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#404 : Politiquement votre

L'équipe du NCIS:LA enquête sur la mort tragique d'un membre de l'équipe d'une candidate américaine aux élections sénatoriales, écrasé alors qu'il traversait la rue. L'enquête très médiatisée devient un problème de sécurité nationale, les agents devant déterminer s'il s'agit d'un malheureux accident isolé, ou un complot politique qui pourrait mettre d'autres personnes en danger...


3.56 - 9 votes

Titre VO
Dead Body Politic

Titre VF
Politiquement votre

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Photos promo

pour leur enquête Kensi et Deeks parlent avec le sénateurOsborne (Sam Anderson)

pour leur enquête Kensi et Deeks parlent avec le sénateurOsborne (Sam Anderson)

Hetty demande à Kensi de garder le secret pendant qu'elle se prépare

Hetty demande à Kensi de garder le secret pendant qu'elle se prépare

Le sénateur et Deeks se font prendre en photo

Le sénateur et Deeks se font prendre en photo

Deeks découvre la nouvelle tenue de Kensi Blye

Deeks découvre la nouvelle tenue de Kensi Blye


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (redif)
Dimanche 22.10.2017 à 00:25

Logo de la chaîne M6

France (inédit)
Vendredi 29.03.2013 à 21:40
3.20m / 13.4% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 23.10.2012 à 21:00
16.53m / 2.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scenario : Jordana Lewis Jaffe

Réalisation : Tony Wharmby

Guests : 

Miguel Ferrer ............................ Directeur adjoint du NCIS Owen Granger 
Rachel Ticotin
 ............................ Monica Tenez
Brian Howe
 ............................ Jack Caldwell
Sam Anderson
 ............................ Sénateur Dick Osborne
David Chisum
 ............................ Andrew Ryan
Robyn Cohen
 ............................ Rebecca Collins
Sean Marquette
 ............................ Ed Mosker
Jae Suh
 ............................ Lisa Tran
David Del Rio
 ............................ Clay Everhurst
Kimberley Crossman
 ............................ Serveuse
Jonah Wharton 
............................ Serveur


Un homme marche dans la rue, tout en continuant une conversation au téléphone. Il cherche visiblement à parler à une femme, une certaine Monica ; c’est extrêmement important.  Son interlocuteur accepte de la lui passer ; pendant qu’il patiente, Clay entre dans une pizzéria où le serveur se moque de lui ; furieux, il ressort sans rien commander, suivi de près par deux individus. Il s’en aperçoit, prend peur, regarde derrière lui et  se rassure très vite : les 2 types ne semblent pas s’intéresser à lui, finalement. Soulagé, il s’engage sur la chaussée pour traverser, à l’instant où  la femme qu’il souhaitait joindre se libère pour lui parler. Mais il ne voit pas un 4x4 qui roulait trop vite et le percute très violemment. Ironie du sort : de son portable qui a volé plus loin, on entend la voix de Monica qui demande « quel est le problème ? »…


Sam, G et Hetty pédalent sur des vélos d’entrainement ; les deux hommes semblent plus éprouvés que leur patronne…Quand la machine bipe le signal de fin, Hetty contrôle ses résultats (elle vient de faire près de 34 km et son cœur n’a pas dépassé les 32 battements/mn). Ce qui l’agace : elle a pourtant pédalé avec le vélo réglé sur la puissance nécessaire maximum, rien à faire pour accélérer son rythme cardiaque! Et dans les écouteurs, elle a le discours que Reagan a fait sur « l’Empire du mal. » Il semble qu’elle trouve la politique euphorisante. Même si elle ne compte suivre le débat télévisé du soir entre les deux candidats à la maison Blanche que si elle n’a rien de mieux à faire. Eric et Nell les avaient rejoints, mais je jeune homme force l’analyste à repartir avec lui quand elle veut parler politique avec Hetty : on ne parle pas politique avec Hetty, c’est une règle absolue. Le dernier qui a essayé a pris une retraite anticipée pour invalidité – il serait seulement depuis peu capable de manger à nouveau autre chose que de la purée.

Callen et Sam essaient de persuader Nell quand tous les téléphonent sonnent : Granger les convoque dans la salle des OPS. Les Geeks sont hilares : il a envoyé un message parlé ; pourquoi pas des corbeaux ! Quoi que, Eric se voit bien en en John Snow et Nell en Khaleesi avec ses dragons; ni G ni Sam ne semblent avoir entendu parler du Trône de fer, du coup quand Kensi, qu’ils rencontrent au bas de l’escalier avec Deeks, demande de quoi il est question, Callen répond « d’oiseaux et de dragons », et Sam ajoute qu’il pourrait s’agir d’un code. Deeks fronce les sourcils : c’est pas bien, de faire peur aux personnes âgées.

Sauf qu’en l’occurrence, G et Sam le prennent très très mal. Marty bafouille qu’il  voulait parler d’expérience, pas de vieillesse physique, mais les deux autres prennent rendez-vous pour une séance de pompes- de vraies pompes sans les genoux. Deeks s’enfonce en disant que seul Granger met les genoux en faisant des pompes ; bien sûr celui-ci a entendu...Mais il ne relève pas.

L’accident de la veille a été filmé par les caméras de surveillance routière ; et il semble bien que ce soit tout sauf un accident : le 4x4 a attendu tous feux éteints que le jeune homme traverse avant de foncer sur lui, le tuant sur le coup. Il travaillait pour Monica Tenez, une candidate aux sénatoriales atypique, qui s’intéresse aux droits des enfants et aux sans domiciles fixes. G et Sam vont aller lui rendre visite, pendant que Kensi et Deeks partent fouiller le domicile du mort. Ils découvrent qu’en fait il était en train de mettre à jour son curriculum vitae, comme s’il pensait abandonner son poste. D’ailleurs il avait rédigé des lettres de motivation...

Au QG de campagne de Monica Tenez, on demande à Sam et G de patienter, elle ne devrait pas tarder. Mais assis, pour éviter de rendre tout le monde nerveux ! Les agents se trouvent trop jeunes pour avoir besoin d’un siège ; ils ne sont pas vieux, mais sages, subtiles- et surtout porteurs de micros comme le leur rappelle Eric. Ils  profitent donc de l’attente pour repérer les personnes, notamment Caldwell et Ryan ; le 1er est le directeur de campagne, le second le responsable de la sécurité. Il y a aussi Rebecca Collins, la trésorière.

Monica se montre affectée de la mort de Clay, qu’elle a recruté elle-même. Il se chargeait des reçus à envoyer aux donateurs. Elle connaît d’ailleurs tous les gens qui travaillent pour elle, ainsi que leur fonction. Elle estime que c’est le moins qu’elle puisse faire, comme ils sont bénévoles ou très peu payés. Elle sait qu’elle a de nombreux ennemis, à cause de ses thèmes de campagne. Mais elle veut croire que ce n’est pas la cause du décès de Clay ; elle ne se la pardonnerait pas.

Les agents la quittent, sous le charme de son discours tellement loin du formatage habituel. Une fois dans la rue, ils sont hélés par une employée, qui leur montre un courrier que Clay avait reçu la veille: une page avec 5 photos, dont celle de Monica, toutes barrées de grosses lettres rouges « ASSASSINÉ »...

Il s’agit de 5 candidats aux sénatoriales. Granger se charge de faire mettre les autres sous protection. Ceci-dit, Clay n’était qu’un membre de l’équipe de Monica. Pourquoi l’avoir tué ? Pour le réduire au silence ? Alors que savait-il ? Granger soupire qu’il a quitté Washington pour échapper à la politique ! Hetty ricane : on ne peut pas échapper à la politique ; soit on mène le jeu, soit on le subit. Ce qui fait penser à Owen qu’il et temps de parler à l’adversaire de Monica, Osborne,  un type qu’Hetty juge comme la lie des candidats – sans vouloir prendre partie pour autant, un simple constat.

Du coup G et Sam sont retournés dans le bureau de Monica, avec Caldwell et Ryan.

Les 2 premiers sont surpris que Clay ne leur ait pas montré la photo, le 3ème se cabre quand les agents lui conseillent d’augmenter la sécurité autour de leur candidate. De toute façon, il faut que Monica aille s’expliquer sous l’œil de caméras pour faire oublier cette mort et changer les unes des journaux.

Deeks et Kensi se chargent d’Osborne. L’homme est cynique, charmeur, dragueur, et trouve Tenez beaucoup trop sympa pour être un réel adversaire. Mais il ne peut pas les aider sur l’identité du type qui l’a menacée de mort.

Tenez fait sa déclaration à la télé, invitant quiconque lui en veut à venir lui en parler, après avoir assuré qu’elle est peinée de la mort de son brillant jeune collaborateur, mais qu’il est hors de question de se laisser intimider. Ce qui fait dire à Hetty qu’il va leur falloir tout mettre en œuvre pour qu’elle puisse se battre jusqu’au bout ; parce que comme le souligne Kensi, Monica fait de la politique différemment, et elle doit rester en course, ne serait-ce que  pour tous les gens qu’elle est la seule à aider.

Pour y parvenir, et comme son propre camp n’est pas vraiment disposé à coopérer avec le NCIS, il va peut-être falloir envisager d’y faire entrer quelqu’un de malin, de fort...et d’irrésistible : Kensi !

Celle-ci se fait donc engager incognito par Caldwell – puis lui renverse son café sur la chemise pour se laisser le temps de connecter l’ordi du bureau de Tenez aux OPS. Quand le directeur revient avec une chemise propre, il lui montre son nouveau travail : coller des timbres sur les enveloppes des reçus...passionnant !

Au QG la lecture des mails frôle l’overdose pour Eric. Pourtant avec Nell ils mettent la main sur un courrier disant que ce qui est arrivé la veille n’est qu’un avant goût du futur...Cette lettre a été envoyé depuis un café, et l’ordinateur est actuellement connecté dans ce même bar. Sam pousse la porte, et pour repérer leur suspect, se met à jouer le client obsédé par le bio et le recyclage, qui passe toutes les tables en revue en traquant la moindre serviette en trop ou les gobelets en plastique...Callen, déjà installé comme client, profite du spectacle. Sam repère un type qui a ouvert la page internet du site de Monica Tenez ; l’homme prend peur et tente de se sauver, mais s’effondre sur un croche-pied de G.

C’est le propriétaire d’un blog étrange, moitié anarchiste-moitié dédié aux recettes de cuisine...déjà arrêté plusieurs fois dans des manifestations non-violentes. Lors de son interrogatoire à l’annexe, il reconnaît militer contre la politique de harcèlement du gouvernement, et envoyer des mails journaliers à la permanence de Monica dont la politique sociale représenterait la ruine du pays. Pourtant il nie avoir envoyé la photo ; et leur explique que tous ceux qui lisent son blog savent que ce café est son repaire, à la fois pour le wifi gratuit et les croissants au chocolat...

Les agents passent à côté : ils croient à la sincérité du type. Deeks les rejoint : il semble que Caldwell ait fait des promesses de campagnes, en échange de donations, contraires à l’éthique de Monica Tenez. Donc peut-être qu’il conclut des affaires dans le dos de sa candidate, ou que les deux sont complices ; Si Clay voulait démissionner, ce pourrait être pour avoir découvert que sa patronne mangeait à tous les râteliers.

Kensi arrive à un meeting en plein air, à la remorque de Caldwell occupé aux mille détails d’organisation comme il se doit. La jeune femme déborde d’enthousiasme à l’idée de rencontrer sa patronne. Caldwell la douche un peu : si elle perd, ils seront au chômage dans 15 jours. Kensi se demande comment elle doit prendre cette remarque ; une femme blonde l’aborde : Rebecca Collins. Elle collecte les fonds. Déjà l’ambiance monte d’un cran : Monica Tenez arrive.

Elle serre des mains, caresse des bébés, traverse la foule ; Kensi lui emboite le pas de très près. Elle  s’excuse de bousculer des gens, mais elle est super-excitée ! Monica Tenez est son idole, et c’est son premier jour. Ryan lui demande de laisser un peu de place, mais Monica se retourne, touchée par les mots de Kensi. Elle lui serre la main ; un éclat sur le toit du bâtiment de l’autre côté de la route donne l’alerte à l’agent spécial qui plaque la candidate au sol à l’instant où un coup de feu éclate. Un homme s’effondre au milieu de la panique, puis un deuxième après un nouveau tir. Ryan guide Monica protégée par Kensi jusqu’à la voiture ; la jeune femme les presse de l’emmener. Ce qu’ils font sans tarder.

Kensi et Deeks sont dans la salle d’observation à l’annexe, avec Monica entourée de Ryan et Caldwell. Les deux blessés sont encore au bloc mais les médecins pensent qu’ils vont s’en tirer. Ce qui fait dire à Ryan qu’ils avaient la situation sous contrôle ; Caldwell n’est pas d’accord : sans Kensi Dieu seul sait combien de sang supplémentaire aurait coulé.   Le ton monte entre les deux hommes. Ryan se tourne vers Monica : si elle n’est pas satisfaite de son travail, elle n’a qu’un mot à dire. Mais celle-ci vient de prendre une décision : mettre un  terme à sa campagne. Elle ne se sent pas assez forte pour encaisser la mort de quelqu’un. Elle fera une annonce officielle ce soir, lors de la soirée de collecte de fonds. Elle remercie Kensi de lui avoir sauvé la vie, et s’en va avec Ryan et Caldwell. Kensi est déçue. Son téléphone sonne.

G et Sam sont dans le parc où l’attentat a eu lieu. Ils arrivent à la même conclusion que Kensi, le tireur était sur le bâtiment en face. Sam trouve que Tenez a eu de la chance, c’était quasi inratable à cette distance. G souhaite que Tenez reste à l’annexe puisque celui qui lui en veut risque fort de recommencer. En apprenant qu’elle est partie, et surtout qu’elle compte abandonner, il ne change pas de cap : jusqu’à ce qu’elle ait démissionné officiellement lors de la soirée, elle restera sous leur protection, qu’elle le veuille ou non. Kensi reste préoccupée : comment le tireur a-t-il pu manquer son coup ?

Le soir même, Monica Tenez entre dans la salle où le buffet est dressé pour la soirée d’appels de fonds. La foule applaudit, elle serre chaleureusement quelques mains. De la salle des OPS, Granger et Hetty, guidés par Eric,  repèrent Sam et G proches de la candidate, pendant que Deeks et Kensi se chargent de l’entrée. Le directeur assistant leur explique que les autres candidats « à tuer » ne semblent faire l’objet d’aucune réelle menace, contrairement à Tenez. Hetty suggère alors qu’ils font peut-être fausse route en cherchant une piste politique. Eric et Nell sont chargés de d’étudier de près tout l’entourage de Monica, en n’excluant aucune piste. Après tout, c’est la période des promesses, et des promesses non tenues donc sujettes à rancœurs ; ou encore de l’argent qui change de main, et qui peut donner de l’appétit…

Deeks regarde l’ambiance autour de lui, les souvenirs remontent. Ceux de l’élection présidentielle de 1995. Enfin, du président de classe…Il avait fait un discours mémorable. Au moment de parler, il avait fait semblant de ne pas pouvoir ouvrir la bouche, pleine de beurre de cacahouète, parce qu’il n’avait plus de lait pour tout faire descendre. Les mots avaient été remplacés par les pas d’une sorte de danse de candidature. Il avait perdu – de 8 voix. Mais comme il avait ensuite invité la sœur de sa rivale au bal de promo, il avait gagné, en fait. Satisfait de cette anecdote, il se promet de la noter dans ses mémoires. Kensi lui suggère « Freaks, Geeks and Deeks » comme titre. Le jeune homme s’étrangle. Impossible qu’elle ait trouvé cette réplique dans l’instant, il lui a au-moins fallu une semaine de préparation. Kensi s’éloigne, et lui jette que c’est ce matin sous la douche que ça lui est venu. Il ne peut pas s’empêcher de se répéter cette phrase…

Kensi s’approche de Ryan, qui  la complimente sur son intervention de l’après-midi, finalement. Il lui confie qu’ils n’ont pas prévu de plan de gestion des foules, parce que Rebecca n’a jamais réussi à les mobiliser. Au point qu’il se demande comment ils n’ont pas encore mis la clé sous la porte. Au même moment dans la salle des OPS, Eric et Nell se rendent compte que seule une fraction de l’argent récolté finit bien dans les coffres de campagne. Ils traquent maintenant le mécanisme du changement d’aiguillage des fonds.

Kensi revoit l’instant où Monica se fait tirer dessus, et confie à Deeks ce qu’elle vient brusquement de comprendre : que le tireur, qui avait un angle parfait pour descendre Monica quand elle s’est tournée vers Kensi en s’amusant d’être une idole- ce tireur attendait en fait d’avoir le champ libre en direction de…Rebecca ! G et Sam qui ont entendu leur disent de mettre Rebecca à l’abri pendant qu’ils restent avec Monica.

Kensi et Deeks s’approchent de Rebecca, en grande conversation avec Lisa. Ils l’emmènent, et Lisa les suit machinalement, alors que Monica est sur le point de commencer son discours d’adieu.

Eric obtient du nouveau : les donations en ligne arrivaient sur un compte de dépôt mais seulement la moitié d’entre elles repartait sur le compte de campagne. Le reste était siphonné sans que personne ne soit au courant. Sur ordre de Granger, il recherche qui avait la signature du compte de dépôt.

Kensi et Deeks emmènent une Rebecca complètement perdue, suivie par Lisa, vers l’extérieur en passant par les cuisines. Ils font évacuer tout le personnel et Deeks s’éloigne préparer leur sortie. Rebecca a les jambes tremblantes, elle éclate en sanglots et doit s’asseoir quand elle comprend qu’elle est la vraie cible du tueur. Elle gémit que pourtant personne ne la connait, ce qui donne à réfléchir à Kensi. Lisa se précipite pour lui chercher un peu d’eau.

Dans la salle des OPS Eric découvre que les comptes avaient une double signature : celle de Rebecca, en toute logique puisqu’elle est la trésorière de campagne. Et celle de…

Il hurle dans les écouteurs de Kensi qu’il s’agit de Lisa Tran ! L’agent spécial qui avait déjà ressenti une alerte interne se tourne  vers Lisa, mais celle-ci ne porte pas un verre d’eau : c’est un flingue qu’elle braque. Sam et G arrivent pendant que Kensi lui demande de baisser son arme.

La jeune femme préfère éviter la prison, elle force son adversaire à tirer – et celle-ci le fait toujours à la perfection…Deeks arrive en courant, désolé d’avoir raté quelque chose. De l’autre côté, de la salle de réunion, c’est Ryan qui déboule. Il est suivi de Monica à qui Kensi explique que sa campagne n’était pas directement visée, que Lisa a fait ça pour l’argent ; et que tout est terminé. Mais Mme Torez se redresse : rien n’est fini, au contraire. Elle repart au combat, plus motivée que jamais !

Dans le gymnase, l’heure est au défi du plus grand nombre de pompes entre Sam et Deeks ; G contemple le spectacle, qui se termine pour le plus jeune des deux par un abandon à la 72ème…Il s’effondre à plat ventre pendant que Sam en ajoute quelques autres sans effort, avant de se relever pour sortir avec G.

Deeks pleure pour une revanche, que son adversaire veut bien lui accorder, mais le résultat sera le même, il en fera encore le double. Deeks explique qu’il a trop mangé de cake au crabe au buffet ; mais sans pitié les autres éteignent la lumière, alors que  Deeks geint que Kensi leur confirmerait, si elle était là, l’histoire des hors-d’œuvre…

En fait, avant de partir, Kensi est passé voir Hetty, à son bureau, un vieux poste de télé noir et blanc posé devant elle, à l’image non réglée. Ils ont déjà retrouvé 22 millions de dollars, et ce n’est pas fini. Tout ce que Lisa aurait pu dépenser librement si Clay n’avait pas été  aussi investi dans son travail. Dommage qu’il ait choisi de lui parler  de sa découverte. La cupidité de la jeune femme a scellé son sort. Quant à  Rebecca il y a fort à parier qu’elle était condamnée dès le départ, puisque jamais Lisa n’aurait pu lui cacher son rôle.

Hetty frappe sur son antique poste de télé, ce qui le décide à diffuser le programme : les dernières infos politiques (Osborne aux coude à coude avec Tenez), juste avant le grand débat politique entre les deux candidats aux élections présidentielles. Débat que la boss déclare ne pas « regarder ». Pourtant dès que Kensi tourne les talons, Hetty décroche son téléphone. Son interlocuteur semble agacé qu’elle se pointe aussi tard. Sans perdre de temps, elle lui ordonne  de poser la première question au président

                                     --------------------------  FIN ------------------------

[A man is walking in the streets; he’s on phone]

MAN: Well, of course it's important. I wouldn't call you if it wasn't.

MAN2 [over phone]: Just tell me what it is.

MAN: No, I cannot tell you. I need to talk to her myself. Well, I tried seeing her in the office today.

MAN2 [over phone]: You did?

MAN: Yes, in the afternoon, but the office was just too crazy.

MAN2 [over phone]: I don't know what to tell you.

MAN: Look, look, I have an idea, all right? Why don't you pass her your phone, all right? She's right next to you. Tell her it's me, Clay.

MAN2 [over phone]: Okay. Let me get her.

[Guy on phone stops at the door of a diner; there’s indistinct TV broadcast. He enters]

CLAY: Just try, man. Tom, I really need to talk to Monica. It's important.

TOM [over phone]: All right.

CLAY: One pepperoni slice and one mushroom slice, please.

WAITER: All out of pepperoni.

CLAY: What?

TOM [over phone]: What are you talking about?

CLAY: Oh, no, I'm in a pizza place. Um, isn't that pepperoni right there?

WAITER: Oh, I'm saving that for my dinner later.

[He chuckles with the men previously here]

CLAY: Okay, then. Um, two mushroom slices, please.

WAITER: Oh. We're all out of that, too.

CLAY: You know what? Forget it, then.

[He starts leaving the place. The waiter laughs]

WAITER: I'm kidding, man. Hey, I'm kidding! Dude. Well, don't go posting nothing on Yelp. My boss reads that stuff.

[The 2 men at the bar follow the man on phone outside]

CLAY: Did I tell you I hate this neighborhood?

TOM: Tell me about it.

CLAY: It's like a freaking war zone.

TOM: No kidding.

[Clay looks behind and spots the 2 men; they’ve stopped at the corner and start smoking]

TOM: Uh, you still there?

CLAY: Yeah, I'm still here. I'm just a little paranoid.

[He chuckles; he crosses the road; tires squeal as a SUV speeds up. Clay is in the middle of the road when it hits him. His phone falls on the ground, still on.]

WOMAN: [Over phone] Hey, Clay. It's Monica. What's the problem?


                             ♫ ♫ NCIS: LA 4x04 ♫ ♫ Dead Body Politic ♫ ♫

                             ♫ ♫ Original air date on October 23, 2012 ♫ ♫


♫ ♫ [Callen, Sam and Hetty are pedaling on training bikes. Men look more exhausted than the woman. The system beeps. They stop, panting. Hetty checks her results: 21 miles, max heart rate: 32!!]

HETTY: Oh, bugger.

[Nell and Eric are just coming into the gym. Sam and G pedal slowly]

NELL: Everything okay, Hetty?

HETTY: Yes, yes, Ms. Jones. I'm fine. I just can't seem to get my heart rate up anymore.

CALLEN: Up? You're trying to get your heart rate up?

HETTY: I've been on this bike for an hour, and my heart rate is still a 32.

SAM: You're kidding. 32? Michael Phelps' resting heart rate is 32.

HETTY: So is Serena's.

ERIC: You know, if you just, uh, increase the resistance...

[He presses a button but the system beeps: resistance is already max…]

NELL: Yeah.

ERIC: What are you listening to?

HETTY: Reagan's "Evil Empire" speech.

SAM: You work out to Ronald Reagan?

HETTY: I find political discourse exhilarating, Mr. Hanna. Of course, if you really want something invigorating, I recommend Thomas Jefferson's first inaugural address.

NELL: Hetty, you're a total political junkie.

[Callen clears throat; Sam waves to stop her]

HETTY: Junkie... is such a... an unflattering term, Ms. Jones.

NELL: Well, are you planning to watch tonight's presidential debate?

HETTY: If I happen to be in front of a television.

[Eric grabs Nell’s shoulders]

ERIC: Okay, well, time to go. Duty calls. Tell Serena I love her.


[They leave the gym with Sam and G]

NELL: What the heck? I was just bonding with Hetty.

ERIC: No, you weren't.

NELL: Yes, I was. You just sabotaged me.

ERIC: I just saved you. You do not discuss politics with Hetty.

NELL: That's ridiculous.

CALLEN: [whispering] Best advice Eric ever gave you.

NELL: Oh, come on. So you guys never bring up...

SAM: Nope.


NELL: You never discuss an article that you've read?

SAM: Never.

NELL: Okay, you never talk about a congressman's sex scandal and...

SAM: Nell, the last person who got into a political debate with Hetty ended up retired on disability.

CALLEN: I hear he's back on solids.

[Sam chuckles. They’re back in the office; cell phones beep and buzz; they all check their screens]

CALLEN: Granger?! Thought he was back in DC.

SAM: Not anymore. He's in Ops.


ERIC: A voice mail? Really?

NELL: Yeah. Could've sent ravens.

ERIC: I could use ravens. Come dressed as Jon Snow.

NELL: Then I'm Khaleesi with the dragons.

[Deeks and Kensi join them at the bottom of the stairs]

KENSI: What are they talking about?

CALLEN: Something about birds and dragons.

SAM: Could be code for something totally different, knowing those two.

DEEKS: Yo, easy, Wonder Twins. You're scaring the old folks.

[Kensi chuckles; Sam stops and faces Deeks]

DEEKS: No...

SAM: Who you calling old?

DEEKS: What?

CALLEN: I'd choose your next words wisely.

DEEKS: I don't... obviously, I don't mean old. I mean older, and I don't mean that from a physical standpoint, because, obviously, you're...I mean that from a metaphysical standpoint because you have a much more mature spirit than...

SAM: Ah.

CALLEN: Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?

SAM: Yeah-- push-ups.

CALLEN: Mm-hmm.

DEEKS: What do you mean, "push-ups"? No. No. What's-what's...why push-ups? Oh, God, really? Push-ups?

KENSI: Yeah.

[They come into the OPS]

SAM: And when I say push-ups, I mean big-boy push-ups. No knees.

DEEKS: Okay, the only person who does push-ups on their knees is Gran... ger. Assistant Director Granger, good morning, sir.

[Granger smiles widely.]

GRANGER: Morning...A traffic camera caught this accident in Hollywood last night.

CALLEN: Who was he?

GRANGER: Clay Everhurst. Paramedics who responded said he died on impact.

KENSI: Was he military or former military?

GRANGER: He worked for Monica Tenez. She's running for U.S. Senate.

KENSI: Ah. Former social worker. She supports the Occupy movement, she's a children's rights activist and runs an organization that feeds the homeless. So, for those sick of politicians, Tenez is the real deal.

DEEKS: Okay, thank you for the Profile in Courage, but why is a hit-and-run a case for NCIS?

GRANGER: Eric, play the video again, this time ten seconds earlier.

[The car turns left…and stops, lights off –obviously waiting for the guy to cross the road]

SAM: That was not an accident.

GRANGER: We need to find out if Clay's murder is related to Tenez's campaign. If it's not, it will be handed over to the LAPD.

CALLEN: If it is, it's an issue of national security.

DEEKS: What do we know about the SUV?

GRANGER: It was reported stolen an hour before he was run down. Facial Rec's a bust. Driver's face is obscured. Victim lived alone in a house on Arden.

CALLEN: Kens, why don't you take Deeks and check out Clay's house. Sam and I will pay Tenez a visit.

KENSI: Done.


[Kensi stops her car. 2 girls hand papers to a woman]

GIRL1: Hi. How are you? Remember to vote.

GIRL2: Remember to vote.

DEEKS: You know, that's okay. I can definitely walk to the curb from here.

[Kensi didn’t really park parallel]

WOMAN: Thanks.

DEEKS: Hi. Hello.

GIRL1: Hi.

GIRL2: Hi.

DEEKS: Hi. I just, uh, couldn't help but notice that you two look very, uh...Young. I was going to say informed because of all the pamphlets. I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to educate me on the issues later or if...?

GIRL1: Oh.

[Kensi pulls him further on; the girls laugh]

KENSI: Educate you on the issues?

DEEKS: Those are two women who are very passionate about the democratic process. Besides, did you see how they strategically placed those eagle pins?

KENSI: Okay, that...

[He looks at the girls and caws; they wave the flags]

DEEKS: Just landing...God, that's beautiful.

KENSI: That is our nation's symbol that you just landed on their shirt.

DEEKS: I know. What a country.

[They reach the door]

DEEKS: All right, you're up.

[Kensi clears throat]

KENSI: You know what? Be my guest.

[She holds him out the tool]

DEEKS: What are you talking about? You pick locks. That's, like, your thing.

KENSI: See, I am all for the pursuit of happiness, but there is no way that I am bending over in front of you today. Take it.

[He obeys, clears throat; she looks at his butt; he smiles: the door opens. She enters]

KENSI: Not too shabby.

[Deeks closes the door and they start looking around. He sighs]

DEEKS: So, we got photos with Clay's family, him and his buddies, and there it is-- the money shot with Candidate Tenez. He should have had her sign it.

[Kensi finds crumpled paper in the bin- she checks one of them]

DEEKS: I mean, what if she becomes president one day?

KENSI: How happy does he look in that photo?

DEEKS: Surprisingly so. Why?

KENSI: Because Clay was looking to jump ship. He was updating his résumé.

DEEKS: And writing cover letters, which no one does for fun.

KENSI: Would Clay leave the campaign because Tenez was slipping in the polls?

DEEKS: Maybe his planning to quit had something to do with his murder.

KENSI: Or maybe he knew something about her that he couldn't stomach.

DEEKS: Something that ended up getting him killed.


[Tenez campaign headquarters. Sam and G are in]

WOMAN: You can sit over here while you wait.

SAM: We're good. Thanks.

WOMAN: Ms. Tenez may be a while.

CALLEN: We don't mind standing.

WOMAN: I think everyone would be a lot less nervous if you sat down.

[They look around: everybody eye them]

SAM: Okay. Thank you.

[They take chairs; Sam sighs]

SAM: I don't need to sit. Old people need to sit.

CALLEN: Not worried about these push-ups, are you?

[Both chuckle]

SAM: Who does Deeks think he is, calling us old?

CALLEN: We're not old; we're wise.

SAM: We're sophisticated.

CALLEN: We are...

ERIC [over radio]: Wearing mics.

CALLEN: Right.

[They exchange a look]

CALLEN: Okay, Eric. Button cam, my 10:00, guy in the red tie.

[OPS center. Eric runs facial rec.]

ERIC: That's Jack Caldwell. He's Tenez's campaign manager.

NELL: He's won 90% of the campaigns he's managed and is universally disliked by his opponents.

[Eric types]

ERIC: Rebecca Collins. She heads up Tenez's fund-raising campaign.

[A man in suit nods to the agents]

SAM: Must be security detail for Tenez.

CALLEN: Who's the guy in the blue suit?

ERIC: Uh, which one?

NELL: The, uh, good-looking one.

ERIC: Oh. Him.

[He scowls]

ERIC: Andrew Ryan. Head of security.

TENEZ: Gentlemen. Sorry to keep you waiting.


[In her office]

TENEZ: We are reeling over what happened to Clay. Is it true what the LAPD told us? That he was murdered?

CALLEN: We believe so.

[She sighs]

SAM: Can you think of anyone who may have wanted to hurt him?

TENEZ: No. Everybody loved Clay. He was always pitching in, always staying late, never wanting to take any credit for it. The morning I opened this office, he was sitting on the doorstep. I gave him the job.

SAM: What did he actually do here?

TENEZ: Clay mailed receipts to our donors.

SAM: You know what everyone here does?

TENEZ: Oh, yeah, and I know their names. Every person out there is either a volunteer or getting paid practically nothing, so it's the least I can do.

CALLEN: When was the last time you saw Clay?

TENEZ: Here, uh, yesterday. He wanted to talk to me, but I was very busy. And then he called last night, and when they handed me the phone, he wasn't there.

SAM: What time was that?

TENEZ: Around...9:30 or so.

[Sam and G exchange a look]

TENEZ: Oh, my God.

SAM: Do you have any enemies, Ms. Tenez?

TENEZ: Have you read my platform? I'm trying to change the conversation in the country. There are a lot of people who wish I would just go away.

SAM: This must be tough on your staff.

TENEZ: Well, it doesn't help that I'm getting my ass kicked in the polls. But it was kids like Clay that keep me going. I could never forgive myself if my campaign was responsible for his death.

[The agents stare at her…And leave the campaign office]


CALLEN: Not your typical politician.

SAM: That's a good reason to vote for her.

[The woman who asked them to sit down is running outside]

WOMAN: Um, excuse me. I'm Lisa. Clay and I worked together. He came to me yesterday, pretty scared about something he found in the mail. I didn't want to show it to you in front of everyone. He asked me to hold on to it, but I told him to give it to Monica.

[She hands them a photo: 5 persons, each with KILL written on their pic; first of them is Ms Tenez…]


                                       -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[NCIS office. Hetty is watching the photo at her desk]

HETTY: If I'm not mistaken, there's a political theme to these five photographs, Ms. Jones.

[Nell is coming closer with Eric; Granger stands a little further, on phone]

NELL: Yes, they are all running for U.S. Senate.

HETTY: Right.

GRANGER [On phone]: Thanks.

ERIC: [quietly] Political junkie.

GRANGER: FBI just kicked it up a gear. They're alerting each of the candidates, but our prime focus is still Tenez. Any luck finding the envelope the photographs were sent in?

NELL: No one can find it, but they're still looking.

GRANGER: Well, let's start by figuring out what these five candidates have in common. Okay?

[Nell and Eric nod and go back to the OPS. Granger sits down with Hetty]

GRANGER: If these are your targets, why kill a staffer?

HETTY: And why make it look like an accident? That's hardly a bold political statement.

GRANGER: Well, maybe Clay knew something about all this and somebody wanted to shut him up.

HETTY: Perhaps the hit list wasn't the only thing he found in the mail.

GRANGER: I left DC to escape politics.

HETTY: Owen...you can't escape politics. You either play or get played.

GRANGER: Speaking of, we should talk to Tenez's opponent.

HETTY: Senator Osborne. Among dirty politicians, he is the lowest of the low.

GRANGER: I thought you didn't take sides, Henrietta.

HETTY: I don't. But I can still call a spade a spade!


[Tenez campaign office. Sam and G have given Monica the photo; Caldwell the campaign manager and Ryan the head of security are here too]

TENEZ: Clay found this in the mail yesterday?

CALLEN: We think this is why he wanted to meet with you.

CALDWELL: Why didn't he just bring it to us?

SAM: That's a good question.

RYAN: Are you suggesting he didn't trust us?

CALLEN: We're suggesting you ramp up security.

RYAN: Not necessary.

CALLEN: Just until we get a handle on this.

RYAN: Any new information, you let us know. Until then, it's not necessary.

SAM: You're being territorial. That makes you a liability in the field.

RYAN: Thanks for advising us of the threat. We'll take it from here.

[He leaves the room; Caldwell sighs; the agents look at Ryan’s back]

CALDWELL: Okay, you guys need anything else? Ticktock.

CALLEN: Yes. Access to your campaign's servers.

CALDWELL: Give us a week to filter our e-mails.

SAM: Can you do it sooner than that?

CALDWELL: Big guy's funny. All right, Monica, we got to get you outside in front of those cameras to change the headline, stat. All right? We can't afford to have you look vulnerable before the election.

TENEZ: Okay.

[Caldwell walks out]

TENEZ: Thank you. For everything.

[The agents are left alone. Callen chuckles]

CALLEN: Right back to work.

SAM: You'd think people on his staff get murdered every day…


[In the streets; Osborne sign is in front of a house the senator is leaving. Deeks and Kensi are heading to him]

MAN: So great to see you.

OSBORNE: Yeah, appreciate it.

MAN: All right, take care.

DEEKS: Senator Osborne!

OSBORNE: In the flesh!

[He comes closer, shakes Deeks’ hand]

OSBORNE: Always a pleasure to meet a constituent.


OSBORNE: Oh, you want a photo? Come on over. Yep.

DEEKS: I'm actually...

OSBORNE: All right, Diane, would you do me a favor?

[She hands him a sticker “Stick with Dick”; he presses it on Deeks’ chest]

OSBORNE: Absolutely. All right, here you go. All right, smile. Look up. Don't be shy.


OSBORNE: There you go. Hey. Anybody ever tell you you've got Ike's jawline? You'd make a heck of a candidate.

DEEKS: Yeah, no, I'm not much into shaking hands. Lot of passing back and forth of germs.

OSBORNE: Well, doesn't matter with that head of hair. You're like a wild stallion. Well, who's this little filly?

KENSI: Special Agent Kensi Blye, NCIS.

OSBORNE: Ooh, feisty one, huh? Bet she's a lot of fun when the lights go down.

KENSI: Your reputation precedes you, Senator.

OSBORNE: I'm a national treasure, honey. I feel like that every time the voters of California reelect me.


OSBORNE: All right, let me guess why you're here. Uh, this is about my opponent, yes? Such a shame what happened to that boy who worked on her staff. And now there's this-this hit list.

DEEKS: What hit list?

OSBORNE: Oh, that was almost convincing.

KENSI: How do you know about the hit list if it hasn't been released to the public?

OSBORNE: Very hard to keep secrets in this game.

DEEKS: And, of course, you had nothing to do with it?

OSBORNE: Why would I need to? I am beating Monica Tenez in double digits in every demographic in this state. And you want to know why?

KENSI: Enlighten us.

OSBORNE: She's too nice. Same reason people like her so much is the thing that's gonna just ruin her in politics.

KENSI: Okay, so who is behind the hit list?

OSBORNE: I don't know. Uh, maybe the guy who was sleeping with her, perhaps.

[Kensi scoffs]

OSBORNE: Oh, just a theory.

DEEKS: That was cynical, even for a politician.

OSBORNE: Son, I have been through so many elections that I have seen it all. There's nothing that surprises me anymore.

KENSI: All right. Let's go and leave the senator to his baby-kissing.

[They start leaving]

OSBORNE: Well, let's not get emotional about it. Doesn't really matter anyway.

DEEKS: Wait, why doesn't it matter anyway?

OSBORNE: A little birdie told me that Tenez is planning to drop out of the race. Save face because she's losing so big, I imagine. I don't really blame her. I mean, you know what they say: Politics ain't for the faint of heart.

[He chuckles when he sees Kensi’s face]

DEEKS: Yeah, okay.

OSBORNE: All right, troops, let's go!

[He waves and turns his back at them]

KENSI: What a pig.

DEEKS: I don't know. Called me a stallion.

KENSI: Is that what you're telling yourself? 'Cause what I heard was that you have a horse face.

DEEKS: No. Ike was good-looking, right? Like, in his youth, in a Supreme Commander, five-star general kind of way? I mean, that was a compliment, right?

KENSI: If it was meant to be a compliment, he would've said you look like JFK.

DEEKS: What a pig!


[NCIS office. Agents desks. TV is on- Sam is watching channel news]

JOURNALIST: Osborne versus Tenez truly has become something of a nationwide focal point. A lot of resources being poured into the state by both sides, as each tries to...

[Deeks and Kensi arrive]

KENSI: What did we miss?

SAM: Tenez is about to start.

CALLEN: Pull up a chair.

HETTY: Never a dull moment in an election.

[They all stand up and watch carefully the monitor]

TENEZ: [over TV] My campaign suffered a terrible loss last night. One of my bright young staffers was killed in a hit-and-run accident. But it wasn't an accident. I've been told by the authorities that he was murdered and that I am also a target. Yes, I am saddened and I am concerned for my staff's safety, but I will not be intimidated. And we will not give up the fight. So, whoever you are, if you have a problem with me, you can find me on election night. I'll be holding a glass of champagne, waiting for Dick Osborne's concession call.

[Crowd is cheering loudly]

HETTY: That one's got spirit!

CALLEN: What if her spirit gets her killed?

DEEKS: She just threw down the gauntlet.

SAM: Invited an assassin to her door.

HETTY: Where do you stand, Ms. Blye?

KENSI: You want my political opinion?

HETTY: You do have one?

KENSI: Yes. Maybe. I guess. I think Tenez is a different kind of politician and our country needs that. There is no way she should back down from the race.

HETTY: All right. Then we need to make damn sure that we get her out of this alive.


                                -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[Hetty’s office. Granger is using her phone – she’s coming back]

GRANGER: Of course.

[He hangs up]



[The phone rings. Eric is heading hastily to them and points at the phone, Nell on his heels]

ERIC: That's the CIA.

[Hetty picks up…]

MAN: Henrietta, it's Brian...

[She hangs up]

HETTY: Mr. Beale, you have something for us?

ERIC: We have been trying to connect the five senatorial candidates from the photos.

NELL: But nothing.

ERIC: Two are incumbents. Three Republicans, two Democrats.

NELL: And there's not a single issue that they all agree on.

HETTY: Such is the state of modern politics.

GRANGER: There are higher profile targets running significantly more emotive campaigns.

HETTY: One bullet can make America vulnerable. Doesn't even have to be a magic bullet. Thank you.

[Nell and Eric leave them]

GRANGER: You know, it's hard to assess threat when Tenez's people won't cooperate.

HETTY: Then maybe we have to put someone in her campaign office. Someone smart, tough...and irresistible.


[Wardrobe. Deeks takes a suit, looks at him in the mirror]


[Kensi appears –wearing a suit with a blue shirt]

DEEKS: Wow. You are rocking that power suit.

KENSI: Yeah? Feel like a caged animal. And I know what you're thinking, so quit while you're ahead.

DEEKS: I don't know what you're talking about.

KENSI: Okay. Power suits make you think of Hillary, which inevitably leads you to Bill, which then drives your warped mind to Monica.

DEEKS: Well, depends on what your definition of warped is.

KENSI: You were thinking of Monica.

DEEKS: Come on, it's the granddaddy of all inappropriate office relationships.

[Hetty appears from behind the pillar]

HETTY: I hope you don't have designs on that title, Detective Deeks.

DEEKS: No, no, I'm more of a lady in red kind of a guy than a woman in blue.

KENSI: Not helping your cause…

DEEKS: I should go.

[He goes]

HETTY: I know that you admire Tenez, but that's also the reason why you need to be extremely alert. Don't let your passion cloud your judgment.

KENSI: Of course. Have you ever thought of running for office?

HETTY: Well, I ruled Nicaragua once, for 72 hours. Don't ask! [Whispering]: Don't ask…


[Kensi is with Caldwell in the campaign office of Tenez]

CALDWELL: Sounds like you got a pretty good thing going. Why come work here?

KENSI: I want to be part of the team that gets Monica Tenez to the Senate.

CALDWELL: You know how many résumés I've gotten for this? How many young people want to work for her?

KENSI: I can imagine. And I know it won't be easy telling them that you've already filled the position.

[They chuckle]

CALDWELL: Confidence alone won't land you the job.

KENSI: Mmm. You will give me the job because I am smarter and hungrier than all the other applicants. You will just remember me because of the confidence.

CALDWELL: Well, Monica's gonna love you.

[They stand up- Kensi spills coffee on the guy’s clothes]


[Guy grunts when he sees his shirt]

KENSI: Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

CALDWELL: Ah, it's all right. You know, I've done the same thing a hundred times. Just give me a minute, will you?

KENSI: Sure, yeah. What a first impression, huh?

[Door of the bathroom closes. Kensi puts an USB into the laptop]

KENSI: Accessing his computer. Eric, are you getting this?

[OPS center.]

ERIC: Yeah. That was almost too easy.


KENSI: Don't jinx it. Just don't.

[OPS center.]

ERIC: Kensi, you realize my saying anything has no impact on the success of a data transfer, right?


KENSI: Uh-huh.

[OPS center. Nell whispers with a wink]

NELL: Computers make her nervous.

KENSI: [Over radio] I heard that, Miss Jones.


KENSI: And it was one time, and it's really stressful to have to transfer four years worth of photographs. I told you that in confidence.

[OPS center. Computer beeps]

ERIC: Aaand Kensi's download is complete. In more ways than one.

[Kensi disconnects the USB just before Caldwell comes back]

KENSI: Mr. Caldwell, I am so embarrassed. I am so sorry, once again, about spilling your coffee.

CALDWELL: Please, please. No, I hated that shirt anyway.

[She laughs]

CALDWELL: But, still...brought you a gift.

[He points at a lot of boxes on a table]

CALDWELL: You'll be processing receipts of people who've donated money to the campaign.

KENSI: And in layman's terms?

CALDWELL: You'll be a glorified envelope-licker.

KENSI: Tenez for Senate.

CALDWELL: Go, team.


[OPS center.]

ERIC: If I look at one more e-mail, I'm gonna need thicker glasses.

NELL: Hey, this is strange. So, someone called "Anarchist Pastry Book" sends the Tenez campaign's Web site a pretty scathing message every morning. And today, they received two of them.

ERIC: What did they say?

NELL: Well, it looks like the first is the usual rant; the second...

[She reads]

NELL: "Last night was a taste of what's to come."

ERIC: All right, let me trace the IP address.

[His computer beeps]

ERIC: Okay, it was sent from a cafe in Venice and sender is online right now. [He puts his mic on] Callen, I think we found the guy threatening Tenez.


[Café in Venice. Sam enters, alone. G is already at a table]


[He founds the girl at the till]

SAM: Hi.

BARISTA: Hey. How can I help you?

SAM: Uh... what do you recommend?

BARISTA: Ooh, the "Hott-ay Matte Latte."

SAM: Mmm?

BARISTA: It's really popular.

SAM: Is it organic?

BARISTA: It tastes organic.

[She giggles, Sam laughs]

SAM: Do you use filtered water?

BARISTA: Yes. I think. I don't know.

SAM: What about the cups? You guys using recycled materials?

BARISTA: Um, I could certainly find out for you.

[Sam looks at the ceiling]

SAM: You guys using energy- efficient lighting in here? Is that... oh, come on, now. Is that Styrofoam I see back there?

BARISTA: Would you like to speak to my... manager...?

[He has disappeared, she runs behind him]

SAM: You're gonna recycle that, right?

BARISTA: Sir, if you could just...

[Sam stops at a table]

SAM: You really need that many napkins for a latte?

[Girl has an anxious laugh]

BARISTA: Sir, I love, love that you love the planet. I'd just really appreciate...

SAM: Yeah?

[He had time to read the e-mail open on the guy’s laptop]

BARISTA: I'm so sorry.

[Next table]

SAM: And you...you couldn't ask for a mug? Instead, you told them to kill a tree? Huh?

BARISTA: Oh, dear. Um...That's complimentary and that...

[Sam notices a guy with Tenez website open]

SAM: Bingo. Got him.

[The man starts running but … G trips him]

CALLEN: You almost made me spill my drink. There we go.

[He cuffs him; the guy grunts]

CALLEN: Oh, yeah. There we go.

[He grunts with effort while he pulls the guy up with Sam]

CALLEN: This the guy that was wasting all the napkins?

SAM: No, this is the guy who threatened Monica Tenez.

CALLEN: Uh-huh.


                                -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[OPS center. Guy’s ID is on large screen. Eric and Nell are briefing Deeks]

ERIC: His name is Ed Mosker. He maintains a fringe blog, "The Anarchist Pastry Book"" Part antigovernment rant, part flourless chocolate cake recipes.

DEEKS: Anarchists-- they have a sweet tooth. Just like us.

NELL: Hmm. He's a student at Northridge Junior College, where he's enrolled in the same poli-sci class twice.

ERIC: And he's been arrested over seven times, all for nonviolent protests.

DEEKS: So Mosker's either hot for teacher and/or free speech. Real question is: Why is an anarchist studying the Constitution?


[Boatshed. Callen and Sam enters the interrogation room]

CALLEN: I'm assuming you know the drill, considering you've been arrested seven times.

SAM: Like they say, eight's a charm.

MOSKER: What's this all about?

CALLEN: Apparently he doesn't know the drill. We get to ask the questions. That's the drill. What'd you have against Clay Everhurst?


CALLEN: The 23-year-old you ran over with an SUV last night.

[Mosker looks astonished. Callen shows a photo of the young dead man]

MOSKER: The dead Tenez intern? You think I did that?

[Sam shows him the 5 candidates’ photos with KILL written]

SAM: What do you have against Monica Tenez? And any of these other candidates? Why do you want to hurt them?

MOSKER: Unbelievable. This government-sanctioned harassment is exactly what I'm always writing about.

CALLEN: Yeah, we've read your blog--the, uh..."Cupcakes With Your Chaos," is that it?

MOSKER: "The Anarchist Pastry Book."

SAM: Personally, I don't find it that clever.

MOSKER: I may be an anarchist, but I do know my rights.

CALLEN: Mm-hmm. And the e-mails you send to the Tenez campaign every day?

MOSKER: Last I checked, I'm still allowed to have political opinions in this country.

SAM: Not when they become threats.

MOSKER: I wouldn't call it a threat. I just think her position on Social Security would be the downfall of humanity.

SAM: We're talking about the other message. "A taste of what's to come"?

MOSKER: I send Tenez one message a day, and today's Tuesday, so it was about Social Security.

CALLEN: That's a nice try. The e-mail was sent from your online handle, from your favorite cafe, at 9:50 this morning.

MOSKER: Anyone who reads my blog knows I'm partial to that spot, because of the free Wi-Fi. And the chocolate croissants.

SAM: So you think you were set up?

MOSKER: Someone must've sent a message to the campaign, using my screen name. Guys, you got to believe me.


[G and Sam go to the observation room]

CALLEN: He's telling the truth.

SAM: Guy cares more about muffins than mayhem. Somebody set him up.

CALLEN: Somebody might be setting everybody up. This hit list may be a hoax.

SAM: Clay's death wasn't.

[Deeks enters]

CALLEN: Kensi at the campaign?

DEEKS: Yeah. Evidently, getting high on stamp glue. So, uh, Eric and Nell have been scouring through the campaign e-mails and it looks like Caldwell, Tenez's campaign manager, has been making political promises in exchange for a pretty penny.

CALLEN: That's nothing unusual for a political campaign.

DEEKS: Yeah, but these promises are in conflict to Tenez's position on a number of hot-button issues.

SAM: Maybe Caldwell's making a deal behind her back.

CALLEN: Maybe Tenez is on board with him.

DEEKS: It looks like Clay was looking for a new job. Maybe he found out Tenez was playing both sides, and it got him killed.


[Campaign meeting in a park. Caldwell is walking and speaking on phone. Kensi is at his side]

CALDWELL: I'm gonna need 600 of those. Yeah, for tomorrow. Beth, what are you doing? Grab a sign, hit the sidewalk. No, no, no, not red-- blue. Yeah, tomorrow. Thanks.

[He cuts the call off]

CALDWELL: Are you ready? Monica's going to be here any minute.

KENSI: Yeah. Can't wait to meet her.

CALDWELL: Well, don't get too excited. If she loses, you're out of a job in two weeks.

[He leaves her and speaks to the crowd]

CALDWELL: Okay, with the balloon guy--we're selling America here, not cell phones, people! Come on!

[Kensi looks puzzled. A blond woman smiles]

WOMAN: Don't take it personally. That's just... Jack. You must be the new girl. I'm Rebecca Collins.

[They shake hands]

KENSI: Oh. Hi. Yeah, you run the PAC.

REBECCA: "PAC" has such a dirty connotation these days. I prefer Resource Allocator.

KENSI: Resource Allocator. Got it.

REBECCA: Mm-hmm.

KENSI: Okay. Nice to meet you.

[Crowd starts cheering]

REBECCA: She's here.

KENSI: Whoo!


[Ryan gets out of a SUV, looks around and opens the back door. Ms Tenez starts shaking hands]

TENEZ: Hi! Hi. Hi. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. Thank you. Thank you for coming. Hi. Thank you for com--look at this little baby. Yes, how cute you are. You guys. 18 more years; you got to vote. Thank you for coming.

MAN: You bet.

TENEZ: Thanks for coming.

KENSI: Sorry. It's just I'm really excited, and Monica Tenez is my idol, and it's my first day. I'm sorry.

[She’s pushing her way to be on Monica’s heels. Ryan raises one arm to stop her]

RYAN: Give Ms. Tenez some space, please?

KENSI: Yeah.

[But Monica steps back]

TENEZ: It's not every day that I get to be somebody's idol. Hi. Welcome to the team.

KENSI: Thank you very much.

[She looks at the top of the building and spots a flash. She tackles Monica down the ground while there’s gunfire]

KENSI: Get down!

MAN: Look out!

[Crowd screams- 2 men are hit]

TENEZ: Who the hell are you?

KENSI: Federal agent. Go! Go! Let's go! Get out of here!

RYAN: Let's go!

[He grabs Monica and helps her towards the SUV]

RYAN: Move it! Move it! Put your head down! Head down! Get in! Get in!

KENSI: Go! Get her out of here!

[The engine revs, tires squeal, the car is running away.]


                                  -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[Boatshed. Observation room. TV is on – Deeks and Kensi are with Monica Tenez, Ryan and Caldwell.]

JOURNALIST: Tragedy struck the Monica Tenez campaign...

[Broadcast continues indistinctly]

KENSI: [On phone] Okay. Thank you.

[She comes close to Monica]

KENSI: So they're both in surgery, but it looks like they're going to be okay.

[Monica sighs deeply]

TENEZ: Thank God.

RYAN: I told you people we can handle this.

DEEKS: It looks to me like you were lucky Kensi was there.

CALDWELL: No kidding-- who knows how much more blood would've been shed if she wasn't?

RYAN: Why don't you just stay out of this, Jack? You don't see me telling you how to run a campaign.

DEEKS: That's funny. I would assume the most critical part of running a campaign would be having a candidate with a pulse.

CALDWELL: He makes a legitimate point.

[Ryan looks at Monica]

RYAN: If you're unhappy with the way I'm doing my job...say the word, and I will step down.

TENEZ: There's no need. I'm dropping out of the race.

CALDWELL: Monica, that is a mistake.

TENEZ: My campaign is not worth losing another person's life. I've made up my mind.

KENSI: Look, you've worked really hard to get where you're at. Pull out now and they win, whoever they are.

TENEZ: I'm not as tough as you are…

[To Caldwell]

TENEZ: We've got one last press release to write. I will announce my withdrawal at the fund-raiser tonight.

[Jack nods. Monica hold out her hand to Kensi]

TENEZ: Thank you...for saving my life today.

KENSI: Anytime. I mean it.

[The door opens: Ryan, Tenez and Caldwell go out. Kensi is pissed off]

DEEKS: You okay?

KENSI: Yeah, but she's fooling herself. She is that tough.

DEEKS: Maybe. But it doesn't matter if she doesn't realize it.

[Kensi’s phone rings]

KENSI: Callen, I'm with Deeks.

[Callen and Sam are at the park]

CALLEN: You were right, Kens. We think the shooter was in the building across the street.

SAM: It's almost too close to miss. We got lucky.

CALLEN: He may try again, so, for the time being, let's keep Tenez in the boatshed.

KENSI: It's too late.


CALLEN: [over phone] What, she's gone?


[At the park]

KENSI: [Over Phone] And she's pulling out of the race tonight.

CALLEN: Okay. But until she does, we're gonna watch her back, whether she likes it or not.


KENSI: Copy that.

[She’s lost in her thoughts]

DEEKS: You as worried as I am...about this push-up contest? 'Cause I did some Pilates this morning. I'm feeling a muscle fatigue, and it's coming--

KENSI: Deeks...

DEEKS: Okay. What's wrong?

KENSI: Sam said that we got lucky. How did the shooter miss?


[Monica Tene enters the fun-raiser party; crowd applauses, cameras are clicking]

TENEZ: Hi. How are you? Good to see you. Hi. Stacy, how are you? Wonderful to see you.

[OPS center. Eric and Nell are working on computers, Granger is watching the large screen; Hetty joins them]

ERIC: Picture's up. We've got Callen and Sam with Tenez, and Kensi and Deeks at the entrance.

GRANGER: The rest of the candidates are coming up clean. It's beginning to look like the danger's isolated to the Tenez campaign.

HETTY: Perhaps we've been so fixated on an outside threat...we've neglected to look closer to home.

GRANGER: You mean the campaign itself?

HETTY: Exactly. A breeding ground for pride and greed.

GRANGER: Promises, broken promises, money changing hands.

HETTY: Delve into it all, Mr. Beale, Ms. Jones. Assume nothing.

[At the party]

DEEKS: Wow. Really brings it all back, doesn't it? Presidential election of '95?

KENSI: There was no presidential election in '95.

DEEKS: Sure there was. Me versus Amanda Belcore. Class president. She was a wily little fox. I remember I gave my speech, I ate a bunch of peanut butter and then acted like I couldn't talk 'cause I ran out of milk. It was... it was borderline genius.

KENSI: Yeah, Marty Deeks, the great communicator.

DEEKS: Exactly. I got my message across without saying a word. It was more like a...like a powerful interpretive dance, you know?

KENSI: Mmm. Any chance you can do that again so I could post it online?

DEEKS: Amanda beat me by eight votes. But then I took her sister to prom, so who really won?

KENSI: Not Amanda's little sister, apparently.

DEEKS: It's gonna make a really interesting anecdote for my memoirs.

KENSI: Freaks, Geeks and Deeks?

DEEKS: Wow. Pretty quick on the trigger there. How long you been hanging on to that one, huh? I mean, it's clever, but it's not that clever. So how long? Like, a week?

[Kensi spots Ryan with one of his guy]

KENSI: I'll be right back. And I came up with it in the shower this morning.

DEEKS: Hey. Psst! Hey! Thinking about me in the shower? She's thinking about me in the shower!



RYAN: Did good out there today.

KENSI: It's my job. So, tell me, who organized the event today?

RYAN: Rebecca, I guess.

KENSI: What was the plan for crowd control?

RYAN: Well, that would first require a crowd. Something Rebecca never could quite deliver.

KENSI: What do you mean?

RYAN: Well, for the campaign's fund-raiser, she didn't raise a lot of funds. Can't believe we kept the lights on this long, given the state of things.

[OPS center. Computer beeps]

ERIC: Are you seeing this?

NELL: Uh-huh. Whoa.

HETTY: The campaign's financial records, Mr. Beale?

ERIC: We're just scratching the surface, but only a fraction of every dollar donated to Tenez actually ends up in the campaign's coffers.

NELL: It looks like the majority's being rerouted elsewhere.

ERIC: Where exactly, we're still not sure.


[At the party; the agents look around…Deeks comes closer to Kensi]

DEEKS: Ten minutes, she makes the announcement and it's all over. Kensi?

[She’s back at the moment she met Monica for the first time]

TENEZ: It's not every day that I get to be somebody's idol. Hi. Welcome to the team.

KENSI: Thank you very much.

[She looks at the top of the building and spots a flash. She tackles Monica down the ground while there’s gunfire]

DEEKS: Okay, you just made your "I just found a Kit Kat in my seat cushion" face.

KENSI: The shooter had an angle on Tenez the entire time. But he didn't fire until Tenez took a step towards me, leaving a clear line of sight from the building...

[She remembers the blond lady smiling at her side]

KENSI: …to Rebecca.

DEEKS: Rebecca was the target.

KENSI: She still is.

DEEKS: Guys, you getting this?

CALLEN: Loud and clear. Get Rebecca out of here. We'll stay with Tenez.

[Caldwell looks at his wrist]

CALDWELL: Showtime.

TENEZ: Thanks again.


[Deeks and Kensi interrupt Rebecca –she was speaking with Lisa]

DEEKS: I need you to come with us.

REBECCA: [To Lisa] Excuse me.

REBECCA: [To Deeks] What? Why? What...

DEEKS: It's okay.

LISA:  What's going on?

KENSI: You're in danger.

MAN [over speakers]: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next senator of the great state of California, Monica Tenez!


[OPS center. Eric’s computer beeps]

ERIC: Got it. Okay, Tenez's campaign had two bank accounts. Online donations went into a holding account, but only half the money was ever transferred to the primary account.

NELL: Donations were being siphoned off without anyone knowing.

GRANGER: Who was the signator for the holding account?


[Deeks and Kensi are walking through the kitchen with Rebecca; and Lisa]

DEEKS: Everybody out!

[Kensi shows her badge and her gun]

KENSI: Federal agents! Everybody out!

DEEKS: Let's go!

KENSI: Go, go!

[People stop working and leave]

REBECCA: Will you please tell me what's going on?

LISA: Seriously, what's happening here?

KENSI: Okay, Monica's not the target. You are, Rebecca.

[She puts a hand in front of her face]

REBECCA: But no one knows who I am.

KENSI: Everyone on the campaign does.

[Rebecca has to sit down; she starts crying]

LISA: I'll get you some water.

[Kensi is puzzled…]


[OPS center. Computer beeps]

ERIC: Okay, there were two signators. One was Rebecca Collins, which makes sense. She runs Tenez's PAC. And the other is...

[Computer beeps: Eric is horrified]



ERIC: [over radio] Kensi, it's Lisa Tran!

[She turns over and aims at the woman – Lisa has a weapon…]

KENSI: Lisa, put the gun down or this will not end well for you.

LISA: And you think prison is better?

[Callen and Sam are just coming in, weapons ready.]

KENSI: Lisa, don't do this.

[Lisa raises her gun…Kensi shoots. Deeks runs back from the exit, panting]

DEEKS: I missed it?

SAM: The old folks took care of business.

[The door opens: Ryan enters first, gun up]

RYAN: All clear?

KENSI: Yes, clear. We're clear.

RYAN: [To his followers] We're good.

TENEZ: What happened?

KENSI: It was not about the campaign. Lisa was after the money. It's all over now.

[Monica sighs]

TENEZ: No, it's not!

[She nods and goes back to her speech…Kensi appreciates.]


[NCIS office. At the gym: Sam and Deeks, and the push-ups contest…Deeks is grunting and more and more slower…]

DEEKS: Seventy...Seventy-one...Seventy...Seventy...Seventy-two!

[He crashes on the floor, panting, exhausted. Sam stops and chuckles. Callen gets up]

CALLEN: Deeks, that was embarrassing.

DEEKS: No, no. No, no. No, I demand a rematch.

SAM: Okay, but I'll just double your number again.

DEEKS: No, no, see, this isn't fair 'cause...I filled up on hors d'oeuvres at the fundraiser. There was too many crab cakes.

[Sam and G are already leaving the gym; they turn the light off…]

DEEKS: Kensi can vouch for me, if, uh... she was here. About the crab cakes. Guys!

[He sighs]

DEEKS: [dying tone] Guys?

[He sighs again, still lying on his chest]


[Hetty’s office. Kensi comes in while Hetty sits down in front of an antic TV; the monitor is grey; on but without footage]

HETTY: Have they figured it out yet?

KENSI: 22 million and counting.

HETTY: And she would have gotten every penny of that if it hadn't been for Clay Everhurst being so diligent at his job.

KENSI: True. I guess he turned to Lisa when he caught on to it, not realizing that she was behind it all.

HETTY: And greed took care of the rest.

KENSI: How did Lisa ever think she could hide this from Rebecca?

HETTY: She didn't. I don't think. I think she was always going to kill her.

[She bangs the TV – Channel news pops up]

JOURNALIST: [over footage] And in California, Monica Tenez, the candidate for U.S. Senate, has seen a significant uptick in the polls. So much so that she's now neck and neck with incumbent opponent Dick Osborne. Coming up next is the presidential debate.

ANNOUNCER: [Over footage] This is ZNN coming to you live from...

KENSI: You going to watch the debate?

HETTY: Um...No, probably not.

KENSI: Okay. Good night, Hetty.

HETTY: Good night, Ms. Blye.

ANNOUNCER: That candidate has two minutes to respond to the moderator's question, and then the candidate's opponent has one minute for rebuttal. After that, the moderator will pose the next question.

[Hetty has dialed a number on her phone]

MAN [over phone]: Hello?

HETTY: Yeah, it's me.

MAN [over phone]: You know what time it is?

HETTY: Of course I know what time it is. You ready?

[Screen becomes dark]

HETTY: Direct the first question to the president.

                                  ---------------------- THE END --------------------------

Kikavu ?

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Austin83  (28.05.2019 à 21:40)

ça fait plaisir de voir que pour une fois Kensi se lâche :p c'est toujours Deeks mais héhé, la miss à les yeux qui trainent aussi !!!

C'est ce que j'ai pensé aussi de cet épisode, le politique est un monde de requin et si on a pas les épaules solides on ne peut pas y arriver !!!

schumi  (27.05.2019 à 10:38)

Hé hé Kensi qui mate les fesses de Deeks: trop drôle que les rôles soient inversés pour une fois^^!

Les campagnes politiques ressemblent aux jeux du cirque! Et l'argent a toujours un rôle dans l'histoire malheureusement! Mais kensi ferait une super candidate je pense! Elle a l'air d'avoir un réel engagement et vu son caractère elle saurait convaincre et motiver!


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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