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#414 : L'élu

Callen sera en mission d'infiltration au sein d'une cellule terroriste tchetchène qui recrute des combattants étrangers pour joindre leur cause et plannifier les futurs attentats sur le sol amériain...



3.29 - 7 votes

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The Chosen One

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Première diffusion en France

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Sam Hanna ( LL Cool J)

Sam Hanna ( LL Cool J)

Toute l'équipe du NCIS étudie le dossier dans la salle des opérations

Toute l'équipe du NCIS étudie le dossier dans la salle des opérations

Eric et Nell expliquent à Callen sa mission

Eric et Nell expliquent à Callen sa mission

Callen et Sam se concentrent

Callen et Sam se concentrent

Eric Beale joué par Barrett Foa dans l'OPS

Eric Beale joué par Barrett Foa dans l'OPS

Callen se présente aux terroristes sous son identité sous couverture

Callen se présente aux terroristes sous son identité sous couverture


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (redif)
Dimanche 26.11.2017 à 00:30

Logo de la chaîne M6

France (inédit)
Vendredi 10.05.2013 à 20:50
2.91m / 13.0% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 05.02.2013 à 21:00
16.67m / 3.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scenario : Cheo Hodari Coker

Réalisation : Paul A. Kaufman

Guests :  

Adam Croasdell ............................ Jamal Avlurov
Corin Nemec ............................ Anwar Amurov 
Luciana Carro ............................ Gloria Seggara
Stoney Westmoreland ............................ Sergent de police Rick Gibson
Christian Svensson ............................ Chovka Zelimov
Ben Begley ............................ Loueur de voitures
Justin Alston ............................ James “Masud” Booth
Konstantin Melikhov ............................ Karim Moussa

Un officier de patrouille est au téléphone avec sa femme quand il avise un fourgon à l’intérieur duquel les décibels de la  musique dépassent largement le seuil acceptable. Il demande donc au véhicule de stopper. A l’intérieur, le chauffeur est nerveux, son passager l’incline au calme. Il présente ses papiers au policier puis descend, invité par ce dernier à lui montrer ce qu’il transporte. Ils se dirigent vers l’arrière, mais avant qu’ils ouvrent la porte, le passager, descendu discrètement,  tire par 2 fois sur l’officier. Celui-ci s’écroule. Il parvient à saisir son arme et à abattre le conducteur qui voulait reprendre le volant. C’est donc le passager qui prend sa place et démarre ; le policier n’a pas la force de tirer à nouveau...


Quand G, Sam et Kensi arrivent au bureau, ils trouvent Deeks en grande contemplation devant un aquarium. Il leur présente leurs sosies aquatiques.

En fait, il est sorti avec une fille le week-end précédent, et a gagné un poisson rouge lors d’un carnaval. La fille a insisté pour qu’il le garde- et lui donne un habitat décent. Donc il a acheté cet aquarium géant. Evidemment, le poisson avait l’air un peu seul à l’intérieur. Alors il a eu l’idée d’acheter d’autres poissons, un pour chaque membre de l’équipe : un Corydoras-Sam (poisson chat cuirassé), un poisson-ange-Kensi, deux Gouramis embrasseurs-Nell/Eric et un poisson couteau-Callen.  Hetty par contre n’a pas encore le sien : les petits poissons ont tendance à se faire manger par les gros ! Pour lui, Deeks a pris le poisson rouge – golden fish en anglais (un « golden boy » pouvant être un jeune prodige...) ; le roi des aquariums.  Les autres remarquent qu’il a l’œil gonflé et tombant. G ajoute qu’un de ses amis a eu un cas comme ça. Il a du séparer le malade de ses camarades avant qu’il ne les contamine ; il est mort peu de temps après.

Eric lance un coup de sifflet alors que Deeks commence à flipper ;  il les convoque en imitant un poisson...

Nell leur passe la vidéo prise par la voiture du policier lors de l’interpellation du fourgon de location. L’homme a survécu grâce à son gilet pare-balles et pu raconter ce qui s’était passé. Le conducteur est mort sur le coup, un américano-tchétchène lié au réseau Haqqani (un groupe terroriste ayant des contacts avec Al-Qaïda et les talibans). Sam sait qu’ils prennent  des combattants étrangers dans leurs rangs. Un tchétchène, qui n’a ni le nom ni le faciès d’un homme du Moyen-Orient, attire forcément moins l’attention. Et  le pays est devenu un foyer actif du terrorisme islamiste. Pour aller jusqu’à tirer sur un flic en plein jour, il fallait qu’il y ait quelqu’un ou quelque chose d’importance dans le véhicule. Malheureusement, le visage du passager n’apparaît jamais clairement. Callen envoie Deeks et Kensi voir le loueur de voitures ; avec Sam, ils iront voir le policier à l’hôpital.

L’homme qui s’est occupé de la location du fourgon est affligé d’une manie compulsive du rangement. Il leur donne le contrat de location, une copie du permis (visiblement contrefait) et précise que son client voulait des vitres arrière fumées. Il se rappelle qu’il était accompagné par un afro-américain dont il décrit par le menu les vêtements. Impressionnée, Kensi lui parle de réaliser un portrait robot. Mais le loueur n’a pas du tout regardé son visage...

Le policier non plus ne peut pas décrire ce fameux passager. Il a été étonné par l’accent du conducteur, russe ou peut-être d’Europe centrale, alors que son nom était anglo-saxon. Il se souvient avoir vu, posé sur le siège, un emballage de fast-food ; le logo représentait un poulet portant un pantalon à carreaux.

Eric et Nell ont vite fait le rapprochement avec la chaine « Fancy Pants Chicken » qui n’a qu’un seul restaurant dans Los Angeles. Ils cherchent à retrouver le fourgon sur les enregistrements des nombreuses caméras de surveillance routières du coin. Eric en profite pour demande à Nell ce qu’elle pense de leurs poissons-embrasseurs. La jeune femme a fait des recherches : quand ils sont face à face, bouche contre bouche, ils ne s’embrassent pas mais se battent, pour asseoir leur domination. Eric prétend trouver ça cool ;  la déception se lit sur son visage. Les deux Geeks repèrent le fourgon à un feu rouge. Il ne repassera jamais dans l’autre sens.

Ils alertent alors les agents qui retrouvent le véhicule abandonné sur un parking. Vide ; à l’exception d’une poudre que Sam pense être du nitrate d’ammonium. Un engrais que les terroristes utilisent pour fabriquer des bombes, comme celle qui a tué 170 personnes à Oklahoma City. Et que promenait un terroriste tchétchène dans les rues de Los Angeles. Inquiétant...

La police scientifique confirme les soupçons de Sam. Et elle a trouvé des fibres de cellulose dans les sculptures des pneus. Il a donc roulé dans de la pulpe de papier recyclé ; Nell et Eric ont trouvé 3 usines de recyclage de papier sur Los Angeles downtown ; deux sont en fonction mais l’une d’elles a fermé depuis un peu plus d’un an suite à la conjoncture économique. Le propriétaire était un tchétchène reparti au pays quand son affaire a coulé. L’homme avait toujours gardé des liens très forts là-bas, et certaines de ses relations étaient suspectées de sympathie pour Haqqani. Les images satelliques montrent que l’usine fermée n’est pas vide ; et que le fourgon y est entré la veille avant d’en ressortir assez rapidement.

Hetty refuse de brusquer les choses en allant récupérer le nitrate. La plupart des cellules terroristes sont compartimentées : un coup de projecteur sur l’une d’elles risquent de faire passer les autres à l’action. Trois personnes pourraient être des cibles potentielles dans la ville : le 1er ministre israélien dans un musée, l’auteur du livre « Infidèle : chronique d’un ex-musulman » à la fac et un ancien Secrétaire d’Etat pour une conférence à la bibliothèque Reagan. Hetty décide qu’une bonne vieille surveillance à l’ancienne s’impose.

Sam et Callen d’un côté, Kensi et Deeks de l’autre, se retrouvent donc en planque devant l’usine. Les OPS leur apprennent qu’aucun signal n’est émis dans le bâtiment. Or même des téléphones éteints devraient en transmettre. Sans doute les batteries sont-elles carrément enlevées. Ce qui prouve la méfiance et le professionnalisme de quiconque se trouve là. Finalement un homme sort, pris en filature par Kensi et Deeks dans la voiture. Ils voient le type mettre une batterie dans un téléphone, alertent Eric mais il y a trop de monde utilisant un portable pour qu’il puisse trouver le bon. Il faut que le type s’arrête quelques secondes. G demande à Kensi de s’en charger.

Elle va se placer sur le trottoir, en regardant derrière elle et se retourne brusquement, provoquant la collision avec l’homme. Elle s’excuse, il reprend son chemin. Mais Eric n’a pas pu encore isoler le bon téléphone. Il faut que l’arrêt soit plus long. Kensi hèle le type, prétextant être perdu, à la recherche d’une boutique d’aquariums, avec une adresse qu’elle n’arrive pas à trouver. Est-ce qu’il peut l’aider ? Il dit que non – c’est suffisant, cette fois Eric a ce qu’il veut.

L’homme s’appelle Jamal Avlurov; diplômé en chimie de l’université de Moscou, il travaille pour un groupe russe à Los Angeles. Eric s’est débrouillé pour obtenir une copie de tous les appels, messages  ou mails récemment passés et reçus. Un mail contenait un message numérique codé, annonçant pour le lendemain l’arrivée en provenance de Londres d’un homme décrit physiquement ; il est fait mention qu’il portera une casquette de baseball rouge. Trois tchétchènes seront à bord du vol ; celui qui correspond le mieux à la description est un certain Anwar Amurov ; né aux USA, il est reparti avec ses parents quand il avait 10 ans. Il n’est connu d’aucun service de sécurité. Et il mesure sensiblement la même taille que Callen, qui voit tout de suite ce que cela peut impliquer : si l’homme est décrit physiquement, c’est que personne ne le connaît ; donc personne ne saura que G a pris sa place...

Hetty s’insurge. Il est hors de question de courir de tels risques. G veut profiter de sa maitrise du tchétchène, et de sa « ressemblance » avec Anwar pour infiltrer une bande de terroristes qu’ils savent être  capables du pire ; ce sont peut-être  des centaines de vie qui sont en jeu. Hetty cède. Elle apporte elle-même une paire de lunettes à son agent, comme celles du vrai Anwar. G préfère ne pas mettre de bouton-caméra ni d’oreillette, au cas où il se fasse fouiller de près. Il dit à Nell et Eric de se débrouiller pour les lui faire passer quand il sera là-bas. Avant de se lancer, il étudie le profil de son double, qui a une femme et une fille de 4 ans, Anya, et est instituteur. Rien d’un djihadiste, à priori...

Quand le vrai Anwar est sur le point de descendre de son avion, il est intercepté par Deeks et Kensi – la jeune femme lui prend sa casquette rouge et sa valise, et les remet à Callen,  pendant que le flic le menotte. G suit la foule, jusqu’à ce qu’un homme lui murmure quelque chose en tchétchène. Il suit alors le type, qui n’est autre que le passager du fourgon qui avait tiré sur le policier.

Callen est emmené (sans surprise) jusqu’à l’usine de recyclage, Sam « sur ses talons ». Jamal lui souhaite la bienvenue ; il ne lui autorise que quelque mots de tchétchène, avant de lui demander de parler anglais, ce que fait G avec accent. Jamal lui présente Gloria, une jeune fille portant un foulard, responsable de la logistique du groupe ; Charlie, l’homme de main ; et James, qui préfère qu’on l’appelle Masud, celui qui a amené G de l’aéroport. Jamal explique que le Jihad est ce qui prime avant tout, qu’il ne peut donc courir aucun risque. Callen se raidit : Charlie sort une arme équipée d’un silencieux et la braque dans sa direction ; il tire, mais sur son voisin, James, qui s’écroule et  prend une 2ème balle,  en plein cœur. Il vient de payer son attitude un peu trop désinvolte...

Pendant ce temps, Kensi interroge le véritable Amurov. Mais l’homme n’a rien à dire, même en échange d’une réduction de peine. Sa femme et sa petite fille, il les reverra dans la vie après la mort, et cela lui suffit.

G et Jamal prient. Puis l’agent spécial essaie d’en savoir un peu plus sur sa mission – sans succès. Par contre Jamal se montre prudent ; il se trompe dans le prénom de la fille d’Anwar. Callen corrige, et le terroriste se détend : il l’invite à aller se restaurer dans la cuisine.

Mais tous se figent quand ils entendent la sonnette : Charlie et Jamal sortent leurs armes. L’homme de main entrebâille la porte : Deeks est planté sur le seuil, en tenue de livreur, une pizza à la main. Bien sûr Charlie dit qu’ils n’ont rien commandé. Marty insiste, et finit par menacer d’appeler son patron qui appellera les flics. Du coup Charlie paie sa pizza, et Deeks s’en va.

L’homme veut la mettre directement à la poubelle. G intervient : il en rêve depuis qu’il est parti des USA. Il l’attaque aussitôt, rejoint par Gloria, sous l’œil désapprobateur de Jamal.

A l’annexe, Kensi cite le Coran : « quand quelqu’un tue injustement une personne, c’est comme s’il tuait l’humanité entière ». Anwar ricane : le mot clé...c’est « juste ». Il s’énerve, entonne le refrain des islamistes radicaux. Puis réclame un avocat comme il en a le droit. Kensi le contemple : et si la situation était inverse, si elle-même était aux mains des djihadistes ; quel droit aurait-elle, à part celui de se faire décoller la tête?

Dans l’ancienne usine de recyclage, G fait parler Gloria, qui lui raconte son histoire. Elle avait 14 ans quand elle s’est enfuie de chez elle le soir où son père a commencé à la tripoter. Elle était prête à vivre dans la rue, à tout prix. Mais il pleuvait tellement fort ce soir là qu’elle a atterri chez une copine. La télé passait le film sur la vie de Malcolm X. Quand il avait trouvé la foi musulmane, il s’était senti lavé de toutes ses années de galère, de la guerre ; c’est de ça qu’elle avait envie ; être lavée...

Jamal les interrompt. Ce n’est pas convenable, cette discussion entre un homme et une femme non apparentés. C’est ce qu’il dit d’abord en aparté à Gloria. G en profite pour soulever le support qui maintenait le couvercle de la boite au-dessus de la pizza ; il a compris qu’il y trouverait le bouton caméra et l’oreillette. Il prend la caméra. Les OPS en profitent pour tirer les portraits de Gloria et Charlie, et lancer une reconnaissance faciale.

 Déjà Jamal appelle Callen, qui n’a pas le temps de mettre l’oreillette ; il le « sermonne » et l’emmène dans un  garage. Un fourgon a les portes arrière ouvertes : il est plein de sacs d’engrais et de jerrycans. Jamal dit à Callen qu’il a de la chance – il l’envie, mais il faut bien que quelqu’un organise le boulot. Lui, le monde va bientôt connaître son visage, il sera un héros pour tous ceux qui combattent pour leur cause ; il sera adoré. Il tend un papier et un crayon à l’agent.

Hetty en explique la signification dans la salle des OPS : c’est pour écrire sa lettre d’explication à sa famille, sa lettre de martyre. Anwar est venu aux USA pour y mener une attaque suicide. Autrement dit, Callen est l’Élu...Les reconnaissances faciales montrent que Charlie est un tueur à gage connu de Grozny ; Gloria n’a que des broutilles à se reprocher.

Justement, cela pourrait changer : Jamal lui donne un pistolet, lui disant qu’elle ne pourra plus se plaindre de n’avoir qu’un rôle mineur. Puis il demande une nouvelle fois à G de le suivre. Callen passe d’abord déposer sa tasse de café sur la table, pour que les OPS puissent « photographier » une carte et un article du journal des étudiants de Braddok. Là où l’écrivain E. Nabeel doit faire une conférence.  Kensi rappelle que pendant son interrogatoire, Anwar  s’en est pris  aux écrivains qui insultent l’islam. L’homme est certainement leur cible ; et la carte, le plan du campus.

Jamal demande à G d’enfiler un gilet de kamikaze, bourré d’explosifs, près du fourgon chargé. Charlie conduira, lui sera à l’arrière. Le QG devient aveugle : la caméra est recouverte par le gilet. Quand celui-ci explosera, le gasoil des jerrycans s’enflammera et la détonation avec  le nitrate d’aluminium tuera des centaines de personnes. Il faut sortir Callen de là.

Sam qui est toujours en planque à l’usine voit le fourgon sortir. Il le prend en chasse, et indique à Kensi le lieu d’interception. Charlie descend ; il ne compte pas se laisser prendre vivant. Il meurt sous leurs balles. Mais G n’est pas dans le fourgon : celui-ci est totalement vide.

Au QG Nell reçoit une alerte : l’autoroute 101 vient d’être coupée : une femme vient de se tirer une balle dans la tête : les images montrent qu’il s’agit de Gloria. Toute la circulation est déviée par la sortie qui passe aux pieds de l’usine de recyclage. Or Nabeel devait emprunter cette autoroute. Autrement dit ni la bombe ni Callen ne sont sortis de l’entrepôt.

Effectivement, l’agent est là-bas. Assis en tailleur sur un plateau ; ses mains sont attachées de chaque côté. Derrière lui, les sacs d’engrais, autour de lui les bidons de gasoil.

Il veut savoir comment il s’est vendu. Jamal installe un téléphone dans la poche arrière du gilet-bombe, connecte les fils, tout en lui expliquant que, s’il ne se rappelle pas bien d’Anwar, il se souvient pourtant très bien qu’ils ont partagé le même coin de classe : celui réservé aux gauchers. Or G a écrit sa lettre de la main droite...

Jamal ricane : l’avantage de cellules indépendantes, c’est la rapidité de réaction. On leur envoie un agent fédéral, ils improvisent un nouveau plan. Si jamais ils manquent leur cible, le lot de consolation sera quand même appréciable ! Et il abandonne son « lot » à son triste sort.

Mais il n’a pas le temps de quitter les lieux : Sam, Kensi et Deeks font irruption. Jamal essaie de sortir son arme, il meurt avant de pouvoir le faire. Sam le fouille, pendant que G appelle les autres qui fouillent les lieux:  il est seul. Sam a trouvé le téléphone de Jamal : la bombe ne peut pas être activée. G est libéré, mais au moment où il va descendre de son plateau, Sam lui hurle de ne pas bouger. Il vient de repérer des fils ; il se met à genoux : sous le plateau, un mécanisme de pesée est relié à des pains d’explosifs. Si G descend, si son poids ne repose plus sur la balance, tout explose...Sam attrape une pince ; il hésite. La tension monte. Blanc ou rouge ? Il analyse l’engin, opte pour le rouge...mais ferme les yeux quand il le coupe. Et soupire d’aise quand rien ne se produit. Tout va bien...

Plus tard, au QG, Callen contemple le dossier de Gloria. Quand Sam le rejoint, il lui explique l’importance de Malcolm X dans la vie de la jeune femme. Il soupire : ensuite, ils ont perverti le message, pour lui donner une vie encore plus désespérante. Jamal l’a poussé dans l’intégrisme. Sam pense qu’elle a surtout fait le mauvais choix.

Deeks qui arrive avec Kensi s’étrangle : les poissons ont disparu ! Eric qui descendait en compagnie de Nell lui montre le bureau d’Hetty. Ils vont tous vérifier : effectivement, l’aquarium est là. Hetty en a bien compris la fonction, et se charge de rajouter le poisson-Hetty. Elle a choisi un guppy. Deeks tente de la prévenir qu’un si petit poisson va se faire dévorer sans délai. Tous retiennent leur souffle.

A leur grande stupéfaction, le guppy se sort sans dommage de sa 1ère rencontre avec ses congénères. Hetty qui a observé aussi la scène, se retourne et renvoie sèchement le groupe à son travail. Puis elle murmure aux poissons : « les gars, vous, vous savez nagez, mais ne pouvez pas vous cacher ! »

             -------------------------------------------  FIN -----------------------------------------


[A police officer is driving and speaking on phone]

OFFICER: I know, I know. I'll be home as soon as I can. What's Addie worried about?  The most I'll miss is the first quarter. I promise.

[Rap music is playing loudly in a van he’s following]

OFFICER: All right, I got to go. I love you.

[His siren whoops]

OFFICER: [over speaker] Pull your vehicle over.

[The driver of the van parks it; he stops the engine and the music]

PASSENGER: Just play it cool.

[The officer reaches the driver window; the man speaks with Chechen accent]

DRIVER: Is there a problem?

OFFICER: Other than making your commute louder than the Soul Train Awards? License and registration.

DRIVER: We don't want any trouble, Officer. I'm helping my friend move.

OFFICER: What do you say we take a look at what you're moving?

[The driver exchanges a look with the passenger and gets out of the van; he heads slowly to the back. Before he opens the door, the passenger shoots at the policeman; twice; the man grunts and falls down]


[The driver steps back but the policeman has pulled out his gun and shoots twice in his back; guy lies motionless on the ground. The passenger takes the wheel and leaves-tires screeching. The policeman grunts in pain, rolling on his back]


              ♫ ♫ NCIS: LA 4x14 ♫ ♫  The Chosen One ♫ ♫

             ♫ ♫ Original Air Date on January 29, 2013 ♫ ♫


[NCIS office. Deeks is staring at a big aquarium when Callen, Sam and Kensi are coming in]

CALLEN: What is that?

KENSI: That appears to be a fish tank.

SAM: Why is it here?

DEEKS: That is an excellent question, to which I have an answer.

KENSI: This should be good.

DEEKS: Had a date this weekend. Went to the carnival, won that goldfish.

SAM: Obviously wasn't a game of strength.

KENSI: Or wits.

DEEKS: That's very clever. Moving on. I didn't even want the goldfish, but my date insisted I give it a proper home, which meant something nicer than the plastic bag that it came in. So, went to the pet store, bought this aquarium, but then we started looking at it, realized how lonely it looked, which meant, of course...

CALLEN: More fish.

DEEKS: Exactly. But there's so many fish to choose from, I didn't know where to start, which is where I had my epiphany. You ready for this? Doppelganger aquarium.

KENSI: Doppelganger?

DEEKS: Each one of us has a counterpart in there. Sam, check it. Right there, armoured catfish-- that's you. That's a tough fish; doesn't take crap from any other fish. Kensilina, angelfish. Look how it glides all sexy through the water.

KENSI: I like my fish.

DEEKS: Eh, your fish likes my fish. Those are the gourami kissing fish. That's Eric and Nell. And, Callen, this is you. Black ghost knifefish. It's sleek, sharp, mysterious, solitary. Hides in plain sight.

CALLEN: Where's Hetty?

DEEKS: Hetty? Yeah, I'm actually working on Hetty, 'cause there's a problem. Small fish tend to be eaten by the bigger ones, so...

KENSI: And you're the goldfish, I take it?

DEEKS: Of course I'm the goldfish-- it's gold. It's valuable, desirable, beautiful. King of the aquarium.

KENSI: There's something wrong with the king's eyeball.

DEEKS: Wait, what are you talking about?

[Sam chuckles]

SAM: You're right. It's, like, droopy and puffy.

CALLEN: Yeah, I had a buddy that had one like this. They had to remove it from the tank before it infected all the other fish. Died all by himself a little while later.


DEEKS: No, no. Goldfish Deeks, no.

[Eric whistles loudly; then he puts his hands on both side of his face and waves slightly, like fish gills]


[OPS center. On screen: video of the shooting between the policeman and the guys in the van]

NELL: This footage was taken from Sergeant Rick Gibson's patrol car camera. He stopped this rental van on a noise violation.

ERIC: According to the officer's report, he asked the driver to show him what was in the cargo area. That's when he was shot by the passenger.

NELL: Unfortunately, the camera didn't capture an image of the passenger's face.

ERIC: The officer was able to get off two rounds that shot the driver in the back. He was dead at the scene.

NELL: It was, however, a Kodak moment for Karim Moussa, a Chechen-American with ties to the Haqqani network.

SAM: It's a terrorist group with links to al-Qaeda and the Taliban, who use foreign fighters to help with their cause.

NELL: After years of oppression by Moscow, Chechnya has become a hotbed of Islamic terrorism.

KENSI: Haqqani is obviously taking advantage of this, drawing Chechen-Americans to help with the cause.

CALLEN: As much as we say that law enforcement doesn't use racial profiling, if you've got olive skin and a Muslim surname, it does grab more attention.

DEEKS: And most Chechen extremists don't look Middle Eastern.

SAM: He shot a cop in broad daylight. He was protecting something or someone in the back of that van.

HETTY: Thanks to his vest, Gibson survived the shooting. He's in the hospital, conscious and stable.

CALLEN: All right, Sam and I will see what he can give us. Kensi, Deeks, why don't you see what you can get from the rental company.

KENSI: Sure.


[Dalton car rental office]

KENSI: Hello there.

[She shows her badge]

KENSI: We need information on whoever rented this van.

MAN: No problem. A Mr. McGrady-- Dennis McGrady.

DEEKS: Oh, that's a nice, traditional Chechen name.

MAN: The rental agreement. A copy of his driver's license and credit card.

[He carefully puts the paper onto the counter]

DEEKS: Oh, the license is obviously a counterfeit. Probably programmed the magnetic strip off a stolen credit card.

[Guy grabs the papers and puts them again straight and aligned]

MAN: They were very specific about what they wanted: a cargo van with the rear windows tinted dark.

KENSI: Was he with anyone?

MAN: Um, an African-American gentleman.

DEEKS: Do you, uh, remember what he looks like?

[He moves on purpose one of the papers]

MAN: No taller than six-two, no shorter than six feet. Medium build, fitted crimson T-shirt.

KENSI: Red T-shirt.

MAN: Crimson.

KENSI: Crimson?

MAN: Mm-hmm. He was wearing jeans. 32 or 34 waist, boot cut, vintage wash, probably Gap. Could've been Old Navy.

KENSI: I think we'd like you to speak to a sketch artist.

MAN: Oh, I have no idea what his face looks like!


[Hospital room. The policeman is arm wounded]

GIBSON: And I didn't get a good look at the passenger.

CALLEN: All right, start at the beginning.

GIBSON: They were blasting their music pretty loud. When I pulled in behind, he started driving like a church lady. Driver was all twitchy.

[He groans in pain]

SAM: You okay?

GIBSON: Yeah. Used to think wearing that vest was a pain in the ass. But my daughter kept nagging me about it every morning. Now I wouldn't be caught dead without it.

CALLEN: What else do you remember?

GIBSON: Driver had an accent: Russian, maybe Eastern European. The voice didn't fit the name on the license.

SAM: You see anything unusual in the cab?

GIBSON: No. The van was pretty clean. The only thing I saw was a takeout bag from a restaurant.

CALLEN: The name of the restaurant on it?

GIBSON: Yeah, but I don't remember it. But the logo--it was a cartoon. It was a-a chicken wearing checkered pants.


[OPS center. Nell and Eric are working on computers]

NELL: So, the only Mr. Fancy Pants Chicken in Los Angeles is in the Valley.

ERIC: Got it. Fortunately, there are a number of traffic cams in the area.

NELL: Nice.

ERIC: So...our fish. What do you think? I mean, you know that they're, uh, kissing fish?

NELL: Yeah, I, um...I actually did some research.

ERIC: You did?

NELL: Mm-hmm. You know when they are locking their lips together and it looks like they're kissing?

ERIC: Yeah.

NELL: They're not. They're actually fighting.

ERIC: Fighting?

NELL: Yeah. It's their way of, uh, showing dominance.

ERIC: That's... cool.

NELL: Yeah. I thought so. Ooh. I have the, uh, rental van on traffic cam footage from yesterday an hour after the shooting, turning east on Saticoy, 1400 block.

ERIC: That's about half a mile from the restaurant. Checking the first Saticoy cam and one on another street due west. If the van came out, it would have had to pass by one of them.

NELL: Which it did not. I'm calling Callen.


[So Sam and Kensi are driving there, looking for the van]

CALLEN: There.

SAM: The van's in a parking lot.

KENSI: Copy that. We see it, too.

[Both park their car near the van; they all get out, pull out their guns and head carefully towards the vehicle. Callen glances inside]

CALLEN: Clear.

[Kensi and Deeks go to the back]


[Kensi opens the door]

DEEKS: Clear!

[The back is empty; Sam spots some white powder; he pulls on his gloves]

DEEKS: What is that?

[Sam sniffs]

SAM: It's ammonium nitrate.

DEEKS: Fertilizer used to make explosives.

KENSI: Explosives used to kill 170 people in the Oklahoma City bombing.

CALLEN: A Chechen extremist was hauling it around town.

[They exchange worried looks]


                                      -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[OPS center. They’re back and around the table with Hetty, Nell and Eric]

ERIC: LAPD Crime Lab didn't get a lot on the van beyond confirming what Sam suspected. Traces of ammonium nitrate.

NELL: Right, but there was something left in the tire treads: cellulose fiber. It's basically a pulp made from recycled paper. Now, there are three recycling mills in Los Angeles, all of which are in the downtown area.

ERIC: Two are still active, but the third...went out of business over a year ago due to the downturn in the economy.

NELL: The owner, Akmed Movladiev, is a Chechen national who repatriated back to Chechnya when his business went belly-up.

HETTY: "Belly-up." That reminds me, Mr. Deeks.


HETTY: Condolences on your impending loss.

DEEKS: My fish is fine. I think.

NELL: From what we can gather, Mr. Movladiev retained several close relationships in his motherland, including some with suspected ties to the Haqqani network.

SAM: And from the looks of this satellite image, someone's keeping the lights on.

ERIC: Satellite images from yesterday show the rental van entering the facility and leaving a short time later.

KENSI: Probably to off-load the ammonium nitrate.

SAM: Then they ditched the van, 'cause if the police link it to the cop shooting, the whole operation is blown.

DEEKS: Should we go in and bust it up?

HETTY: Not yet. Most cells are compartmentalized. If we illuminate their operation too soon, it could trigger events by other conspirators.

CALLEN: So, what's going down in Los Angeles that might be a target for a terrorist jihad?

NELL: The Israeli Prime Minister is visiting the Museum of Tolerance this week. Author Ephraim Nabeel will be at Braddock University to lecture on his book Infidel: Tales of a Reformed Muslim.

ERIC: And former Secretary of State George Schultz is speaking at the Reagan Library.

SAM: What are you thinking, Hetty?

HETTY: I'm thinking a good old-fashioned stakeout is in order. See what shakes out.

DEEKS: The old shake-out stakeout? I like it.


[Sam and Callen in the challenger and Kensi and Deeks in her car are watching the facility]

CALLEN: Anything from the kissing fish side of the tank?

[OPS center. Eric and Nell sigh slightly]]

ERIC: Not getting any Internet or cell signals from inside the building at all.

NELL: Even if the phones were turned off, we should be able to get something.

[Sam’s car]

CALLEN: Means they're not using their cell phones, which is highly unlikely, or it means they've removed the batteries.

SAM: They're definitely savvy. Using a minimum of technology so they won't be traced. Smart.

[Kensi’s car]

DEEKS: I've been doing a lot of thinking  about my fish.

KENSI: Yeah? You thinking, like, burial or cremation, or just plain old flush down the toilet?

DEEKS: It's a goldfish, and I just...I don't think it's me. You know what I mean? It's just, it's too common. I need a fish that truly represents my essence.

KENSI: What about a canned sardine? Smelly, oily, cheap.

DEEKS: See, you say things like that, and I know you don't mean them. You're like the girl in elementary school that hits you in the arm because she really likes you.

KENSI: Oh. You know, you're right.

[And she hits his chest with her elbow]


CALLEN: Hang on a second. We've got some action.

[A man is leaving the building]

CALLEN: Kens, Deeks, coming your way.

[Camera clicks: Deeks takes photos]

KENSI: We're on him.

CALLEN: Copy. We're holding our position.

[She starts the engine and drives slowly; the man puts the battery back in his cell- it beeps, the line rings]

DEEKS: Eric, he just put a battery in his cell.

[OPS center.]

ERIC: I see him, but he's bunched up. He's got to be separated for me to lock in on him. Damn.

SAM: Lose the signal?

ERIC: Negative. I still have too many. He's in a crowd. It's impossible for me to isolate him. One of you needs to get next to him. Stop him for a second.

CALLEN: Copy that. Kens, do the bump.

KENSI: On it.


[She gets out of the car; the man is speaking quietly on phone; she backs into him]

KENSI: Oh, God, I'm sorry.

[She laughs]

KENSI: I wasn't looking where I was going. I'm sorry.

MAN: You should be more careful.

KENSI: Okay.

[OPS center.]

ERIC: Ah, still too bunched up. Kensi, you got to stop him longer.

KENSI: Actually, you know what? I'm lost. I'm looking for a fish store for my idiot boyfriend because he is obsessed with fish; I don't know why. Um, but it's on West Third Street, but we're on Los Angeles Street.

ERIC: Got him.

KENSI: Point me in the right direction?

MAN: No. Sorry.


[OPS center. They’re all back]

ERIC: Jamal Avlurov. He's 36 years old. A Chechen National with a degree in chemical engineering from Moscow State University.

NELL: He's here on a work visa for a Russian agricultural consortium.

ERIC: Once we I.D.'d his cell number, I sent a virus to the phone, which forwarded cloned copies of the most recent calls, texts and e-mails back to us.

NELL: There was e e-mail written in Chechen, sent from a secure site in Grozny.

ERIC: It had a sequence of alphanumeric codes hidden within it. And when, uh, Nell and I put our awesome code-breaking lips...heads together...

NELL: It was like shooting fish in a barrel.

DEEKS: Really?

ERIC: It mentions a Euroexpress Airways flight arriving at LAX from London tomorrow morning.

NELL: As well as a physical description of a man wearing a red baseball cap.

ERIC: And there are three Chechen passengers on that flight. The one that best matches the description in the e-mail is this one: Anwar Amurov.

NELL: He was born in the U.S., but moved back with his family when he was ten years old. No record, no Homeland file.

SAM: On nobody's radar.

CALLEN: How tall is he?

ERIC: Just under six feet.

CALLEN: That'll work.

HETTY: Work for what exactly, Mr. Callen?

CALLEN: The red baseball cap.

SAM: That's how the driver's supposed to recognize him.

DEEKS: They sent his description in the e-mail 'cause they've never met before.

KENSI: And if they've never met before...

CALLEN: They'll be none the wiser when I show up in his place.


                                -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[NCIS office. Hetty is sit at her desk; Callen is pleading, standing]

HETTY: This is a dangerous game, Mr. Callen.

CALLEN: Isn't it always, Hetty? They've never even met this guy.

HETTY: Well, that's a supposition.

CALLEN: It's an informed supposition. Look, they're expecting a guy in a red hat, five-eleven, short hair, who speaks Russian, and they're gonna get one.

HETTY: It's called risk assessment. When the odds are in favor of an agent getting killed before he can procure...

CALLEN: This unit goes in anyway. Look, I appreciate your protective instincts, Hetty, but...

HETTY: I'm not mothering you, Mr. Callen. Mr. Amurov is Chechen.

CALLEN: And I'm familiar with most common Chechen dialects.

HETTY: You know, we should just move in and take down this cell right now.

CALLEN: What about the unseen contributors you mentioned? Can you guarantee this is the only cell?

HETTY: Of course I can't.

CALLEN: These people are ruthless, Hetty. You know what they're capable of. Hundreds of innocent lives could be at stake.

[He speaks Chechen]

CALLEN: We have no choice but for me to go in.

HETTY: That's Russian, not Chechen.

[She speaks Chechen]

HETTY: We have no choice but for me to go in.

[Callen repeats in Chechen]

CALLEN: We have no choice but for me to go in.

[Hetty nods]


[Wardrobe. Callen wears a checked shirt. He speaks to his reflection in Chechen]

CALLEN: I consider it an honor to do whatever needs to be done for our cause.

[Hetty comes with glasses]

HETTY: I will consider it an honor. Watch your tenses, Mr. Callen.

[He puts on the glasses]


[With Eric and Nell]

ERIC: All right, earwig and button cam charged and ready to go.

[Nell puts the camera on the shirt; Callen looks at the earwig]

NELL: Okay. Here we go.

[Callen pulls the camera off and hands it back with the earwig]

CALLEN: If they're careful enough to take the batteries out of their cell phones...

NELL: You're right--we can't guarantee you won't be strip-searched.

CALLEN: You're going to need to figure out a way to get them to me once I'm inside.


[All the team is around the screen near the agents desks]

CALLEN: Anything else on Amurov?

ERIC: Uh, he's a primary school teacher. Uh, married...with a four-year-old daughter named Anya. Doesn't seem to possess any discernible skills that would make him a jihad player.

DEEKS: So, why is he here?

SAM: Guess we'll find out soon enough.


[LAX airport. ♫ People chattering in the plane from which the real Amurov is going out- wearing a red cap. ♫ He bumps into Kensi and Deeks: they show their badges, grab his suitcase and the cap. ♫ Deeks pulls the guy away, Callen takes the suitcase and the cap and follows the crowd. ♫ Sam watches him being said something in Chechen by a guy who leads him towards the exit.♫]

SAM: We're a go.


[♫ A car stops at the facility, Sam on its tail. ♫ Callen and the driver get out. ♫ They come into a room where they meet 2 guys and a woman. The leader is Jamal. ♫ He speaks in Chechen. ♫]

JAMAL: Welcome Anwar.

CALLEN: it’s good to be here.

[They shake hands]

JAMAL: English only from now on. Remember, you are American. We are all Americans now, like everybody else.

[He stands next to the young woman wearing a hijab]

JAMAL: Gloria. She handles operations and support.  Food, accommodations. My go-to girl for whatever it is I need.

[Gloria grins – and winces when she catches Jamal’s irritated look]

JAMAL: Chovka. Charlie in public. He takes care of, uh, delicate matters. Sometimes unpleasant. Uh, you've met James.

JAMES: Masud. James is a slave name given to me by my oppressors.

JAMAL: James--I mean, Masud--has been with us only a short time, but he has proved himself dedicated to our cause. This jihad is our priority, Anwar. Takes precedence over everything. We cannot afford to take any risks.

[Callen spots Charlie standing up, pulling a gun; he steps back when there’s a silenced gunshot- which hits James who falls down. Charlie shoots one more time in his chest. G is half-relieved, half-chocked]

JAMAL: James-- I mean, uh, Masud--allowed himself to become distracted. Focused on himself rather than our cause. This... error in judgment caused us difficulties, but he delivered you to us, so his job is done. And soon...yours will be as well.

CALLEN: Salaam alaikum.

JAMAL: Wa-alaikum salaam.


                                  -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[Boatshed. Interrogation room. Kensi enters, carrying a file while Amurov is waiting]

KENSI: Mr. Amurov. We know about the cell. We know about its location. We know about the ammonium nitrate currently being used to create a weapon of mass destruction. We also know that you are here to participate in a jihad.

AMUROV: You know so much...yet understand so little.

KENSI: If you help us, it will be taken into consideration during your trial.

AMUROV: So I will get 40 to life instead of 50.

KENSI: I don't know about that, but if you cooperate, it might make the difference in ever seeing your daughter and wife again.

[Amurov opens the file, looks at their photos]

KENSI: So, tell me, Anwar, will Anya and Katya understand?

AMUROV: I will see them again. This I have no doubt.

KENSI: And when is that?

AMUROV: In the afterlife. Allahu Akbar.


[Jamal and Callen are praying]

JAMAL: Allahu Akbar.

JAMAL: Allahu Akbar.

JAMAL: Salaam alaikum...

[Jamal says the prayer, and he exhales at the end. G picks up his glasses and his watch]

JAMAL: I'm glad to have you here, Anwar. When our jihad is put in play, the world will take notice.

[Callen speaks with Chechen accent]


JAMAL: Soon. When you learn how to target, you will be very pleased.

CALLEN: Because the whole world will know? Like the Twin Towers?

JAMAL: You ask a lot of questions, Anwar.

CALLEN: I travelled a great distance to be part of this.

JAMAL: Anna will be made very proud of her father.


JAMAL: Anya. Of course. You've had a long trip; you must be hungry. The kitchen's over there.

CALLEN: Yes. Thank you.


[Sam is still in his car]

SAM: Don't screw this up, Fish Boy.

[Deeks rings the bell at the building door. When the doorbell rings again, Charlie and Jamal pulls out guns; doorbell rings: Charlie is about to open the door; doorbell rings: Jamal aims at the door; Charlie opens ajar]

DEEKS: Hey, man. Got your pie.

CHARLIE: I didn't order a pizza.

DEEKS: You didn't...? Uh...Is this 810 Commercial Avenue?


DEEKS: Well, then somebody ordered a pizza. $18.50.

CHARLIE: You got the wrong address.

[He starts closing the door- Deeks shouts]

DEEKS: No, no! Listen, listen, man, I know this is a crappy job, but it's the only one I got. All right? And if I go back there with no money and cold pizza, I'm gonna get fired. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a job right now?

CHARLIE: Not my problem.

DEEKS: Well, it's not my problem, either, so I'll just call my boss, and then he can call the cops, and they can figure it out, 'cause I am not gonna get...

CHARLIE: Okay, okay, okay, okay.

[He hands a bill]

DEEKS: Yeah? Enjoy your pie.


[Charlie opens the box: the pizza is smoking…He goes into the kitchen]

CALLEN: You're going to throw away a pizza?


CALLEN: Do you know how much I have dreamed about American pizza since I left?

CHARLIE: It's all yours.

CALLEN: Thanks.


[Callen opens the box – he notices Gloria watching him]

CALLEN: Please...join me.

GLORIA: I know I shouldn't, Jamal, but...maybe just this once?

JAMAL: If you want to put poison inside your body, it's not me you have to answer to.


[Boatshed. Interrogation room.]

KENSI: The Quran says, "Whoever kills a person unjustly, it is as though he has killed all of mankind""

AMUROV: Yeah. The key word...is "just."

KENSI: When you kill in the name of jihad, you defile Islam.

AMUROV: You quote Quran and talk of immoral acts, when, like cowards, you drop bombs from the sky in drones. Is it right...you bomb us with impunity, and world gives your president a peace prize? Is it right your political cartoonists make us out to be clowns, hmm? And dare to write the name of the Prophet? Is it right your authors, who besmirch the name of the Prophet--peace be unto him-- are allowed to spread their filth in your universities? This is right?!

KENSI: I don't care much about politics. What I do care about is stopping the senseless killing of people who probably have nothing to do with making decisions about drones or who gets a Nobel Peace Prize.

AMUROV: I have had enough of this. I have a right to see a lawyer.

KENSI: Yes, you do. You know what? If the situation was reversed...and I was in the custody of jihadists, the only right I would have...is to have my head severed. I suppose you consider that just.

AMUROV: No. But...it is a good start.


[Recycling mill]

GLORIA: I haven't had a slice in a long time.

CALLEN: [with Chechen accent] You converted because of Jamal?

GLORIA: No. No. Because of Malcolm. My father tried to get in my chones when I was 14, so I ran away. I got so desperate, I went down to the track. I was ready to turn tricks.

CALLEN: Did you go through with it?

GLORIA: No. It rained that night. I ended up ducking into my homegirl's house to stay dry. Malcolm X was playing on cable. He also ran the streets, used drugs. But when he submitted to Allah, he was washed clean. That's all I wanted, to be washed clean. And even though I'm not denying he was black, it was...it was like he was speaking to me.

CALLEN: The movie led you straight to the mosque?

GLORIA: It did. And I never looked back. I felt acceptance and real love. Jamal told us that...

JAMAL: Gloria.

GLORIA: I have to go.

[Callen looks at the pizza – at the box lid stand …Gloria and Jamal step aside]

GLORIA: I was just...

JAMAL: You know better than that. Huh? Huh?

GLORIA: Yeah. I'm sorry.


[Meanwhile G has taken the camera button hidden under the stand and puts it onto his shirt]

[OPS center.]

ERIC: Okay, camera's up.

[Recycling mill; G spots the earwig-but doesn’t have time to take it]

JAMAL: Anwar.

[OPS center.]

ERIC: I don't think he got the earwig.

[Recycling mill]

JAMAL: It's not right for a woman to be so close to a man she's not betrothed to, hmm?

CALLEN: You are right. I understand.

JAMAL: Come with me, Anwar. I have something I want to show you.

[Before following Jamal, G turns around – his camera spots Charlie and Gloria]

[OPS center.]

HETTY: Freeze that, Mr. Beale.

ERIC: Starting facial rec.

[Recycling mill. Jamal opens a door of a garage– a van is in there; at its back, many bags of ammonium nitrate and cans]

JAMAL: I wish it was me. But someone has to coordinate. You are lucky.


JAMAL: Soon the world will know your face. You'll be a hero to all those who fight and sacrifice for our cause. You will be loved.

[He kisses G and hands him a pen with a sheet of paper]

[OPS center.]

NELL: What's the pen and paper for?

HETTY: His martyr letter. Of explanation to his family. Anwar was brought here to be the suicide bomber. Mr. Callen is The Chosen One.


                                  -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[OPS center. Charlie’s and Gloria’s photo are on screen]

NELL: Chovka Zelimov--heavy hitter from Grozny.

HETTY: And Gloria Segarra?

NELL: She has a file, but it's all LAPD-gang-crime related. Nothing from Homeland or any connections to terror networks.


[Recycling mill]

JAMAL: Gloria...I know you sometimes may have felt that your jobs were menial and not of great importance, but the time has come where you must perform a very... special task for us.

[He hands her a gun]

GLORIA: Anything, Jamal.

JAMAL: Anwar. Come with me.

[G leans towards the table; his camera films a map]

[OPS center.]

HETTY: That's some kind of map.

ERIC: That's as clear as I can get it.

[Recycling mill. G puts his coffee mug onto a table, near a newspaper]

[OPS center.]

KENSI: Why is Callen holding the cam on that?

ERIC: Let me pull a frame-grab. Daily Bobcat.

NELL: Braddock University's student paper.

HETTY: The map must be the Braddock campus. The author, Ephraim Nabeel, is their target.

KENSI: During the interrogation, Amurov railed against authors who insult Islam.

DEEKS: Yeah, killing him and a crowd of hundreds would be a huge coup for al-Qaeda.


[Recycling mill. Jamal shows a bomb vest; he helps Callen to pull it on]

JAMAL: It's time. Chovka will drive, you... will be in the back.

[OPS center. They don’t have any more footage]

ERIC: The vest is blocking the button-cam.

HETTY: Mr. Hanna, one of our jihadists has just placed an explosive vest on Mr. Callen.

[Sam is still in his car]

SAM: When the vest detonates, the ANFO ignites the ammonium nitrate. We got to get Callen out of there.

DEEKS: Got it. We're on our way.

[Kensi and Deeks hurry out]


[A van is leaving the facility]

SAM: Van's on the move. Headed east.

[Kensi is driving]

KENSI: Copy that. Coming up on Santa Fe.

SAM: Let them pass the intersection. We'll box them in. I'll take the front.

KENSI: Got it.

[Sam chases the van, overtakes it, brakes and spins to block its way – Kensi comes from behind. Charlie stops, gets out and starts shooting]

KENSI: Federal agents!

[Charlie turns over to shoot again but Kensi hits him first. Sam pick up the guy’s gun and heads to the back of the van]


[She opens the back door- Sam sighs, pissed-off; the van is empty]

SAM: Callen's not in the van. Neither is the bomb.

[OPS center.]

NELL: Hold on. I just got a report of a suicide on the 101 freeway. A woman got out of her car and shot herself in the head. The police are identifying her as Gloria Segarra.

ERIC: The 101 is the route LAPD is using to escort Ephraim Nabeel to Braddock University.

KENSI: Why would she do that?

DEEKS: Maybe she had a change of heart; she wants to stop the whole thing from going down.

ERIC: I don't think so. The freeway's shut down. She shot herself just past the Santa Fe exit. That's where all 101 traffic is now being diverted. That's the off-ramp.

NELL: And that's our warehouse.

ERIC: Anyone on the freeway will have to drive right in front of it.

HETTY: Including...Mr. Nabeel. Alert the LAPD immediately. Mr. Callen and the bomb never left the building.


[Recycling mill]

CALLEN [normal voice]: When did you know?

[He’s sit on old scales- hands tied on each side; he’s wearing the bomb. Jamal is with him, a phone into his hands]

JAMAL: You wrote your letter with your right hand. I don't remember much about Anwar when we were in school, except that... all of us left-handers, were all sat together on the last row.

[He puts a phone in the vest]

CALLEN: How is blowing up an abandoned warehouse gonna make a statement for you?

JAMAL: By killing a heretic as his motorcade passes. His police escort should announce his arrival very nicely.

[He connects the phone and the bomb]

JAMAL: The benefits of independent jihad: the ability to adapt very quickly. Your government sends a federal agent, [whispering]: we improvise. And should we be denied our prize, well, we improvise again. A federal agent...should make a very nice consolation prize.

[He leaves Callen, surrounded by cans and fertilizer bags… The special agent tries desperately to free his hands]


[Jamal is still in the building when the door bangs open: Sam, Deeks and Kensi are rushing in. He doesn’t have time to reach his gun before they shoot him. Sam checks the body; Deeks and Kensi look around]

KENSI: Clear!

DEEKS: Clear!

CALLEN: In here!

[Kensi and Deeks find G when Sam pulls a cell phone out of Jamal’s pocket]

DEEKS: Sam, the vest!

CALLEN: It's just me. There's no one in here.

SAM: It can't be activated.

[He shows the phone off]

SAM: This is Jamal's cell phone. If a call would've been completed to the cell on your vest...

[Deeks cuts the plastic cuffs off G’s hands]

SAM: then this would have...

CALLEN: It's nice to see you, too.

KENSI: How you doing? You okay?

CALLEN: Yeah. I've been better.

[He stands up]

CALLEN: Thank you.

SAM: Stop!

[G was about to get down from the scales]

SAM: Don't move. Looks like you're on some sort of scale. It's rigged.

CALLEN: What are we talking?

[Sam kneels down]


SAM: Looks like a pressure switch wired to some high explosives.

KENSI: So if he steps off the scale...

DEEKS: He triggers the charge.


SAM: Be still. Be very still, G. Okay.

[He has taken wire cutters out of his pocket and stares at the device. He hesitates: right or left, red or white? Kensi, Deeks and G hold their breath. Sam closes his eyes when he cuts the red; he sighs and sits down on his heels.]


SAM: Got it. We're good.

[Both are relieved…]

CALLEN: Thank you.


[NCIS office. Callen is at his desk; he’s looking at Gloria’s photo on his laptop. Sam joins him]

CALLEN: You ever see the movie Malcolm X?

SAM: Yeah. It's an amazing film.

CALLEN: His story is what inspired her. But then they twisted his message into something that...made her life more hopeless than it ever was.

SAM: That's how Islamic terrorists recruit. They find someone who's vulnerable...twist the promise of the Quran, corrupt it to fit their needs.

CALLEN: Yeah, but in the end, Malcolm walked away from extremism. Jamal pushed her towards it.

SAM: Everyone has a choice, G. Gloria made the wrong one.

CALLEN: It's not always that simple.

[Kensi and Deeks come at the desks]

DEEKS: Where's-where's my-my fish?

SAM: Don't look at me.

CALLEN: I didn't touch it.

DEEKS: Guys, there was an aquarium, and it had fish in it.

[Nell and Eric stop in the stairs]

NELL: What's, uh, going on?

[Kensi laughs]

KENSI: Uh, Deeks can't find his fish.

DEEKS: I can't find my fishies.

[Eric points at Hetty’s office]

DEEKS: What?


[They all go into her office; she’s watching the fishes]

HETTY: So, this aquarium is like a doppelganger tank. Each fish represents one of our team.

DEEKS: Yeah. Except for me, that is.

DEEKS: I... Fair enough. I just haven't found the right fish for you yet.

HETTY: No worries, Mr. Deeks. Because I took the liberty of finding one of my own.

DEEKS: A guppy? Wait-wait, Hetty, actually there's a problem with the small fish, 'cause they tend to be eaten by the bigger ones. You couldn't...

[Too late, the guppy is already swimming in the aquarium]

DEEKS: Ah-ah-ah! You're gonna get eaten by the...

[They all hold their breath, watching the big fishes facing the tiny one…And all the big ones suddenly turn over and swim away. Hetty looks at the team]

HETTY: Why are you staring at me?

DEEKS: Uh...

[They’re all puzzled]

HETTY: Get back to work! All of you!

[They obey]

KENSI: Well done.

[Hetty leans towards the aquarium]

HETTY: You guys can swim, but you can't hide…


                                  ------------------------ THE END ------------------


Kikavu ?

Au total, 126 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

02.10.2023 vers 21h

21.08.2023 vers 23h

16.04.2023 vers 12h

30.04.2022 vers 11h

17.02.2021 vers 21h

24.12.2020 vers 11h

Derniers commentaires

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Austin83  (14.06.2019 à 22:09)

ah tiens, comme quoi chaque personne est différente, car j'ai tout aimé dans cet épisode, l'aquarium, l'enquête en elle même et surtout l'interprête de Parker Lewis, était assez convaincant en terroriste islamiste !!!! il en était même flippant lorsqu'il a essayé de tenir tête à Kensi !!!

schumi  (10.06.2019 à 22:39)
Bonne idée cet aquarium miroir de l'équipe. J'aime particulièrement ceux de Eric et nell. Par contre je n'ai pas été convaincue par corin nemec en tant que terroriste tchétchène... ni par cet épisode en général.


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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