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#514 : Cri de guerre

Quand 2 anciens dirigeants de sociétés sous contrats avec l’armée américaine sont assassinés, l’enquête va mener l’équipe sur la trace d’un suspect ; celui-ci met  l’un des leurs en grand danger…Pendant ce temps, Sam organise un rendez-vous pour Callen avec une inconnue. Est-ce que G va se laisser convaincre  de s'y rendre?...


3.75 - 8 votes

Titre VO
War Cries

Titre VF
Cri de guerre

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Première diffusion en France


Vidéos VOSTFR promo 5x14

Vidéos VOSTFR promo 5x14


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Lieutenant Deeks joué par Eric Christian Olsen

Lieutenant Deeks joué par Eric Christian Olsen

Granger et Deeks dans une maison

Granger et Deeks dans une maison

Sam, le directeur adjoint, Callen et Deeks interrogent un suspect

Sam, le directeur adjoint, Callen et Deeks interrogent un suspect

Directeur adjoint Granger joué par Miguel Ferrer

Directeur adjoint Granger joué par Miguel Ferrer


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (inédit)
Samedi 25.10.2014 à 20:50
2.74m / 12.1% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 04.02.2014 à 21:00
16.30m / 2.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : R. Scott Gemmill

Réalisation : James Hanlon

Guests : 

Rebecca Spicher ............................Sofia
Erik Palladino ............................CIA Officer Vostanik Sabatino
Alexandra Holden ............................Elise Elena Jaeger 
Dylan Bruno ............................Robert Brown
Andrew Leeds ............................NCIS Tech Operator John Booker
Elizabeth Bogush ............................Joelle 
Ivo Nandi ............................Kiril Melnyk 
LaMonica Garrett ............................Michael Williams 
Angelique Cinelu ............................Dee Dee
Patrick O’Neil ............................Marine Corporal Hung 
Nefetari Spencer ............................Boss 
Chris R. Moss ............................Transient/Cop 
Lupe Carranza ............................Woman
Janine Kawakaki ............................Hostess

[Sunrise in LA. A woman sighs: at the bus-stop a homeless is sleeping…]

WOMAN: Take up the whole bench. Ugh.

[She stands at the edge of the sidewalk when a young guy steals her purse and flees]

WOMAN: Hey, stop! Stop!

[A car barely avoids the guy running across the street. The homeless jumps up]


[He chases the thief and catches him in an alley. He pushes him forwards against plastic bins to cuff him. He puts him back on his feet and spots a lot of blood on his hand…]

DETECTIVE: What the hell?

[Under the plastic bags, he sees blood and maybe a wrist… The detective lifts off the bags and sees two dead men; shot in the chest…]


     ♫ ♫ NCIS: LA 5x14 ♫ ♫ War Cries ♫ ♫

♫ ♫ Original Air Date on February 4, 2014 ♫ ♫


[NCIS office. Shooting range. Sam and G are training]

SAM: Well?

CALLEN: It's last minute.

SAM: No, it's not. It's tonight. That's hours from now.

CALLEN: I got stuff to do.

SAM: Like what?

CALLEN: Just, you know, stuff.

SAM: Please. You're gonna leave here, you're gonna go get some takeout, probably Indian, you're gonna go home, you're gonna open a beer, you're gonna turn on the History Channel, and you're gonna play chess against the computer.

CALLEN: Oh, you are so off base.

SAM: Oh, yeah?

CALLEN: I'm having Greek food.

SAM: No, you're not. You're coming out to dinner with us.

CALLEN: Why can't I just come to your house?

SAM: No, we're going out. It's important to Michelle and me. All right? We have something we want to talk to you about.


SAM: I'll tell you tonight.

[Callen stares at him]

SAM: You can stare at me all you want. I'm not telling you unless you show up.

CALLEN: You're not gonna ask me to be your kids'guardian again, are you? I told you, that's not a good idea.

[Knocking at the door interrupts them; Eric enters]

ERIC: LAPD just called with a double homicide. You have to see this.

SAM: Why? Who are the victims?


[OPS center.]

ERIC: Richard Davis and James Miller. Both former military and both formerly employed by...Any guesses?

DEEKS: Cirque du Soleil. No, Applebees. You been there? Triple Treat Sampler? Place is delicious. Entertainment industry or service industry?

[Sam clears his throat]

DEEKS: What? At least I'm trying.

ERIC: How about our friends at D7? The private contracting firm linked to the plane crash in Burbank that killed former Vice Admiral William Gardner and reporter Jason Carter.

DEEKS: That would have been my next guess.

ERIC: Uh, Carter was ghostwriting the admiral's memoir, which may have included references to war crimes committed by D7 contractors in Afghanistan.

CALLEN: Is this related?

ERIC: Don't know. There were no witnesses. And I've been checking traffic cam footage; found nothing of interest so far.

DEEKS: What's D7 saying?

ERIC: Not much. They shut down six weeks ago, probably due to our ongoing investigation.

CALLEN: Yeah, but that investigation has stalled.

SAM: Until now.

DEEKS: Shotgun!!

[And he walks out, whistling. G looks at Sam]

CALLEN: I am not riding in the backseat.

SAM: I'll put him in the trunk.

[G chuckles]


[Deeks is in the stairs]

DEEKS: Granger?

[Granger was about to take the other stairs; he stops]


GRANGER: "Assistant Director" will suffice.

DEEKS: Sorry. When did you get here?

GRANGER: About 20 minutes ago.

DEEKS: No, I mean, like, when did you get back from Afghanistan?

GRANGER: About 20 minutes ago.

DEEKS: Um...Wait... so does that mean that the...

[He looks around]

DEEKS: the mission is over?

GRANGER: No. And she's not here, if you're asking about your partner.

DEEKS: What, so you just...you just left her there?

GRANGER: She's a big girl; she can take care of herself.

[Marty chuckles]

DEEKS: Um...Okay, uh, I have vacation time coming to me, and the guys have this placed dialed in, so I was wondering-- if you wanted me to-- I could... I could go over there, I could help out.

GRANGER: Deeks, nothing personal, but you in Afghanistan sounds like a National Lampoon’s Vacation movie.

DEEKS: …Right.

[Granger starts heading up; he stops]

GRANGER: But listen...she's doing good over there. Okay?

DEEKS: Yeah… Thanks, Granger.

[Hetty is watching from the mezzanine. She steps away – Deeks is alone, lost in sad thoughts…]


[Afghanistan. 23H00. Kensi is in her bed, the wind is whistling softly outside. She exhales – she looks at her watch and gets up. She checks the temperature: 13°; she turns the thermostat up and sighs; she looks frozen. She opens a laptop on the table, pulls out a thumb drive (hidden under her shirt with a necklace) and connects it. She writes: “need more information on Sabatino. Why was he taken off Sidorov case? What’s his bank account look like?” The encrypted message is sent. Then she opens quietly a door – a man is asleep in the top bunk; the other is empty…She closes the door – and jumps!]

SABATINO: Looking for something?

KENSI: Geez. Yeah. You know how to turn up the thermostat? It's freezing in here.

SABATINO: Oh, thermostat's fine. Uh, one of the camp generators stopped. Marines are working on it.

KENSI: Where have you been?

SABATINO: Just checking out the generator.

KENSI: With your weapon?

SABATINO: Don't leave home without it. All right, I'll see you in the morning. Oh, uh...If you do get cold, I got a... heating blanket.

KENSI: I'm okay.

SABATINO: Okay. Good night.

KENSI: Good night.


[Nell is in the destruction room. Her phone chimes: “incoming text from Sunshine”. She frowns and leaves the room]

[Nell is typing in the tech room]

NELL: Okay.

[She’s on the Pepperwood pet supply page…and she checks litter reviews…She finds Sunshine’s, copies it]

NELL: Come on.

[This is just a classic review; when the computer beeps, words or parts of words are highlighted and then grouped together: Kensi’s message appears on Nell’s screen]

NELL: Hmm.

[She stares pensively at the monitor…]



CALLEN: Definitely wasn't a professional hit. They left brass everywhere.

SAM: Hmm. It was a pretty bloody back and forth struggle.

CALLEN: Car was found parked down the street, so they must have walked over here.

SAM: Another vehicle was here. Got its windshield smashed.

CALLEN: Maybe they came to meet somebody, things go sideways?

SAM: Hmm.

[He pulls out his phone]

SAM: Both bodies were found over here.

CALLEN: So one guy gets hit, his buddy comes to help, he gets popped too.

[Sam finds a shoe; big heel, transparent plastic; bloody]

SAM: What do you think?

CALLEN: I think Cinderella was in the wrong part of town.


------------------ ZAPPING -----------------


[Sam and G walk in the alley; on their left a woman laughs: a prostitute is speaking with a man in his car]

MAN: Aw, no way, forget it.

WOMAN: What the...?

[The car runs away]

[She scoffs when she spots Sam and G looking at them]

WOMAN: Thanks a lot, fellas…

[The agents exchange a look]

WOMAN: Hey, Boys Town is that way.

CALLEN: Take it easy.

SAM: Whoa.

CALLEN: You got a minute?

WOMAN: Hope you can do better than that.

SAM: Just want to talk.

[He shows his ID]

WOMAN: The older ones always do.

CALLEN: Were you working last night?

WOMAN: Day shift only; I got a kid in school.

SAM: Double homicide about 20 yards from here.

WOMAN: Another reason I prefer the lunch crowd.

MAN: [Ukrainian accent] Can I help you, gentlemen?

[He’s with a young blond girl]

CALLEN: Just talking.

MAN: I'm afraid my friend here doesn't have time to talk.

SAM: Oh. You're her friend?

MAN: And her agent.

CALLEN: Oh. He's an agent.

SAM: That's funny, so are we. See? Special agent.

MAN: Wow. I give ten percent discount to all law enforcement.

[G scoffs]

MAN: 15 if you share the same girl.

SAM: How old are you?

MAN: She doesn't speak English. She's just visiting.

CALLEN: You do realize prostitution and solicitation's illegal in this country, right?

MAN: Of course. I also do know that she doesn't have to talk to you if she doesn't want to. I majored in law.

SAM: Minored in stupid.

MAN: …Break's over. Let's go. [He speaks Ukrainian]

SAM: Yeah. Break's over.

[He pushes the man’s head harshly against the wall; the guy grunts and faints]

SAM: Piece of garbage.

CALLEN: I'd say you girls need a new agent.

[Sam searches the man; the blond girl points at the shoe G is carrying in a plastic bag]

BLOND: Elise.


[[OPS center.]

ERIC: I think I found your Cinderella.

[He’s on phone with the agents waiting near the Challenger]

ERIC: Elise Elena Jaeger, 30 years old. She was arrested twice for prostitution--got off once claiming entrapment and once for insufficient evidence. Last known residence is in Mar Vista. And last legitimate job seems to be a clothing store on Hollywood Boulevard.

CALLEN: All right, have Deeks pick her up and meet us at the boatshed. We need to make a quick side trip.

ERIC: Where to?

SAM: Protective Services.

[The blond girl is in the backseat…]


[OPS center. Nell enters. Worried…]

ERIC: Did you, uh...did you need something?

NELL: Maybe. I want to, but I don't think I should.

ERIC: Should what?

NELL: Involve you.

ERIC: Are you in trouble?


ERIC: Then what is it?

[She groans]

ERIC: Okay. All right. Look at me.

[He puts the hands on her shoulders]

ERIC: Take a deep breath.

[He inhales, she obeys]

ERIC: Close your eyes.

[He exhales; she does too]

ERIC: Let it out slowly. Feel your muscles relaxing. Just think about butterflies fluttering around you.

[Nell chuckles and opens the eyes]

NELL: What?

ERIC: Butterflies. They're fluttery and they're calming.

NELL: Okay, that's nice, but...I think Kensi's in serious trouble.

ERIC: What's going on?

NELL: She asked me to look into CIA Officer Sabatino--his bank records, why he was pulled off the Siderov case.

ERIC: That's not good.

NELL: No. It gets worse. The guy he went over to Afghanistan with got his head cut off.

ERIC: That's really not good.

NELL: I think Kensi suspects Sabatino…


[Afghanistan. Sabatino takes the passenger seat in a military vehicle]

KENSI: Nice look.

SABATINO: You like it?

KENSI: Taliban chic.

SABATINO: Well, most guys couldn't pull it off.

[The driver smiles]

KENSI: I'm not sure you do either, but...Where you guys heading?

SABATINO: Hunting bad guys.

KENSI: Want some company?

SABATINO: I don't think so.

KENSI: I'm a good tracker.


KENSI: Yeah.

SABATINO: I appreciate the offer, but like I said, I work alone.

KENSI: What about this guy?

SABATINO: This guy? He's just dropping me off. Right, Hung?

HUNG: Yes, sir.

KENSI: All right. Suit yourself.

SABATINO: Maybe next time.

KENSI: Make sure he doesn't get lost, Corporal.

[She discreetly sticks a GPS tracker on the car]

HUNG: Yes, ma'am.

[The engine starts]

SABATINO: Let's roll.


[Kensi goes back into the office]

KENSI: Ooh. Seriously, they haven't fixed that generator yet?

BOOKER: Not completely. It's either heat or power for the equipment.

[Kensi chuckles]

KENSI: Maybe I should light a bonfire in the sink.

BOOKER: I would not recommend that.

KENSI: Seriously?

BOOKER: You were kidding.

KENSI: Yeah. It's called humor. You should try it sometime.

BOOKER: Too cold to be funny.

KENSI: See? Now, that was funny. How did that feel?

BOOKER: I can't feel anything.

KENSI: Okay. You know what? I'm gonna ask Harris to pull some strings.

BOOKER: Oh, too late. She's gone. Uh, Granger called her back to Washington.


BOOKER: Above my pay grade.

KENSI: Well, who's in charge of the team now?

BOOKER: Looks like it's Sabatino until they send a replacement. I know. I know it sucks. The guy's a tool.

KENSI: Booker, did you know Sanders, the CIA SOG guy I'm replacing?

BOOKER: Um, yeah, the sniper?

KENSI: Yeah.

BOOKER: Nah. No, he and Sabatino kept to themselves.

KENSI: Were they friends?

BOOKER: Hard to tell. You know spooks--everything's top secret.

[Kensi looks in her laptop for the GPS location…she clears her throat…]

------------------ ZAPPING -----------------

 [Hollywood Bld. Clothing store.]

DEEKS: Elise Jaeger?


DEEKS: Detective Marty Deeks, LAPD. You got a minute?

ELISE: Um, not really. What is this about?

DEEKS: Uh, it's about two bodies we found in Hollywood last night and a shoe with your fingerprints at the crime scene.

ELISE: Look, I really need this job. I am clean and sober three months, but my boss...

BOSS: Elise, is there a problem?

ELISE: No problem.

DEEKS: Detective Marty Deeks, LAPD.

[The boss gives Elise a nasty look; the young woman looks depressed]

DEEKS: Elise here, um...has been helping us close in on a counterfeiting ring that has been targeting local businesses.

BOSS: What?

DEEKS: I'm so sorry for the confusion, but she was under strict orders not to mention it to anybody, but I can assure you that she's saved your store over several hundred dollars in the last couple weeks.

BOSS: Really?

DEEKS: We're getting very close to busting these guys, but I do need a huge favor from you. If we could borrow her for a couple hours--we got to take her downtown, show her some mug shots, if that's okay.

BOSS: Yeah, sure. Absolutely.

DEEKS: Thank you so much.

BOSS: Thank you.

DEEKS: You ready?

ELISE: Yeah. Thank you.

BOSS: You're welcome.


[Protective Services building. G is waiting for Elise to get in. Across the street Sam is reading the ID found on the man he knocked down.]

ERIC: [Over com] Sam, you got a name?

SAM: Yeah. It's Kiril Melnyk. Have LAPD pick him up, ask them to sit on him for a couple of days. Give his girls a chance to relocate.

ERIC: [Over com] You got it.

SAM: Out. Piece of work.

[G is back to the Challenger]

SAM: Think she'll be okay?

CALLEN: She's better off than she was an hour ago. I'll have somebody from the local Ukrainian community reach out to her. I can check in on her after work.

SAM: Or tomorrow. Since you have our dinner tonight. Oh, and we a suit and tie; it's a nice place.


SAM: Yeah.

CALLEN: This is L.A. Funeral directors don't even wear ties. Seriously, do you even know anyone that owns a tie these days? Honestly.

SAM: Adults?

CALLEN: …Let's go.

SAM: Let's go.

[They sit down in the car]

CALLEN: You can barely get a tie around that telephone pole you call a neck. I happen to know Hetty has those ties custom-made for you. Probably by some...circus folk.

SAM: This coming from a guy who thinks black jeans are formal wear.

CALLEN: I can clean up when the occasion calls for .

SAM: Okay, well, tonight the occasion is calling.

[Callen sighs]


SAM: You know what? Forget it.

[He presses the button “call Michelle” on the onboard computer]


[The line starts ringing]

CALLEN: What are you doing?

SAM: Calling Michelle.

CALLEN: What, are you gonna tell her I don't want to wear the suit?

SAM: She would want to know.

CALLEN: Okay, okay.

[He stops the call]

CALLEN: I'll wear the suit.

SAM: Thank you.

CALLEN: Can't believe you were gonna use Michelle to try and threaten me.

SAM: Can't believe you caved.

CALLEN: For the record, I, unlike you, am not afraid of your wife.

SAM: Yeah, yeah. You're not that stupid.

CALLEN: [For himself] Suit…


[OPS center.]

NELL: Man…

ERIC: What'd you find?

NELL: Nothing. Sabatino appears to be clean.

ERIC: That's good, right?

NELL: I still think I should tell someone.

ERIC: Well, you did; you told me. And no one knows you told me, so if something happens to you and Kensi, I know.

NELL: Wait, what's gonna happen to me and Kensi?

ERIC: I don't know. But just in case, I should probably create a file with a dead man's switch. That way, if something happens to you and something happens to Kensi and something happens to me, it will automatically go out to the rest of the team.

NELL: Wait, what are you talking about?

ERIC: Okay, if someone goes undercover and it's so secret and dangerous that only their boss knows, but then their boss gets killed or their boss is actually one of the bad guys, and now you're in double danger because no one knows the truth. That wouldn't happen with my plan.

NELL: Cool. Now you've officially freaked me out, and I'm going to tell Hetty.

[She walks out)

ERIC: I'm still gonna create a dead man's switch.

[He jumps on his feet]

ERIC: Hey, wait up.

[They take the stairs together, but stop dead]

BOTH: Granger.

[She grabs his hand and they run up. Granger watches the scene, puzzled. He reaches Hetty’s office]

GRANGER: Those two meerkats you got working in OPS are getting stranger.

HETTY: It takes a...a special type of personality to do what they do. Yeah, well, they're special, all right.

GRANGER: I think they need a window. Or at least an exercise wheel.

[Hetty chuckles]

HETTY: Owen...relax. I just brewed a fresh pot of Makaibari Silver Tips. I... It's all good.

GRANGER: Never really understood the appeal of hot, dirty water.

HETTY: It takes an evolved palate.

GRANGER: That's what they say about head cheese.

HETTY: You seem extraordinarily irritable, even for you.

GRANGER: Thanks for noticing.

HETTY: You care to share?

GRANGER: Yeah, it's about Blye.

HETTY: What about her?

GRANGER: I'm starting to wonder why you insisted on sending her.

HETTY: You needed someone you could trust.

GRANGER: And that's it?

HETTY: Could anything be more important than that?


[Boatshed. Interrogation room.]

DEEKS: I need to know about the guy that you were with. Is he a regular?

ELISE: No, I told you it was a one-off. I never saw him before.

DEEKS: What was his name?

ELISE: David.

DEEKS: Did you get a last name?

[She shakes the head]

DEEKS: What about a car?

ELISE: Oh, it was a silver SUV--a Lexus, I think.

DEEKS: Okay, so walk me through it. Silver Lexus-- he picks you up, takes you to the alley. What happens?

[She sighs]

ELISE: Um...Well, he started touching my face, said how much he liked my eyes. Then, suddenly, the window smashes, and before I can know what's happening, I'm being dragged out by my hair.

DEEKS: Did they say anything?

ELISE: They told me to get lost and took off. I didn't even look back.

DEEKS: They say anything to David? To each other? Say each other's names?

[Sam and G are watching the scene next door through the surveillance camera footage]

ELISE: Not that I heard. I thought they were gonna kill me.

[Her voice breaks]

ELISE: I kept waiting for them to shoot me in the back.

DEEKS: They didn't. You're safe. You're okay.

[He stands up]

DEEKS: I'm gonna grab you some coffee.

[Observation room.]

SAM: She seems legit.


[Deeks sighs heavily]

DEEKS: I got to be honest. I think she's telling the truth.

SAM: I agree.

DEEKS: Anything you want to ask her?

[Sam and G exchange a look; they shake the head -Eric appears on screen]

CALLEN: Did you find it?

ERIC: Silver Lexus SUV on Sierra Bonita around the time of the murders, registered to a Robert Brown. Guess where he used to work.

DEEKS: I mean, my first instinct is SeaWorld, but I'll go with D7.

ERIC: You are correct, sir. Address is already on your GPS.

[Sam and G jump up]

SAM: We're out of here.

DEEKS: I'll see if she can give a positive I.D.


[Brown’s house front door bursts open: G and Sam enter and search the place]

SAM: Clear.

CALLEN: Clear.

[He spots a lot of papers on the table; the living room is messy]

SAM: Bedroom suggests our guy bugged out with some firepower.

CALLEN: Well, either he got out of here in a hurry, or someone else came through looking for him.

SAM: Or clues to where he may have gone.

CALLEN: Check it out.

[A photo in a frame: 3 guys – all heavily armed and wearing vests]

SAM: It's Brown acting all buddy-buddy with the two dead guys from the alley.

CALLEN: So why are they trying to kill him?...


------------------ ZAPPING -----------------


[OPS center. Nell and Eric are typing on their keyboards; Nell’s computer chimes]

NELL: It's Sunshine.

[She opens the pet supply website; the litter page – neither she nor Eric notices that Granger is just behind them…]

GRANGER: Kitty litter.

[Nell gasps]

GRANGER: I suggest you shop for your cats on your own time, Jones.

NELL: I don't own any cats.

ERIC: We were just chasing down a lead on a suspect who has a cat...Had a cat. We actually don't know what happened to the cat.

NELL: It's a missing cat.

[She clears her throat]

ERIC: Catnapped, kidnapped.

[They start typing]

GRANGER: What do you know about Blye?

ERIC: Blye. He was mutinied by his crew for being a martinet?

NELL: But managed to travel over 4,000 miles in a small launch to Timor.

GRANGER: Not Captain Blye, you idiots. Agent Blye!

ERIC: Oh. She's on a classified assignment.

NELL: And we're not classified.

GRANGER: So you're not in touch with her?

ERIC: I don't think we're allowed to be, are we?

NELL: I don't know. Are... are we?

[Her computer chimes]

GRANGER: You going to check that?

NELL: It's probably just my mom.

GRANGER: On a secure work device?

NELL: Nah. Ah, Callen and Sam are back.

[She stands up and hurries out]

ERIC: I...

[He waves a good bye and chuckles]

ERIC: I like your facial hair. Makes you look like a pirate.

[Granger barely changes his nasty look to a tiny smile- Eric resumes typing…]


[Nell briefs the agents at the entrance]

NELL: Robert Brown—former Army Intelligence. He worked for D7 at the same time as Richard Davis and James Miller, the two men who were found dead in the alley.

SAM: They know each other from the Army?

NELL: Not as far as I can tell.

[They reach the agents’ desks where Deeks is waiting]

NELL: I think they met after they started working as private contractors.

SAM: Okay, well, we know D7 provides logistic, courier and security services worldwide using former military and law enforcement personnel.

CALLEN: We also know they were probably the ones that killed Vice Admiral Gardner. Possibly to keep him quiet about their employees' war crimes in Afghanistan.

DEEKS: They shut down because of our investigation?

NELL: Well, officially, it was due to internal restructuring, which led them to the decision to terminate their government contracts.

SAM: Contracts worth, what, about a billion dollars? I don't buy it.

DEEKS: Listen, even if these guys weren't working for D7 when they were killed, it could still be tied into something that happened when they were.

NELL: Yeah, probably, but here's the real kicker. Two and a half weeks after D7 shut its doors, both Richard Davis and James Miller were employed by a new company--Durendell Securities.

CALLEN: Let me guess. New name, same company.

NELL: Winner winner, chicken dinner.


NELL: Sam's instincts were right. Somebody had to have picked up those government contracts. So I looked into it. D7 basically shut its doors and reemerged as a new out-of-state entity.

SAM: Did you contact Durendell Securities?

NELL: No, not yet, because I didn't want to tip them off that we were onto them. But Eric is currently searching for a way into their system as we speak.

DEEKS: And what about our, uh, missing man here, Robert Brown? Does he work for Durendell Securities, too?


SAM: Or could be, he saw something over there he didn't like. Maybe the same thing they didn't want the admiral talking about, which explains why they tried to kill him.

CALLEN: We need to find this guy before they do.

[Eric joins them]

ERIC: Kaleidoscope just got a hit on Robert Brown's silver Lexus. Unfortunately, it's in the parking lot of a bus station.

DEEKS: If he bought that ticket with cash, he didn't have to show I.D. There's no way to know where he went.

ERIC: I've been looking through their surveillance video, but nothing so far.

CALLEN: If he left last night, he's got a huge head start on us. Guy could be on the beach in Mexico by now.

SAM: Well, we should hit the bus depot, see if someone recognizes him, remembers what ticket he bought.

CALLEN: See if you can nail down when he parked the car. It'll help narrow the list of possible buses he could have been on. If we're lucky, he just arrived.

[Nell and Eric leave them]

DEEKS: I'll go back to the house, see if I can find anything that gives us a hint where he went.

SAM: Keep in touch.

DEEKS: All right.


[Sam and G walk out – Deeks sees Granger]

DEEKS: Hey, Granger? Assistant Director Granger. Sorry. Um, want to get some fresh air?

GRANGER: What'd you have in mind?

DEEKS: Come on, I need some backup in the field.

GRANGER: Why not?

DEEKS: Great.

[Hetty watches them leaving, sighs and goes back to the file on her desk; with photos of Kensi…]


[Afghanistan. Two women in burqas are walking in the countryside; one of them carries a heavy bag on the head – they split, the one with the bag takes a smaller path. Alone, she pulls off her burqa: Kensi]

[OPS center. Eric and Nell come in]

ERIC: All right, listen up, people. We need everyone out of here while we perform a security test. Now!

MEN AND WOMEN: Yeah. All right.

ERIC: Let's move! Let's move! Let's move!

[Eric puts a hand on Nell’s shoulder]

ERIC: Your, uh, pet supply store called. We're going flying.


[Afghanistan. Kensi takes the satellite phone and dials…]

[OPS center. The phone rings]

KENSI: [Over phone] Good morning, Sunshine.

ERIC: Nice to hear your voice again, Kensi.

[Afghanistan: Kensi types on her laptop]

KENSI: So, you should be getting the drone feed momentarily.

[OPS center. Eric’s computer is trilling]

[Afghanistan. Kensi launches a small drone; she checks the footage on a little monitor]

KENSI: You getting this yet?

[OPS center.]

NELL: Yup. We're online.

KENSI: [Over com] All right.


KENSI: Switching controls over to you...now.

[OPS center.]

ERIC: Look, Mom. I'm flying. Say hello, Kensi.

[She waves…]


[Traffic jam: the Challenger is stationary…There are road works in progress on the left of the street]

CALLEN: There's one thing I am not gonna miss about L.A.--traffic.

SAM: What do you mean "miss"? Where are you going?

CALLEN: I don't know. Somewhere they don't have cars.

SAM: Hmm. Catalina? You'd look really cute driving one of those golf carts. Chug a little margarita.

[He laughs…They frown: a man is running in their direction]


MAN: Let the cars through!

[Two guys are chasing the man]

WORKER: Hey, hey! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

[The runner grunts while pushing the stop sign out of his way]

SAM: It's Brown.

CALLEN: You got these guys?

SAM: Oh, yeah.

[G hurries out of the Challenger. Sam opens the door just when the first chaser passes by- he crashes heavily on the ground. Sam gets out, gun ready]

SAM: Federal agents!

[The 2nd guy shoots but misses; Sam doesn’t.]

[G is on Brown’s heels]

CALLEN: Federal agents!

[The guy turns right – in a cul-de-sac. He starts climbing a garbage container but G shoots near his ears]

CALLEN: Brown!

[Brown puts his hands up; Sam stops the challenger at the bottom of the alley. Brown is panting, looking worried…]


------------------ ZAPPING -----------------


[Boatshed. Interrogation room.]

BROWN: You should have just let me leave. I'd be safer on my own.

CALLEN: You're safe here.

BROWN: You don't know these guys.

CALLEN: Why do they want you dead?


SAM: Come on.

BROWN: Look, some bad stuff went down in Afghanistan. These guys are willing to kill to keep it quiet. They got the Defense Department in their back pocket. They got half the Pentagon on speed dial. You guys cannot protect me from them.

SAM: Yes, we can. In fact, we already have.

BROWN: Want to know what happened? Ask the guys that were chasing me.

CALLEN: We will. But one of them's in surgery and the other one's unconscious.

SAM: You're welcome.

BROWN: There's no way I'm gonna testify against these guys unless I'm granted full immunity and given a new identity. I don't want to wind up dead.


[Brown’s house.]

GRANGER: Are you in communication with Blye?

DEEKS: Not really.

GRANGER: What the hell does "not really" mean? Either you are or you aren't.

DEEKS: Well, her operation is classified, sir.

GRANGER: So she hasn't said anything to you about her mission?

DEEKS: No. Why? What's going on over there?

[Granger sighs]

DEEKS: All right.

[He clears his throat]

DEEKS: Kensi and I aren't just partners. She's my friend, and I look out for her. And so I'm asking you, man-to-man, is there something I should know about?

GRANGER: Not really.

[Deeks chuckles softly- the gate rattles outside: they split. An armed man enters, looks around. Granger steps forwards]

GRANGER: Can I help you?

MAN: Hands on your head. Turn around slowly. Down on your knees. Come on.

[Granger obeys…]

MAN: And cross your ankles.

[Deeks moves behind him]

DEEKS: Now you lower your gun. Lower it. And get on your knees.

[Granger is back on his feet – he grabs the guy’s gun]

DEEKS: Cross your ankles. Now touch your left ear with your right hand...and your right ear with your left hand.

MAN: What?

DEEKS: I thought we were playing Gun Twister. Are we not playing Gun Twister?

GRANGER: You couldn't come out before he made me get down on my bad knee?

DEEKS: Not really…


[Boatshed. Sam and G leave the interrogation room]

SAM: What's up, Eric?

[Eric is on screen]

ERIC: Deeks and Granger just caught a Durendell Securities employee breaking into Robert Brown's house.

CALLEN: All right, tell them to sit tight, we'll be right there. And send Nell over to babysit till we get back, all right?

[OPS center.]

ERIC: Got it.

[Off to…]


[Brown’s house. Deeks opens the door to Sam and G. The cuffed Durendell employee is in a armchair facing the agents and Deeks, all standing]

MAN: One of these guys better be a lawyer, or you're all screwed.

DEEKS: Told him I used to be a public defender, but for some reason, he declined my services.

SAM: Hmm. That's funny. He's pretty feisty for a guy who could be looking at jail time for war crimes.

MAN: You're gonna have to do a whole lot better than that.

CALLEN: Actually, we don't. We have Robert Brown in protective custody.

MAN: Protective custody?

CALLEN: Mm-hmm.

MAN: You better have his ass in a cage.

DEEKS: What's that supposed to mean?

MAN: Like I said, I want a lawyer.

[Granger pulls out his phone and moves forwards]

GRANGER: Here. Call your lawyer.

[The man dials but he’s interrupts by a bullet! Granger has pulled the trigger close to his ear and it rings painfully. He groans]

GRANGER: Why are you trying to kill Brown?

[The man is panting; there’s blood on the hands he presses against his ear]

GRANGER: The next one's going in your head.

MAN: He killed three women in Afghanistan. We got him out of there as soon as we found out. Tried to stop him before he did the same here. Guy's a psycho.


[Boatshed. Interrogation room. Nell enters]

NELL: Hello.


NELL: So can I get you anything?

BROWN: What happened to the other guys?

NELL: Oh, they just had to go check on something.

BROWN: So you're the only one here to protect me?

NELL: Yup.

BROWN: Are you an agent?

NELL: Well, technically, I'm an analyst.

BROWN: Lucky me.

[Nell’s phone chimes – message from Callen: “Brown is dangerous”; she chuckles softly to alley suspicion and smiles]

BROWN: Everything okay?

NELL: Just my mom.

[He nods; can’t help a snarl]

NELL: I'm gonna call her back.

BROWN: Mm-hmm. Okay.

NELL: Okay.

[She grabs her gun from her belt but he moves very fast and presses her back against the door; both grunt, fighting for the weapon.]


[But he wins the battle: he has the gun, Nell hits the ground…She crawls under the table. Brown smiles, he steps slowly forwards – Nell pulls out a knife: she’s ready – Brown lifts up the table and screams: Nell has stabbed his thigh, pounces on him and pushes his back against the wall; she stabbed again – his shoulder. He starts to strangle her from behind with one arm– she stabs his other thigh – he raises the gun – she tries to push back the weapon, but she’s weakening, choking…The door bursts open: Sam rushes forwards and grabs Brown’s gun and punches his face. He rolls on the floor. Meanwhile Nell faints and G can only slow down her fall. He strokes her face]


[Brown groans – lying on his back]

CALLEN: You all right? Nell?

[She opens the eyes, panting]


NELL: Did I get him?

CALLEN: Yeah. You got him.

NELL: Good.

[Brown is bloody, panting, still at Sam’s gunpoint. Deeks and Granger arrive]

DEEKS: I'll call an ambulance.

[Sam kicks Brown’s leg; he moans. Nell groans; the corner of her right eye is bloody]

GRANGER: Not bad for an analyst.


[OPS center. Hetty is waiting for them. Nell is back, in Deeks’ hoodie, with Granger and Marty]

HETTY: Are you all right?

NELL: Yup.

[Hetty looks at her eye]

HETTY: Ah. Good girl.

[She chuckles, they hug]

HETTY: Up you go.

[She nods and steps away – with Deeks]

DEEKS: Big stones, Jones.

[She clears her throat and they tap their hands – she goes up, he leaves the office. Granger and Hetty stare at each other]

GRANGER: Robert Brown's stable. My guess is he'll make a plea bargain against D7 to save him from the death penalty. It's too bad.

HETTY: Indeed.

GRANGER: Your people did well.

HETTY: They always do…


[OPS center. Eric is waiting anxiously – the door opens: Nell]

ERIC: I told you, I'm gonna stop letting you leave OPS.

[He hands her the earphone]

NELL: Thank you.

[She chuckles. He notices her eye]

ERIC: Hey, hey, hey.

NELL: I know.

[Her phone rings]

NELL: Oh. It's Kensi calling on her sat phone. Yeah, this is Nell.

[Afghanistan. In the base camp office. Kensi speaks quietly]

KENSI: Hey. Did you find him?

[OPS center.]

NELL: Uh, yeah. He traveled another eight and a half kilometers northeast on foot where he met up with three other men.


KENSI: Ours?

NELL: Hard to say. They were all in local attire.

KENSI: Could you identify them?

[OPS center & Afghanistan]

ERIC: No. I had to keep the drone pretty high to avoid detection. Its optics aren't good enough for facial recognition at that distance. I sent you the coordinates and the footage. Maybe you can make something out.

KENSI: Okay. Thanks.

NELL: I also sent you what I found on Sabatino, but it's not much so far. Uh, there's no reason given for pulling him off the Siderov case, and the incident report he filed on the death of CIA Officer Sanders is pretty thin.

KENSI: There was nobody else out there with them that day, so Sabatino's account is the only one on record. All right, keep digging. Maybe something will turn up.

NELL: You got it.

KENSI: Everything okay back there?

NELL: Yeah. Just another day at the office.

[Eric smiles…]



HETTY: Mr. Callen?

CALLEN: What's this?

HETTY: A suit and shirt.


HETTY: Uh-huh. Uh, shoes and socks should be outside your locker. Uh, I'm leaving undergarments to you. Please use them. And, uh, you can return it all tomorrow morning.

CALLEN: Hetty, what is this all about?

HETTY: I think it's about trying to make you presentable.

CALLEN: No, no, no, I mean, what...

[He sighs]

CALLEN: Never mind. Thank you.

HETTY: Yes, yes. Go on.

[He obeys – Sam appears]

HETTY: He's not gonna like this.

SAM: Well, it's for his own good.


[Restaurant. Callen is following the head waiter to a table where a woman is already sit – alone]

CALLEN: I'm sorry, this isn't who...

WOMAN: Callen? Hi, I'm Joelle. My friends call me Joe.


JOELLE: I just got a text from Sam and Michelle. They said they're having car trouble and they're running late, so I, um, ordered a drink. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I just didn't know until now that they had invited anyone else.

[She chuckles]

CALLEN: That makes two of us. [To the waitress] I guess this is me.

HEAD WAITER: Can I get you a drink?

CALLEN: What are you having?

JOELLE: A vodka martini, just a little bit dirty.

CALLEN: Girl after my own taste. I will have the same.

HEAD WAITER: Absolutely.

CALLEN: Thanks.

[He sits down]

BOTH: So...

[She laughs]

JOELLE: Um, should I call Sam and Michelle, in case they need a ride or something?

[Her phone vibrates]

JOELLE: Oh, actually, wait. This is probably them. Sorry.

[She reads her message]


[She chuckles. G sighs]

CALLEN: Don't tell me. They're not coming.

JOELLE: How'd you know that?

[He chuckles]

CALLEN: That was a, uh, lucky guess.

[He sighs]

JOELLE: I-I guess we can leave.

CALLEN: Yeah. Uh... although...I just ordered a drink, and...I'm actually starving.


CALLEN: But...you're more than welcome to go if you'd like. Honestly.

JOELLE: No, no, I'm fine to stay. I haven't eaten either, so...


[He chuckles]


[He gets his drink]

CALLEN: Thank you. So how do you know Sam and Michelle?

JOELLE: Oh, I, uh, taught their daughter in kindergarten.

CALLEN: Teacher.



[She chuckles]

JOELLE: Um, do you work in the medical equipment field with Sam?

CALLEN: No. I'm in... securities.



JOELLE: That's interesting.

[She chuckles again]

JOELLE: Well, cheers.

CALLEN: Cheers. To, uh...Sam and Michelle.

JOELLE: And Michelle.

[She laughs]

[Over black…]

 ------------------------ THE END --------------------------



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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau mois sur les quartiers Alias, Angel, Citadel, Dollhouse et The L Word.

Supersympa, 06.02.2025 à 14:32

Retrouvez également une nouvelle Photo du mois sur le quartier Person of Interest.

ShanInXYZ, 08.02.2025 à 04:05

Manche 2 pour la PDM Le couple que vous aimeriez revoir dans Doctor Who, à vos votes

Locksley, 09.02.2025 à 19:48

Actu ciné oblige, nouveau sondage spécial Captain America sur le quartier MARVEL. Bonne soirée sur la citadelle

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