices the bed]

SAM: Hospital corners. At least the military taught Maslin something.

[In the living room]

CALLEN: Place is immaculate. Whoever broke in here didn't look very hard.

[Sam spots something]

SAM: Maybe because what they were looking for was Connor Maslin.

[He shows Callen a black SUV outside]

SAM: No plates.

CALLEN: New to town and lost?

SAM: Something tells me they're not waiting around for a Thomas Guide.

[Tires screech: the SUV is leaving in a hurry – Sam and G run outside but too late: it’s gone…]

CALLEN: Apparently, we're not the only one looking for him.


                           -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[NCIS office. Sam is lost in his thoughts, sit on his desk. Kensi comes from upstairs]

KENSI: Okay. Nell is helping Eric locate the black Caddy you saw outside of Maslin's apartment. No dice yet.

[Deeks and G are at their desks]

SAM: That SUV was waiting for Connor Maslin to show his face.

DEEKS: I'm going out on a limb here, but could it be connected to the Japanese tourist that Maslin just beat to a pulp?

CALLEN: Something tells me these guys weren't exactly the tour group type.

SAM: Maslin stole Nori Ito's wallet.

KENSI: Well, maybe he owes people money.

CALLEN: And the Caddy was there to collect.

DEEKS: Kind of coincidental he chose to rob a Japanese person.

[Eric appears]

ERIC: Hey. I've been tracking Maslin's accounts. He just used his credit card.

CALLEN: Where?

ERIC: Culver City. At a gun shop.

DEEKS: Wow. Somebody just upped the ante.

[Sam is already leaving. He points at Eric]

SAM: Find him. And once you do, don't take your eyes off him.


[OPS center.]

SAM [over radio]: We got eyes yet, Eric? I'm driving blind out here.

ERIC: Doing the best I can. This guy is a ghost.

[Sam’s car]

CALLEN:  Maslin took a beating last night, too, so look for someone wearing sunglasses, hiding his bruises.

SAM: And long sleeves to cover his hands.

[OPS center.]

ERIC: All right. Found him. He's on foot, east side of the boulevard, headed north a block in front of you. I'm sending the coordinates to your phones now.

[Sam’s car]

CALLEN: Got it.

SAM: Keep eyes on him just in case.

CALLEN: [pointing forward] There he is. White shirt.

[Sam sops the car just behind Maslin. They get out and follow him. Callen glances at Sam with a little smile]

SAM: What are you looking at?

CALLEN: Nothing.

[He grins]

SAM: Is there a problem?

CALLEN: No. It's just...noticed you guys are wearing the same shirt.

SAM: So? Man has taste.

CALLEN: I'd say maybe he's pulling it off a little better than you.

SAM: Ha. You giving me fashion tips? Focus.

CALLEN: I am focused. I'm the one that noticed the shirt.

SAM: Yeah? Remind me again how you pronounce Balenciaga?

CALLEN: The fact that you even know that word is very unsettling.


[They split and Callen appears in front of Maslin]

CALLEN: Connor, you're going to want to, but do not run. I'm a Federal agent, NCIS.

[Maslin looks behind and spots Sam staring at him]

CALLEN: I'm about as good a friend as you've got right now.

[Maslin notices a car approaching and stopping in Callen’s back. It’s a black SUV and people getting out look like Japanese. Maslin wants to flee but Callen grabs him and blocks him on the ground. Sam pulls his gun out and runs towards the car. Men get back into the car (speaking Japanese) and leave hastily (tires screeching). Sam grabs his phone and dials]

SAM: Eric, black Caddy headed east on Weddington.

[OPS center.]

ERIC: Already got it.

SAM: [Over radio] Try not to lose them.

ERIC: Please.


[Street. Callen keeps Maslin lying on his chest]

MASLIN: You're really a federal agent?

CALLEN: Considering the alternative, I don't sound so bad, do I?

[He pulls the man up; Maslin groans]

CALLEN: Come on!


[Boatshed. Interrogation room. Maslin is waiting. Sam and Callen enter]

SAM: The man you beat up is dead.


[Callen puts Ito’s body photos on the table]

CALLEN: Nori Ito died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Makes you a murderer.

MASLIN: It was self-defense.

SAM: You beat him up, and then you stole his wallet.

[He shows the video on his phone]

MASLIN: I mean, he stole my wallet. I was just getting it back.

CALLEN: So the guy you beat to death was a pickpocket. You're going to have to do better than that.

MASLIN: It's the truth. I swear.

SAM: Why would a Japanese tourist steal your wallet?

CALLEN: [Sitting down] Well, maybe he wanted a souvenir.

SAM: Oh. They ran out of Hollywood sign snow globes.

CALLEN: I like those.

SAM: Okay, Marine. You've had run-ins with the Japanese in the past. Like your discharge for assaulting a young woman in Okinawa.

MASLIN: I never assaulted anyone.

CALLEN: Really? 'Cause it says right here...well, Sam, maybe I'm reading this wrong.

[Maslin takes a photo out of his pocket]

MASLIN: That woman is my girlfriend. Her father forbids us from seeing each other, but we ignored him.

SAM: Romeo and Juliet.

[He hands G the photo]

MASLIN: I would never hurt a woman, especially not Maeko. Her father, Akio Tanaka, created these trumped-up charges so I'd be transferred back to the States.

SAM: Billionaire environmentalist of the year, Akio Tanaka?

MASLIN: He had arranged for Maeko to marry some politician to secure kickbacks for his business. I was getting in the way of his grand plan, so he made me pay for it.


[Observation room]

DEEKS: This is all very convenient.

SAM: [over radio] That's an awful lot of effort.

KENSI: The guy's got an answer for everything. He has had enough time to get his story straight.

DEEKS: All right, I'm calling LAPD Evidence, figure out what happened to Nori Ito's wallet. It was never mentioned in the coroner's report.

[He gets up and steps into the veranda, calling his ex-partners]

KENSI: I just don't see the connection between what happened on the subway platform and the fact that maybe he had a girlfriend in Japan.

DEEKS: Maybe he's got a story for that, too. Hey, it's Deeks.

CALLEN: [Over radio] I hate to break it to you pal, but there's not a whole hell of a lot you can do when you're here and she's over in Japan.


[Interrogation room.]

MASLIN: After I was transferred, Maeko came here to be with me. When Tanaka found out, he sent his men to bring her home and to teach me a lesson.

SAM: You're saying the man you killed worked for Tanaka?

MASLIN: That's my guess.

SAM: What about the guys in the black Caddy?

MASLIN: Probably also on Tanaka's payroll.

CALLEN: Where is Maeko now?

MASLIN: Hiding out at my buddy's trailer in Malibu. It's parked at Malibu Creek. Will you make sure she's okay?

CALLEN: We'll start by making sure she's there at all.

[He gets up]

SAM: You say you're not a threat. You're not dangerous. Then how do you explain putting a down payment on a gun this afternoon?

MASLIN: I need to protect Maeko from her father. Now, I'm telling you: Akio Tanaka is not the man Time magazine makes him out to be.


[Sam and Callen enter next door while Deeks is ending his call]

DEEKS: Yeah, okay. All right. Thanks, Miguel. - That was my buddy in LAPD Evidence. Turned out that Nori Ito didn't have a wallet on him when he died.

KENSI: Oh. What are the chances Maeko Tanaka is hiding out in Malibu?

SAM: I'd say zero to none.

CALLEN: Yeah, we still have to check it out.

DEEKS: Road trip to the 'Bu?

SAM: Please don't call it that. It just encourages the people who live there.

DEEKS: But I really want to be a member of the 'Bu-Tang Clan.

SAM: Please make him stop.

[Kensi waves to show her lack of power…]

CALLEN: Let's see if anything Maslin told us actually holds water.


[Malibu Creek. The trailer is old and small. Sam stops his car]

CALLEN: Maeko Tanaka gave up a penthouse in Japan for this?

SAM: That's assuming she had a choice in the matter.

[They get out and knock at the door]

SAM: Federal agents!

[The door isn’t locked, they enter]

SAM: Don't see any bags or suitcases.

CALLEN: Or a sign that any female has ever stepped foot in here.

[Callen takes a pipe of grass]

SAM: Maybe Connor and his buddy are starting a little something on the side?

CALLEN: That's the most believable thing I've heard all day.

[He takes his phone]

CALLEN: Nell, no sign of Maeko here.

[OPS center.]

NELL: There's no sign of Maeko Tanaka anywhere.


CALLEN: What do you mean?

NELL: [Over phone] Well, I checked with Immigration and Border Control-twice!

[OPS center.]

NELL: Maeko Tanaka's never set foot in this country.


                         -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[Boatshed. Interrogation room. Sam and G are back]

CALLEN: Well, we spoke to your buddy. Confirmed he was letting you use his trailer. But he's never heard of any Maeko Tanaka.

MASLIN: Well, that's 'cause I didn't tell him in order to protect her.

SAM: There was no one in the trailer.

MASLIN: They... they must have found her.

CALLEN: Or she was never here. There's no record of any Maeko Tanaka ever entering this country.

MASLIN: Well, that's because I smuggled her into the U.S. from Vancouver. It was the only way to keep her safe and from being sent back to her father.

SAM: This is getting a little melodramatic, don't you think?

CALLEN: Here's our problem, Connor. When we first saw you, you ran. That's never a good sign. And nothing we've turned up supports a single thing you've told us.

SAM: Not the wallet, not the girl, nothing.

MASLIN: I don't know what to tell you. Please find her. She doesn't want to go back. That's the truth.

CALLEN: Well, it'd better be, or you're going to jail for a very long time.

SAM: So long that I bet you'll wish you got in that black Caddy.

[They leave the room. Sam stops at the door and looks back at Connor; guy looks worried, Sam shakes his head…]


[NCIS office. Sam and G are just back, Deeks and Kensi were waiting for them downstairs]

KENSI: Any luck?

SAM: I don't know if you can call it luck. Connor fed us yet another chapter in his story. Who knows what to believe at this point?

[Hetty appears]

HETTY: Simple. If there are theoretical holes in the proverbial story, then answer them.

[Callen sits down]

CALLEN: Thanks, Hetty, but this one is slightly more complicated than that.

HETTY: Mr. Callen, it's never more complicated than that.

SAM: We don't even know if Maeko is actually in the States.

KENSI: And if she is, like Connor said, she could be being held against her will.

CALLEN: Whoever was driving that black Caddy has certainly taken an interest in Maslin.

DEEKS: I'm just going to put it out there--he may be a liar, but I'm not getting an aggro hate crime vibe from this guy.

HETTY: These all sound like outstanding places to start. I look forward to their swift resolution by...mm, let's say tomorrow?

[She smiles and leaves them. Nell is just rushing down from OPS]


NELL: Maeko Tanaka may not be in the country, but her father is. And he's been here since Saturday.

[She puts his passport onto the monitor]

NELL: He's attending an event at the Japanese Cultural Center this afternoon.

[Sam and Callen exchange a look]

SAM: Could be a coincidence.

CALLEN: Could be a lot of things.


[Gardens of the crowded Japanese Cultural Center. G and Sam spot Mr. Tanaka coming out of the building with a secretary and bodyguards; people bow down]

SAM: That's him.

[Tanaka and his employee are speaking Japanese together]

CALLEN: Akio Tanaka?


[G shows his badge]

CALLEN: Federal Agent Callen. NCIS. This is my partner, Sam Hanna.

[Sam nods and shows his ID]

TANAKA: How can I be of assistance, Officers?

SAM: What brings you to Los Angeles?

TANAKA: Business. What is this about?

CALLEN: It's about your daughter.

TANAKA: My daughter? What about her?

SAM: How is she?

TANAKA: Very well.

CALLEN: Do you know where she is?

TANAKA: She's home, giving a particular South Korean rail line hell over contract terms.

SAM: She's in Japan?

TANAKA: Why the interest in my daughter?

CALLEN: Do you have a number where we could reach her?

TANAKA: Right now? As I mentioned, she is rather busy at the moment. And with the time difference...

SAM: It's 7:30 in the morning there. With Maeko being a worker bee, I'm sure she's wide awake.

[Mr. Tanaka sighs and holds out his hand: the secretary gives him a cell phone –dialing]

TANAKA: [In Japanese] Maeko? Good morning. There’s an American policeman here…who would like to speak with you. No, I don’t know why. Humor him.

SAM: [Speaking Japanese] You wish I was just a cop.

[Tanaka is taken aback; he hands the phone]

SAM: [Speaking Japanese on phone] Maeko-san. This is Sam Hanna, NCIS. Your father tells me you’re in Japan…negociating a rail contract?

[Tanaka glances at his watch and sighs]

SAM: [Speaking Japanese on phone] I see. Good luck with the negociation.

[Tanaka looks…irritated!]

SAM: [Speaking Japanese on phone] Thank you for your time.

[He hands back the phone to the secretary]

SAM: And for yours…

CALLEN: Apologize for the intrusion. Enjoy your stay in Los Angeles.

[They leave Tanaka and his people]


[Just a few steps further, Sam takes his own phone- the line rings]

ERIC [over phone]: Yo.

SAM: Eric, see if you can trace the last call Tanaka made. Let me know when you do.

ERIC: I got it. [over phone]

SAM: All right.

CALLEN: So how many holes is that in Connor Maslin's story now?

SAM: Enough to sink him.


[NCIS office. Hetty’s desk. She’s on phone, Deeks and Kensi stand behind her when Sam and G come back]

HETTY: [on phone] Yes.

CALLEN: I don't like the looks of this.

DEEKS: Well, then, you're really not going to like the sound of it.

HETTY: [on phone] Right.

SAM: What's going on?

KENSI: The State Department has suddenly gotten involved in our case and has graciously requested NCIS stand down.

HETTY: [On phone] Yes, sir.

CALLEN: Stand down?

KENSI: Yeah.

[Hetty hangs up]

HETTY: As in withdraw, acquiesce, retrocede, cease and desist.

DEEKS: Your thesaurus runneth deep, Hetty.

HETTY: And your drawl still runneth over, Mr. Deeks.

SAM: The State Department wants us to stand down?

HETTY: Excellent. Now we're all on the same page.

[She points at the phone]

HETTY: This is Akio Tanaka's handiwork. Make no mistake how deep his contacts run within our government.


[They leave Hetty’s office]

KENSI: Why would Tanaka have us taken off the case if he has nothing to hide?

CALLEN: Because, at this point, it's the word of a well-respected, well-connected businessman...

SAM: Against a dishonored, discharged Marine who we watched commit murder…

[Eric interrupts them; he’s at a desk a little further]

ERIC: About that? You should see this.

DEEKS: We already have.

ERIC: Yeah, but you left before the final credits.

[On the vid, the train is leaving and a man kneels near Nori Ito; he checks his pulse, looks around…]

ERIC: And that's not Maslin, because he's on the train.

KENSI: Wow, good Samaritans do exist in L.A. And he's cute, too. You think he's a doctor?

ERIC: Just keep watching.

[Guy takes Nori’s wallet and hides it into his pocket; Kensi groans]

KENSI: I'll never meet anyone, will I?

[Boys exchange questioning looks…]

KENSI: Really? You guys can't even muster up the "lots of fish in the sea" speech? No? All right. Let's just concentrate on the case.

DEEKS: So, Nori Ito had two wallets on him when he was at the subway station. Maybe the one that Connor took was his own.

CALLEN: That's the first thing Connor Maslin told us that's actually panned out. But...


CALLEN: Look who he's up against. Tanaka makes one phone call, and a federal investigation is DOA.

SAM: Semper Fi. Tanaka and the State Department forced us to choose sides. I'll side with a Marine every time.


                               -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[Callen is at his desk with his phone; Sam joins him]

SAM: This is bull.


SAM: What are we gonna do about it?

CALLEN: I'm thinking.

[Deeks and Kensi appear]

DEEKS: All right, we did a little more digging into Tanaka's business dealings.

CALLEN: Even though the State Department told us to stand down?

DEEKS: Well, we figured we do our due diligence in the case in case they ask us about our involvement in the case.

SAM: There is no case at this point.

[Kensi puts pics footage onto the monitor]

KENSI: Tanaka is here to try and win a bidding war for a multi-million-dollar government contract for underwater fiber optic cable installation.

SAM: So he's here legitimately?

DEEKS: It looks that way.

KENSI: Well, and we know his daughter, Maeko, is still in Japan.

CALLEN: Actually, we don't know that.

KENSI: I thought Sam spoke to her this morning.

CALLEN: Sam spoke to a woman claiming to be Tanaka's daughter.

DEEKS: And even if it was Maeko, how do we know she was in Japan and not coming straight out of Compton?

KENSI: Compton?

DEEKS: I said it for dramatic effect.

SAM: Eric's still tracing Tanaka's call.

CALLEN: Well, what about the Japanese tourist that was beaten to death?


[OPS center. Photo of Ito’s body is on screen]

NELL: Nori Ito was identified by his brother, Takai, this morning.

CALLEN: Was his brother part of the same tour group?

NELL: Uh, no.

SAM: Then his brother got here pretty damn fast, considering Ito's been dead for less than 24 hours.

CALLEN: Eric, what are the chances we could break into the morgue's surveillance?

ERIC: Slim to none. Unless you possess mad skills. What time was the body identified?

NELL: Uh, 11:38 this morning.

[Eric punches time into surveillance video and puts it on screen]

ERIC: One city morgue coming right up. Thank you, Eric.

KENSI: It's a busy place.

DEEKS: People are dying to get in there.

[G and Kensi exchange a look]

DEEKS: No? Come on, that's pure Catskills. You people have no appreciation for the classics.

[G points at a man]

CALLEN: Right there. Sam?

SAM: That's one of the two guys that were shadowing Maslin.

CALLEN: The deeper we dig, the more our Marine's story rings true.

SAM: Where's Tanaka staying?


[Kyoto Grand hotel. The elevator bell dings: Kensi-the-chambermaid gets out with her trolley; the man who was at the morgue is standing in the hallway with another guy]

MAN: I'm sorry, this entire floor is occupied.

KENSI: Well, you still need housekeeping.

MAN: If we do, we'll call down.

KENSI: What about fresh towels or a minibar?

MAN: We'll contact you if we require your services. Thank you.

KENSI: Let me know if you need anything.

[She goes back into the elevator]


[Hotel room. Kensi meets Sam and Callen]

KENSI: Tanaka's got the entire floor locked down.

CALLEN: Time for plan D.

[Sam is working on a laptop, he nods; Kensi does too]


[The elevator bell dings; Deeks/Steven (in black suit with black tie) is whistling; he’s pushing a food trolley – at Tanaka’s floor]

MAN: No one here ordered room service.

DEEKS: Oh, it's compliments of the hotel manager. This is an assortment of seasonal fresh fruit, and this is a dessert sampler that is highlighting the best pastry shops in Beverly Hills.

MAN: Yes, okay. Thank you.

DEEKS: Okay.

MAN: We'll take it.

DEEKS: It's okay. I can bring it.

MAN: No, that won't be necessary.

DEEKS: It's actually not a problem.

MAN: No, really.

DEEKS: It's my job, sir.

MAN: Not today.

[Deeks doesn’t move]

MAN: You need something else?

DEEKS: Well, I wouldn't say I technically need anything, but, um, it's usually considered a nice gesture when services are rendered that--

[Guy hands bills]

DEEKS: That's very kind of you. You didn't have to do that. But thank you so much. Be sure to try the snickerdoodles, because it's like biting into a little piece of heaven.

[He counts the bills, gets back into the lift]

DEEKS: You know what I mean? Wonderful.

[He bows and speaks Japanese-like gibberish- while the doors are closing]


[Deeks enters the NCIS room –whistling]

KENSI: I bet you got stonewalled, too.

DEEKS: Quite the contrary. I thought those guys were great. They even tipped me. In fact, they even invited me to hang out by the pool later. Ten bucks says they got a cabaña.

CALLEN: Let's see what we got here.

[Computer beeps; they stare at the surveillance video coming from Tanaka’s room]

KENSI: That room is bigger than my house.

DEEKS: And a lot cleaner.

[A woman comes close to the trolley-and the camera]

KENSI: Look at that.

CALLEN: Is that Maeko?

SAM: That's her. That's Maeko Tanaka.

DEEKS: Well, never underestimate the power of free food.

KENSI: Seems like she's not in Tokyo after all.

CALLEN: Imagine that…


[NCIS office. Callen is speaking with Hetty (sit at her desk)- he doesn’t look happy – neither Sam standing at his side]

CALLEN: There has to be something you can do about this.

HETTY: Not if we want to keep our jobs. Director Vance has me on a very short leash. He's even threatened to bring in an assistant director to oversee West Coast operations just to keep an eye on us.

CALLEN: So we're supposed to forget this ever happened?

HETTY: An illegal Japanese immigrant and the reputation of a former Marine are hardly matters of national security.

SAM: Is that so? A fire team is composed of three Marines and their leader. Three fire teams make a squad. Three squads make a platoon. Three platoons, a company. And so on and so on, all the way up to an entire division. But it all starts with one Marine. SEALs never leave a man behind. But that's exactly what we're doing.

CALLEN: You know he's right, Hetty. Maeko is the only one that can prove Connor is innocent. If we let Tanaka get away with this, it's like saying that his money is worth more than an innocent life.

HETTY: Why do I feel as if my short leash is about to strangle me? You can't go at it guns blazing. Tanaka is a modern-day samurai, which means, to pull this off, you guys have to be modern-day ninjas.

SAM: Ninjas.

HETTY: No one can know this was us.

CALLEN: Who's more discreet than us?

[Hetty sighs while Sam and G exchange a smile]

ERIC: Guys, we got something.


[Eric is standing with Nell in the entrance]

ERIC: Tanaka's pilot just filed a flight plan with the FAA. He's leaving Burbank International in one hour bound for Tokyo.

SAM: Any additional women listed on the manifest?

NELL: Just one-- a Mrs. Kimi Ito. Her husband Nori's body is being shipped back with them.

SAM: Tanaka's trying to smuggle his daughter, Maeko, out of the country disguised as Ito's widow. Eric, do whatever it takes to slow them down before they get to the airport.

[Sam and G start leaving the office but G stops]

CALLEN: Tell Kensi to call Rose at the L.A. Coroner's office. We're gonna need a favor. And you two are gonna need a hall pass from Hetty.


[Burbank International “Bob Hope” airport. Mr. Tanaka gets out of a SUV with a woman hidden under long mourning veils and Nori’s “brother”; he checks the time; the secretary and bodyguards follow; they enter the airport building. (Indistinct announcement over P.A.). Tanaka is astonished: a metal detector stands in the tarmac way]

TANAKA: What in the world?

[Wearing security uniform and blue gloves, Eric blocks the way]

ERIC: All right, please remove all shoes, hats, belts. Place them in a bin. Take your laptops out of your cases and place them in a separate bin. Thank you.

[Tanaka tries a smile]

TANAKA: I have a private plane.

ERIC: I'm afraid we're on a heightened threat level today, sir. All passengers and planes are being screened.

[Tanaka’s smile fades]

TANAKA: I demand to speak to your supervisor.

[And the supervisor is already here…Nell! Wearing too the security uniform…]

NELL: Is there a problem here, gentlemen?

TANAKA: You're the supervisor?

NELL: Uh-huh.

TANAKA: I have my own plane.

NELL: Hmm, lucky.

TANAKA: Specifically so I don't have to deal with this nonsense.

NELL: Right. Well, Homeland Security has been alerted to the possibility of a private plane being used in an act of terror, so all passengers, commercial and private, must pass through all security checkpoints until further notice.

[Tanaka looks again at his watch; he’s pissed off…]

TANAKA: This is ridiculous.

NELL: Well, you could postpone your flight and wait until the threat level has lowered.

TANAKA: My plane is scheduled to leave in 20 minutes!

NELL: Then I suggest you start taking off your shoes, because you're holding up the line.

[She leaves him. Tanaka obeys and waves at his men]

TANAKA: [Speaking Japanese] Go! What a hassle!

[Maeko is the first: metal detector beeps]

ERIC: Uh, arms out for me, please. Thank you.

[The wand beeps again on her arm and chest]

ERIC: We need a female agent!

NELL: Okay.

TANAKA: What now?

NELL: Right this way, please, ma'am.

[Maeko follows her]

TANAKA: Wh-Where is she going?

[He steps forwards, the metal detector beeps.

ERIC: Uh-uh-uh. I'm gonna have to ask you to wait your turn, sir.

[Tanaka sighs but steps backwards]


[The security door buzzes: Nell and Maeko are in a private sector. Kensi appears]

KENSI: Maeko? I'm Special Agent Kensi Blye, NCIS. I need to ask you some questions about Connor Maslin.


[At the gate, it’s Tanaka’s turn. Of course the metal detector beeps]

ERIC: All right, please step back and remove all metal objects out of your pockets. That's change, pens, keys.

TANAKA: I have nothing in my pockets.

[Eric waves, Tanaka steps back; Eric waves, he steps forwards and the metal detector beeps]

TANAKA: Your machine is malfunctioning.

ERIC: Put your arms out, please.

[The wand beeps. Eric sighs]

ERIC: All right. Do you have any artificial metal implants? Hip or knee replacement perhaps?


ERIC: All righty, I'm gonna have to pat you down. I can do that in private if you prefer.

TANAKA: Just get it over with.

ERIC: Arms out, please.

[The security door buzzes; Nell is back with Maeko- she whistles. Eric searches quickly Mr. Tanaka]

ERIC: All righty, thank you. You have a safe and pleasant flight, sir.

[Next is the fake brother; he steps forwards when Eric waves at him]

WOMAN (over P.A.): We'd like to welcome all passengers to our private terminal. Please feel free to enjoy the fresh baked cookies and beverages in our lounge.

[The metal detector beeps. The wand doesn’t beep at his front; he turns round; the wand beeps at his butt; Eric happily snaps his glove…]


[Mr. Tanaka and his employees are walking on the tarmac, heading to the plane ♪ ♪ The coffin is already boarding – they bow at it ♫ Sam is undercover as a tarmac guy; Deeks drives a luggage cart]


[At the lounge, Eric hastily turns on his laptop. So does Nell]


[Tarmac: plane engines whine. They board]

TANAKA: [Speaking Japanese] I’m sure you think you hate me right now, but this is for the best. Once we get back home…we will begin to discuss-

[His daughter gets up]

TANAKA: Maeko! Do not turn your back on me!

[Maeko doesn’t stop nor answer; she enters the bathroom and locks the door. Mr. Tanaka sighs. Maeko takes his veil out: it’s Kensi!

KENSI: I'm in.

[She smiles…]


[The hearse leaves the plane; Sam closes the hatch. In the hold, the coffin top opens: G was hidden inside.]

CALLEN: Eric, I still need those schematics.


ERIC: All right, I'm sending them to your phone. You don't have it in flight mode, do you?


ERIC: [Over radio] That was a joke.

CALLEN: That is debatable.

[He types on his phone]


[Inside the plane; Mr. Tanaka is impatient. He looks at his watch, twiddles his thumbs…]

TANAKA: [In Japanese] Yosh, go check on her.

[“Bro” goes to the locked door. He knocks]

YOSH: [Speaking Japanese] Maeko. You need to return to your seat. We’re going to take off soon.

[Kensi is listening – and worried!]

YOSH: Maeko.

[In the bathroom a tool is whirring: Callen is unscrewing a hatch from the hold. Yosh listens at the door. Kensi hastily presses a button: toilet flushes]

YOSH: Maeko. Are you going to stay inside?

[He goes back to his seat]

[Callen pushes the hatch inside the bathroom; he grunts: hbarely spends an arm and his head together through it. Kensi kneels down]

KENSI: What am I, a contortionist? Don't answer that. Deeks, that goes especially for you.

[She drops her skirt, removes her shirt; G crawls backwards] 763

KENSI: Ready.


[He helps Kensi slipping through the hatch; the engines whine]

KENSI: Thanks.

CALLEN: Kensi's clear, Deeks, but we still need a little time.

[He screws again the hatch; Deeks is still driving the luggage cart]

DEEKS: I'm on it.

[He turns too fast and lost many suitcases…just in front of the plane]

ERIC: Sierra Tango, be advised. You have ground crew in the area.

MAN: We have them in sight, Sierra Tango.

[The pilot looks at the tarmac]

PILOT: Oh, gee.

DEEKS: Got a baggage spill on runway five.

[He picks up the bags and suitcases]

[Pilot and co-pilot speak in Japanese. Deeks waves at them; pilot waves too and chuckles]


[Sam opens the hold hatch. G and Kensi wearing ground crew jackets and caps go out]

MAN (over radio): Sierra Tango, please hold position. You are clear to taxi on Charlie after ramp personnel has clearance.

[Pilots watch Deeks and don’t notice a sign: “cargo bay open”]

MAN: Will hold, Sierra Tango.

[Sam closes the bay]

SAM: Good to go, Deeks.


[Tanaka looks again at his watch and stands up really pissed off]

TANAKA: [Speaking Japanese] What the heck?! Maeko!

[He bangs at the bathroom door]

TANAKA: Maeko! Maeko!! [Speaking Japanese] You’re acting like a child! Open this door this instant! Open it [He waves at the secretary who jumps on her feet]

TANAKA: [Speaking Japanese] Please open! Hurry up.

[She has a key, the door opens… Tanaka is surprised, spots the clothes and shoes on the floor and understands…]


[Deeks is again at the cart wheel – but with the luggage he has also 3 crew members, aka Kensi, Deeks and G]


[Malibu Creek. Deeks, Kensi and Maeko are waiting… Sam’s challenger stops in the parking lot. Sam, G and Maslin get out

MASLIN: Maeko?

MAEKO: Connor!

[He runs, she chuckles; they hug, she sobs softly]

MASLIN: How did your father agree to let you go?

MAEKO: He didn't.

SAM: It's a long story and I'm sure she'll tell you all about it.

CALLEN: With Maeko's testimony and our case report, you should get upgraded to an honorable discharge.

MASLIN: Really?

SAM: You'll have to jump through some hoops with the Board for Correction of Naval Records, but we'll back you up.

MASLIN: I... We don't know how to thank you.

CALLEN: Stay out of trouble, don't miss your court hearings.

SAM: Good luck.

[Sam and G go back to the car; Maeko and Connor are kissing; Kensi smiles]

KENSI: They're so sweet.

DEEKS: All right, Sleepless in Seattle, you want to grab a beer?

KENSI: If you ask me nicely.

DEEKS: You know what, forget about it.


DEEKS: I know where this is headed. Every time you see something like these two, you get all Eat, Pray, Lovesick on me.

KENSI: You don't like happy endings?

DEEKS: I'm sorry, what?

KENSI: Why do you have to go there? Oh, my gosh.

DEEKS: I just want to have some beers with my partner.

KENSI: I can do that.

DEEKS: Yeah? Can you?

[She nods]

DEEKS: Partners-- just have some burgers, watch the game.

KENSI: Of course. I'm just one of the guys.

DEEKS: Well, if that's the case, maybe we should hit up a strip club.

KENSI: Don't be an idiot.

DEEKS: All right. Fair enough.

[She laughs]

DEEKS: Want me to drive?


DEEKS: All right.


[NCIS office. Hetty is drinking tea at her desk. G gets close, a bag on his shoulder]

CALLEN: All went down as planned.

HETTY: Oh. So glad to hear that, Mr. Callen. Where's Sam?

CALLEN: He went home to spend some time with his family.

HETTY: Ah. That's good. He needs that. Especially now.

[He stares at her; she notices but doesn’t add anything]

CALLEN: What about you? You ever regret not settling down, having a family?

HETTY: Well, I think about it sometimes. Maybe when I'm older. And you?

CALLEN: I think I'll keep looking for my own first. Good night, Hetty.

HETTY: Good night, Mr. Callen.

[He leaves her; the screen becomes dark]

HETTY: Good night, Walter.


          ------------------------------- THE END -----------------------------------


Kikavu ?

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Austin83  (01.05.2019 à 21:09)

Tu vas vite découvrir pourquoi Sam est en retard et cette histoire va bouleverser sa vie à jamais !!! Oui, tu as raison cet épisode est vraiment génial, les amoureux étaient adorables heureusement que notre team favorite était là pour rendr justice et permettre à "Roméo et Juliette" de s'aimer !!!! Ahhhhh moi aussi j'ai adoré le travail d'équipe à l'aéroport !!!

schumi  (27.04.2019 à 23:36)
Sam en retard : nouvelle enquête ou amoureux?en tous cas il est toujours très impliqué quand il s'agit d'un marine... on n'abandonne personne avec lui! Quel placage au sol de Callen !! ça doit faire super mal. Très bel épisode qui readapte Roméo et Juliette au pays du soleil levant. Et l'intervention à l'aéroport est très drôle et bien montee.


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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