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#218 : Beauté volée

Synopsis: Virginia Beach. En marge d'un défilé en Bikini auquel elle participait, le quartier-maître Tiffany Jordan est assassinée dans les toilettes publiques. La tête immergée dans la cuvette, elle était probablement en train de vomir au moment de l'agression. Gibbs et son équipe ne relèvent pas de traces de lutte sur place. Pour collecter d'autres indices, ils se rendent dans l'appartement de la défunte et à bord du navire sur lequel elle servait. Grâce à l'autopsie, Ducky découvre que Jordan, morte par noyade, était enceinte.


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Titre VO
Bikini Wax

Titre VF
Beauté volée

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Trailer 2.18 VOSTF

Trailer 2.18 VOSTF


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Ecrit par : David North
Réalisé par : Stephen Cgragg

Sarah Prikryl (Tiffany Jordon)

Lochlyn Munro (Kevin Holt)

Tamara Craig Thomas (Lisa Kerr)(Jason Kaplan)

Larry Cedar (Jason Kaplan)

Jon Sklaroff (Jonathan Redding)

Nicole Pano (Conseiller technique de yoga)

Tasha Dixon (Gina Shepard)


JAMEL JONES: What’s going on, Virginia Beach?!    
JAMEL JONES: Yo!  Yo!  You all ready to get this started?  Are you ready?  Hey, how are you feeling?  Maybe you didn’t hear me!  I said, how you feeling, Virginia Beach?!    
JAMEL JONES: All right!  Ya’ll ready for me to bring out these women?!    
JAMEL JONES: All right.  All right.  Let’s get started.  Our first contestant is a teacher, and enjoys long, hard… math problems.  Please give a warm welcome to Monica!    
JAMEL JONES: God bless you, baby.  Man!  All right, our next young lady is a Capricorn, and one of Jamel’s personal favorites.  Say hello to Tina!!  

JAMEL JONES: Our third contestant is a Navy girl.  So stand at attention, boys.  This is the beautiful Tiffany!   Do we have a contestant number three?    
  CUT TO:     
JAMEL JONES: (V.O.)  Well apparently Tiffany had some place better to be.    
  (MUSIC OUT)   
 MUSIC IN:    
TONY: What’s new, Abs?    
ABBY: Hey, Tony.  I’m digging the tie.  Is it new?    
TONY: Yeah, I just got it last weekend.  It’s Zegna.    
ABBY: I like.    
TONY: I’m glad.  I paid over a hundred bucks for it.    
KATE: Why do you always do that?  

TONY: What?    
KATE: You always have to announce how much you paid for your clothes.  It’s weird.    
TONY: What’s weird?  Abby asked me about my tie.  I answered.  It’s called a conversation, Kate.    
KATE: No, Abby asked you if it was new.  She didn’t ask you how much you paid for it.  The two things have no correlation.    
TONY: Well, if I didn’t pay for it, then it wouldn’t be new, now would it?    
KATE: What is the point of bragging to us about how much you spend on your clothes?  We work with you.  We all know how much you make.    
MCGEE: I don’t.    
KATE: Look, all I’m trying to say is that it’s not very professional.  Gibbs would never walk in here and tell us how much he paid for his shirt.    
TONY: That’s because the prices have been pretty consistent at Sears since the late seventies.    
GIBBS: We have a body in Virginia Beach.  McGee?    
MCGEE: Yeah?    
GIBBS: Call Ducky.    
MCGEE: You got it.    
TONY: Hey Boss, have you had a chance to sign off on that missing person’s report I gave you?    
GIBBS: No, DiNozzo, I haven’t.  I tried to get to it last night but Sears was having a sale.  
  CUT TO:     
KATE: I give him five seconds.    
MCGEE: Until what?    
KATE: Until Tony notices there’s a….    
TONY: Bikini contest!?    
GIBBS: It’s over, DiNozzo.  Gear up.    
SOMMERS: Agent Gibbs?  Lieutenant Sommers, Virginia Beach Police.  I assume you want to take this one.    
GIBBS: You assume correctly, Lieutenant.    
SOMMERS: As soon as we found her Norfolk I.D. card, we cleared out.  I brought in extra men just to seal off the area.    
GIBBS: Bikini doesn’t leave much room for an I.D.    
SOMMERS: There was a small beach bag next to her in the stall.    
GIBBS: What is Volt Entertainment?    
SOMMERS: It’s a local cable channel that caters to men.  They air all of the contests.    
KATE: I’ll get a dub.    
GIBBS: Who discovered the body?    
SOMMERS: An elderly woman at about fourteen hundred.  She notified one of my men shortly after.  She was pretty frantic.    
GIBBS: Where is she?    
SOMMERS: She’s in my car back there.  You don’t want to see her, Agent Gibbs?    
GIBBS: Kate.    
KATE: He’s not really one for chit-chat.    
SOMMERS: I can see that.    
TONY: Are there any more girls from the bikini contest?    
GIBBS: Hey, DiNozzo!    
TONY: Right behind you, Boss.    

TONY: That is one hell of a swirlie.    
MCGEE: A swirlie?    
TONY: You take the kid by the ankles, dunk him in the toilet, then flush.  Usually reserved for dorks.  Does it look familiar, Probie?    
MCGEE: I don’t think so.  Noogies, sure.  Wedgies… an occasional Melvin.  But uh… no.    
GIBBS: If you two don’t start working, I will show you hazing.  And the Marine Corps does not do wedgies or noogies or melvins.      
TONY: Thank you, Boss.    
GIBBS: DiNozzo, measure and sketch these footprints    
TONY: You think she made them, Boss?    
GIBBS: Well, they match her shoes.      
TONY: Not smudged.  No sign of panic.  Think she went to the toilet voluntarily?    
GIBBS: No sign of a struggle.  No bruises on her arms and neck.    
MCGEE: Why wouldn’t she run or fight back?    
TONY: Maybe she didn’t have a chance to.  She could’ve been in the vomiting position when she was attacked.    
GIBBS: That’s good, DiNozzo.    
TONY: Thanks, Boss.    
GIBBS: Now get down on the floor and start sketching her footprints.    
TONY: This is a public restroom, Boss.  It’s disgusting.    
GIBBS: It could be worse.    
TONY: How could it be worse?    
GIBBS: Could be a men’s room.    
  CUT TO:     

DUCKY: Ah, Jethro.    
GIBBS: Hey, Duck.  DiNozzo and McGee will be done in a few minutes.    
DUCKY: Oh, no hurry.  It takes time to do detailed and concise work.  Mister Palmer, here, finishes his work quite quickly.      
JIMMY: Thank you, Doctor.    
  CUT TO:     
KATE: (INTO PHONE)  Well thank you, Sergeant Klein.  You have been very helpful.  Thanks. (TO GIBBS) Her name was Petty Officer Tiffany Jordan.  Her C.O. said she was deployed on the U.S.S. Monroe for the last fifty-seven days.  Ship returned to port yesterday about this time.    
GIBBS: What did the witness say?    
KATE: She doesn’t usually use public restrooms.  Has a phobia.    
GIBBS: Well, this won’t help.  Victim’s address?      
KATE: Nine-three-seven-five Rosewood Drive, Norfolk.    
GIBBS: Come on, let’s go.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: She’s all yours, boys.    
DUCKY: Thank you, gentlemen.  

TONY: I love the beach.  Reminds me of college.    
MCGEE: I thought you went to Ohio State?    
TONY: I’m talking about Spring Break, Probie.  Every year my buddies and I would hop in the car and head down to Panama City.    
MCGEE: At MIT we never did the whole Spring Break thing.    
TONY: Go figure.    
MCGEE: Is it as wild as it looks on MTV?    
TONY: Probie, my stories alone could make you a man.    
  CUT TO:    
JIMMY: Is something wrong, Doctor?    
DUCKY: Her head is in the toilet, Mister Palmer.    
JIMMY: Right, sorry.  I’ve just never seen you hesitate before.    
DUCKY: When a person is as experienced as I am, it’s rare to come across something you’ve never seen before.    
JIMMY: How long has she been here?    
DUCKY: Roughly, two, maybe three hours.    
JIMMY: That is incredible.  You know, you have a real gift.    
DUCKY: Give yourself time, Mister Palmer.  I’ve been doing this since long before you were a twinkle in your mother’s eye.  Or even your mother’s mother.    
JIMMY: Some people find it strange… our profession.    
DUCKY: So I’ve heard.    
JIMMY: Did you ever consider another line of work?  

DUCKY: I suppose so.  I believe there comes a time in everybody’s life where they stop but wonder if what they’re doing is meaningful.  It’s only healthy.    
JIMMY: Really?  What other kinds of …    
DUCKY: (OVERLAP)  Shortly after I graduated from Edinburgh Medical School, I gave serious consideration to a career in teaching.  Yes, in fact, I heard there was a vacancy at Eton, my alma mater.  I almost applied.    
JIMMY: Well, why didn’t you?    
DUCKY: I got the idea of teaching the world’s youth, yeah, and then I realized deep down academia was not for me.  I could never picture myself giving those long, rambling, esoteric lectures.    
JIMMY: Me either, Doctor.    
DUCKY: Let’s get you out of here, my dear.    
KATE: She keeps a clean place.    
GIBBS: Yeah, well she probably didn’t see much of it.    
KATE: Battling the Bulge, by Jeff Drixon.  Looks to me like Jeff is losing the battle.  How to Lose Fifteen Pounds in Fifteen Days.  Losing is a Choice.  They’re all weight loss books.    
GIBBS: These are all work out videos.    
KATE: Preoccupied with weight loss, vomiting before an attack – it sounds like an eating disorder.  Gibbs, take a look at this.  (READS)  Tiff, I hope you enjoyed my letters.  I live for the day that we can be together.  Love, John.  

GIBBS: Romantic.    
KATE: Flowers are fresh.  He delivered them himself.    
GIBBS: How do you know that?    
KATE: Florists put their insignia on their cards.  This card’s blank.  Don’t you ever get flowers?    
GIBBS: I don’t like gifts that require attention.    
KATE: These are all bills from before she left.  Where are the letters?  You think she trashed them?    
GIBBS: She never got them.  She’s been at sea for the past two months.    
KATE: Right.  So yesterday she should have returned home to a stack of mail.    
GIBBS: She did what people do when they take a trip.  She had her mail stopped.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: Where have you been?    
MCGEE: I missed lunch, so I decided to go out for a snack.  Why?    
TONY: We’re headed to the U.S.S. Monroe.  I set up an interview with Petty Officer Jordan’s former rack mate.    
MCGEE: Can I have two minutes to eat?    
TONY: Get anything for me?    
MCGEE: No, I only had a few dollars.    
TONY: Then there’s no time.  No food in the truck.    
MCGEE: What?    
TONY: Gibbs’ rules, not mine.  On second thought, I think the rule is that there’s no eating in autopsy.  The truck’s okay.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: Why are you breathing like that?  What’s wrong with you?    
MCGEE: I’m not feeling so hot.  I don’t like boats.    
TONY: It’s not a boat, it’s a ship.  And it’s docked.    
MCGEE: It doesn’t matter.  As soon as I get on the water, I immediately start feeling queasy.    
TONY: Well, that’s not a great trait for someone who investigates the NAVY.    
MCGEE: I’m feeling dizzy.    
TONY: Well, it’s a good thing you didn’t eat that burger.  It could’ve been embarrassing.    
  CUT TO:     
EGAN: I can’t believe this happened, Sir.  She was such a great person.    
TONY: Do you know of anyone that may have been angry with Tiffany?    
EGAN: Not at all.  Tiff was friends with everyone.  We all loved her.  Sir, are you sure you’re okay?    
MCGEE: Oh yeah.  No, I just haven’t gotten my sea legs yet.    
EGAN: Can I get you anything?  Some Dramamine maybe?    
MCGEE: Well, I already took six.  You know what?  I’ll be fine.  Don’t worry about me.    
TONY: Had Tiffany been sick?    
EGAN: I don’t think so.  Why?    
TONY: It appears she may have been vomiting when she was attacked.  Is there something we should know?  

EGAN: She came to me about a month ago, and said there was something that could potentially ruin her career in the Navy.    
  CUT TO:     
GIBBS: What do we have, Duck?    
DUCKY: Well, no shortage of water in her lungs.  She definitely drowned.    
GIBBS: Any internal damage?    
DUCKY: Her esophagus is quite worn as if she’d been vomiting excessively.    
GIBBS: Was she bulimic?    
DUCKY: Possible, but not probable.  Her throat shows little evidence of self-regurgitation.  Preliminary tests conclude that her bout with hyper emesis was caused by a hormonal imbalance.  Particularly, a drastic rise in her estrogen level.    
GIBBS: Morning sickness?    
DUCKY: Indeed.  Our young exhibitionist was pregnant.    
 FADE IN:    
MCGEE: (INTO PHONE)  It’s Petty Officer Tiffany Jordan… J-O-R-D-A-N.  No, I was just on hold.    
KATE: (INTO PHONE)  A warrant will take days.  I need her mail now.  Well, I understand that it’s Federal.  That’s not soon enough.  

TONY: (INTO PHONE)  Is the ocean view partial or panoramic?  Oh, sweet.  The bar’s in the lobby?  That sounds great!  Oh, yeah.  All right.  Yeah, I’ll talk to you soon.  Thank you.  Thanks.    
KATE: We’re working, you’re planning a vacation.    
TONY: Oh, it’s not just a vacation, Kate.  It’s Spring break.    
KATE: You’ve got to be kidding me.    
TONY: No.  I talked to my frat brothers last night, just booked the hotel today.  The wheels on the party bus are now in motion.    
MCGEE: Let me guess, Panama City.    
TONY: Oh, yeah.  Palm trees, mai tais and coeds all week long, Probie.    
KATE: Don’t you think you’re just a little old for Spring break?    
TONY: I can bong a beer in under six seconds. Believe me, I’ll fit right in.    
GIBBS: Abby didn’t find any foreign prints on the bouquet or the beach bag, and that means one of you had better give me a lead.  DiNozzo.    
TONY: I talked to Petty Officer Jordan’s rack mate from the Monroe.  She said Jordan bought an Early Pregnancy test during a brief stop at King’s Bay.    
GIBBS: She knew she was pregnant.  Any idea about the father?    
TONY: She used a payphone to call him, but his cell was turned off.  She said she left a message.    
KATE: That’s your worst nightmare, Tony.    
TONY: How’s it going with those letters, Kate?    
KATE: Working on it.  Thanks, Tony.    
GIBBS: How long?    
KATE: Two days…three, tops.    
GIBBS: You’ve got four.    
KATE: Really?    
GIBBS: Hours.    
KATE: Sounds about right.     
GIBBS: McGee!  Are you waiting for me to announce you?    
MCGEE: No, I’m sorry.  I pulled the phone records from Petty Officer Jordan’s apartment.  Only one call since she returned.  It was yesterday at eleven hundred to a Lisa Kerr.    
GIBBS: Two hours prior to Ducky’s estimated time of death.  This address her work or her home?    
MCGEE: Both.  She’s an at-home yoga instructor.    
GIBBS: Good job, McGee.  DiNozzo, you’re with me.    
TONY: Right behind you, Boss.  Three hours fifty minutes.    
  CUT TO:     
JIMMY: Doctor, can you come here for a second?    
DUCKY: What is it, Mister Palmer?     
JIMMY: I’m not sure.  What do you think?    
DUCKY: It looks like some sort of paraffin wax.  Yeah, it reminds me of a product my grandfather used to use.  He put a little of it on either end of his moustache.  Gave it the handlebar look.    
JIMMY: Well, doesn’t make sense.    
DUCKY: Well, it was well before your time.  Back then it was a very popular look.  It epitomized high society.    
JIMMY: No, not about your grandfather.  Why would she have this stuff in her hair?    
DUCKY: One would surmise it was on the killer’s hand.  Get it up to Abby right away.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: Thanks for having me come along, Boss.  I know when it comes to women, I sometimes get a little distracted.  I just want to let you know that I appreciate this vote of confidence.  What I’m trying to say is I’m not going to let you down.  I’m going to be attentive and meticulous to every detail in my notes.  Oblivious to any distraction.    
GIBBS: We’re here.   (TONY DAYDREAMS)   
GIBBS: DiNozzo!    
TONY: Oh yeah.  I’m with you, Boss!    
GIBBS: DiNozzo, your PDA.    
TONY: Right.  There it is.  Got it.  Sorry about that.  not a great start, huh, Boss?    
GIBBS: Could’ve been better.    
TONY: Sorry.    
  CUT TO:     
LISA: You’ve got to get your forehead to the ground.  Nice long stretch.  Let the head just hang.    
GIBBS: Lisa Kerr?    
LISA: Yes?    
GIBBS: Hi.  Special Agent Gibbs, NCIS.  Special Agent DiNozzo.  We have a few questions for you.    
LISA: Of course.  Yeah.  All right, Sally?    
SALLY: (V.O.)  Yeah?    
LISA: Please take over the class for a second.    
SALLY: Oh, sure.  Sure.  

LISA: I don’t know if it’s hit me yet.    
GIBBS: You were close?    
LISA: As close as you can be to a girl in the Navy, when she was here for one month and gone the next.    
GIBBS: How’d you meet?    
LISA: She signed up for my tantric yoga class a little over a year ago.  It combines physical fitness with the ability to heighten a woman’s pleasure during prolonged lovemaking.    
TONY: I’ll reboot.    
GIBBS: Who was Tiffany romantically involved with?    
LISA: I’ve never known her to date anyone.  In fact, she was the only one in the class who was in the class for physical fitness.  She wanted to lose ten pounds for a shoot.    
GIBBS: Shoot?    
LISA: Yeah.  She was doing a spread with two other girls for GSM.  It was called Naughty in the Navy.  It hit the stands a couple months ago.    
TONY: I remember that issue.  Good layout.    
GIBBS: What is GSM?    
TONY: Get Sum Magazine.  It’s like Playboy but less risqué.  They both have really great articles.    
GIBBS: The Navy respond?    
LISA: Oh, it was revealing, but it wasn’t nude.  So she got a slap on the wrist.  I’ve got a copy of it inside.  Do you guys want to see it?    
TONY: That won’t be necessary.    
GIBBS: Why won’t it?    
TONY: I make a point of keeping all my copies.  Like I said, great articles.     
GIBBS: Tiffany called you yesterday.  

LISA: Yeah, she said that she was back in town and that she wanted to see me that night, and she needed to talk to me.    
GIBBS: About what?    
LISA: Never said.    
KEVIN: (V.O.)  Hey Lisa!    
LISA: Hey, how was it?    
KEVIN: Ah, it was all blown out.  Not a wave worth paddling after.    
LISA: Should’ve gone with me for the a.m. sets.   Waves were overhead and clean all morning.  They’re from NCIS.  Guys, this is my fiancé Kevin Holt.    
KEVIN: Hey.    
GIBBS: Hey.    
KEVIN: So any suspects yet?    
TONY: We’re working on it.    
KEVIN: Girl gets murdered in public during a bikini contest.  I don’t know, you’d think it would be pretty simple.    
GIBBS: You’d think.  We’re finished here.    
  CUT TO:     
 INT. LAB – DAY     
MCGEE: What is this stuff?    
ABBY: Bikini glue.  The contestants use it to keep their suit bottoms from riding up.    
MCGEE: Really?    
ABBY: Yep.  I used to go through sticks of that stuff when I was in the circuit.  There’s so much you don’t know, McGee.    
MCGEE: Was this what Jimmy found in her hair?  

ABBY: No.  I compared both substances.  The stuff in her hair is thicker.  It’s more like a wax.  How’s Kate doing on time?    
MCGEE: Down to eight minutes.    
KATE: Seven.  Your watch must be slow.    
ABBY: Kate!  You made it!    
KATE: What’s this?    
MCGEE: Don’t ask.    
ABBY: So how’d you do?    
KATE: Did I ever tell you about that feeb in mail fraud that’s always flirting with me?    
ABBY: Yeah.    
KATE: I called him.    
ABBY: You didn’t say you’d go out with him, did you?    
KATE: Not exactly.  I read him Section Twenty two Dash A of the Federal Government sexual harassment code.  And then I told him I needed a favor.    
ABBY: Right on!    
MCGEE: I’ve never seen so much crap.    
ABBY: This is why I liberated myself from paper mail.    
KATE: Why does that not surprise me?    
ABBY: I don’t even have a mailbox.  If it doesn’t come electronically, I’m not getting it.    
MCGEE: Okay, we’ll each take a third and filter through it.    
ABBY: I love it when you’re rough, McGee.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: I knew she looked familiar.    
GIBBS: Who?  

TONY: Lisa Kerr.  She’s the daughter of Mister Kerr.  You know, from Mister Kerr’s Cupcakes?    
GIBBS: Oh, yeah.  Well that explains the house.    
TONY: And she’s in all the commercials.  It was driving be crazing because I was trying to figure out where I knew her from.    
GIBBS: Why didn’t you just ask her?    
TONY: I was kind of afraid to.    
GIBBS: Why?    
TONY: Well, I’ve had a lot of short-lived relationships and I kind of have a hard time remembering all of them.    
GIBBS: I have the same problem with ex-wives.    
KATE: The name’s Jonathan Redding.  He’s written our victim four letters in the last six weeks.  And the writing indicates classic stalker.  If he can’t have her no one can.    
TONY: Sounds like our guy.    
GIBBS: We have a return address?    
KATE: Cell Block F.  He’s in the Danville Correctional Facility.    
TONY: It can’t ever be easy.    
KATE: Well I still think we should talk to him.  We can’t just ignore evidence like this.    
TONY: What evidence?  The guy’s still in prison.    
MCGEE: Not anymore.  I just spoke to Danville’s Assistant Warden.  Jonathan Redding was paroled thirteen days ago.    
  (MUSIC OUT)   

 MUSIC IN:    
KATE: Jonathan Redding was arrested for assault and battery in May of oh-one.  He had two priors before that.  Violation of a restraining order and possession of narcotics.  Two of his three arrests involved ex-girlfriends.    
GIBBS: We locate him?    
MCGEE: I phoned his registered address, they claim they haven’t seen him.    
GIBBS: His parole officer?    
MCGEE: I phoned him as well, still waiting to hear back.  (BEAT)  I’m going to call him again.    
KATE: This guy definitely fits the profile.    
GIBBS: All we have is a rap sheet and some fan mail.  Even if when we find him, we can’t detain him.    
TONY: That may not be true, Boss.  Redding’s former cellmates saw the murder on the news.  He said he has some information we should hear.    
GIBBS: In exchange for what?    
TONY: Depending on what he gives us, the D.A. may cut him a deal.    
GIBBS: Take Todd.  Find out what he knows.    
TONY: You got it.  Kate, with me.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: Did you ever interrogate a prisoner, Kate?    
KATE: Yes, Tony.  I’ve been at this for a while now.    
TONY: Well, it’s important to remember that you can never let your guard down.  An inmate, unlike a civilian, has nothing to lose.    
KATE: Yeah, but this inmate, Tony, asked to speak to us.  He wants to do the right thing.    
TONY: He’s a felon and that’s the way we’re going to great him.    
GUARD: (V.O.)  Open the gate!    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: How long were you and Jonathan Redding cellmates?    
LUKE: Six or seven months.    
TONY: Which is it, Luke?  Six or seven?    
LUKE: What’s with the third degree?  I’m trying to help you guys.    
KATE: Then answer the question.    
LUKE: Well, he came in right around my birthday.  So I guess it was closer to seven.    
TONY: So you gave him the magazine with Tiffany’s picture?  When was it that you started to believe that Jonathan was … you’re an Alpha Chi Delta?    
LUKE: Rutgers.  Ninety one.    
TONY: Ohio State.  Eighty nine!    
LUKE: No, way!    
TONY: Yeah, dude! Are you in touch with any of the brothers?    
LUKE: Try to.  These days it’s not that easy.    
TONY: Yeah.    
LUKE: You?    
TONY: Well, I’m still best friends with three of the guys from my pledge class.  In fact, we’re heading down to Florida for Spring Break!    
LUKE: Oh, that’s awesome, man!    
TONY: Yeah.    
LUKE: Oh, I used to love Spring break.      
TONY: Panama City!    
LUKE: Ooh!  Palm trees!    
  CUT TO:     
MCGEE: (INTO PHONE)  No, that’s all for now.  Thank you very much.  (TO GIBBS)  Boss, I located Redding.  He is working at the Water Wheel Car Wash.  It’s only two miles away from where Petty Officer Jordan was attacked.    
GIBBS: We should’ve had him three hours ago.    
MCGEE: I’m sorry about that.  I kept hitting dead ends.    
GIBBS: Learn to anticipate, McGee.    
MCGEE: Anticipate?    
GIBBS: Always think a step ahead.  You shouldn’t ever have to waste time deciding what to do next.    
MCGEE: Anticipate.    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  Yeah, Gibbs.    
KATE: (V.O./FILTERED)  According to his cellmate… (BEGIN TELEPHONE INTERCUTS)   
  (SCENE CUT)    
KATE: (INTO PHONE) …Redding stared at Petty Officer Jordan’s photos for hours at a time.  And then the letters started. (TONY AND LUKE LAUGH B.G.)   
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  Do you think he was obsessed?  

KATE: (V.O./FILTERED)  Oh, yeah.  He got her address…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
KATE: (INTO PHONE)… Over the Internet.  He said his plan was to contact her as soon as he was released.  He didn’t want to live without her.      
  CUT TO:     
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  Or her without him.    
KATE: (V.O./FILTERED)  McGee…    
  (SCENE CUT)    
KATE: (INTO PHONE) … Tracked down the address?    
  (SCENE CUT)    
GIBBS: (INTO PHONE)  Yeah, we’re on our way.    
GIBBS: Hey, McGee!  Get the…    
MCGEE: … Keys to the car.    
GIBBS: Keys to the car.    
  CUT TO:     
  (MUSIC B.G.)   
GIBBS: We’re a little out of place, McGee.    
MCGEE: Feels like high school.    
GIBBS: What the hell is that?  

MCGEE: Believe it’s an Escalade, Boss.    
GIBBS: The wheels, McGee.    
MCGEE: The rims are called spinners.    
GIBBS: What’s the point?    
MCGEE: It’s a hip hop thing.    
GIBBS: The more I know the less I understand.    
GARRISON: Afternoon, gentlemen.  Your sedan looks like it could use a wash.    
GIBBS: We’re looking for Jonathan Redding.      
GARRISON: I’m Rodney, Jon’s supervisor.  Is there something I can help you with?    
GIBBS: Yeah, you can point him out to us.    
GARRISON: He’s right over here.  I’ve got him driving today.  Jon do something wrong?    
GIBBS: (SHOUTS) Jonathan Redding!    
MCGEE: (SHOUTS)  Stop!  Federal agents!  Where is he going?    
  CUT TO:     
  CUT TO:     
GIBBS: Anticipate, McGee.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: Luke was right.  This dude is creepy.    
KATE: Do you realize you’ve been talking about Luke since we left?    
TONY: He’s a good guy.    
KATE: He’s a criminal, Tony, and you have a man crush on him.    
TONY: I do not have a man crush.  I just feel bad for the guy, that’s all.    
KATE: Well, I just don’t understand what it is about men and their fraternity.  It’s like this pact to get drunk and laid supercedes everything.      
TONY: Okay, getting drunk and laid is only like ninety percent of it, and the rest is brotherhood and solidarity.    
KATE: Well, if you ask me it’s as juvenile as Spring break.    
TONY: Have you ever been on Spring break, Kate?    
KATE: Yes, I have, Tony.  Panama City, junior year.  Unlike the girls you’re going to see, my friends and I conducted ourselves with complete dignity.    
TONY: Sounds like a blast.    
  CUT TO:     
REDDING: Finally.  I’ve been sitting here twenty minutes!    
GIBBS: I’m sorry, Jon.  I asked them to put out refreshments, and they must have forgotten.  

REDDING: Why am I here?    
GIBBS: Because killing people is illegal.    
REDDING: I didn’t kill anyone!    
GIBBS: Then why did you run?    
REDDING: Because I owed the wrong people a lot of money when I went away.    
GIBBS: Drugs?    
REDDING: And now that I’m out they’re looking to collect.    I saw two guys coming at me and I reacted.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: He’s lying.    
KATE: Well, if he is he’s pretty good. (DOOR OPENS/
MCGEE: Hey.  What’d I miss?    
TONY: Who dressed you?    
MCGEE: I chased this joker through the car wash, all right?  What?  We came straight here.  This is all I had that was clean.    
TONY: Your gym clothes were clean?  Who would’ve guessed? 
  CUT TO:     
REDDING: Where’d you get this?    
GIBBS: The same place I got the other three.  Petty Officer Jordan’s P.O. Box.    
REDDING: She never got them?    
GIBBS: Is that why you killed her?  Because she wouldn’t respond to you?  

REDDING: I didn’t kill her.  I loved her.    
GIBBS: Where were you Saturday between twelve  and one fifteen p.m.    
REDDING: I was there.  I was at the contest.    
GIBBS: You’re not helping your cause much here, Jonny Boy.    
REDDING: I went there because I wanted to talk to her!  Tell her how much she means to me!    
GIBBS: Why didn’t you tell her than when you delivered the flowers?    
REDDING: She wasn’t home!  So I left them at the door.  I didn’t see her at the contest either.  I waited, but she never came out.    
GIBBS: Did you go by yourself?    
REDDING: Yep.  Showed up about a half hour before it started.  I stood right in front of the stage until it was over.  I didn’t kill her.  I just wanted to be a part of her life.  You have to believe me.    
  CUT TO:     
 INT. LAB – DAY     
GIBBS: What’s the problem, Abs?    
ABBY: I’m not really sure.  The picture was crystal clear when I tested it.  There we go.    
MCGEE: What happened?    
ABBY: Tony forgot to rewind.    
TONY: Thanks, Abs.    
KATE: You already watched this?    
TONY: I glanced at it.    
ABBY: He took it home.    
KATE: What is wrong with you?  It’s like you have some sort of a sickness.    
TONY: I had a hunch there might be something on it.  

KATE: Yeah, like ten half-naked women.    
GIBBS: Queue it up from the beginning.    
ABBY: Got it.  It was a two-camera shoots.  One was on the stage and the other was on the crowd for their reactions.    
GIBBS: Stop.  Zoom in on B.  That’s him right there.  Keep running it.    
KATE: He’s where he said he was.    
MCGEE: Yeah, but he still has until one fifteen to slip away.     
GIBBS: Speed it up, Abs.    
MCGEE: It’s past one fifteen, boss.     
GIBBS: He’s telling the truth.  Jonathan Redding did not kill Petty Officer Jordan.     
  (MUSIC OUT)   
 FADE IN:    
TONY: Where’s Gibbs?    
KATE: I don’t know.  But we do report to him, remember?    
TONY: I think I found us a lead.    
MCGEE: Where?    
KATE: Honestly, Tony, you need help.    
TONY: You’ll sing a different tune when I show this to Gibbs.    
GIBBS: Show me what?    
TONY: I was thumbing through Petty Officer Jordan’s layout, and I found something I thought you should see.  These two photos weren’t taken by the magazine.  They got them from her.    
GIBBS: Why?  

TONY: Something GSM likes to do.  Gives the reader a voyeuristic look into the girls’ lives.    
MCGEE: Who do you think took the photos?    
TONY: Probie, back it up a little bit.    
MCGEE: Sorry.    
TONY: In the article, Petty Officer Jordan said they were taken by her boyfriend.    
MCGEE: I thought she didn’t date.    
TONY: Well, she was pregnant, McGee.  There’s only one way that can happen.    
GIBBS: Did you contact, GSM?    
TONY: I did.  They said the photos were taken by a local photographer named Jason Kaplan.  He’s a freelancer they work with a lot.    
GIBBS: Check it out.    
TONY: Okay, don’t worry, Boss.  I’ll keep it professional.    
GIBBS: Yep, I know you will because Kate’s going with you.    
KATE: I am?    
TONY: Seems like an in and out job, Boss.  Are you sure that that’s really necessary?  (BEAT)  He’s sure.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: This guy has the life.  He spends all day photographing the world’s hottest women.    
KATE: I’m sure his mom is proud.    
TONY: What’s that supposed to mean?    
KATE: Those pictures are demeaning.  They make women look like sex objects.    
TONY: You need to loosen up.  The human body is a beautiful thing and should be admired. 
  CUT TO:     
KATE: You’re right, Tony.  The human body is a beautiful thing.    
JASON: Gorgeous.  Don’t move an inch.    
TONY: I feel nauseous.        
JASON: Great.  Okay, guys, let’s take five.  Todd, you want to make sure to keep them oiled up.  (TO KATE)  Sorry to keep you waiting.  But I didn’t want to… break the zone.    
TONY: I take it this isn’t for GSM?    
JASON: No.  No.  This is for Sports Monthly.  You’re looking at three members of the U.S. Water Polo team.     
KATE: Great uniforms.    
TONY: Is there anywhere else that we could talk?    
JASON: I guess we could talk in my office.    
TONY: That’d be great.    
  CUT TO:     
JASON: Tiffany Jordan.  I couldn’t believe when I saw her in the news.  Such a cute girl.  Camera really loved her.    
TONY: We were wondering about the two small photos at the bottom of her layout.  Article said they were taken by her boyfriend.    
JASON: That’s between her and the magazine.  My job is just to send in the pictures and get consent from whoever took them.    
KATE: Do you have that release on file?    
JASON: Sure.  Yeah.  I keep records of everything.  Personally I find it insulting that magazines publish amateur photos.  I spent four years in photography classes.  It took me months to get published.    
TONY: Kevin Holt is Lisa Kerr’s fiancé.    
KATE: Why would he have any reason to photograph Tiffany in the bedroom?    
TONY: Lisa might be wondering the same thing.    
  CUT TO:     
 INT. LAB – DAY     
GIBBS: What do you have, Abs?    
ABBY: A serious hatred of wax.    
GIBBS: I think you look stressed.    
ABBY: I compared our victim’s wax to over a hundred different products.  Each one just one molecule different from the next.  Do you know how small a molecule is?    
MCGEE: I do.    
ABBY: Shut up, McGee.    
TONY: I really like this new Abby.    
ABBY: And after many fun-packed hours of nothing but wax, I found a match.    
KATE: Does that say Sex Wax?    
ABBY: That it does.  It comes in cool, warm, and tropical.    
MCGEE: How does it work?    
TONY: Don’t worry about it, Probie.  I’m pretty sure you still need a girl first.    
ABBY: It’s not like that.  Mister Zog’s Sex Wax is a brand made for surfers.    
GIBBS: Surfers?    
ABBY: Yeah.  They put it on their boards to help with traction.    
  CUT TO:     
 EXT. YARD – DAY     
GIBBS: Hello, Kevin.    
KEVIN: Oh, my friends from NCIS.  What do you know, boys?    
TONY: More than you’d like us to.    
KEVIN: Come again?    
GIBBS: We know about your relationship with Tiffany Jordan.    
KEVIN: What relationship?  Her and Lisa were friends.  I barely knew her.    
GIBBS: Yeah well, you knew her well enough to take intimate photos of her.  Do you do that with all of Lisa’s friends?    
TONY: Your lighting needed work.    
KEVIN: Look, fellas, it’s not what you think.  Okay?  Her and I – we hung out a couple of times, you know?  It was totally innocent.  She asked me to help take some photos for this magazine, so I helped her out.    
GIBBS: Generous of you.  Lisa know about the photos?    
KEVIN: No.  No, she didn’t even know that Tiffany and I were friends.    
GIBBS: Well, with nothing going on, why the big secret?    
KEVIN: Look, Lisa is very insecure.  Okay, I come home from a weekend surf tournament, she’d smell my clothes for perfume.  I even caught her going through my email a couple of times.  

TONY: Look at that, Boss.  She’s suffocating him, and all he’s doing is taking lingerie shots of her girlfriends.    
KEVIN: It’s not what you think.  I wasn’t sleeping with Tiffany.    
GIBBS: Good.  Then you won’t mind submitting a DNA sample.    
KEVIN: Why?  Do you have the killer’s DNA?  All right, fine.  You know what?  You want me to take a test, I’ll take your test.  I’ve got nothing to hide.    
  CUT TO:     
 INT. LAB – DAY     
ABBY: Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding!  We have a winner! Tony, tell us what he’s won.    
TONY: Well, Abby, he’s won an all expenses paid iron vacation to sunny Leavenworth.     
KATE: Keep your day job.    
GIBBS: May not be an option. What about his prints?    
ABBY: I compared them to the prints that Tony and McGee got from the beach restroom.  They didn’t jive.    
MCGEE: We must’ve lifted hundred of prints.  You sure you ran them all?    
ABBY: No, McGee.  About midway through I got tired so I just said screw it.    
MCGEE: Just thought I’d check.    
TONY: Okay, so he didn’t leave any prints.  All that proves is that he’s more careful at a crime scene than he is in the bedroom.    
  CUT TO:    
KEVIN: I agreed to take a test.  I didn’t agree to spend the whole night in this tiny room.    
TONY: This is a luxury suite compared to what you’re looking at.    
KEVIN: What are you talking about?    
TONY: You lied to us, Kev.    
  CUT TO:     
KEVIN: (V.O.)  I don’t know what you’re talking about.  I didn’t lie to you about anything.    
LISA: What’s going on?  What is Kevin still doing here?    
GIBBS: Evidence leads us to believe he was involved in Tiffany’s murder.    
LISA: Oh, no.  That’s ridiculous.  He’s not capable of killing anyone.    
TONY: (V.O.)  I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: Which do you want to hear first?  Tiffany was pregnant, and there is a ninety-nine-point-nine-eight percent probability that you are the father.    
KEVIN: Tiff was pregnant?    
TONY: I decided to go with the bad news.    
  CUT TO:     
KEVIN: (V.O.)  I had no idea.    
LISA: He cheated on me?  I can’t believe he cheated on me.  I’ve given him everything.    
GIBBS: You never suspected?    
LISA: Why would I?  She’s my friend.    
KATE: It’ll be okay.      
GIBBS: Get her a glass of water, McGee.    
MCGEE: You bet.    
LISA: I still don’t believe he killed her.    
  CUT TO:     
KEVIN: (V.O.)  I thought you said there was (ON CAMERA) some good news.    
TONY: Right.  I almost forgot.  There is a point oh two percent chance that you’re going to walk out of here.    
KEVIN: Look, I…. I screwed up, okay?  I admit that.    
  CUT TO:     
KEVIN: (V.O.)  But I am not a killer.  The last time that I saw Tiff…    
  CUT TO:     

KEVIN: …Was right before we left and we both decided that we’d end it then.    
TONY: You’re not a very reputable guy, Kev.  Why should we believe you?    
KEVIN: Because I’m telling you the truth!    
  CUT TO:     
TONY: (V.O.)  If you didn’t have anything to do with this, why’d you avoid us?    
  CUT TO:     
KEVIN: What are you talking about?  I never avoided you.    
TONY: (OVERLAP) We’ve been calling you for two days.  I left four messages on your cell phone.    
  CUT TO:     
LISA: He’s lying!  He never left him any messages!    
GIBBS: How do you know?    

GIBBS: Sure you don’t want to call your lawyer?    
LISA: I didn’t do anything wrong.  I just want to get this over with.    
GIBBS: It must’ve been a shock when you heard Tiffany’s message.  No one would blame you for being angry.    
LISA: I didn’t listen to any message, okay?  I wouldn’t invade Kevin’s privacy like that.    
GIBBS: You didn’t have any problem searching through his e-mail.    
LISA: He told you that?    
GIBBS: We lifted your fingerprint from this glass.  It matches a print we found a few feet from Tiffany’s body.    
LISA: I think I’d like to call my lawyer now.    
GIBBS: I think that’s probably a good idea.    
  CUT TO:     
KATE: I thought you were leaving.    
TONY: I’m on my way.  See you next week.    
KATE: Try not to embarrass yourself, Tony.    
TONY: Come on, Kate.  I’m way too grown up for that.    
  CUT TO:     

 INT. BAR – NIGHT     
  (CROWD CHANTS: “Go!  Go!  Go!  Go!”)   
TONY: You’re pretty.  You’re pretty.  I’m pretty.  I’m going to the head.      
TONY: I love this place.  Oh, yeah.  Ah…  (LAUGHS LOUDLY)    
* * * * * * * *

Prepared by C.C.   Printed in USA
Calvert Continuities   Aired 3/29/05

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