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#316 : Blye, K. (1/2)

L'équipe du NCIS cherche à prouver l'innocence de Kensi après que celle-ci ait été incarcérée comme suspect principal du meurtre du sniper qui appartenait à l'unité de son père.

Mark D. Clookie est le patron du NCIS - dans la vraie vie!!!


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Blye K. (1/2)

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Blye, K. (1/2)

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NCIS Los Angeles - Blye, K. (3x16) promo WITH CAPTIONS

NCIS Los Angeles - Blye, K. (3x16) promo WITH CAPTIONS


Photos promo

Sam, Callen et Deeks regardent l'étage de l'OPS

Sam, Callen et Deeks regardent l'étage de l'OPS

Hetty (Linda Hunt) écoute et regarde ce qu'elle voit sur l'écran au hangar à bâteau

Hetty (Linda Hunt) écoute et regarde ce qu'elle voit sur l'écran au hangar à bâteau

Alex Harris (Gregg Henry) est intérrogé par Callen et Hanna

Alex Harris (Gregg Henry) est intérrogé par Callen et Hanna

Granger et Deeks au hangar

Granger et Deeks au hangar

Hetty et Kensi sur un banc dans un parc inconnu de Los Angeles

Hetty et Kensi sur un banc dans un parc inconnu de Los Angeles

Hetty attend son équipe

Hetty attend son équipe

Plus de détails

Scénario : Joseph C. Wilson -

Réalisation : Jonathan Frakes

Guests :

Miguel Ferrer ............................ Directeur adjoint du NCIS Owen Granger
Gregg Henry ............................ Alex Harris 
Billy Smith ............................ Agent du NCIS Carter 
Samantha Smith ............................ Agent du NCIS Bell 
Mark D. Clookie ............................ Agent du NCIS Mark Clookie
Spencer Garrett ............................ Peter Clairmont 

Deeks et Kensi entrent à l’annexe. La jeune femme a du mal à croire que son équipier  ne se soit jamais fait larguer. C’est pourtant ce qu’il affirme- d’ailleurs, qui pourrait virer l’homme synonyme de 365 jours de 7ème ciel ! Kensi ricane : elle voit ça plus au sud et beaucoup plus chaud. En fait, il fuit avant que les choses se compliquent. La dispute pourrait dégénérer mais Marty choisit de faire le dos rond.

Ils sont là parce que Kensi a reçu un message des OPS lui donnant rendez-vous, mais l’endroit semble désert. Deeks se dit que c’est peut-être une surprise pour son anniversaire –une vraie puisque ce n’est pas la bonne date, quand la voix de Granger résonne depuis la salle d’interrogatoire. Marty s’étrangle : Kensi a invité Granger ? La surprise vire au cauchemar !

En fait, Granger veut interroger Kensi. Il renvoie Deeks et fait asseoir Melle Blye du côté des suspects…Deeks n’en croit pas ses yeux quand il regarde l’écran de la pièce voisine.



Eric est près des bureaux des agents au QG quand Callen et Sam entrent d’un pas pressé en réclamant Hetty. Elle ne répond pas à son téléphone. Marty les rejoint, leur annonce que Granger va soumettre Kensi à la question à l’annexe. L’ambiance est électrique. Hetty surgit enfin et les fait monter à l’étage.

Nell met sur écran une voiture accidentée dans laquelle ce matin un militaire à la retraite,  tout juste débarqué d’un avion militaire en provenance d’Hawaï, a trouvé la mort. David Blake faisait partie d’une unité de formation au tir de précision en tant qu’équipier d’un certain Donald Blye. Le père de Kensi. Et la dernière personne ayant eu un contact avec Blake avant sa mort, c’est Kensi…Ce qui pourrait expliquer l’étrange attitude de Granger.

Celui-ci cuisine Kensi ; elle lui répète qu’elle est allée à Hawaï voir l’ancien spotter et grand copain de son père, David Blake, pour avoir des réponses sur la mort de son père. La police prétend qu’il est mort au volant parce qu’il conduisait en état d’ébriété. Or le frère de Mr Blye est décédé à cause d’un type saoul au volant. Il est totalement exclu qu’il ait choisi de conduire après avoir trop bu. Mais le dossier a été enterré, l’unité de snipers dissoute. Donc après avoir été en mission à Hawaï, Kensi s’était débrouillée pour retrouver la trace de Blake ; mais il avait clamé ne rien savoir ; point final.

Granger lui apprend  la mort de Blake ce matin même à Los Angeles. Si cette mort s’avère être autre chose qu’un accident, alors Kensi deviendra la principale suspecte de son meurtre…

Dans la salle des OPS, Eric énumère les noms des membres de l’unité de snipers dont la photo est sur le grand écran. Donald Blye, Patrick Phearson, Peter Clairmont, Jason Klemp, Ray Duvont, tous sont morts dans des accidents de voiture. Il ne reste plus que Jay Fisher – mais il a disparu. Si Clairmont est mort en Afganistan en 2006, Klemp et Duval sont décédés dans les mois qui précèdent- et la dernière personne à les avoir contactés est, comme pour Blake, Kensi Blye…

Donc Granger suspecte Kensi…L’équipe accuse le coup. Sam réclame à Eric tout ce qu’il sait sur l’unité de M. Blye. Celui-ci devait participer à une nuit d’entrainement mais a été brulé vif dans sa voiture quand elle a quitté la route. C’est Granger lui-même –apparu soudainement- qui continue : le cadavre a été identifié par la police militaire grâce à son dossier dentaire. La thèse officielle est celle d’un accident dû à l’alcool. Ce que Kensi refuse d’admettre. L’équipe de snipers était en fait une unité spécialisée dans des missions spéciales occultes.

Kensi n’est pas en état d’arrestation, mais elle est suspecte. Il apparait qu’elle n’est entrée au NCIS que pour retrouver la trace de ceux qu’elle considère responsables de la mort de son père.

Sam monte aussitôt au créneau : Kensi est un agent hors-pair avec un dossier impeccable, tout ça est absurde. Granger lui dit que les faits parlent pour eux. Hetty est d’accord avec son équipe, et comptent bien revoir de près ces faits. Granger lui prédit bien du travail pour les infirmer même s’il se doutait de leur réaction. Il commence à sortir quand G lui barre le chemin : depuis qu’il est là il mène une investigation secrète ! Granger lui demande à quoi il veut il veut en venir mais Hetty intervient : elle veut parler au directeur assistant en tête à tête. C’est donc ensemble qu’ils quittent la salle, après qu’Hetty ait rappelé à ses agents qu’ils avaient du travail.  Quelques secondes de silence lourd de ressentiment, puis G et Sam partent voir la voiture de Blake.

Dans son bureau, Hetty est très remontée contre Granger, coupable d’avoir piétiné son autorité en gardant le silence, en suspectant Kensi sans lui en parler d’abord. Le Directeur assistant lui fait remarquer que son équipe est tellement soudée que n’importe quelle méthode aurait eu le même résultat.  Le mot fait bondir Hetty : il vient de jeter cette équipe d’élite dans le chaos. Elle ne l’oubliera pas. Il lui répond simplement qu’il le sait…

Le véhicule de Blake est entreposé dans un parking de la police qui pour l’instant considère qu’il s’agit d’un accident, ce qui donne un peu de temps à Callen et Sam pour y jeter un coup d’œil. Callen trouve un téléphone dans l’habitacle ; il le  glisse dans sa poche après un signe de tête approbateur de Sam. Blake a pris la peine de venir à Los Angeles pour donner des infos à Kensi ; pourquoi pas une lettre, une-mail, un coup de téléphone ? Pour la supprimer ? Mais quelqu’un s’est chargé de lui d’abord : Sam s’aperçoit qu’une mini-charge explosive a détruit le circuit de freins. G murmure que Kensi devient donc officiellement suspecte de meurtre. Sam nuance : seulement s’ils le disent  à Granger...

Granger rejoint Kensi à l’annexe. Elle s’énerve, jamais elle ne ternirait la mémoire de l’homme qu’était son père en devenant une meurtrière.  Il  jette un dossier sur la table en lui disant que son père n’était pas vraiment le héros de l’Amérique qu’elle idéalise.

Dans la pièce à côté Deeks se penche vers Hetty : est-ce qu’elle sait ce qui est dans ce dossier ? Il semble que non. Mais elle l’envoie faire « ce qu’il fait de mieux », ce qui rendrait certainement plus service à sa partenaire que de rester ici. Il sort après qu’elle l’ait assurée qu’elle en prendrait soin.

Pendant ce temps G et Sam mènent la vie dure à Eric qui a du mal à trouver les infos du téléphone de Blake. Nell l’encourage, mais Deeks en rajoute une couche quand il arrive ; c’est bien long alors que là-bas Kensi se contrôle mais que Granger est tout tout proche de la mettre à la torture. Eric obtient enfin  un résultat. Pas étonnant que les choses aient été compliquées : Blake était en contact avec quelqu’un de la CIA. G lui demande de se renseigner auprès de l’agence pour savoir qui était le destinataire des appels. Sam ajoute qu’il n’a qu’à les hacker s’ils refusent !

Nell a trouvé d’autres appels pour un certain « Fish ». Qui pourrait être Fischer, le dernier membre de l’unité. Un téléphone brulé, mais dont le dernier appel ce matin est passé par l’antenne de Highland Park. Or le quartier résidentiel le plus proche est un camp de mobil-homes, le Silver Dollar. Où Sam, Deeks et G se rendent aussitôt.

Deeks a un peu de mal à s’extraire du siège arrière de la voiture de Sam, mais ses propositions de prendre plus grand se heurtent à la logique du conducteur : il devrait envisager d’aller à pied… G sait bien que Granger va très vite être au courant pour la voiture de Blake – (au courant de quoi ? A part le trou sur le côté ?) ; et  que vient faire la CIA là-dedans ? Sam n’en a aucune idée, mais il voit bien Fischer s’être occupé de Blake après l’avoir fait venir à LA sous un faux prétexte.

Tous les mobil-home se ressemblent, sauf un que Sam désigne : il est entretenu, alors que les autres sont à l’abandon ; une pelle multifonction ou des sachets de rations de combat confirment son intuition. Mais l’endroit est vide. Deeks ramasse un bloc et passe un crayon de bois sur la première page. Un message apparait : Alexandre, abri, 5 h ½. Un rendez-vous, mais trop vague pour en tirer quelque chose. Pendant ce temps, G a chargé Eric de vérifier les caméras du coin. Et ce qui en ressort les fait soupirer.  Un visage connu a monté la garde dans les dernières 24h : Kensi Blye.

A l’annexe Kensi apprend que l’équipe de snipers de son père ne faisait pas de l’entrainement de marines mais des opérations sensibles : l’élimination de personnalités étrangères représentant une vraie menace pour l’Amérique. La jeune femme est effondrée. Son père était un assassin ? Mais Granger s’écrie que non, bien sûr, il s’agit de meurtres « légaux ». Kensi comprend que les voyages à l’étranger ne servaient pas à former des snipers dans des pays alliés. Elle réalise qu’il lui a menti en permanence. Granger ricane, ça doit être de famille. Hetty de l’autre côté de l’écran a mal pour la jeune femme. Granger ajoute que, en l’absence du rapport de police sur la voiture, elle est libre de ses mouvements. Kensi attrape sa veste et se rue dehors. La vue d’Hetty lui arrache un « vous saviez ?» haineux. Hetty jure que non, la jeune femme tourne les talons et quitte l’annexe.

Hetty se tourne vers Granger : à quoi rime cette exhibition ridicule ? Granger se justifie : Kensi a choisi le NCIS dans un but précis ; dans son cas, ce n’est pas sans conséquence- même si Hetty pense le contraire. Mais surtout, si jamais elle est coupable, le directeur Vance n’aura d’autre choix que de dissoudre l’équipe… Hetty en reste sans voix.

Kensi est en plein nettoyage de …quelque chose. On frappe à la porte. Elle refuse d’ouvrir. On insiste. Elle soupire, cache son ouvrage sous une couverture et se résigne à entrebâiller la porte. Deeks porte des cafés ; Kensi n’est pas humeur, mais il force sa porte. Il fouille un peu partout, et bien sûr soulève la couverture : c’est un fusil qui est là, démonté. Kensi explique qu’il est à son père, mais ne veut pas dire pourquoi elle était en train de le nettoyer, et préfère changer de sujet.

Bon prince, Deeks lui donne les dernières nouvelles. Kensi marque le coup quand il lui révèle que la voiture a été sabotée – mais le fait que Marty ne lui laisse même pas finir sa question pour l’assurer qu’il ne croit pas une seule seconde qu’elle puisse en être responsable lui met un peu de baume au cœur. Et quand il lui dit qu’ils n’ont pas transmis l’info à Granger, mais qu’il ne devrait pas tarder à l’apprendre, elle réalise qu’elle est en sursis. Deeks sort alors un papier de sa poche. Il savait qu’il aurait à dire à cet instant un truc profond et s’est donc préparé : « Tout va bien se passer ». Il tourne le papier, et murmure que c’est tout – que ça sonnait beaucoup mieux quand il l’avait écrit, qu’il aurait dû l’écrire en latin …il fait du Deeks fumeux à souhait, et Kensi ne peut s’empêcher de rire. Deeks est heureux, il a atteint son but. Il s’assoit près de son équipière qui lui explique avoir gardé le silence sur beaucoup de choses afin de le protéger. Elle n’a pas le temps de finir sa phrase que le téléphone de Deeks sonne ; il finit par répondre, et change de visage : Hetty vient de lui donner l’ordre de ramener Kensi au QG selon le protocole dans le cas d’un agent suspecté de meurtre : la police a donné son rapport sur le sabotage de la voiture...

Au QG (en bas) G et Sam sont avec Eric et Nell qui, grâce à un coup de fil d’Hetty, ont pu établir que le correspondant joint par Blake à la CIA était Alex Harris, l’ancien agent de liaison de l’équipe de snipers de Donald Blye...Mais dès que la CIA a compris que ce dernier pourrait être impliqué dans quelque chose, ils ont cessé de coopérer. Ce qui pourrait faire de cet Harris l’assassin qui aurait repris ses activités quand Kensi a commencé à fouiner. Ils s’interrompent au son de la voix de Granger qui remercie Deeks, et se précipitent à leur rencontre.

Granger est justement en train d’avertir Kensi que la police scientifique a découvert le sabotage de la voiture de Blake- au passage il jette un regard furieux et une remarque soupçonneuse sur Sam, G, et Deeks qui n’ont bizarrement rien vu. Les ordres de Washington sont de mettre Kensi en garde à vue, en l’occurrence en résidence surveillée avec interdiction de tout contact avec son équipe. Deux agents sont là pour la prendre en charge. Evidemment tout le monde proteste, mais le protocole est le protocole...Hetty obtient quelques mots en privé avec la jeune femme. Elle l’assure qu’ils vont faire tout ce qu’ils peuvent pour elle. Déjà Granger s’impatiente, et le voilà parti, avec son escorte et la pauvre Kensi suivie du regard (impuissant) par ses amis. Et par Eric, qui venait en fait leur annoncer que le téléphone brulé de Fisher venait de réapparaitre dans le Vieux Théâtre de la ville.  

Eric est de retour dans la salle des OPS avec Nell. Et ce qu’ils découvrent les gênent : Kensi recherchait des infos sur son père depuis des années, et tout ce qu’elle a pu glaner lui a été transmis via ...Granger. Pourquoi n’en a-t-il rien dit ?...

Callen, Deeks et Sam entrent dans l’immense théâtre. Ils se séparent pour retrouver leur homme ; mais c’est lui qui trouve G ! Ils se battent, Fisher réussit à fuir, et saute sur une moto. Quand les agents arrivent dehors, ils se rendent compte qu’il est trop tard, la moto file sur la route...et brusquement explose avec une violence qui ne laisse aucune chance à son conducteur...

Sam et Callen regardent la police scientifique emporter le cadavre de Fischer. Deeks les rejoint ; il a trouvé un téléphone, sans doute celui de Fisher perdu pendant qu’il luttait avec G. Marty suggère que Granger devrait libérer Kensi qui manifestement n’a pas pu piéger la moto depuis sa résidence surveillée. Mais il n’y croit pas plus que les deux autres : il y a des tas de moyens d’avoir programmé la bombe. Sam tente de lui remonter le moral mais son regard alerte G ; il sent le découragement le gagner : tous les membres de l’unité de Blye père sont morts, Harris est sans doute déjà loin. Alors G empoigne le téléphone de Fisher et appelle Eric avec ; si l’ex-sniper l’a utilisé pour contacter Harris, il sera peut-être à même de le retrouver. En même temps, Callen se dit qu’il suffit d’appeler directement Harris. S’il a tué Fisher, il pourrait répondre, par curiosité ; s’il ne l’a pas tué, il répondra – mais ça voudrait dire que Kensi... L’appel ne donne rien !

Kensi se morfond...et tente d’amadouer les agents qui la surveillent : elle doit absolument donner des informations à son équipe, pour empêcher de nouveaux morts. Mais elle se heurte à un refus, toujours en vertu du protocole...et des ordres de Granger !

Du côté de Sam, Deeks et Callen, une idée vient de germer : Kensi a retrouvé la trace de Fisher et de tous les autres ; sans doute aussi de Harris. Peut-être a-elle stocké ses infos sur son ordinateur personnel. Ils décident donc de s’y rendre aussitôt. Deeks essaie bien de se réserver le siège passager, mais se retrouve quand même derrière.

L’ordinateur de Kensi contient effectivement des dossiers cachés-accessibles avec un mot de passe. Deeks – le détective qui détecte – suggère « maitredumonde » en hommage à Titanic.

Et ça marche. Toutes les photos et les infos des surveillances menées par Kensi sont là. Fisher était un paranoïaque qui stockait des tas de provisions et d’affaires dans un abri (Sam  dit à G que ça lui rappelle quelqu’un...). Les photos montrent que Kensi surveillait le camp de mobil-homes, le vieux Théâtre et un abri pour les populations civiles dans Highland Park. Deeks dresse l’oreille : le mot qu’il a retrouvé dans le mobil home disait : « Alexandre, abri, 5h30 ».  Peut-être un rendez-vous avec Harris dans l’abri. Ils décident d’aller vérifier.

L’abri anti-bombardement laisse Deeks sceptique ; Sam lui explique que les murs doivent être fortifiés par l’intérieur. Mais quand Marty émet l’hypothèse qu’il faut être timbré pour posséder un abri, l’ex-SEAL le fusille du regard ; il en a un, pour mettre sa famille à l’abri de toute éventualité. G en rajoute une louche – lui aussi ! Mais là c’est plus pour souligner qu’il s’allie à Sam contre Deeks que par pure vérité... Deeks fait un dernier effort avant de pénétrer dans l’abri dont le cadenas a été forcé : il leur demande de ne pas hurler « agents fédéraux » puisque cela déclenche toujours une fusillade contre eux. Ils progressent lentement dans l’espace encombré. Sam note des empreintes dans la poussière. Il attrape un cylindre de carton et le jette vers le fond de la pièce. Aussitôt une arme apparaît et le carton essuie des coups de feu. Sam hurle « Agents fédéraux »... et le tireur s’arrête aussitôt, au grand étonnement de Deeks. L’homme leur demande de  prouver leur identité en lançant leur badge. Sam s’exécute ; l’homme fait alors glisser son arme sur le sol, et sort lentement, les bras en l’air. Il réclame d’être mis en détention à titre de protection...

Et pendant ce temps Kensi réclame une nouvelle fois de passer son coup de fil. Comme la réponse est la même elle lance une attaque foudroyante. Les deux agents de surveillance se retrouvent KO ; elle est libre.

A l’annexe, Harris est dans la salle d’interrogation avec Sam et Callen, Granger et Deeks les regardent sur l’écran de la salle d’à côté. Mais les choses tournent court : il ne parlera qu’à Kensi et à l’endroit qu’il choisira lui-même. Et il insiste sur le fait que lui seul est capable de lui donner des réponses, une vérité qu’elle mérite de connaître. Son intérêt pour la fille de Donald Blye s’explique par un désir de rédemption...

Ils n’ont pas le choix. Sam, G et Deeks plaident leur cause auprès de Granger qui refuse tout net de faire sortir Kensi. Alors ils n’hésitent pas à  faire du chantage, le menaçant de révéler en très haut lieu qu’il avait donné accès à Kensi aux dossiers confidentiels sur son père. Granger cède, mais son téléphone qui sonne lui apprend une très mauvaise nouvelle : l’évasion de la jeune femme.

Hetty attend sur le banc d’un parc, et c’est bien Kensi qui la rejoint. Elle lui dit qu’Harris veut la voir ;ça tombe bien, l’envie est partagée. Elle la met toutefois en garde : il n’est pas question d’essayer de le doubler, donc ils seront aveugles et sourds (ni micro ni caméras). Elle lui confie une arme, et lui  conseille de faire attention...

Dans la salle des OPS, Eric tape avec frénésie quand G et Sam se ruent à l’intérieur : est-ce qu’ils ont un accès satellite ? Mais il manque encore ¾ d’heure. Par contre, il a trouvé un truc des plus intéressants : Harris et Granger étaient dans la même division à la CIA du temps où la cellule de snipers opérait... Sam propose de s’occuper du directeur assistant dès qu’ils auront prouvé l’innocence de Kensi !

La voiture de Kensi s’arrête dans le Griffith Park. C’est Nell qui est au volant, à l’arrière, Harris et Deeks. Ce dernier met l’ex-agent en garde : s’il arrive quelque chose à Kensi, il aura à faire à lui pour le temps très court qu’il lui restera à vivre. Harris rigole : est-ce que leur chef est au courant pour eux deux ? Est-ce qu’il se ment à lui-même, est-ce qu’il se cache ? En tout cas, cela rend les choses beaucoup plus compliquées !

Dans la voiture, Sam s’inquiète pour Kensi ; elle vient d’apprendre que tout ce qu’elle savait sur son père était faux...Mais G lui rappelle que le pire c’est de ne rien savoir. Evidemment, Sam fait le rapprochement avec sa propre situation. Il lui demande comment il réagira si les réponses qu’il découvre ne sont pas celles qu’il espérait. G répond par la devise de la CIA «vous connaitrez la vérité, et cette vérité vous libérera ».

Au lieu de rendez-vous, Deeks a laissé Harris et Kensi en tête à tête. Le type vérifie que personne ne les surveille. Beaucoup plus loin, Sam et G patientent : le fait de n’avoir ni œil ni oreille sur la scène est difficile pour eux, surtout pour l’ex-SEAL.

Kensi veut savoir pourquoi Harris a tué Blake et Fischer. Sauf que ce n’est pas lui ! Il avait demandé aux deux autres de le rejoindre, pour mettre au point un plan de survie. Ils pensaient alors que Kensi était le tueur. Maintenant Harris sait que ce n’est pas le cas ; son père a bel et bien été assassiné, et son meurtrier est aussi celui de tous les autres. Kensi lui réclame un nom...mais un coup de feu éclate. Touché en plein cœur, Harris s’effondre. Les balles continuent de pleuvoir. Deeks et Nell, Sam et Callen, courent ! Kensi fuit mais trop tard...elle s’effondre à son tour dans les feuilles mortes. L’écran se fige sur son corps inanimé...

--------------------------------------- A SUIVRE -----------------------------------------





[Boatshed. Deeks and Kensi enter the main room]

KENSI: So you've never been dumped?

DEEKS: What part of "never" don't you understand?

KENSI: I don't believe you.

DEEKS: Well, that's understandable considering your track record. But honestly, look at me, huh?


DEEKS: I mean, how could you break up with this, you know? I'm super fun, I'm like 365 days of heaven.

KENSI: Heaven? See, I was thinking south and much, much, much hotter.

DEEKS: So, like, Mexico?

KENSI: Let me guess, you're the "senses the breakup, initiates preemptive strike" guy.

DEEKS: Yeah, well, it's much better to be the breaker than the breakee, I think.

KENSI: You're just broken, Deeks.

DEEKS: Yeah, well, no argument there. Uh, what are we, what are we doing here? Where are the guys?

KENSI: I don't actually know. I just got a page from Ops to meet here.

DEEKS: What, are they hiding? [Loud] Are you guys hiding, huh? You throwing me a surprise party?

KENSI: You do know it's not your birthday, right?

DEEKS: Which is why it would be so surprising.

GRANGER [over intercom]: Agent Blye, could you come in here, please?

DEEKS: You invited Granger?

KENSI: Yeah!

DEEKS: This is the worst surprise birthday party ever.

[They enter the Interrogation room.]

GRANGER: [to Deeks] You can go, [to Kensi] and you can have a seat.

DEEKS: [to Kensi] You good?

KENSI: Yeah.

DEEKS: All right.

[He leaves the room]


[Interrogation room. Kensi grabs a chair]

GRANGER: Other side, Agent Blye.

KENSI: Suspects usually sit on the other side.

GRANGER: Yeah, they do. Sit down.

[She’s puzzled but obeys. Next door, Deeks watches them on the screen. ♫ Granger sits down opposite to Kensi. ♫]


                       ♫ ♫ NCIS: LA 3x16 ♫ ♫  Blye, K. ♫ ♫

                ♫ ♫ Original air date on February 21, 2012 ♫ ♫



[NCIS office. A phone is dialing… Callen and Sam hurry to their desks; Eric is standing at the screen]

CALLEN: Where's Hetty?

ERIC: Not sure, what do you need?

SAM: We need Hetty. Granger is wearing out his welcome.

[He’s on his cell phone]

CALLEN: You hear anything?

ERIC: About what?

SAM: She's not answering her phone.

[Deeks joins them]

DEEKS: Okay, Granger is acting like he's about to go medieval on Kensi in the boatshed.

CALLEN: He said what it's about?

SAM: Any other names come up?

DEEKS: Whoa, whoa, whoa, I called you guys for answers. Where is Hetty?

HETTY: Here, Mr. Deeks. All of you, upstairs now.

[They obey]


[OPS center. Hetty comes in first, Sam on her heels]

SAM: What's Granger up to now?

HETTY: Like you, I can't speculate what the assistant director is up to. Maybe this will shed some light on the situation: Nell…

[Nell puts an ID on screen]

NELL: Retired Master Sergeant David Blake boarded a military flight from Hawaii and landed at LAX at approximately 1:00 a.m. this morning. He was killed four hours ago in a car accident. His rental car crashed through an on-ramp barrier off the 105 freeway.

SAM: So what's the connection to Kensi?

NELL: In 1997 Blake was part of a sniper training unit. He was the spotter for a sniper by the name of Donald Blye.

ERIC: That's Kensi's father.

HETTY: Yes. Mr. Beale,

 access the secure server. Open a file--Ghost Recon.

DEEKS: So Kensi comes from a long line of snipers. Who else can say that?

CALLEN: Still doesn't explain what Granger is up to.

HETTY: I'm afraid it does. The last person to be in touch with Sergeant Blake before he died was Kensi.

[Sam and G exchange a look]


[Boatshed. Interrogation room. Kensi’s gun is on the table]

GRANGER: Explain your order of business while in Hawaii.

KENSI: You have asked me that three times. Repetitive questioning tactic to trip up a suspect--amateur at best!

[Granger smiles slightly]

KENSI: Again, my father belonged to a sniper training unit at Camp Lejeune. David Blake was his spotter and good friend. I went to see him because I wanted answers about my father's death.

GRANGER: Answers?

KENSI: Yes, answers. Police said my father died in a car accident.

GRANGER: Drunk driving?

KENSI: My dad's brother died because of a drunk driver. There is no way he would have gotten behind the wheel if intoxicated. Investigation was swept under the rug. My dad's unit was disbanded, and everybody walked away like nothing was wrong. I was left with nothing.

GRANGER: Okay, go on.

KENSI: After I went to Hawaii...I tracked Blake down, but he claimed he didn't know anything. That's it.

GRANGER: Sergeant Blake died in a car accident this morning in Los Angeles.

[Kensi is astonished]

GRANGER: Now, if his death turns out to be more than a tragic misfortune, we're going to have a real problem.

KENSI: Why's that?

GRANGER: Because you'll be the prime suspect in his murder.


[OPS center.]

ERIC: Donald Blye, dead, car accident. Patrick Phearson, dead, car accident. Peter Clairmont, died in 2006 working for a private contractor in Afghanistan. Any guesses how?

DEEKS: Survey says "car accident"?

ERIC: Ding, ding, ding. Jason Klemp, Ray Duvont, also dead, also car accidents.

DEEKS: So either these guys are the world's worst drivers or...

CALLEN: Someone's taking 'em out.

SAM: Three died within the past two months.

ERIC: Only one alive is Jay Fisher.

NELL: Jay Fisher is missing. No known address or number.

CALLEN: Maybe he's the one who's behind all this.

SAM: Maybe he's dead like all the rest but just hasn't been discovered yet.

NELL: Why now, after all these years…?

ERIC: Uh, guys, the last person to contact Duvont and Klemp before they died…was Kensi.

DEEKS: Just like Blake.

[Callen sighs]

CALLEN: Granger thinks Kensi's involved…

SAM: Give us everything you have on the sniper training unit, starting with Kensi's father.

[Eric and Nell nods]

SAM: It's all circumstantial.

ERIC: All right, Donald Blye's unit was scheduled to participate in an all-night training maneuver, but Blye was incinerated when his car ran off the road.

GRANGER: Military police could only I.D. Blye's corpse using dental records.

[No one had noticed he was behind them]

GRANGER: The official finding was, Don Blye was killed in a drunk driving accident.

[He puts a file on the table]

GRANGER: Kensi refused to accept it.

SAM: What are you trying to prove, Granger?

GRANGER: The sniper training unit was a cover story. The unit was actually a black-ops team used for special missions.

DEEKS: So w-what's happening here? Is my partner under arrest?

GRANGER: Agent Blye isn't under arrest, but she is a suspect. It appears your partner only joined NCIS to track down those she believes are responsible for his death.

SAM: The men in her father's unit.

CALLEN: [Incredulous] You're accusing Kensi of murder?

GRANGER: I'm saying, check the facts. There's mounting evidence that ties Kensi to the deaths

 of those men.

SAM: [irritated] Kensi is a first-rate agent with an impeccable record. I don't buy it.

GRANGER: Well, others do.

SAM: Including you.

GRANGER: Facts are facts, Agent Hanna.

DEEKS: You're not buying this, are you, Hetty?

HETTY: No, I am not, Mr. Deeks, but we will certainly review the facts.

GRANGER: It's all right there--hard to disprove...but I'm sure you'll try.

[He starts leaving but Callen block his way]

CALLEN: You've been conducting a secret investigation the entire time you've been here.

GRANGER: What's your point?

HETTY: Assistant Director, a word in my office, if you would.

[She’s heading to the door]

GRANGER: Of course.

[Hetty stops and faces her team]

HETTY: Gentlemen, there's work to be done.

[She goes out with Granger.]

CALLEN: [speaking and sighing] Let's start with Blake's car.

SAM: Keep us posted.

ERIC: Got it.

NELL: Yeah.

[Both type]


[Hetty’s office. She ‘s obviously pissed off]

HETTY: You have undermined my authority by keeping me in the dark, Owen. If you suspected Agent Blye of anything, you should have come to me first.

GRANGER: Well, I know what a tight-knit group this is. Any other method wouldn't have generated the same results.

HETTY: Ah, results??? This is an elite team, and you've just thrown it into chaos. I won't forget this.

GRANGER: I know…


[LAPD parking lot where car are waiting for investigation. Sam and Callen go at Blakes’s car]

SAM: LAPD is treating it as an accident for now, giving us a few minutes before they get started.

CALLEN: Why'd Blake come to Los Angeles in the first place?

SAM: Looking for Kensi?

[He wears gloves]

SAM: She calls him, he hops on a flight to give her the information she was looking for?

CALLEN: Yeah, so pick up the phone, e-mail, send a text. Long way to travel just to talk.

[He too has gloves, they start checking the car]

SAM: That's for sure.

[A helicopter is flying nearby]

CALLEN: If Kensi's right and her father was murdered, Blake could have come over here to take her out before she found out the truth.

SAM: Somebody took Blake out first.

[Callen finds a phone, shows it discreetly to Sam who nods. ♫ G looks around and hides it in his pocket ♫ Sam looks at the engine]

SAM: Bad news. A small charge blew the brake line. Wasn't an accident.

CALLEN: Which means Kensi is now officially a murder suspect.

SAM: Only if we tell Granger…


                -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[Boatshed. Interrogation room. Kensi is more pissed off than worried when Granger enters]

GRANGER: When did you last contact Sergeant Blake?

KENSI: You know what? Can we just stop this stupid dance routine and get to it?

[OPS center. Hetty and Deeks are watching them on screen. Kensi stands up and faces the assistant director]

KENSI: [over video] YES, I went to see Blake to talk about my father, but get it straight. My dad was an honorable man, and the last thing I would do is dishonor his memory by becoming a killer.


GRANGER: Your father wasn't the all-American hero you think he was.

[He puts a file on the table: special investigation – Blye D.]

GRANGER: You wanted answers.

[OPS center.]

DEEKS: What's in the file?

HETTY: I wish I knew, Mr. Deeks.

DEEKS: I mean, there's got to be something we can do here.

HETTY: I think you could do more for your partner out on the streets, doing what you do best. Don't worry. I'll take care of her.

[Deeks smiles slightly and leaves the OPS]


[Downstairs. G and Sam stand at Eric’s back and look irritated. He’s working on a computer]

CALLEN: There has to be something on Blake's phone.

SAM: You did say you went to MIT, right?

ERIC: I'm in, but there's a series of calls I can't get a lock on for some reason.

SAM: So you're really not in.

CALLEN: I thought you said you could do this in your sleep.

ERIC: In my sleep, I don't have people breathing down my neck.

[He removes his glasses and smiles]

ERIC: Except for that one dream…

SAM: If you don't hurry up, it's gonna turn into a nightmare.

ERIC: Too late!!

[Nell is typing a little further]

NELL: Focus, Beale, you got this.

[Deeks joins them]

DEEKS: Kensi's holding her own, but Granger's about this close [he raises one hand, fingers almost close] to putting her in a torture rack. [To Eric]  What's taking so long?

[Computer beeps]

ERIC: Got it. Now no wonder it was so difficult, the calls all originate from a federal agency account.

CALLEN: Which agency?

ERIC: CIA. The number's blocked, but it definitely leads back to their network. You'd miss it if you didn't know what to look for.

NELL: Not bad for MIT!

CALLEN: Call CIA's Los Angeles field office. See if they'll cooperate and give us a name.

SAM: If they don't, hack them.

NELL: Looks like there are more calls on Blake's phone to a user logged under the single name "Fish."

CALLEN: [To Sam] That could be his unit buddy. Jay Fisher?

SAM: Good chance.

NELL: Looks like a burn phone, but I've got a phone number.

ERIC: Well, if it is Fisher, he called David Blake this morning. Phone has since been disconnected.

NELL: Not so fast. Looks like the majority of the calls originate from a cell tower in Highland Park. Silver Dollar trailer park is the closest residence in the area.

SAM: Good work.

[Sam, G and Deeks are already leaving the office]


[Sma parks his challenger in the trailer park. Deeks is dragging himself out of the back seat. He groans]

DEEKS: Okay. Ouch. Did you guys ever think about getting maybe a sedan? You know? Maybe a nice minivan? One of those sliding doors.

SAM: Ever thought about walking?

[They walk through the trailers]

CALLEN: You know it's only a matter of time before LAPD and Granger find out about Blake's car.

SAM: Find out what? I didn't find anything. You find something?

CALLEN: You mean other than the gaping hole in its side? What's there to find out?

DEEKS: I wasn't even there.

SAM: No?


CALLEN: So how do you think the CIA's involved in all this?

SAM: Not a clue. I'm more concerned Fisher lured Blake to L.A. to kill him.

DEEKS: And is Kensi next on his list?

[They stop and look around]

CALLEN: They all look the same.

DEEKS: How are we supposed to know which one's Fisher's?

SAM: That one. [He points at it] Other trailers are unkempt. That one's fairly squared away. Trenching tool. [A shovel]

[Callen looks into the bin]


DEEKS: More like MR-ews.

SAM: After a few weeks living off the earth, you'd kill for one of those.

[Callen knocks at the door]

CALLEN: Federal agents.

[He pulls out his gun, opens the door and enters. Sam and Deeks follows him, they check the place]

SAM: It's all clear.

[Callen takes his phone, Deeks grabs a pad -phone line is ringing]

SAM: No sign of struggle.

ERIC: [over phone] Yo.

CALLEN: Eric, we're at the Silver Dollar trailer park in Highland Park. Check and see if there's any security camera footage of the last 24 hours.

ERIC: Silver Dollar. Got it.

[Deeks is “painting” the first sheet of the pad with a lead pencil. Letters appear]

DEEKS: I found something.

CALLEN: What, are you one of the Hardy Boys?

SAM: More like Nancy Drew.

DEEKS: You can laugh it up, boys, but check that out. He's got a date. What do you think that is? Alexander, shelter, 5:30.

SAM: Could be anywhere.

[G’s phone rings]

CALLEN: What do you got, Eric?

[OPS center.]

ERIC: Security footage from the trailer park shows a ton of people coming in and out over the last 24 hours.

[4 videos are running fast speed on screen]

It could take days to go through all of this. There is one familiar face that stands out.

[He stops one video and zooms on a face]

ERIC: Kensi Blye.

[In the trailer, they’re shocked…Sam sighs]


[Boatshed. Interrogation room. Kensi is reading her Dad’s file]

KENSI: What about marine sniper school?

GRANGER: It was a cover story. Your father was a member of an elite black-ops unit specializing in irregular rendition.

KENSI: Let me guess, his, uh, constant trips for work wasn't to train American allies, then?

GRANGER: No. It was for eliminating threats to American national security.

KENSI: So what you're saying is my father was an assassin?

GRANGER: Oh, of course not. The United States doesn't sanction political assassination. You wanted to know the truth.

KENSI: What, that my father never truly revealed himself to me? Thank you very much for that.

[Observation room. Hetty is watching and doesn’t like this. At all]

GRANGER: Must run in the family.

KENSI: Am I free to go now?

GRANGER: Report on Blake's car isn't in yet, so you can come and go as you please.

[Kensi jumps on her feet, grabs her jacket and steps out. She stops dead when she notices Hetty]

KENSI: You knew?

HETTY: No, I did not.

[Kensi leaves the boatshed. Granger comes close to Hetty]

HETTY: So, I assume the purpose of that ludicrous exhibition was to--what--examine her reaction?

GRANGER: She's a seasoned undercover agent. You heard her, she has motive. If this were anyone else, it wouldn't be an issue.

HETTY: You are wrong on this, Owen.

GRANGER: Let me explain something to you. If it turns out that Blye's responsible for these murders, Director Vance has no option but to consider your team compromised and disbanded.


[Kensi’s house. She’s cleaning something…Someone knocks at the door. She keeps scrubbing. Knocking resumes; she hides her stuff under a cover and heads to the door. She checks her visitor’s identity and opens the door. Deeks is drinking coffee]

DEEKS: You know the convenience store around the corner really sucks. All they had was stale coffee and fuzzy doughnuts.

KENSI: Deeks, it's not a good time.

DEEKS: It would be kind of a pity to waste a mediocre cup of coffee. Here, just hold it, and then I'll...

KENSI: Deeks... [! He lets the cup go of; she gasps and grabs it by reflex; he hastily steps forwards: he’s in]

DEEKS: Oh, sorry about that. God, I can't believe you just fell for that. Just, uh, so you know, you've got two undercover agents outside watching you.

KENSI: Yes, I know.

DEEKS: And just to clarify, when did you start moonlighting as a hit man? I mean, you got the whole federal agent by day and killer by night. I mean, it really does have summer blockbuster written all over it.

KENSI: Well, if it were true, guess who my next victim would be?


[He keeps grabbing stuff (sheets of paper, a notebook…); she keeps taking them in his hands. He heads to the cover]

KENSI: No, no, no!

[He removes it from…a riffle- and stops dead…]

KENSI: It was my dad's.

DEEKS: That doesn't explain what you're doing with it.

KENSI: I was cleaning it.


[Kensi steps further…]

KENSI: What have you guys got so far?

DEEKS: Subject change. I'll play along. David Blake's car was tampered with. His brake lines were rigged with a small explosive. Looks like he was murdered.

KENSI: You don't think it was...

DEEKS: [quickly] Not for a second.

[She gives him thankful eyes]

KENSI: Why hasn't Granger arrested me?

DEEKS: 'Cause we haven't told him yet. Thought we could buy ourselves a little bit of time, but Forensics is eventually gonna find it.

[Kensi is shocked and sits down on the couch]

DEEKS: I realize that this is the point in the conversation when I say something profound and life-affirming, so I actually...came prepared.

[He clears his throat and reads a paper he’s just pulled out]

DEEKS: Everything is gonna be fine.

[He turns over the paper]

DEEKS: That's...

KENSI: That's it?

DEEKS: Seemed longer when I was writing it. Probably sounds better, like, in Latin. It's more profound if I say it...

[Kensi laughs]

DEEKS: But you're laughing, so it obviously worked.

KENSI: Yeah. Hmm.

[Deeks sits down at her side- not too close]

KENSI: There's a lot about what's going on that I haven't told you.

DEEKS: But I'm your partner; you can tell me anything.

KENSI: I haven't told you to protect you. Because there are...

[A phone starts ringing.]

KENSI: Are you gonna get that?

[Deeks shakes his head]

DEEKS: Wasn't planning on it.

[Ringing continues. He takes his phone]

DEEKS: Just two seconds. [on phone] It's Deeks.

HETTY: [over phone] Mr. Deeks, I need you to take Kensi into custody. I'm sorry, it's protocol.

DEEKS: Yeah, no, copy that.

HETTY: Sooner rather than later.

DEEKS: Yeah. Yeah, no, I got it.

HETTY: All right.

DEEKS: Okay.

[Call is finished, he hesitates]

DEEKS: Uh...

KENSI: What?

DEEKS: That was Hetty. LAPD discovered that Blake's car was rigged. I go to bring you in.

[She nods sadly]


[NCIS office. Sam and Callen stand near Eric and Nell at their computer downstairs]

ERIC: So, the CIA, surprisingly cooperative.

NELL: Once Hetty made a call.

ERIC: Uh, the other number Blake called this morning was to a CIA employee named Alex Harris.

SAM: Deeks found the name Alex at Fisher's trailer.

NELL: Harris currently has a position as a foreign policy analyst, but back in the '90s, he was the handler for Donald Blye's black-ops unit.

CALLEN: Why didn't Granger mention Harris earlier?

SAM: Where's Alex Harris now?

ERIC: That's where CIA cooperation ended. Once they suspected Harris was mixed up in something, they shut us down.

SAM: Harris might be taking out members of his own team.

CALLEN: They might have had something on him.

SAM: And Kensi snooping around set him in motion.

[They hear voices]

GRANGER: Thank you, Detective Deeks.

DEEKS: I didn't do this for you, Granger.

[Sam and G rushes to the entrance]

GRANGER: Bad news, Agent Blye. Forensics team figured out David Blake's car was sabotaged. It's funny how two trained agents and an LAPD detective missed that.

CALLEN: Well, we're only human.

GRANGER: Orders from D.C. I have to take you into custody.

[There are a man and a woman with him]

KENSI: I'm not going anywhere.

GRANGER: You're going to a secure location where you will not have access to NCIS intel or personnel.

CALLEN: You're the assistant director. You're telling me you can't hold off on this until we solve it?

GRANGER: There's this thing called protocol. You all seem to have forgotten what it is. Think of it as protective custody.

DEEKS: Are we really gonna let this happen? I mean, think about what you're saying.

KENSI: This doesn't make any sense. Why would I kill Blake?

[Hetty interrupts them]

HETTY: I need a moment with Ms. Blye.

GRANGER: Of course.

[Kensi joins his boss; an agent comes close to Granger]

CLOOKIE: Excuse me, sir. The director would like to know if you intend to bring charges.

GRANGER: Tell the director that is a distinct possibility, Agent Clookie.

CLOOKIE: Yes, sir.

[He leaves them and speaks on phone]

GRANGER: Thank you.


HETTY: We seem to find ourselves in a bit of a pinch. But I want you to know that you are not alone.

KENSI: Hetty, I didn't do this.

HETTY: I know, Kensi. We'll do all we can.

GRANGER: Agent Blye? We have to go.


[Eric is just coming when Kensi goes out; they all stare at her back]

DEEKS: He's actually going through with this.

SAM: What is it, Eric?

ERIC: Uh, Fisher's burn phone went back online. I tracked him to the old theater district downtown.

CALLEN: It's a good place to hide out. Keep feeding us coordinates.

[G, Sam and Deeks leave the office. Hetty sighs…]


[OPS center. Computer is trilling. Eric and Nell are working]

ERIC: Looks like Kensi's been requesting files related to her father's death for years.

NELL: Well, according to this, all the files Kensi requested were routed through the same desk at the DOD.

ERIC: Granger's.

NELL: If Granger's known for years that Kensi's been digging into the mystery of her father's death, then why wouldn't he tell us?

ERIC: I am not liking the sound of this.


[Old Theater, Los Angeles. Sam enters first (gun ready); G is on phone]

ERIC: [Over phone] According to his last transmission, you guys should be right on top of him. Fisher's GPS went out,

[OPS center. A spot flashes on Eric’s computer]

ERIC: but he's somewhere inside the old Los Angeles theater.

CALLEN: [Over phone] Got it, Eric.


CALLEN: [whispering] He’s in the building. You [Sam] cover left, [Deeks] cover right, I'll go up.

[They nod and start their search.]

DEEKS: Clear.

SAM: Clear.

[A guy appears suddenly at G’s side and strikes. G grunts, loses his gun; they fight, both grunting; Deeks and Sam rush up. The man runs away]


CALLEN: It's Fisher.

[Deeks hands him his weapon]


[The guy has a helmet and jumps on a motorbike. Its engine revs, he’s leaving the theater but suddenly the bike blows up! The man flies in fire and falls down heavily on the ground. People scream and gasp. Sam, Deeks and G were just in time to watch it. They come closer slowly, shocked]

DEEKS: That is not a good way to go out.


                                     -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[Coroner’s team is leaving with the body; Sam and G are looking at the scene; Deeks joins them. There’s indistinct radio transmission]

DEEKS: Hey. You think Fisher's death will convince Granger of Kensi's innocence?

[Sam sighs]

DEEKS: I mean, Kensi's in custody, right? She couldn't possibly have remote-detonated that bomb.

SAM: Deeks, there's a half a dozen different ways that bomb could have detonated.

CALLEN: None of which would require Kensi to be there to trigger the device.

DEEKS: I know. I just thought we could slide one over on Granger.

SAM: Don't worry, Deeks. We're gonna get her out of this.

[Deeks shows a plastic bag set for evidence]

DEEKS: Maybe we can pull something off of this. Fisher must have dropped it when you guys were brawling.

[Sam looks at Callen and then at the ashes on the road]

CALLEN: I know that look.

SAM: The job is done. Fisher was the last living member of Donald Blye's unit. If I was Alex Harris, I'd be on a flight right now.

DEEKS: Then, we're going to need a miracle to find him.

[Callen takes the phone in the plastic bag. He dials. The line rings]

ERIC: [over phone] Hello.


[OPS center.]

CALLEN: [over phone] I'm calling you from Fisher's phone. See if he contacted Alex Harris from it. We may be able to locate him if he did.

[Eric hastily types, his computer trills]

ERIC: There are several repeating numbers.

NELL: One of them traces back to David Blake, and another one is...untraceable. Probably Harris.

ERIC: Nothing's untraceable. We just have to get creative.


CALLEN: Maybe we're overthinking this. Why not just call Harris from Fisher's phone?

SAM: If Harris killed Fisher, why would he answer Fisher's call?

DEEKS: Curiosity.

CALLEN: If Harris didn't kill Fisher, he'd probably answer.

SAM: But that would mean Kensi...

DEEKS: …Maybe we get lucky. Right?

ERIC: [Over phone] Look, if Harris answers, we can lock in

[OPS center.]

ERIC: and track him.

CALLEN:[Over phone] Make the call, Eric.

[Nell presses a button -touch-tones sounds, the phone line rings]


[The phone line rings]

[OPS center.  The phone line rings and dial tone drones]

ERIC: What now?

CALLEN: We keep looking.


[Secure location. The male agent enters, carrying food and drinks]

CARTER: Tuna or turkey?

KENSI: I'm not hungry. Agent Carter, right?


KENSI: I need you to make an important call for me.

CARTER: It's not going to happen.

KENSI: I have to get some information to my team that could help them solve this case.

CARTER: It's against protocol.

WOMAN: What if she's telling the truth?

CARTER: What if she isn't? Granger would kill us.

KENSI: People are dying. If there is a chance that we could save a life, then you have to make this call for me. Please.

[Woman looks at Carter – he shakes his head]

WOMAN: Sorry, Agent Blye. It's against protocol.


[Theater. Deeks, Sam and G go downstairs]

DEEKS: : So what now?

SAM: We know Fisher was meeting Harris, but where?

CALLEN: Well, Eric and Nell couldn't find much on Fisher.

DEEKS: Yeah, but Kensi did. She was able to track Fisher to the trailer park. Maybe she has more information.

CALLEN: Kind of hard to ask her. Granger's got her holed up.

DEEKS: Well, maybe the info's on her computer.

SAM: I doubt she would keep that sort of thing at work.

DEEKS: Maybe it's her home computer.

[They think it worth a try]

DEEKS: Shotgun! Called it. I called it-- shotgun!

[They reach the car. Callen opens the door and points at the back sit. Deeks groans]

DEEKS: Seriously?

[Sam taps the roof]

SAM: Get in.


[Kensi’s house. Callen is in her computer]

CALLEN: Just your basic stuff. Bills, magazines, gossip sites. Could be a protected file. Ah. Hidden directory. Well, it's password-protected.

DEEKS: Try "king of the world," all caps, no spaces. Titanic's her favorite movie.

[Sam and Callen stare at him]

DEEKS: What? I'm a detective. I detect.

SAM: Yeah? You'll detect a black eye if you've been on my computer.

[G types the password and there’s an electronic chiming]

CALLEN: We're in.

DEEKS: Yeah.

SAM: Fisher-- there.

CALLEN: Okay. It looks like Fisher was a paranoid survivalist. Moved around a lot. Stockpiled a lot of gear and different supplies.

SAM: Sounds familiar.

[They exchange a look]

CALLEN: All right, she had surveillance on the trailer park. The theater downtown. Civil defense shelter in Highland Park.

DEEKS: Civil defense shelter? Hold on a second. [He grabs a paper] The note is: "Alexander, shelter, 5:30."

SAM: Could be where Fisher was meeting Harris. Worth checking out.

CALLEN: Let's do it.

[They leave the house- Deeks puts the computer off before…]


[They stop at the Civil defense shelter and heads to the entrance]

DEEKS: Bomb shelter? Doesn't look like it would stop a sake bomb.

SAM: Must be fortified inside.

DEEKS: Kensi's no fool. She was obviously casing this place for a reason.


[The locker had been forced]

DEEKS: All right, what kind of paranoid nutcase has a bomb shelter?

SAM: I have one.

DEEKS: What?

SAM: Yeah. Me and my family can stay there for months.

DEEKS: I didn't... I didn't mean you. I thought maybe...

CALLEN: I have one, too.

SAM: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just because you squat there from time to time doesn't make it yours.

CALLEN: Hey, it's me and you against him. That's how it works.

SAM: Sorry. Habit. [To Deeks] I have one.

[They pull out their guns, open the gate and enter]

DEEKS: Hey, listen, uh, can you guys do me a favor? Maybe not scream out "federal agents" this time? 'Cause that's usually when they tend to start shooting.

SAM: [whispering] Look at the dust.

DEEKS: [whispering] Same here.

[Dust has been wiped from place to place. Sam grabs a cardboard cylinder and throws it close to the angle of the room. The noise issue is gunfire!]]

SAM: Federal agents!

[Gunfire stops]

MAN: Prove it! Toss out your badge!

DEEKS: Well, that has got to be the first time that's ever worked.

MAN: Carefully!

[Sam obeys. Man pushes his gun on the ground]

MAN: I'm coming out!

SAM: Let me see your hands! Let me see your hands!

[Man steps forwards vey carefully, hands up]

HARRIS: Alex Harris, CIA. You need to get me into protective custody -now.

SAM: Walk towards me. Hands on the wall.

[Sam searches him]


[Secure location]

KENSI: Are you really not going to call my team?

WOMAN: Sorry, Agent Blye, I can't break protocol.

KENSI: Then, I'm sorry, too.

[She strikes very fast: woman in front of her, man is her back. He grunts and falls down; Kensi grabs the woman’s neck until she gasps and faints]

KENSI: Should have followed your instincts.


[Boatshed. Interrogation room. Callen throws a photo on the table]

CALLEN: Jay Fisher was killed today.

SAM: We think it was you.

HARRIS: Gentlemen, I'm sure you're good at what you do, but no way in hell I go on record with three cameras, a parabolic mic, and probably a class-five fiber-optic scope pointed at me.

SAM: Someone's out there whacking members of your old team. We could release you and let you talk to them if you'd prefer.

HARRIS: You could, but then Blye's daughter never finds out the truth. I'll talk, just not on record.

[Observation room. Granger and Deeks are watching the scene- Deeks watch Granger actually]

[Interrogation room.]

SAM: Okay. What is it that you want?

HARRIS: Protection.

CALLEN: In exchange for?

HARRIS: I'll tell you everything I know but only to Blye's daughter at a location of my choice.

CALLEN: What's in it for you?

HARRIS: Redemption.

SAM: Why do you care so much about Kensi Blye?

HARRIS: She deserves to know the truth about her father.

[Callen puts back pics into the file and leaves the room with Sam.]


[Observation room]

DEEKS: Well, pick up or delivery? Kensi, that is, not lunch. I'm gonna go get her.

GRANGER: No, you won't.

CALLEN: You're gonna have to bring her in. Harris isn't going to talk without her.

GRANGER: I will not let a suspect dictate the direction of this investigation. For all we know, he could be trying to kill Agent Blye.

CALLEN: Oh, I thought you believed Kensi was trying to kill him. We know about you giving Kensi access to her father's files. We're not gonna hesitate to reveal your involvement in the matter to anyone in the chain of command. That's right up to SECNAV.

SAM: I don't know what the game is that you're playing, but you're gonna lose.

GRANGER: Is that a veiled threat, Agent Hanna?

SAM: I don't do veiled.

GRANGER: Fine, we'll bring her in.

[He takes his phone, dials a number and the line rings]

GRANGER: Yeah, it's Granger.

CARTER: [over phone] Assistant Director, Agent Blye has escaped.


CARTER: [over phone] She... she got the jump on us, sir.

GRANGER: [To the agents] Agent Blye has escaped. [On phone] What happened, and I want specifics.

[Granger steps away and continues indistinctly]


[Hetty is on a bench in a park…Kensi joins her. She sighs]

KENSI: Sorry. They wouldn't let me call you guys, and I didn't...

HETTY: No, no, no, no, no. We don't have time for that. There's a lot of damning evidence here.

[She shows a file]

HETTY: I've seen careers more mature than yours ruined over less, but they weren't nearly as strong as you are. Why you came to NCIS isn't important. It's what you do moving forward from here. You're not who your past says you are. You're who you choose to be. Callen, Sam, and Deeks have tracked down Alex Harris. He was the handler for your father's black-ops team.

KENSI: Well, then, I want to talk to him.

HETTY: Good. He wants to speak with you, but only you. We don't want to test Harris. He's too savvy. That means no wires, no comms. We'll be blind. You don't have to do this, Kensi.

KENSI: Oh, but I do. If I don't, I may never find the truth.

HETTY: You'll need this.

[Under the file, there’s a gun]

HETTY: A girl has to take steps to protect herself.

KENSI: Thank you.

HETTY: Please be careful.

KENSI: I will.

[She goes away…]


[OPS center. Eric is typing; Sam and G rush inside]

CALLEN: Do we have satellite access?

ERIC: I won't have picture for another 45 minutes, but I found something else. Granger has an e-trail as long as Hetty's, and it all looks by-the-numbers until I cross-referenced Granger's file with the Donald Blye case. Granger and Harris were in the same division at the CIA.

[He puts a photo as proof on screen]

SAM: Soon as we prove Kensi's innocence, we're going after Granger.


[They leave the OPS]


[Nell stops Kensi’s car in the park. Harris and Deeks get out from the back]

DEEKS: Just to clarify, if anything happens to Kensi, you're gonna be dealing with me for the rest of your soon-to-be-very-short life.

HARRIS: Your boss know about you two? You're either lying to yourself, or you're hiding from it. Either way, son, makes the job harder.

[They head to the meeting point]


[Sam’s car is running]

SAM: I hope Kensi's got her head in the game.

CALLEN: She's been in worse jams.

SAM: Physically, yes, but not after learning that mostly everything she knew about her father was wrong.

CALLEN: Nothing is worse than not knowing.

SAM: Talking about Kensi or you? What if the answers you find aren't the ones you're looking for?

CALLEN: You know the motto that's engraved at CIA headquarters in Langley?

SAM: John 8:32. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."



[In the park. Kensi joins Harris, nods at Deeks: he can leave. Harris looks around carefully with binocular]

KENSI: What are you doing? Is there a problem?

HARRIS: I'm just making sure we're not being watched or followed.


[Sam and Callen are waiting further, out of the car]

SAM: I don't like it. We don't have ears or eyes.

CALLEN: No, couldn't take the chance. Kensi can handle herself.

SAM: I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

[He sighs]


[OPS center. Eric is at his computer; Hetty has a hand on the back of his chair]

HETTY: Do we have eyes, Mr. Beale?

ERIC: We still need six to eight minutes.

[He sighs]


[In the park, Nell and Deeks are standing near the car]

KENSI: Let me be clear. I will not hesitate to kill you.

HARRIS: I expect nothing less. It's in your blood.

KENSI: Why'd you kill Blake and Fisher?

HARRIS: I didn't. Blake came to L.A. to meet with Fisher and me so we could try and figure out a way to stay alive.

KENSI: From who?

HARRIS: You, we thought at first. I know what happened to your father. He didn't die in a car accident, he was murdered. His death was staged to look like an accident. The man that's killing off the team is the same man that killed your father.

KENSI: Okay, who is he? What's his name?

HARRIS: After he takes me out, he's coming for you.

KENSI: What is his name?!

[A gunshot! Harris is hit in the chest! Kensi flees –a new gunshot - Sam and Callen rush towards the meeting place]

SAM: Kensi!

[Deeks and Nell run too. Kensi is flying but there’s a new gunshot…She’s hit, falls down in slow motion and stays lifeless…The picture turns black and white; 3 words appear: To Be Continued…]

♫ ♫ 

Kikavu ?

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schumi  (29.04.2019 à 10:17)

Un pan du passé de Kensi est enfin élucidé. mais j'ai toujours du mal à comprendre pourquoi Granger en veut à ce point à cette équipe précisément!

c'est diificile de savoir à quel point Kensi est impliquée dans cette affaire mais elle bénéficie du soutien inconditionnel de l'équipe et c'est génial!

Deeks coincé à l'arrière de la voiture avec Sam et Callen??? trop drôle on aurait dit un enfant!

Oh mais c'es quoi ce final???? Nooon, pas Kensi!


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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