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#323 : A l'aveugle (1/3)

Le caméléon,  cerveau criminel  tristement célèbre,  va utiliser une mission sous-couverture pour manipuler Callen et l’équipe du NCIS et  les entrainer dans une guerre psychologique mortelle,  afin d’assouvir sa vengeance, dans cet épisode de fin de saison en 2 parties diffusées le même soir.


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A l'aveugle (1/3)

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NCIS Los Angeles - Sans Voir I + II (3x23 + 3x24) sneak peek (1)

NCIS Los Angeles - Sans Voir I + II (3x23 + 3x24) sneak peek (1)


NCIS Los Angeles - Sans Voir I + II (3x23 + 3x24) sneak peek (2)

NCIS Los Angeles - Sans Voir I + II (3x23 + 3x24) sneak peek (2)


Photos promo

Sam Hanna (LL Cool J)  sur le terrain

Sam Hanna (LL Cool J) sur le terrain

Callen (Chris O'Donnell) se protège derrière une voiture pour tirer sur un suspect

Callen (Chris O'Donnell) se protège derrière une voiture pour tirer sur un suspect

Deeks et Kensi se rendent

Deeks et Kensi se rendent

Sam Hanna suit un suspect dans un magasin

Sam Hanna suit un suspect dans un magasin

Les 4 agents et Mara White jouée par Lauren Sweetser  devant un stock d'armes

Les 4 agents et Mara White jouée par Lauren Sweetser devant un stock d'armes


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (redif)
Samedi 11.03.2017 à 22:40

Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 15.05.2012 à 21:00
15.19m / 3.0% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Gil Grant - Shanne Brennan

Réalisation : Terrence O'Hara

Guests :

Miguel Ferrer ............................ Directeur Adjoint du NCIS Owen Granger
Brian Avers ............................ Agent Special du NCIS Mike Renko 
Christopher Lambert ............................ Marcel Janvier
Lauren Sweetser ............................ Mara White
Sarayu Rao ............................ Dr. Susan DePaul
Brent Briscoe ............................ Patron du motel
Scott MacDonald ............................ Rich Mayfield
William Gregory Lee ............................ Blake Mayfield
Dustin Ingram ............................ Jeff Foster
Scott MacArthur ............................ Neil Barlow
Patrick Quinlan ............................ Conrad Weaver 
Jack Kennedy ............................ Earl Mayfield
Eyal Podell ............................ Le passager
Cooper Thornton ............................ Kelvin Atley 
Lovensky Jean-Baptiste ............................ Agent de police de Los Angeles #1
Kim Swenen ............................ Agent de police de Los Angeles  #2
Yan Feldman ............................ le chauffeur
Alon Moni Aboutboul ............................ Naseem Vaziri

Un homme (inquiet) est au volant d’un SUV dans les rues de Los Angeles. Il est suivi par un pickup et les deux véhicules font crier leurs pneus, le  premier essayant de semer l’autre. Dans un effort désespéré, il passe à travers la grille d’un des chemins d’accès à la conduite d’eau ; le pickup ne peut pas tourner, le type du SUV reprend espoir. Malheureusement le gros véhicule prend la descente suivante, et avec sa puissance, il rattrape aisément la voiture, qu’il déséquilibre par une poussette arrière. Le SUV s’envole et après un tonneau s’immobilise sur ses roues. Le pickup fait demi-tour, revient s’arrêter près de sa proie pendant que le conducteur, sonné mais indemne, s’en extrait. L’homme du pickup descend, marche vers le type par terre, et sort une arme. L’autre a beau hurler « non, non », il est abattu. Son meurtrier repart tranquillement à son propre véhicule quand un nouveau coup de feu retentit, et à son tour il s’écroule. Une voiture stationnée plus haut démarre alors – pendant que le tueur-tué atteint à la tête perd son sang  sur le ciment de la conduite d’eau...


Sam arrive au boulot en grimaçant ; son épaule semble le faire souffrir. Il a appris de nouveaux mouvements de Jeet Kune Do, et a un peu trop forcé. Deeks le comprend, lui il a fait du mountain bike et de l’escalade pendant son weekend. Kensi s’étonne, elle pensait qu’il passait son temps au Reiki. Marty explique qu’il y va après avoir martyrisé son corps. Sam lui dit être un expert en la matière et entreprend de le lui prouver - en lui arrachant le cou. Histoire de réveiller ce qu’il a de cervelle : il est temps qu’il arrête de croire en ces trucs...Le sifflet d’Eric les interrompt.

Dans la salle des OSP, les photos des deux cadavres sont affichées sur l’écran géant. Il s’agit de deux employés d’un stand de tir couplé à un magasin de ventes d’armes (sous licence fédérale), le Point Blank. D’après Hetty, ce type de boutiques est bien souvent responsable de  trafics d’armes qui se retrouvent dans les mains de malfrats divers. Le propriétaire des lieux est un ancien militaire, Rich Mayfield ; Le tueur du matin était son neveu ; son frère Blake, son cousin Neil et sa belle-fille, Mara, travaillent aussi avec lui. Le neveu a été atteint par une balle de gros calibre.

En fait, ce qui les amène à s’intéresser à cette affaire, c’est le visage du dernier embauché du magasin : Renko !! Là où ça devient encore plus surprenant, c’est qu’Hetty ignore tout de sa mission comme de celui qui l’a envoyé sous couverture. Mais tout ceci est secondaire en regard d’un texto reçu par le neveu : Renko était dénoncé comme n’étant pas celui qu’il prétend être. Ils ont aussitôt envoyé un message codé à Mike, qui n’a pas répondu. Hetty veut que son équipe se rende sans perdre un instant au stand de tir, où Renko est en train de bosser, afin de le prévenir et de s’assurer qu’il quitte l’endroit aussitôt.

Voilà donc Kensi prête à prendre son 1er cours de tir. Le frère du patron, Blake, lui fait les recommandations d’usage et Deeks s’improvise « manager ». Quand Blake s’éloigne, ils n’ont pas repéré Renko ; Kensi fait un festival de nullités, jouant le jeu jusqu’au bout. Sam et Callen qui entrent dans le magasin ont plus de chance – Mike est en train de mettre du matériel en place. Sam veut acheter une arme et s’adresse à cousin Neil, pendant que G baguenaude entre les étagères. Il se retourne sur Mara qui passe avant de glisser à Renko, sans le regarder, qu’il est temps de rompre avec Martha. L’autre comprend, sort aussitôt après avoir regardé son téléphone et se dirige vers sa voiture.

Deeks et Kensi qui arrivent sur le parking poussent un soupir de soulagement : tout est OK. Mais à l’instant où Renko va ouvrir sa portière de voiture, Rich surgit devant lui. Mike explique qu’il rentre d’urgence, un tuyau d’eau a éclaté, sa cuisine est inondée. Mais son patron ne l’entend pas de cette oreille, et sort son arme. Il n’a pas le temps d’achever son geste que Renko a plongé, et les deux entament une lutte serrée. Deeks et Kensi donnent l’alerte par oreillette et micro interposés pendant que Rich appelle son frère en hurlant. Quand Blake accourt, Kensi veut l’arrêter avec l’habituel « agents fédéraux » mais l’homme leur tire dessus. Ils s’abritent derrière une voiture ; finalement Kensi le descend. Mais Neil arrive, cette fois avec une arme automatique. Callen, à l’abri lui-aussi d’un véhicule,  lui règle son compte en deux fois, d’abord en lui logeant des balles dans les jambes par-dessous la voiture, puis, une fois qu’il est tombé, en le plombant à nouveau. Rich prend le dessus sur Renko et finit par le tenir en joue. Un coup de feu éclate, mais c’est lui qui s’effondre sur Mike : Sam est arrivé à point ! L’agent à terre le remercie du regard. L’affaire est terminée.

Un peu plus tard, la police est là, les corps sont évacués –

Renko est heureux de retrouver Kensi et ils se chamaillent comme d’habitude quand un on entend un coup de feu. Par réflexe tout le monde se met à l’abri et s’apprête à riposter, mais rien ne suit. Par contre, Renko s’est effondré. Kensi se précipite, il saigne abondamment de la tête, elle lui donne les premiers soins en tentant de limiter l’hémorragie et l’encourage à tenir bon...

Renko est transporté en salle d’opération sous les yeux d’Hetty. Un docteur lui explique que la balle a traversé la mâchoire et les sinus avant de perforer la carotide ; seule la réaction très rapide des agents lui a sauvé la vie. Il est cependant dans un état critique, il faut attendre pour se prononcer. Hetty rejoint son équipe et demande, avec une voix pleine de colère froide, ce qui s’est passé. Comme Callen avance qu’ils n’en savent trop rien, la boss s’énerve. Même si le stand de tir comme le magasin avaient été sécurisés, même si Renko avait confirmé que tous les employés avaient été neutralisés, manifestement il restait une menace dont ils n’avaient pas pris la mesure. Mais un couloir d’hôpital n’est pas le lieu idéal pour ce genre de considérations. Hetty les veut dès que possible dans la salle des OSP. Kensi refuse, elle reste ici avec Mike. Deeks, qui essaie de faire de même pour soutenir son équipière, se fait rabrouer.

Voilà donc les 3 hommes de l’équipe avec Eric et Nell en face du grand écran où, sur les 4 portraits des Mayfield, deux portent la mention décédés. Neil est en réanimation. Reste Mara, 26 ans, sans casier judiciaire, employée comme comptable par son beau-père. Elle ou son ordinateur devraient pouvoir révéler les secrets de Rich. Quand au visionnage de la scène prise par la caméra de surveillance du parking, il permet seulement de localiser le tireur à ... 300 mètres ! Un type bien entrainé, manifestement.

En bas, Hetty se bat avec son ordinateur quand Granger apparaît. Il a eu vent de la nouvelle au moment où il partait pour Washington. Hors d’elle la chef s’indigne de ne pas pouvoir accéder au dossier de Renko ; elle se fige : bien sûr, c’est lui, Granger, qui l’a mis sous couverture au stand de tir. Le sous-directeur ne nie pas : il aime garder le contact avec le terrain de temps en temps, mais comme c’est mal vu par la hiérarchie, il le fait en effaçant ses traces. Un tuyau avait donné Rich comme étant sur le point de vendre des armes à une cellule terroriste qui devait agir dans le pays. Mike n’était là-bas que depuis 3 semaines, il gagnait petit à petit la confiance de son patron, qui lui avait parlé d’un acheteur dans les prochains jours, pour un deal dans un lieu et à une heure qu’il recevrait par texto. Peut-être que cet acheteur n’était pas au courant de ce qui s’était passé. Hetty explique la découverte du message impliquant que Renko était compromis, et s’en prend à Granger pour n’avoir pas fait son boulot. Il la quitte en la fusillant du regard.

A l’hôpital, le médecin s’approche de Kensi avec une bonne nouvelle : les choses se passent mieux que prévu, et, bien qu’il ne soit pas encore tiré d’affaire, son collègue devrait quitter rapidement le service de réanimation.

Retour en salle des OSP, avec cette fois Granger et Hetty qui ont rejoint le groupe. Eric dit qu’en fait il y a deux autres employés du stand de tir qui n’étaient pas au travail ce jour là : l’un parce qu’il a été arrêté la veille pour conduite en état d’ivresse, et est toujours en rétention dans les locaux de la police ; l’autre est simplement absent, mais son pédigrée est édifiant : agression, vols divers et variés, possession illégale d’armes (un homme de la Renaissance selon Deeks...). Cerise sur le gâteau, il a intégré une école de tir de précision quand il était à l’armée. D’où il s’est fait virer pour de multiples actes d’insubordination et agression. Il s’est fait virer également de sa dernière adresse connue. Granger demande à Eric de pister sa carte bleue et d’activer la reconnaissance faciale. Il parait préoccupé, comme s’il avait une idée derrière la tête. Callen lui pose la question, il répond simplement qu’il a beaucoup d’idées derrière la tête.

Kensi fait les 100 pas dans le couloir quand Renko sort du bloc. Son brancard est poussé dans une salle ; tout à coup une alarme retentit. Les ordres fusent, la tension de Renko chute pendant que son rythme cardiaque s’emballe. Les soignants s’affairent autour de lui.

Au QG, les agents ont du mal à faire le lien entre les morts. Comme si au début le tueur avait planifié ses meurtres avant d’y prendre goût et de tuer ensuite au hasard. Mais Callen ne croit pas à cette hypothèse, sans pouvoir cerner ce qui le pousse à relier les cadavres. Simplement il sent qu’il y a quelque chose derrière tout ça. Hetty ayant été demandée au téléphone, elle s’isole pendant que G ajoute que l’affaire est très compliquée, et qu’ils ont loupé quelque chose. Hetty change de couleur et raccroche, au bord des larmes. Tout les regards se braquent sur elle : elle se racle la gorge et annonce que Renko a eu une crise cardiaque à la sortie du bloc, et qu’ils n’ont rien pu faire pour lui. Elle sort lentement de la salle, au milieu du silence pesant qui accueille ses paroles.

G et Sam sont dans la salle d’interrogatoire en compagnie de Mara. Kensi dans la salle d’observation a des doutes : membre d’une telle famille, il y a peu de chance que la jeune femme parle, préférant aller en prison. Deeks lui propose de parler de Renko mais elle botte en touche. En fait Mara n’a aucune sympathie pour son beau-père et ne fait aucune difficulté pour expliquer que ses comptes étaient truqués ; et tellement mal que le NCIS n’aura aucun mal à remonter les fraudes. Pour elle, sa mère a fait la pire de ses erreurs en entrant dans cette famille de demeurés. Elle ne s’était aperçue de ça qu’après avoir commencé à bosser pour Rich ; mais seule avec un enfant, elle avait besoin de gagner sa vie, et la paie était très  confortable. Autrement dit, il achetait son silence, ce qui prouve un certain bon sens quand même…

Au QG, Granger est assis face à Hetty dans son bureau. Rich avait confié à Renko avoir la nette impression qu’il y avait une pomme pourrie parmi ses employés, un fruit gâté qui pourrait faire tomber son entreprise. Mais Mike ne s’était pas senti repéré. Nell et Eric se pointent, Granger veut savoir s’ils ont pu tirer quelque chose du téléphone portable de Rich. Mais comme en même temps Hetty lui demande si les parents de l’agent ont été prévenus, il répond que son bureau s’en  occupe. Hetty voit rouge ; il prend le temps de préciser que c’est lui en personne qui l’a fait. Du côté des renseignements donnés par le téléphone, un message leur a appris que l’affaire devait se conclure très bientôt ; aucune indication sur le lieu. Le texto était parti d’un téléphone brûlé – dont le propriétaire avait désactivé le repérage par GPS. Une lueur dans ce tableau très sombre : le dernier employé du stand de tir venait de se servir de sa carte bleue pour louer une chambre dans Sun Valley.

A l’annexe, Sam et Callen en sont informés, et demandent à Mara ce qu’elle sait de ce collègue. Encore un sacré numéro : bipolaire, il ne prend pas ses médicaments parce qu’il n’aime pas l’état dans lequel ils le mettent. Il peut donc passer du rire à la rage folle dans la même minute, ce qui, dans un magasin rempli d’armes, ne manquait pas d’effrayer la clientèle. Il gardait de sa formation de sniper une adresse au tir impressionnante, et faisait tout ce que son patron lui demandait ; y compris des trucs très vilains selon la rumeur. Au moment où les agents gagnent la porte, Mara ajoute qu’elle aimait bien Renko, si différent des autres.

Au motel, le gérant dresse lui aussi le portrait d’un client complètement taré. Comme il est dans une chambre avec fenêtre, G envoie Kensi et Deeks surveiller la cour, le type pouvant avoir l’idée de sauter, même du 2ème étage. Deeks est justement en train de confier qu’il n’est jamais venu là – que ce soit pour une opération  sous couverture ou sous les couvertures (lesquelles étant beaucoup plus fun pour les parties impliquées). Kensi le fait taire, mais il a quand même réussi à lui tirer un sourire, ce dont elle le remercie.

Sam et Callen investissent la chambre : G remarque la fenêtre brisée, Sam le corps par terre, atteint d’une balle dans la tête…

Deeks et Kensi les  rejoignent ; la jeune femme constate que la rigidité du corps indique une mort survenue juste après son entrée dans les lieux. Autrement dit, un sniper a descendu le sniper ayant tué Renko et le neveu, ce dernier ayant tué un employé…L’homme mort ici était instable, peut-être que son patron avait embauché quelqu’un pour qu’il se taise après ses forfaits. Sauf que Rich étant mort avant Renko, tout ceci n’avait guère de sens…

Au QG, Hetty, Granger, Nell et Eric sont dans le même état d’esprit. Si le début de l’histoire paraît cohérent – Rich envoie son neveu tuer un employé qu’il pense être un pourri- ensuite tout se trouble. Le neveu a sur son téléphone un message qui indique que le fruit gâté, c’est Renko. D’ailleurs le patron était prêt à le descendre avant l’intervention du NCIS. Or le neveu, puis Renko puis un employé-sniper ont été abattus par la même arme. Il faut donc croire que quelqu’un en veut au stand de tir. Compte tenu de l’activité de la famille, la liste doit être fournie.

Eric les interrompt : l’acheteur a donné un lieu et une heure pour la vente. Granger est catégorique : il faut aller au rendez-vous. Seulement, sans armes, l’affaire parait mal engagée…

Du coup, Sam, Callen, Deeks, Kensi et Mara se rendent au stand de tir. La comptable pense qu’il s’agit d’AR-15s, puisque deux douzaines de ces articles ont été vendus à divers individus (imaginaires) en 3 semaines, alors que la fréquence maximum habituelle est d’un par mois. En plus les reçus sont de la main de Rich, alors qu’elle ne l’a vu que deux fois derrière le comptoir depuis qu’elle travaille avec lui. Reste à les localiser. Les agents l’encouragent à se rappeler d’un fait inhabituel, d’une nouvelle construction,  de maintenance…Mara se souvient qu’une des pistes de tir avait eu un problème quelconque, et que Rich en personne s’en était occupé, au lieu de laisser faire un de ses employés comme d’habitude. Les agents se précipitent…

Au QG, Granger se demande quelle manie d’Hetty est la plus légendaire, entre son obsession pour les thés exotiques et sa capacité à descendre les single malts…Elle se demande pourquoi il partait pour Washington. Il peut juste lui révéler un problème avec un de leurs agents, sans vouloir dire s’il s’agit d’un des siens. Elle soupire qu’il y a eu un temps où il le lui aurait dit. Il sourit : c’est bien loin – mais il regrette ce temps là. Elle n’en croit pas un mot !

 Au stand de tir,  Sam finit par mettre la main (enfin, le pied) sur les caisses dissimulées dans les bottes de paille. 

Du coup ils se retrouvent à l’armurerie du QG où Nell les briefent en compagnie d’Hetty et Granger. Le rendez-vous doit se dérouler dans un vaste parking entouré de bâtiments. Hetty exige que des tireurs d’élite se postent sur les toits afin de prévenir toute nouvelle mort d’un de ses agents. Granger est réticent, il ne veut pas risquer de perdre son acheteur en lui mettant la puce à l’oreille, et puis ils ne savent pas s’il est aussi le sniper. Callen ironise : à cette minute, ils ne savent pas ce qu’ils ne savent pas- n’est-ce pas ? Granger cède quand Hetty ajoute que sinon, elle préfère tout annuler. Elle n’apprécie pas du tout que, Kensi ayant souligné qu’il est impossible de couvrir tous les angles, Sam réponde qu’ils doivent tenter leur chance- encore moins que Callen ajoute « comme Renko »…

Deeks et Kensi, armés, protégés par des gilets pare-balles, sont assis dans un fourgon derrière Sam et Callen. Sous le regard attentif des caméras du QG, ils se garent sur le parking. 3 individus viennent à leur rencontre. Jeunes, au look d’étudiants, ils serrent cordialement la main de Rich/Callen : ils vont donner un coup de main à transporter les caisses dès que Carlo aura ramené le camion : il est allé chercher des cafés. Hetty, dans la salle des OSP, résume alors  la pensée de chacun : ils se sont fait avoir…

Un peu plus tard, menottés sur le parking, les jeunes essaient de réaliser ce qui leur est arrivé. Pour se faire un peu d’argent, ils ont proposé leurs services par petite annonce ; Carlo les a embauchés pour charger des caisses, et puis il est allé chercher les cafés. Ils comprennent maintenant qu’il s’agissait sans doute de drogue ! Or l’un d’eux s’est fait choper sur le campus en possession de marijuana, mais il a une ordonnance pour elle suite à divers troubles. En fait ce sont bien des étudiants sans histoire. 

Au QG Eric et Nell se mettent à la recherche du camion de location de Carlo. Ils le trouvent stationné une demi-heure plus tôt non loin du parking. Le conducteur n’est pas reconnaissable. Callen qui a suivi par téléphone devient soucieux. Il veut savoir comment ont été touchées les personnes atteintes par le sniper : toutes d’une balle dans la mâchoire. Aussitôt des flashbacks s’enchaînent dans sa tête – l’homme qu’il a interrogé à l’hôpital, dont la bouche ne fonctionnait plus correctement, qui n’était soi-disant que le chauffeur de sa bande, qui lui a promis de le tuer…L’ordinateur d’Eric bipe : l’acheteur a rebranché le traqueur GPS de son téléphone. Granger soupire qu’ils ont de la chance mais G sait qu’il a fait ça volontairement pour qu’ils le trouvent ; Granger s’y perd ; Hetty lui souffle la réponse : le Caméléon !

Sam, G, Deeks et Kensi grimpent aussitôt dans le fourgon pour se rendre où l’homme les attend. Sam s’inquiète un peu pour son équipier mais G le rassure, il va bien. Ils sont entrés dans une carrière, le Caméléon les attend dans un espace dégagé, bras levés, souriant. Ils sortent, armés, s’approchent ; il tient un téléphone dans un des ses mains- ils exigent qu’il le pose, surtout quand il se met à sonner. Mais le Caméléon « doit » répondre. Il appuie sur la prise d’appel et une voix connue hurle « Callen » !! Le Caméléon leur montre une voiture garée au fond de l’esplanade ; effarés, ils se rendent compte que c’est Lauren Hunter qui appelle à l’aide. Elle a les mains liées au volant. Le Caméléon les nargue. Avec un dernier sourire en direction de G, il lance qu’il suppose qu’en fait il ne veut pas lui parler- son regard se charge de haine. Il raccroche…et la voiture se transforme en une boule de feu monstrueuse qui décolle et retombe sur le toit en un brasier gigantesque.

Au QG les visages reflètent toute l’horreur que chacun ressent – comme ceux des agents sur place qui sont paralysés une seconde par cet acte abject. Seul le Caméléon a retrouvé le sourire, il laisse tomber le téléphone, et les bras toujours bien haut, mains ouvertes, il se met à genoux devant les armes pointées sur lui…

---------------------------------- FIN DE LA 1ère PARTIE -------------------------------

[♫ A man is driving a SUV in LA; ♫ he looks nervous and often watches in the rear mirror ♫ he hears tires screeching: a pick-up with 2 white stripes is heading very fast towards him from the back; ♫ engine revving ♫ guy in the SUV turns left without warning; tires screeching; ♫ pick-up follows; car horns blares: it was almost hit by a car! ♪ ♪ The pick-up catches-up with the SUV which escapes by running down in an aqueduct after crashing its gate ♫ ♫ guy behind the wheel is still nervous ♫ he was right: the pick-up comes from next gate and chases him in the aqueduct ♫; & it runs faster]

SUV DRIVER: Come on, come on.

[The pick-up bangs the back of the SUV, then its side, tires screeching. ♫ The SUV crosses the water and takes some room but the pick-up joins it again and this time hits the rear back: the SUV rolls up-and-down and stops on its wheels. Grunting and groaning, the driver crawls out, while the pick-up turns over and comes back; ♫ its driver gets down too and walks towards the guy lying on his back ♪ ♪]


[Pick-up guy has pulled out a gun]

SUV DRIVER: Please, don't. No, no.

[But he’s shot twice - shell casings clattering – the shooter gets back to his car, but when he want to go into there’s a new gunshot and he falls down…In a car waiting above the aqueduct the driver closes his window, starts the engine, and leaves the place. The head of the second man is bleeding on the ground…]


                                  ♫ ♫ NCIS: LA 3x23 ♫ ♫ Sans Voir (1) ♫ ♫

                                ♫ ♫ Original Air Date on May 15, 2012 ♫ ♫


[NCIS office. ♫ Indistinct chatter ♫ Callen is with Kensi at the coffee machine and Sam is coming in; his shoulder seems hurting]

CALLEN: That's because of what?

[Sam groans. Deeks is sit at his desk]

DEEKS: Big guy overdo it this weekend?

SAM: Yeah. Jeet Kune Do. Trying to learn some new moves. Might need to take it down a notch.

[Sam sits down]

DEEKS: I know what you're talking about. Did a little weight training on Saturday, mountain biking, rock climbing on Sunday. Takes a toll on the body.

KENSI: I thought you did Reiki on the weekends.

DEEKS: Funny you should mention it. I actually do Reiki on the weekends, but after all the extremely grueling punishment I put my body through.

CALLEN: Reiki-- that's New Age body massage?

SAM: If you call aura manipulation massage.

KENSI: Reiki is actually when the practitioner places his hands on the client's body, allowing his own life force energy to... heal them.

CALLEN: And you pay money for that?

DEEKS: I'll have you know that Reiki is an ancient art with incredible benefit for those with an open mind.

SAM: And an open wallet.

DEEKS: I should've expected this from people not in touch with their inner connectedness.

SAM: Oh, come on, Deeks. I'm just giving you a hard time, all right? I was certified in Reiki two years ago.

DEEKS: Really?

SAM: I'll show you.

[He stands up and stays just behind Deeks]

DEEKS: No, we don't have to do this.

SAM: I want to.

DEEKS: I don't think that I want to be...

SAM: Just relax, relax.

DEEKS: All right.

SAM: Close your eyes. Feel the energy.

DEEKS: This is how it starts.

SAM: You feel that?

[His palms are 10 cm apart each side of Deeks’ head]

DEEKS: Can't say that I do.

SAM: You sure?

DEEKS: Yeah, nothing.

SAM: How about now?

[He grabs Deeks’ head and pulls it up]

DEEKS: Ah! S... No!

[Sam opens his hands, Deeks is free; he sighs in relief]

DEEKS: How is that exactly supposed to be healing?

SAM: By waking up that thing between your ears that actually believes that crap.

[Calling whistle]

DEEKS: I'm hearing whistling.

[Eric is standing in the stairs]

SAM: It's the wind blowing through your wallet.


[OPS center. On screen: IDs of the two dead drivers]

ERIC: Conrad Weaver and Earl Mayfield.

NELL: Both were employees of Point Blank Gun Shop and Shooting Range in the Valley. Point Blank is an FFL.

CALLEN: Federal Firearms Licensed facility…

HETTY: Many of which have been responsible for a large amount of illegal guns finding their way into the hands of criminals.

[Eric puts a new ID onto the screen]

ERIC: Rich Mayfield is Point Blank's proprietor.

SAM: [To Deeks] Bet he doesn't do Reiki.

[Deeks smiles]

NELL: Ex-Army ranger and suspected mercenary--Earl Mayfield was Rich's nephew. Also employed are Rich's brother Blake, cousin Neil and stepdaughter Mara.

[She puts their IDs too on screen]

KENSI: The family that shoots together…stays together?

[Approving look from Deeks]

NELL: LAPD determined that Weaver was shot by Mayfield, who was then shot with a high-caliber round.

CALLEN: Rich Mayfield was Army. Either of these two Navy or Marines?

ERIC: Negatory.

HETTY: The Mayfields have hired another employee recently.

KENSI:?? Renko!

HETTY: For whatever reason, Special Agent Renko is undercover at the Point Blank Gun Shop.

CALLEN: You don't know why?

[He’s rather incredulous]

HETTY: In the words of Mr. Beale, that would be a negatory.

DEEKS: What about his case handler?

HETTY: I'm trying to find out who that is. But the Point Blank investigation is not our immediate concern. Mr. Beale?

ERIC: There was a text on Earl Mayfield's cell phone suggesting that Renko was not who he said he was.

NELL: We sent Renko a coded message on his cell, but he hasn't responded.

HETTY: He's working at Point Blank as we speak. Before his cover's blown, we should get in there and get him out.


[Shooting range. Blake Mayfield is briefing Kensi and Deeks]

BLAKE: No smoking, no food, no drinks.

[Gunfire: one man is training too]

BLAKE: Eye and ear protection are mandatory. Your weapon must be pointed downrange at all times.

KENSI: Okay.

[Blake hands her a weapon; she grunts]

KENSI: It's a lot heavier than I thought.

BLAKE: Honey, maybe you should start off with something just a little bit easier to handle.

DEEKS: That's probably a good idea. Why don't you take this one?

[Deeks changes her weapon with a smaller one]

KENSI: Ooh! Much lighter.

DEEKS: Little Miss Gun-Shy freaks out every time she shoots somebody in Call of Duty.

[Blake laughs]

DEEKS: All right, put it up, nice and easy. Don't anticipate, 'cause that's when you blink.

KENSI: Thank you.

[Deeks has put his hands on hers and her arm]

DEEKS: [To Blake] Just trying to make sure you had the right form there, hon bun.

[Blake and Kensi chuckle; he leaves them]

DEEKS: Easy. Feel...

[He grunts: she has just hit his chest with her elbow]

KENSI: Just making sure the recoil doesn't smack the gun back into your forehead, "hon bun."

[She aims carefully]

KENSI: See Renko?

DEEKS: No, can't say that I do.

[Kensi shoots…not one of her bullets finds the targets…]

KENSI: That's it?

[She looks at her gun and laughs]

KENSI: That was fun.


[Sam and G enter the gun shop; they spot Renko at once; none of the 3rd men “recognizes” the others. They head to the counter]

NEIL: What can I do for you?

SAM: Looking to buy a nine.

NEIL: Anything in particular?

SAM: Glock, maybe.

NEIL: Not a problem.

[He looks for guns; G looks around and slowly steps forwards; he looks approvingly at Mara’s back; he walks until he faces Renko, but doesn’t look at him; neither does Renko]

CALLEN: Time to break up with Martha.

RENKO: That's too bad. I was just about to make a dishonest woman out of her.

[He goes out at once; gunfire continues in shooting range; Renko heads to his car, with his phone in his hand; Kensi and Deeks are watching him, coming to the parking lot too]

DEEKS: He's clear.

[Renko puts back his phone into his pocket. Before he reaches his car door, Rich appears and blocks his way]

RICH: Where you going, Hal?

[Renko chuckles]

RENKO: Got a burst pipe, Rich. Just got a text. My kitchen's flooding. I should be back in an hour.

RICH: Uh-huh. Pipe can wait. Need to have a word with you. Now.

[He tries to grab his gun in his back but Renko is faster and pushes him against the car. They start fighting]

DEEKS: We may have a problem.

[Inside the shop]

DEEKS: [over earpiece]: I think Renko's been made.

[Renko and Rich are still fighting behind Renko’s pick-up]

RICH: Blake! Blake!

BLAKE: Rich, what's going on?

[Deeks and Kensi pull out their weapons; Kensi calls Blake]

KENSI: Federal agents!

[Blake takes his gun and shoots at them; they hide in time behind a car; when they use their weapons back at him, he’s already behind a vehicle; G runs out of the shop]

RICH: Blake, help!

[He grunts, rolling on the ground with Renko. Blake tries a look at the situation through the window; bad idea: Kensi shots him. He grunts while falling down. Neil takes his turn with an automatic gun. G has to hide behind a car and shots from under; he hits both legs; guy falls down; G shoots again]

[Renko grunts: Rich punches his face several times; he gets up, pulls out his gun, aims at Renko; there’s a gunshot: Rich falls frontwards! Sam has just saved Renko’s life]

[Renko gasps in relief]

SAM: We're clear.


[Ambulances, scientists and sheriff guys are working at the shooting range. Sam and G are with detectives]

SAM: I hope this doesn't interrupt any plans you had. It could've been tomorrow.

{Deeks helps cuffed Mara getting in their car]

DEEKS: Watch your head.

[Renko is speaking with Kensi]

RENKO: Well, I guess I should be thankful to somebody for saving my bacon.

KENSI: Oh, yeah? Who might that be, Renko?

RENKO: Hmm, let me see. Callen, Deeks, Sam--definitely Sam. Think that's about it.

KENSI: Really?

RENKO: Yeah.

KENSI: There's no one else you could possibly think of?

RENKO: There might be somebody, but I can't seem to put my finger...

[Gunshot comes from nowhere! Panic on the parking lot]

VOICES: Look out! Shots fired! Get down! Take cover!

KENSI: Renko? Man down!

[She looks on the ground and shouts]

KENSI: Renko!

[She kneels at his side; he’s lying on his back]

KENSI: Renko.

[She puts her hands on her face, he’s bleeding a lot]

KENSI: Renko. Renko. Renko, stay with me, buddy. Don't do this to me. Come on. Stay with me. Stay with me.


                      ----------------------- ZAPPING -------------------------


[At the hospital. Renko, whose face is hidden by bandages, is moved to surgery under Hetty and a doctor’s eyes.]

WOMAN [over PA]: Dr. Chan to ICU. Dr. Chan to ICU.

DOCTOR: The bullet entered the maxilla, passed through the sinus and severed the carotid artery.

HETTY: He's critical.

DOCTOR: He would've bled to death if your team hadn't acted fast.

HETTY: How long before we know which way the scales are tipping?

DOCTOR: We'll keep you updated as soon as we know anything more.

HETTY: Thank you, Doctor.

[They shake hands, and the doctor leaves her just when Deeks, Kensi, Sam and G hastily join their boss]

KENSI: Is he gonna be okay?

HETTY: Going into surgery now. [Angrily]: What happened out there?

[All hesitate, embarrassed]

CALLEN: We're not sure.

HETTY: What do you mean “you're not sure”? You were there, weren't you, Mr. Callen? Did you secure the facility?

DEEKS: We cleared the shop and the range.

SAM: Renko confirmed we had everyone covered.

HETTY: But you didn't. I mean, obviously there were areas of vulnerability other than the shop and the range.

CALLEN: Hetty.

[She stops, exchanges a look with him, and takes a few seconds]

HETTY: I expect to see you all back at OPS, ASAP.

KENSI: Not me. Someone should stay with Renko.

HETTY: Yes, Miss Blye of course you're right.

DEEKS: I think maybe I should stay with her.

HETTY: One agent is more than sufficient, Mr. Deeks, thank you.

[Deeks and Kensi exchange a look…]


[OPS center. IDs of the 4 Mayfield are on screen. Blake and Rich are dead]

CALLEN: Do you have an update on Rich Mayfield's cousin?

ERIC: Neil Barlow. Still stable but unconscious in the ICU.

NELL: Hetty still hasn't been able to identify Renko's case handler. Rich's stepdaughter is our only source of intel.

CALLEN: And what do we have on her?

NELL: Mara White--26 years old, no criminal record. Rich Mayfield married her mother two years ago. She's been working as the bookkeeper at Point Blank since last summer.

DEEKS: Bookkeeper?

SAM: Our guest in the boat shed should be able to shed some light on Point Blank's dirty little secrets.

ERIC: And if she won't, maybe her hard drive will.

[G sighs]

CALLEN: Okay, Eric, bring up the footage. Let's see if we missed anything.

[Eric obeys]

SAM: Is this the only camera angle?

ERIC: Yeah, only one security cam in the parking area.

[There’s the gunshot over speakers]

ERIC: Zoom in a little.

[The agents and detective aren’t very comfortable with the footage; Renko is hit from the right and hits the car at his left]

CALLEN: Well, from the angle and the way Renko dropped, that shot had to come from the hills somewhere.

DEEKS: Nearest place the shooter could have been and not been seen is at least 300, 400 yards away.

SAM: The shooter was trained.

[Callen nods]


[Hetty is typing (rather angrily) on her computer at her desk. Granger appears]

GRANGER: I was on my way to D.C. when I heard. What happened?

HETTY: Why don't you ask them.

[She starts typing again]

HETTY: Damn. Why the hell can't I access Agent Renko's case file?

[She stops dead and stares at Granger; she looks astonished]

HETTY: You were his handler.

GRANGER: I still like to keep my hand on the tiller once in a while.

HETTY: Oh...

GRANGER: But as assistant director, the agency tends to take a dim view on that sort of thing.

HETTY: So you covered your ass.

GRANGER: Mm. It seemed like the prudent thing to do, considering.

HETTY: What was Renko working?

[Granger sits down]

GRANGER: We got a tip that Rich Mayfield's operation was dirty. That he might be selling assault rifles to a middle man who was gonna turn them around to a homegrown terrorist cell.

HETTY: Did the tip pan out?

GRANGER: Renko was only under three weeks. He was still gaining Rich's trust. But he did allude to a special client he was gonna be taking care of soon.

HETTY: And the sale is still pending?

GRANGER: It was supposed to go down in the next day or two. We don't know anything else about the buyer. He was gonna text Rich with a time and a place. But maybe he's still in the dark about what happened today.

HETTY: We had information that made us believe that Agent Renko's cover was in jeopardy. Would you have preferred that we let that play out for the sake of the investigation?

GRANGER: Of course not. But it didn't change the outcome, did it?

HETTY: You were his handler. Why weren't you handling him?

GRANGER: I told you, I was on my way to D.C. There was an urgent situation.

HETTY: A little advice, Assistant Director. The next time you feel the urge to put your hand on the tiller, it might be prudent to actually keep your hand on the tiller. Otherwise, the ship tends to veer off course.

[Granger leaves her after a nasty look]


[At the hospital. Kensi have still blood on her shirt. She’s waiting…]

WOMAN: Blood pressure is 120/80.

[Indistinct PA announcement. The doctor joins her; she jumps on her feet]

DOCTOR: Mr. Renko's still in surgery, but it's going better than we hoped. He's not completely out of danger, but he should be in recovery soon.

KENSI: Thank you very much.

[The doctor goes back to work; Kensi sits down again; a phone is ringing nearby]

WOMAN [over PA]: Dr. Kaiser to Radiology. Dr. Kaiser to Radiology.


[OPS center. They are all here: agents and detective + Hetty and Granger]

ERIC: California EDD records indicate there are two other employees at Point Blank. From the security cam footage, neither appeared to be at work when Renko was shot.

NELL: Paul Manning was arrested yesterday by LAPD for DUI. He's still in holding at County downtown.

ERIC: And Walter Henderson, 32--arrests for assault, robbery, grand theft and illegal firearms possession.

DEEKS: A real Renaissance man.

ERIC: And here's the kicker. While in the Army, he was enrolled in the sniper school at Fort Benning, Georgia.

NELL: But he washed out. He received a bad conduct discharge for multiple counts of insubordination and assault.

SAM: A Renaissance man with anger issues.

DEEKS: Angry 'cause he knew Renko was a cop?

CALLEN: Maybe.

GRANGER: We have a bead on this guy?

ERIC: Last known address was in Burbank. Evicted two months ago. No forwarding.

HETTY: Contact local law enforcement. Tell them to put out an APB on Mr. Henderson.

CALLEN: Eric, run a scan for facial rec hits and credit card activity.

ERIC: On it.

CALLEN: [To Granger] You got something on your mind?

GRANGER: Lots, Agent Callen. Lots.


[At the hospital. Kensi is pacing up and down; she sighs. Renko is brought back from surgery. An alarm starts beeping. The doctor rushes inside his room]

NURSE1: Systolic down to 78.

NURSE2: Get him down to 100%, non-rebreather.

NURSE1: Pulse 130 and thready.

KENSI: Doctor, w-what's going on?

DOCTOR: We got it handled.

NURSE1: BP 78/56.

DOCTOR: Give him two liters of saline.

[She pulls the curtain]

DOCTOR: Set up for ultrasound. Running a 12-lead.

NURSE2: Pulse ox up to 82 on 100%.

[Indistinct, overlapping conversation]

DOCTOR: Soon as he stabilizes, prep for a central line to draw 50 of tenecteplase.


[OPS center.]

SAM: Seems like some of the murders are connected and others aren't connected at all.

DEEKS: Maybe whoever was shooting had a plan when they started. Then they got a taste for it and the plan didn't matter anymore.

GRANGER: So the killings became random.

CALLEN: Maybe. But I don't think so.


CALLEN: I wish I knew.

[The phone rings]

ERIC: Yeah. Yeah, she's right here.

[Hetty grabs the phone]

HETTY: Hello.

CALLEN: Something in my gut tells me there's more going on here.

HETTY: Yes, Miss Blye.

CALLEN: This case is complicated--almost too complicated. [Murmuring]: There's something that we're missing.

Something simple...

HETTY: Thank you.

[Hetty’s face has changed. She’s at the edge of tears when the call ended]

CALLEN: Hetty?

HETTY: Agent Renko... [She clears her throat]...had a cardiac arrest right after surgery. There was nothing they could do for him.

[She leaves slowly the OPS, walking through a shocked silence]


                        ----------------------- ZAPPING -------------------------


[Boatshed. Interrogation room. G faces Mara at the table, Sam is standing at his side]

MARA: You decorate this yourselves or did you bring in Extreme Makeover: Home Edition?

[They stare at her, pissed off]

MARA: Hal's a cop, isn't he?

SAM: Hal's name was NCIS Special Agent Mike Renko.

CALLEN: And he's dead now, Mara. Shouldn't take you long to decorate a cell at Valley State.

SAM: I'm sure you could try many different styles over the next 20 years. Here's the deal, Mara...

[Observation room.]

KENSI: They're never gonna make her talk. Dysfunctional, militant family like that--she'll go to jail out of spite.

DEEKS: Listen, I know I didn't know Renko as well as you guys, but if you want to talk about it, I can...

KENSI: I think that it's best if we focus on the interrogation.

DEEKS: Right, of course. I'm just saying that if it's...

[He looks at her, she stares at the screen but nods]

DEEKS: Of course.

[Interrogation room]

CALLEN: So what's it gonna be?

MARA: I need a smoke.

CALLEN: No. What you need to do is help us with this investigation.

SAM: A federal agent has been murdered. You have any idea how much trouble you could be in?

MARA: I didn't have anything to do with that.

CALLEN: Then help us.

MARA: Did I ever say I wouldn't?

[She sighs]

MARA: Accounting files on my computer go back to 2003. There are handwritten ledgers before that when Rich opened the place in '98. On the surface, everything looks legit, but it's not.

CALLEN: What are we talking about?

MARA: Receipts and invoices. I'd say at least 15% are fudged.

SAM: Will you walk us through the paperwork?

MARA: Sure, but you probably won't need much help. Snooki could tell you something's wonky. Rich thought he was some kind of criminal mastermind. He was a moron.

SAM: You didn't approve when your mom married him.

MARA: She made a lot of dumb choices in her life. Marrying Rich was top of the list. She wasn't exactly a charter member of Mensa, but compared to those inbred idiots, she was frickin' Stephen Hawking.

CALLEN: And you worked for them.

MARA: I didn't know anything was wrong until I started.

SAM: But you stayed anyway.

MARA: I've got a kid, an upside-down mortgage and health insurance bills that run a grand a month. Rich paid more than anyone else would have.

CALLEN: He paid you to keep your mouth shut.

MARA: And I did.

CALLEN: Then I guess he wasn't as big of an idiot as you say.

[Mara doesn’t look happy…]


[NCIS office. Granger is sit again at Hetty’s desk]

GRANGER: Rich confided in Renko that he was worried there was a bad apple among his people. Someone who could bring them down.

HETTY: Did Renko believe he was being baited?

GRANGER: He didn't think so.

HETTY: His family--have they been informed?

[Nell and Eric are standing behind him]

GRANGER: My office is handling it. [To the Geeks] Did you get anything off Rich Mayfield's cell?

HETTY: Excuse me. Your office is what?

GRANGER: I made the call myself, Hetty. [Looking at the Geeks] Now, if it's not too inconvenient...

ERIC: Um, well, there...

NELL: Mayfield got a text on his cell this morning from the buyer. The deal is supposed to happen soon.

GRANGER: Any indication where?


NELL: And I wasn't able to trace the cell. It seems like it's a burn phone.

[Eric’s tablet beeps]

NELL: Whoever it belongs to disabled the GPS tracking.

HETTY: So we're in the dark.

ERIC: Whoa. Someone may have just turned a light on. Walter Henderson, our missing Point Blank employee, just used his credit card to rent a motel room in Sun Valley.


[Boatshed. Interrogation room. Mara grabs again a cigarette]

SAM: I don't think so.

MARA: I'm helping you take down an illegal gun operation and you're gonna go all Rob Reiner on me? Serious?

[G’s cell phone rings]

CALLEN: Yeah, Eric?

ERIC: [Over phone] Henderson just used his credit card to rent a motel.

CALLEN: All right, send me the details on the location.

[Call is finished]

CALLEN: We just got a lead on Point Blank's missing employee, Walter Henderson.

SAM: What do we need to know about him?

MARA: Besides being a first-class douche, Walter is not exactly the poster boy for mental health. Bipolar, doesn't take his meds. Another great combination, huh? Said he didn't like the way they "made him feel." Never mind how it made anyone else feel when he was off them.

SAM: Like he could snap at any time.

MARA: He'd be happy and joking one minute, then fly into a rage and beat the crap out of the filing cabinet, copier. Really made the customers feel at ease in a store full of guns.

CALLEN: He had sniper training.

MARA: Washed out 'cause he couldn't hack the math. He was a damned good shot. Saw him at the range myself. Had no problem doing anything Rich told him to. And word was that Rich had him do some really nasty stuff.

[Sam and Callen exchange a look and stand up; they start leaving the room]

MARA: Not that I'm sure it matters to you...I really liked Hal. He was different from the rest.

[They go out, the door closes]


[Motel. G and Sam enter. The receptionist is on phone]

MAN: Oh, I hear you. But that's just politics, ain't it? I mean, you can't trust any of them, if you ask me.

[Callen clears his throat]

MAN: Well, 65 a night. Or 30 for an hour.

[Sam shows his badge]

MAN: [On phone] Oh. I got to go. [He cuts off his call]  Yeah?

SAM: This man.

MAN: Oh. Room 22, second floor. The guy's a friggin' psycho. Case you haven't noticed, this ain't exactly the Four Seasons. Even for this place, guy's a friggin' psycho.

CALLEN: You want to explain that?

MAN: Well, he-he's nervous. He's on edge. I-I don't know if it's drug nervous or PTSD nervous or just nervous nervous, but the guy's a...

BOTH: A friggin' psycho.

MAN: Mm-hmm.

SAM: Room have a back way out?

MAN: Window.

CALLEN: You might want to stay inside.

MAN: No arguments here.

SAM: Key.

MAN: Mm?

CALLEN: To the room!

MAN: Oh. Sure, sure.


[Outside the motel. Deeks and Kensi are waiting, leaning against their car]

DEEKS: It's gonna be hard for you to believe, Kens, but this is actually one motel that I have no prior experience with. Yep. Never been here for an undercover op or an under-the-cover op--which is actually much more fun for all parties involved. But it's kind of amazing, really...

KENSI: Deeks.

DEEKS: Sorry. I have a tendency of using comedy to diffuse tension in situations...

KENSI: Shut up, Deeks.

DEEKS: All right.

KENSI: And thank you.

[Sam and Callen come back]

CALLEN: Manager says Henderson's second- floor room has a rear window. Why don't you two cover the back in case he's crazy enough to jump.

DEEKS: On it.


[Sam and G head towards the door of the room. Callen opens it -lock beeps]

SAM: Federal agents!

[Callen notices the broken window]



[He shows the body on the ground]

SAM: Head shot.

[Sirens are wailing in distance…Sam looks through the window]


                           ----------------------- ZAPPING -------------------------


[Room 22 at the motel. Kensi checks the body]

KENSI: He's gone into rigor. He must have been shot right after he checked in.

DEEKS: Which means the shooter is long gone.

SAM: Any number of buildings that shot could've come from.

CALLEN: Sniper shoots sniper?!

KENSI: Let's say Henderson shot Earl Mayfield and Renko. Everyone knows he's unstable.

DEEKS: So Rich has someone else make sure he doesn't go blabbing about it in his manic phase.

SAM: Except we took out Rich before this went down.

KENSI: He could've ordered the hit before.

DEEKS: I'm having two random thoughts, first of which is the movie Enemy at the Gates with the two snipers that try to shoot--That's not important. I digress. Secondly, does anyone else smell the proverbial rat?

CALLEN: Mara said these guys weren't geniuses, but this doesn't make sense, even for them…


[OPS center. Granger and Hetty, with Nell and Eric]

GRANGER: Let's assume that Ballistics will show that the bullet that killed Walter Henderson matches those that shot Earl Mayfield and Renko.

NELL: So Rich thought his employee, Conrad Weaver, was the bad apple, so he sends his nephew, Earl, to kill him.

HETTY: Only, Earl had information on his cell phone that suggested that Mr. Renko was the bad apple.

GRANGER: Which doesn't make much sense, but it is motive for two of the shootings.

ERIC: Well, if it is the same gun, it's most likely the same person who killed all of them.

NELL: So then it would make sense that someone outside of the Mayfield organization was responsible for all three shootings.

GRANGER: Or maybe Renko wasn't shot because Mayfield suspected his cover was fake. Maybe there was another reason.

HETTY: We know for a fact that Rich Mayfield was ready to shoot Mr. Renko himself.

ERIC: So who has a motive outside of Point Blank for the three shootings?

HETTY: Someone with a grudge against the Mayfields.

NELL: Well, if you're in the illegal weapons business, your list of potential enemies is bound to be a long one.

[Eric’s tablet beeps]

ERIC: A text just came into Rich Mayfield's cell. It's our buyer. He's got a time and place for the deal: East L.A. four hours from now.

GRANGER: Well, we need to make that meet.

NELL: He's gonna want to see the weapons before he makes payment.

HETTY: Only, we don't know what they are.


[G, Sam, Kensi and Deeks are at the shooting range with Mara]

MARA: My guess is that he was going to sell him AR-15s. Two dozen were sold over a three-week period to various individuals.

CALLEN: Individuals who probably don't even exist.

MARA: We're lucky to sell one a month. The receipts are in Rich's handwriting. I've seen him work the counter maybe twice.

KENSI: Okay, well, if the sales were bogus and Rich didn't know when the deal was gonna go down...

SAM: He hid them.

KENSI: Yeah.

DEEKS: So where'd Richie boy hide them?

MARA: There's a gun vault, but even he wouldn't be stupid enough to put them there.

CALLEN: Any unusual activity at the shop or here at the range? Maintenance? Construction?

MARA: A few weeks ago, there was some kind of problem with the backstop on one of the firing lanes. Rich usually has one of the guys take care of that stuff. This time, he did it himself.


[OPS center. Hetty’s desk]

GRANGER: I don't know which is the greater Henrietta Lange legend, her obsession with exotic teas or her capacity for single malts.

HETTY: I need to know what's going on, Owen. You were on your way to Washington. Must have been important for you to leave an active op.

GRANGER: Yeah, it was. There's a problem with one of our agents.

HETTY: Is it one of mine?

GRANGER: I can't tell you more than that, Hetty.

HETTY: There was a time...when you would've told me everything.

GRANGER: Well, that was a long time ago. And we were different then. I miss those times.

HETTY: I don't think you miss those times, Owen. I don't think you miss them at all.

[Granger doesn’t protest, they exchange a look]


[At the shooting range, they are checking the straw of the firing line Mara spoke about]

SAM: Here. It's loose. Got something.

[He pushes the straw bale down. A crate appears. Sam takes his knife and cuts the plastic strips; he opens the crate. Automatic weapons are into it]

SAM: Phew.

DEEKS: Well, in the words of Monty Hall: let's make a deal.

[Sam nods approvingly]


[[NCIS office. Armory. Nell has put a map on the horizontal screen, for briefing G, Sam, Kensi, Hetty, Deeks and Granger]

NELL: The buyer wants you to meet in that parking lot.

SAM: Which makes us sitting ducks if that sniper is on that bridge or any of those buildings.

HETTY: Which is why I'm sending in teams to sweep them and posting our own snipers.

GRANGER: He spots us and gets spooked, we might never find him.

HETTY: You think the alternative is worth another one of our agents being killed?

GRANGER: We don't know that the buyer is the sniper.

CALLEN: At this point, we don't know what we don't know. [Staring at Granger] Do we?

HETTY: This is not up for debate, Owen. Either our sniper team goes in or no one does.

[Granger hesitates, glances at G; he smiles slightly and looks at Hetty]

GRANGER: All right.

KENSI: The parking lot is wide open. There's no way our sniper team can cover every single angle.

SAM: Got to take our chances.

CALLEN: Just like Renko.

[Hetty is shocked]


[Sam and Callen on the front seat, Kensi and Deeks wearing jackets and carrying snipers weapons are in a van]

ERIC: [over radio] Teams have cleared the surrounding buildings. Snipers are taking rooftop positions.

[OPS center. He’s in front of the large screen with Granger; Hetty stands behind]

 [The van enters the parking lot. 3 young guys walk towards it.]

[OPS center.]

NELL: I see three.

[Parking lot: Sam and G get out of the van slowly. One of the young men, smiling widely, touches his hat]

GUY: Hey, you Rich?


GUY: I'm Jeff.

[He shakes G’s hand very kindly]

JEFF: Brent and Ari. Carlo told us to help you guys unload the crates. He's gonna pull the truck up in a couple minutes--just went to get some Starbucks.

SAM: Starbucks.

JEFF: Yeah. Sorry. Should've asked if you guys wanted anything.

[OPS center.]

HETTY: I think we've just been had.

[Same thought was obviously in Sam and G’s eyes when they exchange a look…]


                         ----------------------- ZAPPING -------------------------


[Parking lot. Young guys are cuffed.]

JEFF: Look, we just haul stuff to make some extra cash. Put an ad on Craigslist, this guy Carlo wanted us to help him with a couple crates. Picked us up in his truck.

SAM: Then he went to Starbucks.

JEFF: Yeah. I mean, that's what he said. Is it drugs? It's drugs, isn't it?

[He sighs]

JEFF: We didn't know! Hey, look, I'll be straight up with you. Campus cops wrote me up for some weed, but I have a card. That's it, I swear.


ERIC: [Over earpiece] All three are students at community college.

[OPS center.]

ERIC: No criminal records.

NELL: Jeff Foster was cited by campus security for smoking marijuana on campus, though he has a medical card. ERIC: Low-level anxiety disorder, early onset arthritis and foreign accent syndrome. Impressive.

[Parking lot]

CALLEN: They said the guy that hired them was driving a rental moving truck.

[OPS center.]

GRANGER: Where the hell is he?

ERIC: We're on it.

[They check many cameras footage]

NELL: Got him. A half hour ago, parked on Northview, two blocks from the parking lot.

[Parking lot]

CALLEN: Can you see the driver?

[OPS center. Eric zooms]

ERIC: Barely. I can't really make out what he looks like.

NELL: Either this guy's really lucky or he knew exactly where the camera was.

[Parking lot. Callen looks worried]

CALLEN: Nell, where was Earl Mayfield shot? Where specifically on his body?

NELL: [over earpiece] Coroner's report states the right mandible.

CALLEN: The jaw. What about Henderson?

NELL: [over earpiece] Same.

CALLEN: And Renko?

NELL: [over earpiece] Upper jaw.

CALLEN: All three shot in the mouth.

[He sighs heavily – and has flashbacks: the driver he interrogated]

DRIVER: You the cop who shot me?

CALLEN: Don't shoot at me next time.

DRIVER: The bullet is still in my head. My mouth doesn't work.

[Callen is adding 1 + 1; he reminds Nell’s words]

NELL: Either this guy's really lucky or he knew exactly where the camera was.

[Back at the hospital]

DRIVER: I'm just the driver.

[Jeff’s words]

JEFF: Picked us up in his truck.

MAN: [Over G’s phone] Agent G. Callen, I know where you work, I know where you live, I know who you care about. One day, I'm going to kill you. Soon. That's all I live for. It's all I care about.

[Callen is still lost in his thoughts.]

[OPS center. Computer beeps]

ERIC: Guys, our buyer just turned the GPS on his phone back on.

GRANGER: Lucky break.

[Parking lot]

CALLEN: No. No, he did it on purpose. He wants us to find him.

[OPS center.]


HETTY: The Chameleon. It's been him all along.

[Parking lot]

CALLEN: Where is he, Eric?

[He’s already heading to the van; Sam follows…]

[OPS center.]

ERIC: Left out of the parking lot, three blocks.

NELL: Pulling up pictometry.

ERIC: All right, looks like some sort of industrial area. First gate, turn right.


[In the running van]

ERIC: [over radio] 400 yards and closing.

[Sam turns right; they are in a kind of a quarry.

DEEKS: Looks like a DOT dumping ground.

[Callen stares frontwards]

SAM: You good?


SAM: All right.

ERIC: [over radio] 100 yards directly in front of you, you should see him any second.

[A man standing in the middle of the path appears]

CALLEN: Got him.

[Guy has a raised hand. Deeks and Kensi are ready to shoot. They all get out of the van, raising their weapons. The chameleon is smiling]

CHAMELEON: Just a cell phone.

[OPS center.]

GRANGER: What the hell is he doing?



[The cell phone rings]

CHAMELEON: I need to take this.

CALLEN: Put the phone down now!

[The phone is ringing]

CHAMELEON: You need me to take this, Agent Callen.

[He presses the incoming call button, the cell phone beeps]

WOMAN [screams]: Callen! Help me! [She’s panting]

[Callen is puzzled; the chameleon, still smiling, glances at a car at the bottom of the field]

[OPS center.]

GRANGER: What is it?

ERIC: Pulling it up.

NELL: There's someone in it.

[Eric zooms a little more]

HETTY: It can't be.

GRANGER: Dear God.

ERIC: It's Hunter.


[Callen looks closely at the woman whose hands are tied against the wheel]

HUNTER: Help me!

[G breathes heavily. He looks at the chameleon and his horrible smile]

CHAMELEON: I guess you don't want to talk to her after all.

[Hunter is panting. Chameleon has a look full of hatred]

CHAMELEON: So be it.

[His cell phone beeps: he has just cut off the call. The car with Hunter inside blows up in a terrible explosion…The car is on his roof, in fire; It’s absolutely impossible that Hunter could make it…Granger and Hetty are shocked…Like all agents and detective at the crime scene. They aim at him but he drops the phone down, raises up his arms, and kneels on the ground, hands wide open…]


                          ----------------------- ZAPPING -------------------------

[End of part 1 – No credits: Part1/part 2 are airing together like only one episode]

Kikavu ?

Au total, 129 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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Austin83  (23.05.2019 à 21:24)

Effectivement cet épisode était assez intense et on découvre une nouvelle fois un point faible de Kensi qui fait "plaisir à voir" car on la voit trop souvent dur et froide, comme si elle n'avait aucun sentiments, mais voila lorsque ça touche une personne qu'elle aime, on voit un autre visage de la badass Blye !!!! Hunter c'est jamais passé pour moi :p :p :p !!!!

schumi  (21.05.2019 à 18:41)
Quelle course poursuite dans un décor tout droit sorti de grease. Et cette mort horrible de renko : on le pensait sauvé il blaguait avec kensi... Et cette crise cardiaque. Kensi et hetty ont bien du mal à cacher leur chagrin. Oh et ben j'aimais pas hunter mais là... Ça craint c'est terrible.


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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