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#312 : Prisonniers

Synopsis: Pistant des marchandises suspectes, Tony et Ziva sont pris dans les feux d’une fusillade sur le port de Norfolk et se réfugient dans un container que les terroristes referment sur eux. Comme leurs GPS sont inefficaces, les deux agents tentent d’être repérés autrement. Gibbs se met à leur recherche avec la collaboration du chef de la sécurité.


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Boxed in

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Première diffusion en France


NCIS 3x12

NCIS 3x12


Plus de détails

Scénaristes: Dana Coen
Réalisateur: Dennis Smith

Guests :
Daniel Roebuck (Matthew Lake)
Morocco Omari (Thomas Survoy)
Tony Armatrading (Wilson N'Diaye)
James Martin Kelly (Mookie Perkins)

Le NCIS surveille de près un navire qui se dirige vers Norfolk. D'après les renseignements obtenus, le bateau contiendrait dans sa cargaison des explosifs et des armes destinés à un marché parallèle et illégal. Tony et Ziva, qui sont chargés de rester en planque, se rendent près des conteneurs concernés quand ils voient qu'il en manque.
C'est à ce moment là qu'il sont sous les coups de feu d'une fusillade.
Ils ripostent et se cachent dans un conteneur entrouvert, mais se retrouvent enfermés lorsque leurs assaillants referment la porte.
Ils tentent de contacter Gibbs mais, à cause du conteneur, ils ne captent pas de réseau.

Pendant ce temps, Gibbs apprend que le bateau contient de nombreux explosifs. Il demande alors à McGee d'avertir Tony et Ziva pour les avertir de ne rien toucher sans une équipe de déminage.

Comme ils n'arrivent pas à les joindre, ni à les repérer grâce à leurs téléphones portable, le NCIS entame aussitôt des recherches et craint que les trafiquants n'aient eu vent de l'enquête en cours sur leurs activités.

Prisonniers, Tony et Ziva font tout pour se libérer. Ils savent que leurs collègues ne sont pas loin.
Avec l'aide de McGee et d'un fonctionnaire du port (M. Lake), Gibbs tente tout pour localiser ses agents.

Gibbs et McGee vont alors là où les caméras de surveillance ont repéré Tony et Ziva pour la dernière fois.
Ils voient alors des traces de sang, des douilles, et le corps d'un homme (l'un de ceux qui avaient tiré sur Tony et Ziva).

Pendant ce temps-là, enfermés dans leur conteneur, Tony et Ziva fouillent les caisses qu'il contient: ils ne trouvent que des DVD de films de bollywood.
Tony remarque alors que le conteneur semble moins grand qu'il n'y parait à l'exterieur: il découvre un faux fond derrière lequel sont cachées des caisses contenant des millions et des millions de dollars.
Tony décide d'en brûler un tas afin de se réchauffer mais ils se retrouvent vite enfummés.
Grâce aux petits trous d'aération, Ziva jette un à un des billets pour que quelqu'un réussisse à les suivre. Pendant ce temps, Tony essaie de fabriquer une antenne qu'ils pourront passer à travers les trous d'aération pour pouvoir capter. Pour cela, il prend le collier de Ziva, qu'il essaie de faire tenir à la verticale grâce aux boîtes de DVD.

Il réussit à joindre Gibbs lorsque ils sont de nouveaux assaillis par les balles.
Il parvient à lui dire de suivre les billets, ce que Gibbs ne comprend pas.

Abby, qui a réussit à localiser Tony et Ziva, ne parvient pas à joindre Gibbs. Elle appelle alors M.Lake, qui est le responsable des quais et qui s'est chargé de diriger Gibbs et McGee, pour lui indiquer les coordonnés.

Sur le chemin, Gibbs et McGee voient un type qui rammasse des billets.
Grâce à ses indications, ils ont enfin la bonne direction.

M.Lake libère enfin Tony et Ziva de leur conteneur, pour finalement les tenir en joue, car il est complice pour le trafic.

Finalement, Gibbs arrive et libère réellement les deux agents.

Durant tout l'épisode, Tony embête Ziva car il veut savoir pourquoi elle a invité à dîner (la veille) McGee et Jimmy Palmer (l'assistant de Ducky) mais pas lui.
Après leur libération, à la fin de l'épisode, Ziva invite Tony à dîner et tout le monde la remercie du dîner de la veille: il se rend alors compte que Abby et même Gibbs y étaient, et ont apprécié.


TONY: Ah, you should have been there last night, you would have loved it.  Two warriors squaring off in the ring.    
ZIVA: I had plans with McGee.    
TONY: Mud glistening off their thongs.  Wait, back up a second.  You were with McGeek?    
ZIVA: No.  He was with me.  I was making him dinner.    
TONY: Why would you make McGee dinner?    
ZIVA: I like to cook.    
TONY: You cook?    
ZIVA: Jimmy seemed to like it.    
TONY: Palmer?!  I’ve never even been to your place and you’re cooking dinner for McGee and the autopsy gremlin?  At what point did the Earth come off its axis?    
ZIVA: Perhaps now, Tony.  What’s wrong with that picture?    
TONY: Containers aren’t unloaded at the dock.    
TONY: Clear!  Custom seal’s been broken.    
TONY: Get inside!    
ZIVA: I think we’ve just been screwed in here, Tony.    
TONY: The term is bolted.    
ZIVA: Same difference.    
  (FADE OUT)   
 MUSIC IN:    
 “BOXED IN”    
TONY: (V.O.)  I tried that.  It’s bolted from the outside.    
  CUT TO:     
ZIVA: I knew your idea was stupid. (SFX: TONY AND ZIVA KICK THE WALLS)   
TONY: My idea?    
ZIVA: Yes.  Taking up a defensive position inside a metal box!   Yes!  

TONY: You’re not panicking on me, are you?    
ZIVA: I don’t panic!  This is me… mad!    
TONY: I’m not getting any reception.  How about you? (TELEPHONE FX)   
ZIVA: I’m braless.    
TONY: I noticed that earlier.  But on your phone they’re bars.    
ZIVA: Don’t you have anything better to do than correct my English?    
TONY: Like what?    
ZIVA: Like getting us out of this box you trapped us in.    
TONY: Okay, first of all, this is not my fault.  Second of all, I like dark, tight spaces.    
ZIVA: Unless, of course, they insist on some form of commitment.    
TONY: I was referring to my childhood bedroom.    
ZIVA: Hmm.    
TONY: Hmm.  It looks like our smugglers have removed most of the cargo.  So they’re probably not coming back.    
ZIVA: We’re still locked in a box and freezing to death.    
TONY: Somebody might have heard the gunfire.    
ZIVA: Yeah, well if they did, they’d be here by now.    
TONY: Ooh, you know what we could do?  Fire a couple of rounds out of these ventilation shafts.  Maybe someone will hear us.    
ZIVA: Oh, yeah.  Maybe they didn’t hear the massive firefight.  So let’s just waste the little ammunition we have.  You know what?  You’re brilliant.  Genius!    
TONY: Sarcasm is the refuge of a shallow mind.  What do you suggest we do?    
ZIVA: I suggest we bust out of here now.    
TONY: Okay, Bugsy, I’ll take care of the security guard and I’ll go through the front gate.    
ZIVA: (SHOUTS OVER)  Tony, this is not funny!  It’s not funny!    
TONY: I know!    
TONY: What we need to do is relax and remain calm and wait.    
ZIVA: For what?  For them to come in with reinforcements?    
TONY: For Gibbs.  Trust me.  He’ll find us.    
ZIVA: (SIGHS)  I believe you.  The question is, will it be before we freeze to death?    
  CUT TO:     
SURVOY: (ON MONITOR) Our intel was wrong, Gibbs.  The container isn’t filled with small arms.  It’s a shipment of explosives.    
GIBBS: C-four?    
SURVOY: (ON MONITOR) Worse.  Unexploded K-M-G-U cluster bomblets.    
GIBBS: From where?    
SURVOY: (ON MONITOR) Iraq.  Al Qaeda pays kids fifty cents a day to collect the bomblets.  Most of them end up dead, the lucky ones crippled.  These bomblets are…    
GIBBS: Highly unstable.  Yeah.  I’d say that’s worse.    
SURVOY: (ON MONITOR) French intelligence out of Dakar believes they may have been loaded onto a Senegalese ship last week.    
GIBBS: Last week?!  Why are we just hearing about this today?    
SURVOY: (ON MONITOR)  Have you ever worked with the French, Gibbs?    

GIBBS: Yeah, a few times.    
SURVOY: (ON MONITOR) Then you know what I’m up against.    
GIBBS: I’ve got two agents down at the docks.  I need more than “they may have been loaded on a Senegalese ship”, Tom.     
SURVOY: (ON MONITOR) We’re working on it, Jethro.  Just tell your people to be careful.    
GIBBS: (TO MCGEE)  Where are they now, McGee?    
MCGEE: Tony said that they were relocating.    
GIBBS: Why?    
MCGEE: Said that they had new intel.    
GIBBS: Are you waiting for me to say please?    
MCGEE: I couldn’t make it out.  The phone reception was already hinky before I lost them.    
GIBBS: Well un-lose them!  I don’t want them touching anything without a bomb squad present!    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: Pinch me now!  Another crate of movies!  Look at them all!    Maybe there’s a crate full of DVD players in here.      
ZIVA: Ooh, let’s not forget the battery operated generators and the pop corn machines!    
TONY: I’m open to all things cinema.    
ZIVA: Huh.  They’re East Indian.  Bollywood.  No subtitles.  

TONY: It’s low on the list of genres, I know.  But extremely babe-heavy.  Where are the small arms?  I mean, why would they shoot at us over copies of “Kuch Kuch Hota Hai?”    
ZIVA: Does it matter?  We need to get out of here, Tony.    
TONY: Yeah, I heard that the first fifty times you said it.  Hey, you’re not claustrophobic, are you?    
ZIVA: No!    
TONY: Because I’m telling you, that would be another nail in the shoe of my day.    
ZIVA: What if we blow a hole at the bottom of this door, near where the bolt is?    
TONY: Porquoi?    
ZIVA: It might enable us to jam something under it and force it open.    
TONY: Not liking it.  Firing a bullet in the air… it’s bound to ricochet…    
TONY: Ha!  As I was saying, there’s a good chance the bullet might ricochet and kill one of us!    
ZIVA: Sorry.    
TONY: Why are you on top of me?    
ZIVA: I’m protecting you, Tony.    
TONY: Don’t.    
ZIVA: Well you didn’t seem to mind when we were undercover.    
TONY: That might have something to do with the fact that you were naked.    
ZIVA: Perhaps if it were warmer in here.  Hm?    
TONY: Let me rephrase the question.  Why are you still on top of me?    
  CUT TO:     
MCGEE: Our last contact with them was here, the North Expansion.  They were checking out a West African cargo chip that pulled in two days ago.    
GIBBS: What about the GPS stuff in their phones?    
MCGEE: Well, see, that’s the strange thing.  Their cell phone reception is bad around the docks, but their GPS chip should not be effected.  They run on a separate satellite networks, and we should be able to pick them up anyway.    
GIBBS: Should, McGee?    
MCGEE: For some reason we can’t.  Um… phones.  Phones could be turned off.  Chips could be disabled.  They could be in a structure that is blocking the GPS signal.    
GIBBS: Like the hold of a ship?!    
MCGEE: Uh, possibly.  You know, I’m thinking that they might be waiting to get into a better cell reception area before calling in.    
GIBBS: Maybe doesn’t cut it, McGee.  You should have let me know.    
MCGEE: I know.  Uh… see, the thing is you were busy, Boss.  You were in the restroom.    
GIBBS: Have you ever had a conversation in the head, McGee?    
MCGEE: One time I did.  The person that I was talking to – they were so distracted – my shoes, they kind of got…. Sorry, I should have… should have let you know.    
GIBBS: Don’t apologize.  It’s a sign of weakness.  Let’s find them before DiNozzo blows both his arms off.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: This doesn’t make any sense.    
ZIVA: Maybe this isn’t the container they used to smuggle their weapons.    
TONY: This is the only container that wasn’t sealed.  The rest of them are closed.    
ZIVA: They off-loaded them already?    
TONY: That might explain how they got automatic weapons.  We’re missing something.    
ZIVA: Besides warmth?    
TONY: Ziva David, does this space seem different to you?    
ZIVA: Define different.    
TONY: Does it seem smaller than the outside dimension?  Usually containers are forty feet long.  This one’s only thirty four on the inside.  Somebody’s been doing renovations.    
ZIVA: Plywood. (SFX: (KNOCK ON WOOD)    
ZIVA: Not bad.  I can almost forgive you now.    
TONY: For what?    
ZIVA: For locking us in this box.    
TONY: Ladies first.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: (V.O.)   What do you see?    
ZIVA: Trouble.  Arabic script.  

TONY: What does that say?    
ZIVA: This end up.  Handle with care.  Caution: explosive ordnance.    
TONY: A bomb?    
ZIVA: I think so, yes.    
TONY: And uh… what does this say exactly?    
ZIVA: Death to America.    
TONY: Ah great.  Are you thinking what I’m thinking?    
ZIVA: Perhaps if it involves a violent and painful death.    
  (MUSIC OUT)   
 MUSIC IN:    
TONY: Ah!    
ZIVA: Careful.  This may be booby-trapped a dozen different ways.    
TONY: So why are we opening it again?    
ZIVA: Because if it is a bomb, it may be armed.    
TONY: Hey listen, if this thing goes off, I just want you to know…    
ZIVA: This is not your fault.  I know.    
TONY: Uh, no.  I was going to say your life would have had more meaning if you’d slept with me.    
ZIVA: If you had anything else on your mind, perhaps I would have.    
TONY: Really?    
ZIVA: Um, no.  Ready?    
TONY: Hold on.      
TONY: All right.  Up a… up an inch.  

ZIVA: No visible wires.  Proceed.  Oh my god!    
TONY: Well, I didn’t expect to see that.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: There’s got to be millions in here.  More than enough to bankroll one hell of a terrorist op.  These DVDs were just decoys to get through Customs.  I’ll tell you what.  When we get out of here, I’m going to buy you a house.  But it’s going to have to be a fake house because these are counterfeit.    
ZIVA: How can you tell?    
TONY: The Treasury ran a workshop with us.  First, they’re freshly printed.    
ZIVA: Your Treasury prints millions everyday.    
TONY: So do countries like Syria and North Korea.  The hundred dollar bill hasn’t been redesigned since ninety-six which makes it very vulnerable to this kind of counterfeit.    
ZIVA: Still that doesn’t explain how you know they’re fake.    
TONY: The ink.  It smells.    
ZIVA: Yes, like ink.    
TONY: Well, our money doesn’t smell.  Here.  Try it.  Give it a little sniff.    
ZIVA: Ooh, god!  That smells like stale alcohol and… your armpit.    
TONY: Yeah, the point is, it doesn’t smell like ink.  Now, there’s only one way to know for sure.  If it burns orange, it’s real.    
ZIVA: Impressive, but irrelevant.  Real or not, our friends are coming back for it.    
TONY: They may already be here.    
  CUT TO:     
LAKE: Your people checked in with me at seven oh six.  DiNozzo and David, right?  They were surveilling containers for illegal contraband from West Africa.    
GIBBS: That’s them.    
LAKE: Well, they’re staked out by the dock on the North Expansion.    
GIBBS: Not anymore.    
MCGEE: They changed their post.    
LAKE: See, now this is… I’ve got to tell you something.  I made it very clear to them that any change of plans goes through this office.  Where are they now?    
GIBBS: Well, that would be the purpose of this visit, Mister Lake.  We lost contact.    
LAKE: So for all we know they’re out there wandering around somewhere lost.    
GIBBS: My people don’t get lost!    
LAKE: Agent Gibbs, this is one of the largest ports on the East Coast.  Believe me, it happens all the time.  Matthew?    
MATTHEW: Sir?    
LAKE: Do me a favor.  We’ve got two missing Feds.  Take a team and sweep the sectors by the North Expansion.  Call me when you find them.    
MATTHEW: You got it.    
LAKE: You’re welcome to wait here while we locate them.    
MCGEE: Mister Lake, it would be helpful if we could review the security camera footage.  

LAKE: Yeah, sure.  I’ll have one of my tecs work on it.  Hey, what kind of contraband were they looking for?    
GIBBS: Arms shipment.  Explosives.    
LAKE: What ship?  We’re going to have to lock it down, and search it container by container.    
MCGEE: Our intel indicates that it might be Senegalese.    
LAKE: Might be?  Meaning you don’t have any idea?    
GIBBS: No.  Not yet.    
LAKE: Do you have any idea who busy we are here?  Right now I’ve got three ships sailing under the Senegalese flag.  Two more coming in on Thursday.  Well how accurate is your intelligence?  (BEAT)  Do you guys know how many intel BOLOs I get in one week?  And how many of them turn out to be false alarms?  I’m going to need more than chatter before you disrupt the port.    
GIBBS: Yeah?  Well I need to find my people.  (INTO PHONE)  Abby?    
LAKE: Is he always like that?    
MCGEE: Yeah, pretty much.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: (COUNTING)  One million, eight hundred, twenty.  One million…    
ZIVA: Counting your riches King Cole?    
TONY: Midas.  King Cole had a merry old soul.  That’s one hundred twenty million…  thanks.  You made me lose count again.    
ZIVA: Good.  Now you can put your soul to good use.    
TONY: Doing what?  

ZIVA: Helping me set up this defensive perimeter.      
TONY: Ah, actually I was warming to your earlier idea of getting us out of here.  If we burn these bills…    
ZIVA: We’ll die of smoke inhalation, Tony.    
TONY: Oh, no no no no no.  Look up.  Heat rises, right?  So the smoke is going to out through these ventilation slots and draw attention to our position.  Not to mention the added benefit of heat production.    
ZIVA: Are you serious?    
TONY: Well, it makes more sense than firing a gun inside a metal box, now doesn’t it?  Don’t worry about a thing.  The worse thing that can happen is it gets a little smoky in here.  It’s kind of fun. (TONY BEGINS LIGHTING THE BILLS ON FIRE)   
ZIVA: Um… it’s a little crazy, actually.    
TONY: Ha ha!  Now that feels good.    
ZIVA: Okay, well, it’s a little warmer.    
TONY: Whoa!    
TONY: Here we go.  Out the ventilation shaft.    
TONY: It’s okay.  It’s okay.    
  CUT TO:     

 INT. LAB – DAY     
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  I can barely hear you, Gibbs.   (BEGIN TELEPHONE INTERCUTS)   
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  Where are you?    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  Norfolk Port Authority.      
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (V.O./FILTERED)  We’re sending over a surveillance (STATIC)    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  Surveillance what?    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  Videos.  I want you to look at this morning’s recording (STATIC)…. of the North Expan….     
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (V.O./FILTERED)  … and three.    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  For what, exactly?    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  Anything of Tony and Ziva.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  Tony and Ziva aren’t here, Gibbs.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)   I know that, Abby!    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (V.O./FILTERED)  We’re looking for them!    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  Are they missing?    
  (SCENE CUT)    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  Hold on, okay?  I’ve got another call coming in.  Abby Sciuto, NCIS.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  Find Tony and Ziva, Abs!  The videos are on their way…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (V.O./FILTERED)  … To you right now.    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  Can I talk to McGee?    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  Because…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  I need to know what codec they use for…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  …. Encoding their video.    
MCGEE: (INTO PHONE)  Hello?    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  What happened…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  … To Tony and Ziva?    
MCGEE: (V.O./FILTERED)  Ah…     
  (SCENE CUT)    
MCGEE: (INTO PHONE)  Abby, it’s not a really good time right now.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  You’d better call me…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  As soon as you’re Gibbs-free, McGee!    
  (SCENE CUT)    
MCGEE: (V.O./FILTERED)  I will.  I will.    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  Promise me!    
  (SCENE CUT)    
MCGEE: (INTO PHONE)  Abby, I promise!  Okay?    
LAKE: Okay, transfer is complete.  Copy of all of our security footage since the time that your agents arrived.    
GIBBS: Where are those Senegalese ships docked?    
LAKE: Piers Five Alpha, Three Tango, and Six Delta.    
GIBBS: I want to see them.    
MCGEE: I think that means we go with him.    
  CUT TO:     
ZIVA: Definitely your worst idea yet.    
TONY: No, my worst idea was challenging a date to an oyster eating contest.    
ZIVA: The air in here is like soup.  Do you want to give me a hand with this, please?!    
TONY: Sure.  So riddle me this, Bat girl.  How does one wrangle an invite to dinner at your place?    
ZIVA: Why?  You feel a little left out, Tony?    
TONY: I mean, McGee I can understand.  He’s a good guest.  I’ll bet he brought a bottle of wine.    
ZIVA: And dessert.    
TONY: Yeah, big surprise there.  But Palmer…. I’ve had more stimulating conversations with cats.    
ZIVA: I like him.  And he was very helpful to me.  

TONY: How?    
ZIVA: He tuned my piano.    
TONY: I used to play piano.    
ZIVA: But not anymore?    
TONY: My mother forced me to take lessons from this woman who used to hit me with a ruler every time I made a mistake.  I haven’t played since.    
ZIVA: Were you any good?    
TONY: Yeah, I actually was.    
  CUT TO:     
 INT. LAB – DAY     
DUCKY: I need you to re-sample the histo-pathology for me.  Is something wrong?    
ABBY: Why does he do that, Ducky?    
DUCKY: Who?    
ABBY: Gibbs.  Why does he withhold?  He wants me to check the Northfolk Terminal Security video for Tony and Ziva.    
DUCKY: Oh, it’s probably nothing.    
ABBY: Oh, no.  It’s something.   Gibbs can smell the rotten cabbage in the middle of the pile.    
DUCKY: Do you think Tony and Ziva are in trouble?    
ABBY: I’m thinking that’s what Gibbs is thinking.    
DUCKY: Then we do have cause for concern.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: Very well done, darling.  But where are we going to put the divan?  Actually, you know, it looks pretty good.  I particularly like your firing slots.    
ZIVA: Of course, against automatic weapons it’ll disintegrate in thirty seconds.    
TONY: Yeah.  What is it about danger and uncertainty that makes me feel so….    
ZIVA: Horny?    
TONY: Hungry.  I’d kill for a pizza right now.  What?    
ZIVA: You don’t have to joke about it.  It’s all right to admit you’re scared.    
TONY: You’ve obviously never seen a Steve McQueen movie.    
ZIVA: Why must you equate everything in life to your stupid movies?    
TONY: Now see, that’s your problem.  You have no fantasy life.    
ZIVA: Oh, you couldn’t be more wrong!    
TONY: Yeah, really.  Okay, well then, throw one out there.  Let’s hear a Ziva David fantasy.    
ZIVA: It concerns you.    
TONY: Ooh, I’m all ears.    
ZIVA: And a Sumo wrestler.    
TONY: You can stop there.    
ZIVA: You see, it’s all about hot women and brave men to you.  Anything deeper and you shut it down.    
TONY: That’s not true.  I like a lot of deep movies.  Pick a genre, any genre.    
ZIVA: Okay, best dating movie.    
TONY: Night Of The Living Dead.  I’m kidding.  Tom Jones.  Eating as sex.    
ZIVA: Best sex movie.    
TONY: Body Heat.  William Hurt, Kathleen Turner.  Smart noir.  I like the whole sweaty, chairs-through-glass-doors, thing.    
ZIVA: Yeah, I prefer the air conditioner on.  And if anybody threw a chair through my door, I would probably shoot them.  

TONY: Did you just reveal something about your sex life?    
ZIVA: Obliquely.    
TONY: I’m stunned because you never talk about yourself.  Why is that?    
ZIVA: Maybe I like a little privacy.    
TONY: No, I understand.  But we could die here.  I mean, you know, we’re in a cold metal box.  So give me something.  Happiest moment?  Most embarrassing moment?  First time you realized Daddy wasn’t perfect.  (LONG BEAT)  Okay, I’ll tell you mine.    
ZIVA: We’re not sharing.    
ZIVA: We’re being lifted by a forklift.    
  CUT TO:     
GIBBS: See if you can find their vehicle, McGee.    
MCGEE: On it.    
GIBBS: What time’s that ship scheduled to get underway?    
LAKE: They’re still off-loading, so some time tomorrow afternoon.    
MCGEE: (V.O.)  Hey Boss, I found it!  It’s locked.    
GIBBS: Find them, McGee.  Spread out!  (TO LAKE)  How many times do these containers come and go on a given day?    
LAKE: On this dock, thousands.    
GIBBS: You know what this is?  

LAKE: That’s a blood trail.    
GIBBS: Do you still think this is just chatter, Lake?    
MCGEE: (V.O.)  Boss?    
GIBBS: What do you got, McGee?    
  (MUSIC OUT)   
 MUSIC IN:    
MCGEE: Now this is where the blood trail stops, Boss.    
GIBBS: You mean starts.    
MCGEE: Ah, yes, that’s what I mean.  Now I’ve broken the area into four sections.  Area One over here is where all the action seems to have been centered.  We’ve recovered three different types of brass.  It must have been one hell of a gunfight.    
GIBBS: Yeah, well I’ll bet Tony and Ziva thought so, McGee.  They were right here.    
MCGEE: Well, we recovered the other two types of brass from over there where the blood trail started.  Back there.    
GIBBS: They were caught in a crossfire.    
MCGEE: Now look, Boss.  Boss.  You don’t… you don’t think they’re… should we put divers in the water or…?    
GIBBS: They’re not in the water. McGee, if they were in the water, they’d be dead, McGee.  If they were dead, I’d know about it.  They’re not dead.    
LAKE: All right, my people have been rounding up dock workers.  So far no one heard any gunfire.  

GIBBS: I want to find out if there were any other containers here.    
LAKE: Yeah, well we’re compiling a manifest of every container off-loaded from the ship.  If they’ve left the port we’ll find them.    
GIBBS: If not?    
LAKE: Are you asking me to search every container still in port?    
GIBBS: No.  I’m ordering you.  Make it happen, McGee.    
DUCKY: They shot him three times.      
GIBBS: At least they got one of them, Duck.    
DUCKY: Can I ask where they are?    
GIBBS: Not if you’re expecting an answer.    
DUCKY: What does your gut tell you?    
GIBBS: Tell me about this guy.    
DUCKY: Twenty five to thirty five years old. Mortally wounded.  He was able to run about fifty yards before a massive loss of blood brought him down.  And someone dragged him in here.  Foreign born.    
GIBBS: You got his I.D.?    
DUCKY: No, dental work.  No caps or crowns.  The work is primitive.  And I thought England was bad.      
GIBBS: Third world?    
DUCKY: I should say so.  Oh, something else you may be interested in.  These hands are soft.  No discernable callouses.     
GIBBS: He’s not a dock worker.    
DUCKY: Well, I’ll know more when I get him back.  You’ll find them, Jethro.    
GIBBS: Is that a question or statement, Duck?    
DUCKY: More of a prayer.    
  CUT TO:    
TONY: You know, under normal circumstances, this would be considered fun.    
ZIVA: Yeah, well I can’t tell where we’re going.    
TONY: Well, there’s only three ways we’re going to get there.  Train…    
ZIVA: That’s quaint.  We’d be like the homos in those old movies.    
TONY: Hobos, not homos.  That would be my third choice.    
ZIVA: The ship?     
TONY: That’s my second choice.    
ZIVA: Days without food or water.      
  (SFX: TRUCK B.G.)   
ZIVA: Sounds like a truck. (SFX: VOICES B.G.)   
TONY: That’s my first choice.  (SHOUTS)  Hey, let us out of here!    
ZIVA: (QUIETLY)  Stop it!  Stop it!  Stop it!  Stop it!    
TONY: Okay.  Maybe if I fired a shot out of here they’d know that we were in here.    
ZIVA: That’s not a good idea.  That’s not a good idea.    
TONY: Okay.    
ZIVA: You’re assuming whoever’s driving doesn’t know we’re here.  If they do, they can’t leave the port with us aboard.  They’ll take us back inside and they’ll deal with us first.    
TONY: Right.  Right.  Okay, I have a plan.  We build a time machine.  

ZIVA: We could leave a trail?    
TONY: Sorry, Gretel, I left all my bread crumbs back at the office.    
ZIVA: Well then it’s a good thing we’ve got all this dough.    
  CUT TO:     
 INT. LAB – DAY     
ABBY: I’m starting to get really freaked out here, Gibbs. I found Tony and Ziva…. (BEGIN TELEPHONE INTERCUT)   
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  …. On the Port video, but I don’t think it’s enough.    
GIBBS: It’s all right, Abs.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: I just… I feel like I’m failing them and I…    
GIBBS: (V.O./FILTERED)  Just take us through it.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: Start with Pier Three.    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  Okay.  Are you getting this too, McGee?    
MCGEE: Yep.  Transmission is good.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: All right.  Their car ….    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED) …Pulled up at seven fifty seven.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: They got out, and then they leave two minutes and thirty two seconds later.    
GIBBS: (V.O./FILTERED)  Anyone else…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS:  …In the car?    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: No.    
GIBBS: (V.O./FILTERED)  Take me to the other location, Abby.    
  CUT TO:     
  CUT TO:     
TONY: Okay, you stick with that.  I’m going to see if the reception is any better.  

TONY: Nothing.  What we need is a better antenna.  I think a wire would work.  Any kind of conductor, really.  Hey, your necklace.  We can attach it to the end of the antennae and slip it out of the slot.    
ZIVA: Cell phone antennas are vertical.  The wire can’t dangle.    
TONY: Well, we need to stiffen it, Ziva.    
ZIVA: I’ve heard that before.    
TONY: Work with me here.  We can slice the spines off these DVDs and sandwich it in between.     
ZIVA: Oh!    
TONY: Are you okay?    
ZIVA: Yes.  I still need something to reflect off.    
TONY: The side of the container.    
ZIVA: The angle needs to be precise, Tony.    
TONY: The response I’m looking for here is, “Cool Tony!”    
ZIVA: I’m saying it might work.    
TONY: When this is all over we’re going to watch Kuch Kuch Hoda Kai.    
  CUT TO:     
 INT. LAB – NIGHT     


 This is where it gets disturbing.  (ON MONITOR) It’s like looking at an Escher print.  I was able to isolate (ON CAMERA) four segments.  At eight sixteen I have them getting out of the North Expansion sector.  Then at this point they walk out of frame.  Another camera picked them up at (ON MONITOR) eight nineteen. 
(CONT. ON CAMERA)  You see them here, (ON MONITOR) and then here.  And they have their guns drawn.  The problem is that there’s another container blocking the camera.  Now, look at the bottom left (ON CAMERA) corner of your screen.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
MCGEE: Boss, that’s our dead guy.    
ABBY: (ON MONITOR) I ran his photo…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: And I got a positive I.D., Gibbs.  (ON MONITOR) Interpol identified him as Moussa (ON CAMERA)  Senghor, a Senegalese (V.O./FILTERED)  citizen.      
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  He’s on the International Terrorist Watch list.    
MCGEE: Boss, Moussa Senghor has ties to Wilson N’Diaye.  He’s…    
GIBBS: Al Qaeda money man.  Financed the attack on four Bali night clubs last year.  It’s a good job, Abby.     
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  The bad news is he wasn’t alone.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: There’s no I.D. on him yet.    
GIBBS: (V.O./FILTERED)  What else you got, Abs?    
ABBY: (V.O.)  Just this.  (ON CAMERA)  They shot the camera.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
MCGEE: Abby, can you rewind it and pull…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
MCGEE: (V.O./FILTERED)  … Back to the wide angle?  Can you freeze it there?    
  (SCENE CUT)    
MCGEE: Boss, I think I know what happened.  These are the crime scene photos from the dock.  And this is from the security camera taken earlier.  The container by Ziva is missing.  If they were in a crossfire…    
GIBBS: They took cover inside. Abby, put another …    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (V.O.)  …CAFF-POW on my tab.    
ABBY: Just one, Gibbs?    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: You haven’t found them yet.    
  CUT TO:     
ZIVA: How’s it coming?    
TONY: My fingers aren’t working.  

ZIVA: Do you want me to do it?    
TONY: I’ve got it.  Just give me one of your little hair squinchie things.    
ZIVA: The term is scrunchie.    
TONY: Thank you.  Now I’ve just got to figure out how to attach this thing to the cell phone.    
ZIVA: We may not need to.  We now have several hundred thousand dollars out there floating around.  It’s a matter of time before they find us.    
  CUT TO:     
  CUT TO:     
LAKE: (V.O.)  The symbol’s from the company that uses this type of container.  I’ll tell you, Gibbs, (ON CAMERA) the problem is without a tracking number, I can’t tell you where the hell this one went.    
GIBBS: McGee.    
MCGEE: We’ve got six teams covering the gates out of the port.  They’re intercepting each container with those markings.    
GIBBS: What about the ones still in port?  

LAKE: Used by this same company?  Um…. approximately eight hundred and sixty two.    
GIBBS: I only need one.    
LAKE: Well, they’re spread out all over the complex.  It would take days to search them all.    
GIBBS: We won’t have to, Lake.  How much does one of these things weigh?    
LAKE: I don’t know.  About five tons.    
GIBBS: I can’t imagine they’re easy to move.    
LAKE: Oh, of course not.  There’s only two ways.  A crane or a top-loader forklift.    
MCGEE: Oh, there’s no crane in range of the crime scene.    
LAKE: So it would have to be moved by a top-loader.  And we only have ten of those with maybe twenty qualified operators to drive them.  Kristen.    
KRISTEN: (V.O.)  Sir?    
LAKE: Get me a list of all the top-loading forklifts that operated in the North East Expansion today.  Plus I want names of all the drivers.    
KRISTEN: (V.O.)  Right away, Sir.    
LAKE: If we find that forklift…    
MCGEE: We find who moved it.      
  CUT TO:     
  (SFX: MAN’S VOICE B.G.)   
ZIVA: We’re backing up.  Almost done?    
TONY: I just got to figure out how to attach it.    
ZIVA: I may be able to help you with that.  (BEAT)  What?  

TONY: Friction burns?    
ZIVA: Yeah, what difference does it make?    
TONY: Ah, it doesn’t.  I’m just wondering how you get them.    
ZIVA: Well, if you live long enough, maybe I’ll tell you some day.    
TONY: You know, I can only take it two ways.  Were you and McGee and Palmer were playing Twister last night?    
ZIVA: What’s a twister?    
TONY: Exactly.  That means you were having--    
ZIVA: Ooh!    
ZIVA: If you’re going to make that phone call, now is the right time to do it.    
  (FADE OUT)   
 MUSIC IN:    
 INT. LAB – NIGHT     

 The grooves match.  All three rounds that you pulled out of toothless downstairs came from Tony’s weapon.  And none of the blood samples taken from the dock match Tony or Ziva’s blood type.  I think they’re going to be okay. Tony is only one of our very best agents and Ziva…. she’s basically a trained killer, right?  I mean, she could take care of herself.  And I got a direct link to four different GPS satellites.  Either of them get an area with reception again… bam!  We’ve got them.  I really don’t think that there’s any reason to worry, Ducky.
(CONT.)  They’re going to be fine.  I need you to tell me they’re going to be okay.    
DUCKY: Of course they are.    
  CUT TO:     
GIBBS: I want every building swept room to room.  Start with the vacant ones first.    
MCGEE: Cell reception’s unreliable in the area so all movement will be coordinated by radio.  Tactical frequency is two, Admin is four.    
GIBBS: Go!  Go!  Find them.    
LAKE: Hey, Gibbs, Gibbs.   I only have two top-loaders working in the Northern Expansion today.  One here in Pier Seven off-loading a ship, and the other one is at an auxiliary warehouse.  The drivers should still be with the rigs.  I’ll send some of my people--    
GIBBS: We got it.  Let’s roll, McGee.    
  CUT TO:     
  (SFX: VOICES B.G.)   
TONY: You understand that gibberish?    
ZIVA: A little.    
TONY: What’s he saying?    
ZIVA: They’re either discussing letting us go… or the best way to murder us.  It’s a complicated language!    
TONY: Well, I’d go with number two.    
ZIVA: Me, too.  Get any reception?  

TONY: Negative.  I’m going to have to stick this antenna out one of the ventilation slots.    
WILSON: (V.O.)  If you want to live, you come out of the container now!    
ZIVA: (SHOUTS)  What was that?!  Speak up!    
  CUT TO:     
WILSON: I said, come out now, woman!  Come out now or we will come in!  What is your answer!?    
  CUT TO:     
  CUT TO:     
WILSON: She shot me!  She shot me!    
  CUT TO:     
ZIVA: Make your call.  We only have a couple of minutes now.    
  CUT TO:     
MCGEE: Okay, I think we turn up here past this next row of warehouses.    
GIBBS: You think, McGee?    
MCGEE: Well, Boss, maybe if you slowed down a little I’d--    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  Yeah, Gibbs.    
TONY: (V.O./FILTERED)  Boss, it’s me!    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  Tony!    
TONY: (V.O./FILTERED)  Yeah.    
TONY: (INTO PHONE)  Boss, it’s a long story, but the really short version is that we’re trapped in a container with millions in phony U.S. bills in some port building.    
GIBBS: (V.O./FILTERED)  You’re coming in….    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  …. Broken, DiNozzo.  Say again.    
TONY: (V.O./FILTERED)  If you can hear me…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
TONY: (INTO PHONE)  …. We left a trail of money.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  Money?    
TONY: (V.O./FILTERED)  Follow the money!    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (V.O./FILTERED)  …Phone Abby…    
ZIVA: Tony, get down!  They’re coming again!    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  DiNozzo!  Keep the damn phone on!  Abby will find you!    
TONY: (V.O./FILTERED/BROKEN) …You can look for it, Boss.  We’re out of time.  Hurry!  We’re low on ammo…      
ZIVA: (V.O./FILTERED)  Tony!    
GIBBS: See if you can get him back on that thing!    
  CUT TO:     
 INT. LAB – NIGHT     
ABBY: I knew it, Ducky!  I knew they were alive.  Huh.  Okay.  I just need a second and I’ll be able – No!  No!  No!    
DUCKY: What’s wrong?    
ABBY: I lost him again.    
DUCKY: But there they are.  On the map.    
ABBY: No, that’s just a general fix.  Means they’re somewhere within a five hundred meter radius.  If I had one more second I could have--    
DUCKY: Five hundred meters is better than we were a moment ago.  You’d better tell Gibbs.    
  CUT TO:     
  CUT TO:     
 INT. LAB – NIGHT     
ABBY: I can’t get through to Gibbs or McGee.    
GIBBS: Did you try them through the Port Security Office?    
ABBY: I was …. just about to do that.    
  (SCENE CUT)    
LAKE: (INTO PHONE)  Port Security.    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  I need to speak…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  … to Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, please.     
LAKE: (V.O./FILTERED)  He’s not here right now.  If you want…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
LAKE: (INTO PHONE) … I can patch the message to him over the radio.    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  We’ve got a GPS…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  … Fix on our missing NCIS agents.    
LAKE: Hold on.  (TO AGENTS)  Hey!  They got a fix on the missing Feds.  (INTO PHONE)  What are the coordinates?    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  They’re on the south side…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (INTO PHONE)  … Within a five hundred meter radius of warehouses….    
  (SCENE CUT)    
ABBY: (V.O./FILTERED)  …. One through four.    
LAKE: (INTO PHONE)  Okay, hey thanks.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: I’m down to four rounds.  You?  

ZIVA: Six but it doesn’t matter.    
TONY: What do you mean it doesn’t matter?    
ZIVA: Because a few more bursts like that and we’re dead.    
TONY: I’ve got an idea.      
ZIVA: How come that doesn’t comfort me?    
TONY: (V.O.) (SHOUTS)  We found your money.  (ON CAMERA)  Cease fire or we start burning it!    
  CUT TO:     
WILSON: He’s bluffing.    
WILSON: Stop!  Stop!  What are you proposing?    
TONY: (V.O.)   Surrender!    
WILSON: Then throw out your weapons.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: Not us, you idiot!    
ZIVA: (SHOUTS)  No!    
  CUT TO:     
WILSON: I think not.  There’s fifty million dollars in there.  You’ll be dead before you can burn half of it.    
  CUT TO:     
ZIVA: He’s got a valid point.    
TONY: We just have to stall long enough for Gibbs to find us.  (LOUDLY)  Ah, I just need to talk to my partner about that for a second.    
  CUT TO:     
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  Yeah, that’s a solid copy, Lake.  We’re heading that way now.    
MCGEE: Those warehouses are about two clicks from where we should make a left past these loading docks.      
GIBBS: Did you see that?      
MCGEE: That guy back there?    
GIBBS: Yeah, McGee, the one stuffing money in his pockets.    
PERKINS: I didn’t steal it.  I swear.  I found it.    
GIBBS: Where?    
PERKINS: There was a container truck.  It had money just floating out the back.    
GIBBS: Which way?  Which way?    
PERKINS: It went that way.    
GIBBS: Let’s go.  

MCGEE: Boss, that’s the wrong direction.  According to the GPS fix…    
GIBBS: Not according to DiNozzo.  He said follow the money!    
  CUT TO:     
ZIVA: I’m empty.    
WILSON: (V.O.)  This is your last chance!  Come out or you die!    
TONY: So about those friction burns?    
ZIVA: Only when I’m absolutely positive we’re going to die.    
TONY: Okay.  I’ve got two minutes.    
ZIVA: And Tony?  I’m sorry I didn’t invite you to dinner last night.    
WILSON: (V.O.)  What is your decision!    
LAKE: (V.O.)  Lake!  Port Security!  Get your hands in the air!  Get on your knees!  Do it!  Agent DiNozzo!  Agent David!    
TONY: Lake?    
  CUT TO:     
LAKE: You two had a lot of people worried, let me tell you.     
GIBBS: Where’s Gibbs?    
LAKE: He’s on his way.  Hey, do me a favor.  Cover them while I radio for some help.    
ZIVA: We’re out of ammo.    
LAKE: Ah, gee.  That’s too bad.  Come on, Wilson.  Get up.  Get the money.  Get it into the van.  Quickly!  We don’t have a lot of time.  Hurry up!    
WILSON: When this is over, the woman is mine!    
LAKE: We’ll see, Wilson.  I’ll be perfectly honest with you.  I don’t know if they’re going to be alive then.  (TO TONY)  You know, you two almost cost me fifty million dollars.    
TONY: Actually, by now it’s more like ten or twelve.    
ZIVA: We burned some of it.    
LAKE: (SHOUTS)  Do you think this is funny?!    
TONY: Not me, personally.    
GIBBS: (V.O.)  But I do.  Drop it.  (TO TONY)  Are you two okay?    
ZIVA: No.    
ZIVA: Now if you gentlemen will excuse me.    
TONY: Where are you going?    
ZIVA: I’ve been locked in a box all day!  The ladies room!    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: You missed a little spot by my left ear there.  I’d do it myself, but my wound here prevents it.    
MCGEE: Yeah, wound.  It’s a two inch scratch.    
TONY: I was grazed by a bullet.  Another six inches to the left and bam!  No more DiNozzo.  Under the chin, too.    
MCGEE: You know what?  I’m done.  Do it yourself.    
TONY: Fine!  Just don’t come to me looking for sympathy the next time you get shot.    
MCGEE: Okay, you did not get shot.  I talked to Ziva.  You cut it on a wooden box.    
TONY: Hey, there was a lot going on in that container.  Nobody’s exactly sure what happened.  All I know is I was running for my life in a hail of gunfire.    
ABBY: Tony!  I was so worried…    
ABBY: Oh my god.  Are you okay?    
TONY: Gunshot.    
ABBY: McGee!  What didn’t you tell me!?    
MCGEE: It’s barely a scratch.    
ABBY: Oh, poor baby.  Who’s going to drive you home?    
ZIVA: I am.  I’m making him dinner tonight.    
ZIVA: What was that for?    
ABBY: I’m glad you’re not dead.    
ZIVA: Oh, me, too.    
ABBY: So what are you making?    
ZIVA: Italian.    
TONY: You cook Italian?    
ABBY: Her cooking rocks, Tony!  What was the name of that dish you made last night at your party?    
GIBBS: Chunks.  Slow cooked beef with potatoes and beans.  It wasn’t bad.    
  (MUSIC OUT)   


* * * * * * * *

Prepared by C.C.   Printed in USA
Calvert Continuities   Aired 1/10/06

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Prochaines diffusions
Logo de la chaîne CBS

NCIS, S21E09 (inédit)
Lundi 29 avril à 21:00

Logo de la chaîne CBS

S21E10 (inédit)
Lundi 6 mai à 21:00

Logo de la chaîne M6

NCIS, S21E01 (inédit)
Samedi 11 mai à 21:10

S21E02 (inédit) à 21:50

Dernières audiences
Logo de la chaîne CBS

NCIS, S21E08 (inédit)
Lundi 22 avril à 21:00
6.29m / 0.3% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

NCIS, S21E07 (inédit)
Lundi 15 avril à 21:00
6.70m / 0.4% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

NCIS, S21E06 (inédit)
Lundi 1 avril à 21:00
5.90m / 0.4% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

NCIS, S21E05 (inédit)
Lundi 25 mars à 21:00
6.15m / 0.4% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

NCIS, S21E04 (inédit)
Lundi 4 mars à 21:00
6.91m / 0.5% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

NCIS, S21E03 (inédit)
Lundi 26 février à 21:00
7.00m / 0.4% (18-49)

Toutes les audiences

Une 22ème saison pour NCIS !

Une 22ème saison pour NCIS !
Après avoir célébré les 1000 épisodes de la franchise NCIS ce matin, CBS vient d'annoncé le...

Nouveau design !

Nouveau design !
Après quelques années, l'ancien design du quartier a prit sa retraite !  Au couleur de la saison 21...

De nouveaux spin-off pour NCIS !

De nouveaux spin-off pour NCIS !
Après s'être arrêtée à Los Angeles, New Orleans, Hawai'i et Sydney, la franchise NCIS va bientôt...

Abby en lice pour le nouveau sondage du quartier The X-Files !

Abby en lice pour le nouveau sondage du quartier The X-Files !
Dana Scully, médecin légsite et scientifique attitrée du Service des affaires non classées, se...

NCIS et NCIS : Hawai'i de retour en février 2024

NCIS et NCIS : Hawai'i de retour en février 2024
Ça y est, CBS a publié son planning des prime times 2024. NCIS revient pour une 21e saison et NCIS :...


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Sonmi451, Hier à 12:03

Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

choup37, Hier à 12:56

Effectivement, beaucoup de designs vous attendent dans préférences, on a besoin de vos votes

sabby, Hier à 16:31

C'est voté pour moi Et en parlant de design, le SWAT a refait sa déco. N'hésitez pas à venir voir

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 10:23

J'ai voté pour tous mais il est vrai que les scores ne montent pas, où sont les gens? Un petit click de rien du tout pliz ^^Bon dimanche pluvieux ^^

Locksley, Aujourd'hui à 10:29

Choisissez votre poster préféré du prochain film MARVEL Deadpool & Wolverine via notre nouveau sondage ! Bon dimanche !

Viens chatter !