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Martin Freeman - Today Show

Transcription automatique d'une interview de Martin Freeman pour le Today Show - NBC le 4 décembre 2012

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>> to martin freeman who stars in the brand new movie the prequel to "the lord of the rings" series called "the hobbit, an unexpected journey" and plays bilboa baggins. nice to have you here.

>> happy holidays.

>> describe the feeling of walking on to a set of a peter jackson move.

>> awe-inspiring and on a scale it's bigger than anything you're likely to do in this lifetime or the next, and it's full of talent, it's full of commitment and full of peter jackson who is a very committed wonderful man.

>> you're playing this starring role, beloved character, bilboa baggins and peter jackson so wanted you for this role he actually held up this huge production to wait for you to be available.

>> he did, he did.

>> pretty amazing.

>> what a fool. someone tell him. no. it was very gratifying, a real compliment, you know, it was great.

>> and bilboa likes this quiet life and yet he gets dragged into this journey.

>> yeah.

>> what makes him decide to do this?

>> he knows that's a ship that will never sail again so as soon as he thinks he's said good-bye to this proposition, when he realizes that the reality of that, that he'll never get that excitement again and never get a tingling feeling of being that alive again he runs after to the company and says i'm in and knows he'll never get that feeling.

>> speaking of the tingling feeling, i'm a huge fan and the anticipation is off the richter scale how do you balance that?

>> i don't.

>> so you're unbalanced.

>> i've got to ask this. Sherlock. going to be another season of that?

>> yeah, we start shooting next march.

>> you play john watson.

>> have a great time doing it and love it, and the response to that has been amazing.

>> this movie, "the hobbit, an

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