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#407 : Dans le creux de la vague


L'équipe du NCIS: LA se rend sur la plage pour vérifier le lien éventuel entre un surfeur, une vidéo sur internet et un scientifique de la Navy  retrouvé mort. C'est ainsi que, pendant que Callen et Hanna enquêtent sur les relations de la victime avec le service des renseignements, Deeks et Kensi vont, sous couverture, attraper leur suspect et quelques vagues...


3.89 - 9 votes

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Dans le creux de la vague

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Première diffusion en France

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Les agents Callen et Hanna poursuivent quelqqu'un dans un quartier résidentiel

Les agents Callen et Hanna poursuivent quelqqu'un dans un quartier résidentiel

Les 2 agents sous couverture se rejoignent

Les 2 agents sous couverture se rejoignent

Marty sort de l'océan

Marty sort de l'océan

Callen et Sam sur la plage

Callen et Sam sur la plage

Kensi sort de l'eau avec sa planche sous le bras

Kensi sort de l'eau avec sa planche sous le bras

Marty sur la plage sous un ponton (Eric Christian Olsen)

Marty sur la plage sous un ponton (Eric Christian Olsen)

Le lieutenant Deeks sur sa planche de surf dans l'océan

Le lieutenant Deeks sur sa planche de surf dans l'océan

Deeks se fait agresser par un surfeur

Deeks se fait agresser par un surfeur

Sam Hanna joué par LL Cool J

Sam Hanna joué par LL Cool J

les agents Callen et Hanna parlent vers la voiture de Sam Hanna

les agents Callen et Hanna parlent vers la voiture de Sam Hanna


Logo de la chaîne M6

France (redif)
Samedi 04.11.2017 à 23:30

Logo de la chaîne M6

France (inédit)
Vendredi 12.04.2013 à 20:50
3.66m / 14.7% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 20.11.2012 à 21:00
15.13m / 2.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scenario : Gil Grant

Réalisation : Paul A. Kaufman

Guests : 

Jeremy Lelliott ............................ Lance Eddings
Ricardo Molina ............................ Sonny Amador
Kathleen Rose Perkins ............................ Médecin légiste Rose Carlyle 
Brian George ............................ Patron 
Andy Umberger ............................ Andrew Hughes 
Greg Cipes ............................ Type saoul 
Andrew Lukich ............................ Chauffeur ambulance 
Kevin Paul ............................ Clint Sears
Richard Clarke Larsen ............................ Le hippy musicien 
Erik Audé ............................ Surfeur Baraqué 
Kevin McNamara ............................ Barman 
Sarah Rosenkrantz ............................ Freedom Weinberg

Une ambulance file dans les rues désertes et sombres. Le blessé à l’intérieur est très mal en point, souffrant de multiples fractures, peut-être d’un poumon perforé. Un homme qui se « dépanne » en carburant à l’aide d’un jerrycan se dissimule derrière la voiture au passage de l’ambulance. Derrière celle-ci un gros SUV accélère et pile en dérapant de façon à lui bloquer le passage. Le conducteur du véhicule sanitaire a juste de temps d’écraser  ses freins. Furieux, il descend sa vitre pour invectiver le chauffard qui vient vers lui – tapi derrière sa voiture, le jeune homme filme la scène. Il ouvre de grands yeux effarés : en guise de réponse, l’ambulancier se prend 2 balles ! Et le type du SUV ouvre les portes arrières de l’ambulance, flingue le soigneur, sort un couteau et poignarde le blessé…Le témoin involontaire se recroqueville, terrorisé.


Sam et Callen descendent rejoindre Kensi à leurs bureaux. C’est Deeks qui est chargé de ramener le repas aujourd’hui, et cela inquiète beaucoup l’ex-SEAL malgré les encouragements de G et Kensi : au-lieu des traditionnelles crevettes au curry prises à un camion dans la rue, il a promis du neuf.  Marty revient avec des sandwiches beurre de noisette bio  et marmelade mague-chutney


– ce qui, à l’odeur, fait se précipiter ses collègues dans la cuisine où restent (théoriquement) 2 parts de pizzas. Deeks, lui, tentera une bouchée avant de trouver ça horrible. Sur ce, Eric les appelle, une part de pizza à la main ; il mord dedans avec délice…

La scène des meurtres dans l’ambulance est diffusée sur le grand écran des OPS. Le blessé était un scientifique civil qui travaillait pour la Navy, victime d’un banal et très grave accident de la route. Il travaillait depuis 6 ans sur des projets de surveillance et de sécurité ; célibataire il vivait seul, et ne possédait aucune casserole.  Si le tueur a utilisé un couteau pour lui, c’est sans doute qu’il s’agissait d’un « différent »  personnel. La vidéo est celle du témoin, mise en ligne au matin, et qui a fait instantanément le buzz, ce qui a donné la puce à l’oreille du NCIS. Sauf que la partie en ligne ne montre que le dos du tueur.

Hetty distribue les rôles : Sam et G ont rendez-vous au labo de la Navy pour rencontrer le supérieur de Stone ; Deeks et Kensi partent voir Rose qui est en train de faire l’autopsie ; Et le « duo d’enfer » se charge de retrouver qui a posté la vidéo sur le web.

Au labo, la pêche est maigre : Stone ne travaillait sur rien de particulier, à 99% rien de « sensible », en tout cas ; il devait partir à Londres où se tient une conférence scientifique. Il donnait entière satisfaction à son boss.

En salle d’autopsie, Rose est en plein travail. Elle pèse le foie du cadavre devant Deeks et Kensi. Le jeune homme adore ça, depuis qu’il est petit, et à toutes les sauces. Il disserte sur le sujet jusqu’à ce que Kensi l’interrompe : elle ne se sent pas bien du tout. Rose, fidèle à son habitude, demande des nouvelles de Nate. Il va bien, il est en Europe, mais sous couverture, donc ils ne savent pas vraiment s’il a de nouveaux ami(e)s…Le coup de couteau a causé la mort, en association avec les blessures reçues dans l’accident, mais les tissus, au même endroit, portent la trace d’une ancienne incision, chirurgicale celle-là, et surtout d’un petit espace, comme si quelque chose y avait été implantée. Le tueur aurait donc pu récupérer la chose en question.

Kensi téléphone aussitôt à G, toujours au labo. Le supérieur de Stone est stupéfait par cette nouvelle, et contraint de dévoiler le véritable projet sur lequel il travaillait : un prototype très avancé permettant un bond en avant des services de renseignements et de surveillance. Dans des mains ennemies, il représenterait une réelle menace pour la sécurité du pays, et ramènerait leurs recherches au moins 5 ans en arrière. Callen ricane : voilà donc le 1% qui sort de la routine…

De retour dans la salle des OPS, les agents découvrent sur l’écran une espèce de robot-araignée  de 5 mm de large, le I-SWEEP (Intelligence Small World Enemy Encroachment Proxy). Certains de ses moteurs sont de la taille d’un grain de sable. Une micro cellule solaire permet de recharger sa batterie ; ses pattes lui permettent d’avancer, l’une d’elle fait office de capteur thermal. Un processeur-transmetteur est implanté dans le « corps ». Une petite bête très efficace pour l’espionnage. Deeks remarque que dans 10 ans des robots feront leur job ; Sam espère qu’ils en programmeront un pour apporter de la nourriture acceptable…

Hetty les ramène à leur affaire : cette technologie peut changer la donne – et comme le souligne Callen, à la seconde même c’est le plus fort enchérisseur qui verra sa main modifiée en sa faveur. L’acheteur n’aura sans doute pas les moyens de reproduire une araignée, mais pourra toujours mettre au point un système permettant de la rendre inefficace.

Le prototype était dans un coffre sécurisé, depuis plusieurs semaines. Si sa disparition était découverte, tous les chercheurs auraient été fouillés. Mais pas sous la peau ! Stone était bien en route pour l’aéroport quand il a eu son accident ; sauf que son billet pour Londres comportait une escale à Istanbul, en Turquie.

Le Smartphone qui a filmé la scène de l’ambulance appartient à un certain Lance Eddings, 26 ans ; il a quitté l’école à 16 ans, et vécu de petits boulots depuis. Abandonné à l’âge de 3 ans, il a connu ensuite plusieurs familles d’accueil…Ce qui forcément rappelle des souvenirs à G. Il envoie Deeks et Kensi à l’adresse de Lance pendant que Sam et lui se rendent chez Stone.

Là-bas, Callen fouille l’ordinateur du type ; Sam se charge des papiers, tarabusté par le fait que quelqu’un puisse dédier sa vie à la recherche pour rendre son pays sûr, et décider soudain de vendre le résultat au plus offrant. G a le motif : Stone boursicotait, et avait accumulé les pertes. Il était au bord du gouffre. Dans la pharmacie, Sam découvre un antibiotique et un antidouleur : des médicaments compatibles avec une petite chirurgie ; prescrits 2 semaines plus tôt, ce qui correspond à la date supposée donnée par Rose. Il convient donc de rendre une petite visite au médecin-prescripteur, Adam  Keller,  qui officie dans un  centre de beauté ; G fait remarquer à Sam qu’il a besoin d’effacer ses rides  sur le front !

Pendant ce temps, Deeks ouvre galamment la porte de l’immeuble de Lance à une Kensi songeuse. Depuis que Sam a dit que Marty était fan de Donny et Marie, elle a du mal ! Il tente de lui expliquer : ils faisaient la queue pour acheter des cafés, et sans y penser, il s’était mis à fredonner ; mi-rock and roll, mi-country, ça ne fait pas de lui un sale type ! Kensi approuve ; mais ça le rend un peu flippant quand même. Deeks est heureux : rien n’est changé entre eux !

Personne ne répond quand ils frappent au 106, ils entrent donc par force, arme à la main. Mais l’endroit est  désert. Les murs sont couverts de posters et de photos, essentiellement de surfers.


Dans un cadre, Marty reconnait Sonny Amador sur une photo dédicacée « à mon petit frère ».  C’est une légende du surf. Des magazines leur apprennent que Lance est aussi un adepte de la théorie de la conspiration. Deeks montre des supports vides : un surfeur qui est parti avec sa planche est facile à trouver. Cap sur la plage !

G, lui, regarde des golfeurs à l’entrainement ; Sam le rejoint, la mine sombre. Le docteur dont c’est le jour de repos, vient toujours ici ; pourtant personne ne l’a vu. Sauf un des habitués, qui pense  l’avoir aperçu plus tôt. Ils décident donc de fouiller le parking. Callen passe un coup de fil à Eric pour connaitre le modèle de voiture du docteur, et en chemin les agents dissertent sur le golf, le jeu le plus idiot jamais inventé, selon Sam. G y voit une métaphore de  la vie : pas d’élément contre ou avec lequel il faut réagir, juste soi-même, une balle, un parcours et nos propres pensées- une plongée dans nos peurs intimes, ce qui l’effraie bien trop pour qu’il ait jamais tapé dans une balle !

Le parking est plein, et il semble que tous les golfeurs roulent en Prius grise…Il faut en passer par la vérification de toutes les plaques. Finalement, Callen trouve la bonne. Le docteur est à l’intérieur. Un trou en un coup, ironise G : Keller est couvert de sang, mort, une balle dans la tête…

Dans la salle des OPS où tout le monde se retrouve ensuite, Eric et Nell ont mis sur écran le profil d’un turc ayant atterri à LA le matin même. Semih Demir  voyage sous passeport diplomatique, mais est suspecté de fournir aux services secrets iraniens des infos supposées secrètes glanées sur les USA. Un des agents iraniens auquel il est lié, est justement un spécialiste de la surveillance…Le gouvernement turc a les mains liées, aucune preuve tangible n’ayant jamais formellement accusé le diplomate par ailleurs très estimé. Malheureusement, il reste totalement invisible depuis son atterrissage.

Pour ce qui est de Lance, les voisins ont appris à Deeks et Kensi qu’il passe la majorité de ses week-ends avec Sonny Amador et sa bande. Sonny est un as du surf dont la carrière a été stoppée net par une blessure au genou. Depuis il collectionne les mises en examen, pour divers délits, dont la contrefaçon de planches de surf. Lance devrait se trouver dans son sillage, mais sa paranoïa va le rendre difficile à approcher. Hetty suggère donc à Deeks de ressortir sa Sex wax…Kensi fait la grimace, mais sa boss lui explique que c’est le produit que l’on met sur la planche de surf (pour ne pas glisser), et qu’elle aurait intérêt à revoir son argot du surf si elle veut être crédible dans son rôle de soutien…Kensi aggrave son cas en tentant un geste avec ses doigts…

Sur la plage de Venice Deeks, assis sur une planche de surf, attend la vague, à côté de Sonny. Ils prennent la même mais la trajectoire de Marty gêne l’ex-champion, et une fois au bord il fait signe à deux de ses copains, et se lancent sur les traces de Deeks, sorti de l’eau. Amador est furieux, la plage est réservée aux locaux, et il le fait savoir en se jetant sur le coupable. Une bataille s’engage jusqu’à ce que Deeks parvienne à dire qu’il n’est venu que pour interviewer son idole : il tient un blog sur le surf, et Sonny en sera le héros de la semaine. Cela suffit à calmer le cador, qui propose même d’aller boire une bière. Marty offre de les payer, cela achève de mettre Sonny de bonne humeur !

Et un peu plus tard, Marty et Sonny savourent une bière au comptoir d’un bar, le second égrenant ses souvenirs. Une superbe surfeuse ultra-sexy s’avance pour commander- Kensi ! Bien sûr Deeks se propose aussitôt de lui payer un verre. Comme Kensi réclame ce qu’il y a de plus cher, et que Deeks bon prince lui offre une double dose, Hetty

 Hetty lui glisse dans l’oreille (depuis les OPS) que son chèque du mois pourrait perdre un zéro…

Au même moment le rapport du légiste fait état de silicate d’aluminium (kaolin) retrouvé sur le siège de voiture du docteur Keller. Avec de l’eau, cela donne de la terre glaise, utilisée en poterie.


Et Nell relaie que  Demir vient d’utiliser sa carte de crédit dans le restaurant turc Ali Baba.

Sam et G s’y rendent aussitôt. Devant l’établissement, il y a un camion de vente à emporter, qui met Sam de mauvaise humeur à cause de son nom (qui fait référence à des noix, humaines ou pas...). Il en profite pour dire que les crevettes au curry, c’est parfait ; le poulet est aussi OK…Le patron ne se montre pas très coopératif, jusqu’à ce que les agents le menacent d’intervenir auprès du département qui gère les autorisations de camions de nourriture : l’idée de 4 ou 5 vendeurs de kebabs aux heures de repas garés devant l’entrée du restaurant redonnent la mémoire au restaurateur, qui avoue avoir prêté sa voiture au diplomate turc, un de ses amis.

Dans le bar, Marty a bien avancé avec Kensi, tout en continuant d’écouter Sonny, et de guetter l’instant où Lance franchira le seuil de la porte. Mais un type en train de jouer au billard, et passablement ivre, l’apostrophe : il l’a déjà vu quelque part…Deeks répond « à Harvard », ce qui fait rire l’assemblée, et murmure dans l’oreille de Kensi qu’en fait il l’a arrêté quelques années plus tôt.  Lance arrive à cette seconde, Deeks décide de s’occuper du type saoul pendant que Kensi ira discuter avec Lance, si possible dehors. La jeune femme s’apprête à démarrer une dispute, son flirt la devance en lui balançant une claque sur les fesses qui la fait exploser de fureur. Elle se dirige vers la sortie mais les choses se précipitent : le garçon ivre s’approche de Deeks en commençant à hurler qu’il sait qui…Marty le fait taire d’une droite qui l’envoie au tapis mais déclenche une bagarre générale. Lance prend peur et fait demi-tour ; Kensi se fait bloquer le chemin par un mec qu’elle frappe entre les jambes pour se libérer le passage, mais le temps qu’elle sorte, Lance monte dans un combi VW orange qui disparait à l’angle de la rue.

Dans la salle des OPS, la plaque d’immatriculation leur apprend que le véhicule appartient à une Freedom Weinberg, ce qui fait dire à Eric qu’elle aurait pu changer de prénom. Mais Nell s’amuse de l’idée de meugler dès que les parents utilisent le nom qu’ils vous ont donné ; cela rend perplexe Hetty aussi bien qu’Eric. En tout cas ils ont une adresse.

Deeks se débrouille pour sortir du bar et de la bagarre, et rejoindre Kensi. Ils sont sur le point de disparaitre quand Sonny et deux de ses sbires les hèlent : et l’interview ? Marty s’en sort par une pirouette : il a une chevauchée plus sauvage à mener…Si les garçons goûtent l’image, Kensi est bien loin de partager leur enthousiasme.

Freedom habite un campement de hippys ; un homme joue de la guitare, et quand il aperçoit Deeks, il hurle qu’il le connait ! Kensi voit rouge : combien de types a-t-il arrêtés ? Mais le musicien se plie de rire : c’est Sammy, celui de Scoubidou ! Kensi adore, Marty murmure qu’il n’a manifestement pas mis assez de gens derrière les barreaux. Le combi orange est là, ouvert, près d’une maison où de l’intérieur sortent les rires d’un homme et d’une femme, en train de se consommer des produits euphorisants. Ils entrent, toussent un peu à cause de la fumée. Quand ils annoncent « agents fédéraux », Lance s’envole par la fenêtre. Deeks a vite fait de le rattraper et de le menotter. Le musicien et son public désapprouvent, mais personne n’intervient.

L’interrogatoire démarre étrangement, Lance étant persuadé que les agents lui veulent du mal. De la salle d’observation, Sam le trouve en vrac, mais G lui reconnait des circonstances atténuantes avec son passé. Lance accepte finalement (facilement) de les mener chez le tueur de l’ambulance, qu’il a suivi après les meurtres…

Ainsi ils se retrouvent tous (répartis en 2 voitures) à guetter devant un garage ouvert sur la rue ; 5 types sont en train de boire, en écoutant de la musique. Le 6ème est celui qu’ils cherchent, et il finit par se montrer. Kensi menotte Lance à son volant avant l’interpellation. Le suspect tente de s’échapper par derrière et pense avoir réussi son coup en escaladant un grillage, mais il se retrouve nez à nez avec Deeks et Kensi.

Un peu plus tard, les agents font grise mine : ce type est un petit dealer, aucune chance qu’il ait été recruté par les iraniens pour un coup comme ça. En plus il a un alibi imparable. Pas de doute, Lance les a baladés…

De retour en salle d’interrogatoire, le jeune homme se lance dans une théorie du complot fumeuse. Menacé d’aller en prison pour obstruction à l’enquête, il se braque : il veut parler à Sonny, point-barre.

Réunis dans la salle voisine, les agents apprennent que le corps de Sonny vient d’être retrouvé dans une voie coupe-feu, abattu de plusieurs balles. G demande à Eric de lui envoyer la photo du cadavre sur son téléphone, et rejoint Lance.

Il commence par lui montrer la photo, en lui expliquant que c’est le gars qu’il protège qui en est responsable. Le jeune homme est touché. Puis Callen lui demande combien de familles d’accueil il a connues.


Il compare les 9 de Lance à ses 37 siennes, puis livre ses souvenirs : les familles les meilleures ont été les plus dures. On se sent chez soi, on se fait des amis…Lance ajoute, et on dort toute la nuit…A deux voix, ils refont la douleur du truc qui se produit alors, et qui fait qu’ils sont retirés, placés ailleurs – dans un endroit moins sympa…De toute façon, vous ne laissez plus personne devenir intime avec vous, c’est trop risqué…Puis G se fait plus dur : ils ne sont plus en famille d’accueil, ils ne sont plus des gamins sans défense, il faut que le salaud qui a fait ça à Sonny paye !

Alors Lance raconte : il a appelé Sonny après avoir filmé. Son copain lui a dit de lui envoyer la vidéo, ce qu’il a fait. Et de suivre le type, ce qu’il a fait aussi. Il a laissé sur le siège de sa voiture un mot lui disant de jeter un œil sur le site vidéo où ils ont mis juste assez de bande pour lui donner envie de les appeler. Sonny s’est rendu à Malibu pour échanger la vidéo contre de l’argent, avec lequel il avait promis d’emmener Lance à Hawaï, pour surfer des tubes de rêves à longueur de journée…Le jeune homme pleure, et G est désolé pour lui…

Un peu plus tard, au QG, Eric explique avoir téléchargé la vidéo depuis le téléphone de Sonny, et pu identifier le tueur : Clint Sears, ayant au nombre de ses amis des proches d’Al Qaeda. Des relevés bancaires établissent qu’il a fréquenté le même restaurant que Stone une douzaine de fois lors du mois passé. L’équipe pense qu’il a joué le rôle d’intermédiaire entre Demir et Stone, et qu’il a suivi ce dernier sur la route de l’aéroport, pou s’assurer que le prototype prenne bien l’avion. Après l’accident, il l’a récupéré pour sauver la transaction.

Il ne semble pas être chez lui, son ordinateur étant inerte ; le dernier site qu’il a consulté donnait le trafic en temps réel, 2 heures plus tôt, en direction de Calabasas. Et comme par hasard, il y a ½ heure, Demir roulait dans la même direction. En plus Sears est un passionné de poterie, il participe à des compétitions – et est membre d’un atelier d’artistes de Calabasas. C’est sans doute là qu’il a choisi de rencontrer le turc, en territoire connu. Celui-ci est déjà à mi-chemin de l’atelier, et impossible de le faire intercepter par la police à cause de son statut de diplomate. Mais Eric a plus d’un tour dans son sac : il hacke les feux tricolores qui passent au rouge quelques voitures devant celle de Demir, et le reste…

Longtemps, longtemps, l’embouteillage monstre qui se forme met les nerfs des conducteurs à rude épreuve. Comme ceux de Sears à l’atelier, qui trouve aussi le temps long. Cela a permis aux agents d’arriver les premiers au rendez-vous. Sears n’a pas l’intention de se laisser attraper, une fusillade nourrie commence, jusqu’à ce que Sam parvienne à le neutraliser. Deeks fouille alors ses poches : le prototype y est. Un soupir de soulagement général accueille la découverte. Il était temps, les voitures avec les turcs sont déjà aux portes de l’atelier.

C’est une belle journée sur la plage de Venice, la houle permet à 2 surfers de s’éclater : Kensi et Deeks. Sur le sable, ni Sam ni Callen ne semblent avoir envie de les rejoindre. Sam aperçoit un camion de vente à emporter et court s’acheter des crevettes au curry, au moment où Hetty appelle G. Le prototype est de retour au labo, Demir en route pour la Turquie ; la CIA compte le garder à l’œil. 

G demande des nouvelles de Lance : Freedom est venue le chercher dès qu’il a été libéré ; ils semblaient très heureux d’être réunis…Hetty ajoute que c’est marrant, la manière dont certains trouvent leur voie dans la vie. Puis elle demande des nouvelles de la leçon de surf, juste quand Deeks se fait happer par l’océan : G ironise, c’est surtout un cours de natation.


Il raccroche, et la mine renfrognée de Sam et ses mains vides l’interpellent : où sont les crevettes au curry ? Son partenaire grogne que le vendeur a donné les dernières au « mauvais surfeur qui ressemble au type de Scoubidou ».

Kensi réussit une jolie descente de vague pendant que G en rigole encore…

                  ----------------------- FIN ----------------------------



[An ambulance is running fast in the night; its siren blares]

DRIVER: [On mic] We've got a male, 30s, victim of MVC. Multiple fractures, rigid abdomen pulmonary contusions. Got two liters of saline running wide open for a BP of 60 over 40. ETA ten minutes.

[A SUV overtakes the ambulance; a man is putting gas in a car parked along the sidewalk with a can. He crouches and sees the car braking and spinning to block the ambulance; it breaks sharply and is able to stop. SUV guy gets out, the ambulance driver is pissed off – his window is open]

DRIVER: What the hell do you think you're doing?!

[The young man hidden behind his car is filming the scene- he starts being scared when 2 gunshots burst: the SUV guy just killed the driver!]

MOTORIST: Holy crap!

[Man with the gun goes at the back of the ambulance, opens the doors, shots the paramedic and pulls out a knife and stabs the wounded guy.]

MOTORIST: Oh, my God.

[He tries his best to hide himself from the killer’s eyes when the guy leaves the ambulance…]


                            ♫ ♫ NCIS: LA 4x07 ♫ ♫ Skin Deep ♫ ♫

                            ♫ ♫ Original air date on November 20, 2012 ♫ ♫


[NCIS office. ♫ G and Callen are in the stairs]

SAM: Whose turn is it to pick the food truck today?

CALLEN: Deeks. He said he found something really different.

SAM: Why doesn't he just pick the shrimp curry? Everyone likes the shrimp curry.

CALLEN: I think he was going for a culinary home run.

SAM: Why do I get the feeling he's going to have a major league strikeout?

CALLEN: You know, you really should think about expanding your palate, Sam.

[They join Kensi, sat at her desk]

SAM: I just got a thing for the shrimp curry.

CALLEN: Think positive. Maybe he has something that'll blow you away.

SAM: You said Deeks was picking, right?

CALLEN: He back yet?

KENSI: Any minute now. And it should be interesting. Deeks loves food.

SAM: He also loves Donny and Marie.

[Deeks whistles: he’s back]

CALLEN: What'd you get?

DEEKS: Comin' at ya-- hoo-ha. Little bit of that. Heads up. It'll change your life, right here.

[He gave them sandwiches. Sam sniffs his]

SAM: This looks like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

DEEKS: That's what I'm talking about.

[Callen chuckles]

SAM: Did you experience a head injury, Deeks?

DEEKS: Uh, not that I'm aware of. But I do sleepwalk.

SAM: Hundreds of food trucks in Los Angeles and the best you can do is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Seriously?

[Kensi looks disgusted when she smells it]

DEEKS: Okay, hold on a second. This is not your run-of-the mill PB&J! All right, people? This, right here, is organic hazelnut butter with a mango-chutney marmalade. That's what this is.

CALLEN: Uh-huh.

[He stares at his left]

DEEKS: What are you look...what are you looking at?

KENSI: Yesterday's lunch in the kitchen.

SAM: Pepperoni pizza.

CALLEN: There's only two slices.

[Three start running towards the kitchen…]

DEEKS: Wait, no. Hold on. Uh, guys. Hold on a second. You've got to give this a shot, because this...is a game...

[He tastes…]

DEEKS: Wow, that is...that's terrible.

[Eric whistles from upstairs – a slice of pizza in the hand; he bites into it…


[OPS center. Shooting in the ambulance on screen]

HETTY: The victim was Civilian Naval Technology Scientist Kevin Stone. He was already in critical condition because of a random auto accident when the ambulance was attacked.

DEEKS: So, somebody wanted him extra dead.

KENSI: Yeah. Why the knife?

SAM: Could suggest something personal.

CALLEN: Yeah, the gun's more efficient but it doesn't have the same psychological effect the killer wants.

KENSI: So, revenge, crime of passion?

CALLEN: Maybe. This looks like it was shot on a smartphone.

ERIC: Exact-a-mondo. It was uploaded to a private file-sharing Web site this morning.

NELL: After the crime report came in from the LAPD, we picked some curious chatter about a "sick" video. Uh, it seemed a little too similar, so we hacked in.

CALLEN: And what do we know about Stone?

HETTY: He was working on surveillance and security projects for the past six years.

NELL: He is single, lives alone, uh, no disciplinary or criminal record.

CALLEN: Anything on the killer?

ERIC: You're looking at it. This is the only footage we have.

CALLEN: Lot of questions. In the top three would be why post it?

SAM: Who shot it?

KENSI: Who's the killer and why did he do it?

DEEKS: That's four. Questions, because yours was a two...Doesn't matter.

HETTY: And all of them very good. It's just that we're in the answer business. So, Mr. Callen, Mr. Hanna, I've informed Stone's supervisor that you'll be paying him a visit at the Naval Lab.

[Sam and G walks out]

HETTY: Mr.Deeks, Ms. Blye, Rose will have a preliminary forensics report by the time you arrive.

DEEKS: On it.

KENSI: Done.

[Both leave the OPS]

HETTY: And now, the dynamic duo. Survey says?

ERIC: Uh, tracing the Web poster's I.D.

[Hetty nods approvingly]

NELL: Good answer.


[Naval lab. Sam and G are with Stone’s supervisor, heading to the dead guy’s desk]

SUPERVISOR: Stone was one of our best and brightest. Dedicated, good attitude.

CALLEN: Any unusual behavior lately? Anything that would be described as out of the ordinary?

SUPERVISOR: Not that I saw. He had been working hard lately. I think he was looking forward to London.

SAM: London?

SUPERVISOR: Yeah, a technical conference he was going to attend this week.

CALLEN: What was Stone working on?

SUPERVISOR: Mostly reconnaissance and surveillance projects.

SAM: Anything particularly sensitive?

SUPERVISOR: No, standard methods of gathering intel. He was developing tools to streamline the process. All low-level stuff.

SAM: Sounds vague.

SUPERVISOR: Truth is, 99% of our work is actually pretty mundane.

[Sam and G exchange a look…]


[Autopsy room: Rose is just removing the liver from the body and puts it onto scales]

DEEKS: Mmm. Yummy.

ROSE: Ugh. Liver: 1.5 kilograms.

DEEKS: I love liver. Always have, ever since I was a little kid. Can't really explain it, but liver and onions, liver and bacon, fried chicken livers...

KENSI: Dude, just stop.

DEEKS: You hate liver?

KENSI: I hate liver.

DEEKS: Not unlike the vast majority of Americans, who don't have an appreciation for the smooth and silky texture of a slightly gamey organ meat usually cooked medium rare and served with a side of...

KENSI: All right, I'm going to be sick, Deeks. I'm going to be sick.

ROSE: Have you heard from Nate?

KENSI: He's in Europe. But he says he's well.

DEEKS: Aside from his particular dislike of braised tripe.

KENSI: Okay, can we dispense with the food talk, Deeks?

ROSE: Does he have any new... friends?

KENSI: Um, well he's been undercover so we don't really know much about his personal life. Sorry.

DEEKS: But I am sure that he is thinking of you fondly.

KENSI: And we will give him your regards.

DEEKS: Of course. So, the stab wound was the cause of death?

ROSE: In combination with the injuries he suffered in the accident. But there was something curious about the stab wound. There was already scarring in the region.

[She shows them]

KENSI: Like he'd already been stabbed there before?

ROSE: It's too clean for that. This looks like it was from some kind of minor surge. There's interior scarring as well, and a gap in the tissue. Like something was inside of him.

DEEKS: Implanted inside of him?

ROSE: Yeah, very possibly.

KENSI: And the killer carved it out.

[She pulls out her phone- phone line starts ringing]


[Back in Naval lab: Callen is on phone]

CALLEN: Thanks, Kens.

[He comes back close to Sam and the supervisor after the end of the call]

CALLEN: The killer took something out of Stone's body.

SUPERVISOR: What do you mean, out of his body?

CALLEN: Something small that was put in surgically.

SAM: How about you tell us what Stone was really working on, huh?

[The supervisor sighs heavily].

SUPERVISOR: It was the latest prototype of a highly advanced intelligence device. A major breakthrough in surveillance and intelligence gathering.

SAM: Go on.

SUPERVISOR: If it gets into the hands of our enemies, it not only could be a serious problem for U.S. security interests, but it'll set our program back at least five years.

CALLEN: Well, I guess that's the one percent that not mundane…


                        -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[OPS center. On screen, a kind of spider-robot, only 5 millimeters wide according to the scale]

NELL: The technology is called I-SWEEP. Intelligent Small World Enemy Encroachment Proxy.

[Processor/transmitter in the body, solar cell on top, thermal sensor on foot]

ERIC: It's about the size of an aspirin. With some of the motors as small as a grain of sand. There's a micro-solar cell on top. It supplies the power.

NELL: Several vibrating legs allow for movement, including one that acts as a sensor.

CALLEN: Relays information for surveillance and intelligence gathering.

DEEKS: We're looking at the future. Today, it's automatic checkout counters replacing cashiers. 10 years from now, robots'll be doing our jobs.

SAM: Maybe they'll program the robots to pick a decent food truck.

[Deeks chuckles]

HETTY: This may look like science fiction, but make no mistake--the military's been developing this technology for years. It's a game-changer.

CALLEN: Well, right now, it could be a game-changer for the highest bidder.

HETTY: Indeed, Mr. Callen. If one of our enemies was to acquire this device, it's doubtful they'd be able to manufacture it. They could develop technology to render it ineffective.

SAM: The device had been in a secure vault in the tech lab for several weeks, while they developed testing procedures.

CALLEN: And Stone was one of several scientists working on the project, any of whom could have had access to the vault.

SAM: And if it went missing, Stone knew all of them would have been searched.

KENSI: But they probably weren't going to be looking under his skin.

NELL: LAPD delivered the contents of Stone's car.

ERIC: It included a suitcase and a plane ticket. He was on his way to the airport when he got into the accident.

CALLEN: He was supposed to be going to London for a conference.

NELL: Only he was stopping in Istanbul first.

HETTY: Turkey. Right next door to Iran.

CALLEN: Have we I.D.'d the smartphone shooter?

ERIC: Uh, yeah. Lance Eddings, 26-- dropped out of high school at 16. Mostly does odd jobs to get by.

NELL: Uh, social services records indicate he was abandoned by his family at age three. He spent the remainder of his childhood in various foster homes.

[Callen ‘s face shows…memories!]

ERIC: He is currently living in a low-income apartment in Hollywood.

CALLEN: We'll check out Stone's apartment. Kensi, Deeks, see if you can find Lance. Or his smartphone.

KENSI: Okay.

CALLEN: Eric, we need FISA warrants all around.

ERIC: Got it.


[Stone’s apartment. Callen is watching the laptop. Sam is searching papers in a drawer]

SAM: Never ceases to amaze me, G. A man dedicates himself to developing technology to keep his country safe, only to sell it out. Why?

CALLEN: Day trading, for one. Stocks, currencies, futures. Looks like he has accounts with several online brokerage firms.

SAM: Was he doing that bad?

CALLEN: Well, bad enough he doubled down on some pretty risky securities. He was probably desperate.

[Sam goes to the bathroom]

SAM: Vicodin and Keflex.

CALLEN: A painkiller and an antibiotic. Two medications you'd take after a surgery.

SAM: Prescribed two weeks ago.

CALLEN: Which is about the time Rose said the incisions were made. Who's the doctor?

SAM: Dr. Adam Keller. Westside Beautification Center.

[G stands up, looks closely at Sam’s face-with a little smile]

CALLEN: I think it's time to remove those frown lines, Sam.

[Sam chuckles]


[Lance’s building apartment in Hollywood. Deeks opens the door to Kensi]

KENSI: Thank you.

DEEKS: You, uh, look like you got something on your mind. Listen, Kensi, we're partners--you can ask me anything.

KENSI: Donny and Marie? Really?

DEEKS: Sam. Damn it!

KENSI: So he says!

DEEKS: All right, listen, here's the deal. We were in line, waiting for coffee, and I was bored, so I just absentmindedly started humming, and I was feeling...

KENSI: A little bit country.

DEEKS: And a little bit rock and roll. Is that so wrong? Does that make me a bad person?

KENSI: Not at all. Just a little bit creepy.

DEEKS: Oh, good, then that doesn't change anything between us.

[Kensi points at a door on the right]

KENSI: 106.

DEEKS: Our videographer's apartment.

[Kensi knocks]

KENSI: NCIS. Open up.

[They pull out their guns]

KENSI: Ready?

[She kicks the door open and they rush inside]

KENSI: Federal agents!

DEEKS: Clear!

KENSI: Clear.

[No one at home- but a lot of pics and posters- mainly surfers]

KENSI: Lance is a surfer.

DEEKS: Wow, your powers of observation are astounding. No robot is ever gonna replace you, Kens.

[He spots a photo in a frame]

DEEKS: "To my little bro. Sonny." That's Sonny Amador.

KENSI: Who's Sonny Amador?

DEEKS: Are you kidding me? He's, like, a surfing legend.

KENSI: Well, look at these.

[She’s found magazines: “Redacted Monthly]

KENSI: He's a conspiracy theorist.

DEEKS: "The truth the government doesn't want you to know." Looks like wiping out wasn't the only thing Lance was worried about.

KENSI: So where did he go?

DEEKS: Where every surfer goes when he wants to escape his problems.

[He taps on empty stands]

DEEKS: He took his board.

[He looks at Kensi]

DEEKS: How's your beach body?


[Golf course. A man shoots a ball with class]

MAN: That's a nice shot, Jerry.

[Callen is watching from outside of the clubhouse; Sam joins him- he sighs]

MAN: You're up, Bill.

MAN 2: Still waiting on Davis, yeah?

SAM: The starter confirmed what the doctor's receptionist told us. He has a standing foursome every Thursday on his day off. Only, today, he never showed.

CALLEN: Yeah, no one saw him in the clubhouse, either. Although one of the regulars thought they saw him pull up earlier.

SAM: What do you think?

[A man shoots a ball]

MAN: Damn it! Fore!

CALLEN: He lifted his head.

SAM: Maybe the most ridiculous game ever invented.

CALLEN: It's a metaphor for life, Sam. Nothing to react to but your own actions.

SAM: Doesn't look like fun.

CALLEN: It's just you, the ball, the course and your thoughts. No one to throw the ball to, no one to catch it...You just stare down your fears.

[Sam scoffs]

SAM: Didn't take you for a golfer, G.

CALLEN: Never played a day in my life. Too scary.

SAM: So, what does the good doctor drive?

CALLEN: Eric said it was a charcoal gray Prius.

[Problem is that almost all golfers drive the same – there’re too many on the parking lot!]

SAM: Got to love L.A. You got a plate?

[Callen chacks his phone]

CALLEN: I do. 2-Quebec-Romeo-India...4-4-5.

[He looks on his right, Sam on the left]

CALLEN: Got it.

SAM: What do we got?

[A body: man is in his car, bloody…]

CALLEN: Looks like a hole in one.

[They exchange a look…]


                               -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[OPS center.]

ERIC: So, here's an amazing coincidence...not.

NELL: Semih Demir--a high-ranking officer in the Turkish Diplomatic Service.

ERIC: Homeland flagged him coming in from Istanbul this morning.

HETTY: Mr. Demir is suspected of being more than a little chummy with a certain network of Iranian intelligence agents, feeding them U.S. intel which he culls from his diplomatic connections.

ERIC: And one of those Iranian agents specializes in surveillance technology.

NELL: The Turkish government is well aware of the accusations, but Mr. Demir is highly respected. There's no hard evidence, so their hands are tied.

CALLEN: And now he's here, the day after a plan to smuggle a classified device out of the country falls apart.

SAM: You guys on him?

NELL: He hasn't checked in to a hotel, hasn't rented a car, at least not in his own name.

ERIC: We're monitoring facial rec, credit card hits and traffic cams.

HETTY: And how's our progress with tracking down our videographer, Lance Eddings?

DEEKS: According to neighbors at his apartment, he spends most his weekends with Sonny Amador and his boys. Did you look into Sonny, Eric?

ERIC: Yep.

SAM: Who's Sonny Amador?

ERIC: Dude, Sonny Amador, former world-class surfer. He's a two-time champ of the U.S. Open at Huntington Beach.

DEEKS: He was the real deal, man. We're talking one of the kings of pipeline on the North Shore, dominated Todos Santos in the mid-'90s, and was always in the top ten of the world tour until a knee injury sidelined him in 2002.

NELL: And that's when he started collecting records of a different kind.

ERIC: Yeah, uh, several arrests for low-level weed dealing and petty theft, and one for fraud.

NELL: Yeah, he and his crew counterfeit-labeled cheap surfboards and tried to pass them off, um, claiming his brand endorsed them.

KENSI: Not exactly Point Break, are they?


HETTY: Nonetheless, it would seem Mr. Eddings should be found in their company. He's our best chance to find this missing surveillance technology.

CALLEN: Given his paranoid profile, I think he's gonna be more than a little skittish.

HETTY: Perhaps it's time for you to break out your Sex Wax, Mr. Deeks.

DEEKS: All right.

[Kensi looks disgusted]


HETTY: Relax, Ms. Blye. It's just surfboard wax.


HETTY: Maybe you better brush up on your lingo if you're going to back him up.

KENSI: Yeah.

[She comes close to Deeks and raises 2 fingers- index and little finger.]

KENSI: Hang loose, bro.

[Deekslowers her finger…]

DEEKS: Good luck with that.



[Venice Beach – surfers are enjoying little waves – music plays "Secret Agent Man"

[♫ There's a man who leads a life of danger ♫

[♫ To everyone he meets, he stays a stranger ♫

[♫ Well, every move he makes ♫ Another chance he takes ♫

[♫ Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow

[♫ Secret Agent Man ♫ Secret Agent Man ♫

[♫ They've given you a number ♫ And taken away your name]

[♫ electric guitar riff playing ♫]

[Deeks, in wetsuit, is waiting for the right moment on his board- just aside of Sonny]

[♫ Beware of pretty faces that you find ♫

[♫ A pretty face can hide an evil mind...♫

[They start together and Deeks hampers the pro]

SONNY: Dude, you cut me off!

DEEKS: Sorry, bro!

[♫ Oh, be careful what you say ♫ You'll give yourself away ♫]

[Deeks goes back to the beach – Sonny follows him, waving at his boys to come too]

[♫ Odds are you won't live to see tomorrow ♫

[♫ Secret Agent Man ♫ Secret Agent Man...]

[Sonny grabs Deeks shoulder]

SONNY: You dropped in on me! What the hell are you doing here!

[He punches his face]

SONNY: You're on my beach!

[Deeks falls down, guy lays on his chest, trying to punch him again]

SONNY: Locals only, bro!

[Deeks manages to take the advantage]

DEEKS: Just hold on!

[He blocks Sonny’s arms]

DEEKS: Just hold on for two seconds!

[He grunts: Sonny is again over him]

SONNY: Quit...!

DEEKS: Sonny, hold on a second, man! I came here to meet you! You're the reason I started surfing in the first place--just hear me out.

[Sonny stops – listens]

DEEKS: All right? Huntington, 1999. You were in the finals, and you were losing, right, and there was only a minute left on the clock,

[He groans]

DEEKS: and this set came out of nowhere. You remember this, huh?

[He groans in pain while standing up]

DEEKS: And you paddled out... to the horizon, you turned, and you dropped into this huge barrel. You put, like, three fingers in the wall and you were so deep inside that tube that no one thought you were ever coming out. And when you did, you we going so fast...

SONNY: I shot the pier.

DEEKS: ...you shot the pier. Straight tens from the judges. Listen, man, I just came here to interview you.

SONNY: Interview for what?

DEEKS: I do a surfer's blog. Bro, I just...I just wanted to highlight you for this week, that's it.

[He pants, groans; Sonny laughs and looks at his guys]

SONNY: Beers on this dude!

DEEKS: That's fine. I'll buy beers.

SONNY: All right, brah.

[Deeks pants, and both laughs and hug]


[In a bar, in dry clothes. Deeks is drinking with Sonny]

DEEKS: And that was Oahu?

SONNY: North Shore. Judges cheated me out of a trophy. Said my heat was over.

DEEKS: That sucks.

[Kensi comes in: top of swimsuit and little shorts]

KENSI: Bartender.


[He clears his throat]

KENSI: Could I have...

DEEKS: Hi. Mind if I, uh, buy you a drink?

[She looks down on him]

DEEKS: She likes me; just wait for it.

[Sonny smiles- Deeks clears throat again]

DEEKS: I'm thinking that you're kind of a Mojito type, yeah?

KENSI: Bartender, what's your most expensive drink?

BARTENDER: Uh, that would be the Partida Elegante Anejo. That's 50 bucks a shot.

KENSI: Huh. Actually, I'm the Par...

DEEKS: Partida Elegante Anejo type?

KENSI: Yeah.

DEEKS: Is that your type?

KENSI: Yeah.

DEEKS: Yeah? Let's make it a double, shall we?


BARTENDER: Yes, sir.

DEEKS: As I like to call it: "Daily Double""

[Kensi’s necklace is hiding a camera-mic]

[OPS center.]

HETTY: Well done, Mr. Deeks. But let's not blow the whole case budget in the first hour, shall we? I'd hate to have to move the decimal point on your next paycheck.

SAM: Yeah, those mani-pedis don't come cheap.

[computer beeps]

ERIC: Forensics report just came in on Dr. Keller.

HETTY: Anything of particular interest?

ERIC: Maybe. There were traces of aluminum silicate on the car seat--that's the same substance that was in the ambulance when Stone was killed.

HETTY: Right. Aluminum silicate, when mixed with water, creates clay.

CALLEN: For sculpting?

HETTY: Or pottery.

NELL: I just got a hit on Demir's credit card. Ali Baba-- it's a Turkish restaurant in Hollywood.

CALLEN: Got it.


[Parked near the Ali Baba is a food truck]

SAM: The Nut Truck? The most competitive food truck scene in the country--that's the best he can come up with? Food trucks are supposed to be about food, G.

CALLEN: Yeah, especially if they all serve shrimp curry.

SAM: Never said it had to be shrimp curry. Chicken's okay, too.

[Inside the restaurant]

MAN: It's so nice to see you all again. What you like?

[A woman interrupts him and whispers something- lively music is playing]

MAN: Please excuse me.

[He joins Sam and Callen showing their badges- he doesn’t look happy!]

MAN: What can I do for you?

[Callen shows Demir’s photo]

CALLEN: You seen this man recently?

MAN: Doesn't look familiar.

SAM: He used his credit card here an hour ago.

CALLEN: Name's Semih Demir.

MAN: We have many customers. Their private lives are their own business.

CALLEN: So you're saying he was here.

[Man stares at him]

SAM: We'd like to take a look in your back room.

MAN: Do you have a warrant?

CALLEN: I don't think we have a warrant. Do we have a warrant?

SAM: No warrant.

CALLEN: You know what we do have, Sam? We have the phone number for the department that gives out food truck licenses.

SAM: Like the stupid Nut Truck.

CALLEN: Exactly.

SAM: A kebab truck would make much more sense. Four or five of them. Parked outside this restaurant during the dinner hours.

MAN: Semih is a friend of my family in Istanbul. He needed a car, so I loaned him mine.

MAN: I have no idea. Now, please, leave my restaurant.

[He steps away, back to his customers]

MAN: Do you have any questions about the menu?

CALLEN: Nice guy…


[At the bar]

SONNY: The inside of the barrel dropped out, and I was shooting like a rocket toward the reef. Didn't even have time to get my hands up. Bam! Head first.

DEEKS: Ouch.

[A drunk guy points at Deeks]

MAN: You! I know you from somewhere, bro. Where do I know you from?

DEEKS: Harvard Business School?

[People laugh]

MAN: No, you kook.

[Deeks speaks quietly to Kensi]

DEEKS: I arrested that guy couple years back.

[He spots Lance entering the bar- he keeps speaking in Kensi ears, she keeps giggling]

DEEKS: Uh-oh. Lance just walked in; keep smiling. So, uh, I'll handle the drunk guy, and you go chat it up with Lance, preferably outside, got it?

[Kensi laughs]

KENSI: I'm gonna need a reason to leave you for him, so I'm gonna start an argument.

DEEKS: No, I got a better idea.

[He slaps her butt- she pushes him backwards]


SONNY: Ouch.

DRUNK GUY: Yo, man, I remember where I know you from. You're that dude--

[Deeks silences him with a punch on the nose- Friend of the guy hit Deeks and the fight starts- Lance sees the mess and runs out; meanwhile Kensi is leaving; a man blocks her way]

MAN: Where do you think you're going, sweet thing?


[The poor guy yells when she kicks him in the crotch- she is out but Lance is already gone in a VW van…]

[OPS center.]

ERIC: Going...going...

NELL: Gone.

HETTY: Bugger.


                             -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[In the bar, people are still fighting…Deeks heads to the exit- Kensi is on phone]

KENSI: Lance got away in an orange VW van, custom plate: VEGN GRL. Victor, Echo, Golf, November, Golf, Romeo, Lima.

[OPS center. Eric is typing; Nell is sat at his side, Hetty looks over their shoulders]

ERIC: All right, registered to a Freedom Weinberg. Hm. Think she might've changed her first name?

NELL: I thought the best way to piss off your parents was to moo every time they said your name.

[Eric and Hetty exchange a look]

NELL: Not that I have any real experience with that. I just think...

HETTY: Uh, do we have an address, Mr. Beale?

ERIC: Yeah. She lives in our own little Haight-Ashbury-by-the-Sea--Topanga Canyon.

[At the bar: a guy is thrown through a window- Deeks has joined Kensi outside with a bleeding nose]

DEEKS: We should probably skedaddle before they realize the guy they're fighting over has already skedaddled. Let's go.

[Sonny hurries out with 2 guys]

SONNY: Hey! What about the interview?

DEEKS: Ah, I'm gonna have to catch you later, bro, 'cause right now I'm gonna go ride a little wild surf.

[Sonny laughs – Kensi giggles]

KENSI: I hope you choke on your liver.


[Topanga Canyon; Hippies live here. One of them is playing guitar and singing]

MAN: ♫ I see the sunrise in her eyes ♫ Like the diamond ♫ in my sky ♫

[Kensi parks her car- she and Deeks go out]

KENSI: Look for the orange van.

DEEKS: There.

[Goats are bleating]

KENSI: Was it really necessary? I mean, was it really necessary?

DEEKS: Are you talking about my clever but crude excuse for getting us out of there together, or my clever but, uh, very successful placement of my hand on your...?

KENSI: Both.

DEEKS: See, I was undercover, so, actually, it was part of my character.

KENSI: Really? My character was about to start an argument, which I happen to be very good at.

DEEKS: Yeah, that's-that's very true.

[The man playing guitar stares at Deeks and stops]

MAN: Hey, man. Do I know you?

KENSI: Okay, how many people have you actually arrested around here?

MAN: Now I know. You look just like that guy from Scooby-Doo, man!

[He laughs]

DEEKS: Evidently, not enough.

[Kensi laughs]

DEEKS: No, don't do it.

[She keeps laughing, man resumes singing]

KENSI: You enjoyed it, though, a little, right?

DEEKS: What, my hand on your...

KENSI: Yeah.


KENSI: No, what?

DEEKS: No, I didn't enjoy it.

KENSI: Why? What was wrong with it?

DEEKS: Nothing. It was fine. It was, uh, firm. It was good. All right, I enjoyed it. A little.

[They’ve checked the messy van, nothing unusual]

KENSI: That is so disappointing.

[They hear a man and a woman coughing in a little house nearby]

WOMAN: Pass it over here.

[They laugh- the agents listen closely; Kensi knocks at the door]

WOMAN: It's open.

WOMAN: It's crazy good.

[The man chuckles]

MAN: Hey, it's from Mendocino.

[Room is full of smoke]

WOMAN: Who are you?

[The man stares at them: Lance]

KENSI: Federal agents.

[At once lance starts running]


[The guy flies through the window (without glass), grunts when he rolls over the ground- Deeks and Kensi chase him- Deeks quickly grabs and cuffs him.

LANCE: Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!

[Deeks sits on his back]

DEEKS: Relax.

MAN: Come on, bro.

[Singer and his friends are standing and watching]

MAN: Whoa... dude! Bad karma, Shaggy.

DEEKS: Yeah? You're next, Patchouli. You're next.

[He helps Lance standing up]

DEEKS: Let's go.


[Boatshed. Interrogation room. Lance is facing Kensi]

LANCE: You can't get in my head. I'm blocking you out.

KENSI: We're not trying to get inside your head, Lance.

LANCE: Oh, you guys have ways; I've read about it.

DEEKS: Listen, man, we just need your help.

LANCE: What kind of help?

KENSI: We know you recorded something terrible. And we also know that you posted that video on a file-sharing site before you deleted it off your phone. Now, that guy in the video, he's still out there.

DEEKS: And he's gonna hurt somebody else. Is that what you want?


KENSI: All right. Then help us.

[Observation room]

SAM: Kid's a mess.

CALLEN: You might be, too, with what he's been through.

[Sam gives him a look]

[Observation room]

LANCE: I don't want anyone else to get hurt.

KENSI: We know you don't. And we're not here to hurt you, either. You're not in trouble, Lance.

LANCE: Okay.

KENSI: Okay. Is there anything you can tell us about the man in the ambulance? What he looked like, what kind of car he was driving...


DEEKS: Yes, what?

LANCE: I know what he looks like. I followed him home. I know where he lives.

[Kensi and Deeks exchange a look!]


[5 men are enjoying beer and chat outside a garage]

LANCE: I don't see him, but this is the place.

[Hip-hop music is playing. Lance is with Kensi and Deeks in the car. Opposite from the house, Sam looks in his mirror]

KENSI: [over radio]: Nothing yet.

SAM: How long we gonna wait?

[Hip-hop continues. In Kensi’s car]

LANCE: If they're here, he'll be here.

[A man joins the others]

LANCE: That's him. The guy with the bandana.

KENSI: Bandana.

[Hip-hop continues- They all go out of the cars –almost: Kensi cuffs Lance at the wheel- they can’t make it to the guys]

MAN: Run!

[They split- so do the agents chasing the guy with the bandana. He escapes Sam and G when he climbs over a gate – thinks he does, because actually Deeks and Kensi are just in his back…All have pulled out their guns.]

CALLEN: On your knees. Hands behind your head.

[Man obeys]


[OPS center.]

ERIC: Juan Martinez. He has a record. Mostly dealing-- small amounts  of meth is the worst of it.

[Near Sam’s car]

CALLEN: So the Iranians reach out to a cartel and give the job to some low-level street hustler?

KENSI: That doesn't make any sense.

SAM: Well, cartels use guys like this on some jobs, sure. Not for something on this level.

NELL: [Over radio] I'm going to have to join the doubt parade here.

[OPS center.]

NELL: I just checked Martinez's Facebook page. He was at a quinceanera when the murder took place. He was tagged in a dozen photos.

CALLEN: Lance…

SAM: He's playing us.


                             -------------------- ZAPPING -------------------


[Boatshed. Interrogation room. This time, Deeks is sat face to face with Lance]

DEEKS: The supposed killer you led us to is a street dealer with an alibi. Who are you protecting?

KENSI: Okay, the man with the knife has classified military technology, technology he's going to sell to enemies of this country.

LANCE: You're making that up.

DEEKS: Why would we do that?

LANCE: Because you're part of it.

DEEKS: What, the great government conspiracy? They will submit to any indignity, perform any vile act, do anything to achieve power. Every government is...

KENSI: Is "a parliament of whores." P.J. O'Rourke. I love him. But it's fiction.

LANCE: And fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.

DEEKS: Ralph Waldo Emerson--and he also said that "truth is beautiful, without a doubt, but so are lies."

KENSI: You saw a helpless man get stabbed to death. Don't you think that's wrong? Don't you? You have 20 minutes. After that, you're gonna go to prison for obstruction of justice.

DEEKS: You know, maybe he'll get lucky. Maybe they'll put him in Lompoc.


DEEKS: You know what's great about Lompoc? You get a little glimpse of the surf when you're sitting in the prison yard.

LANCE: I want to talk to Sonny.


LANCE: Because I do.

[Deeks and Kensi leave the room. Lance groans, head in his hands]


[Observation room]

KENSI: He's in over his head, and he knows it.

CALLEN: If he doesn't come clean soon, that microbotic device is gonna be on its way to Iran.

[The video monitor blips: eric appears]

ERIC: Guys...LAPD reported finding Sonny Amador's body off a fire road in Malibu Canyon, just a few hours ago. Shot to death.

SAM: That's a hell of a coincidence.

KENSI: Sonny must have a connection to this.

CALLEN: Well, he's certainly got a connection to Lance. Eric...send this photo to my phone.

SAM: Think this'll break him?

CALLEN: Sonny was Lance's emotional safety net.

DEEKS: He was like an older brother to him.

SAM: Now with Sonny gone, Lance has no one.

KENSI: It might just shut him down completely.

[Callen stares at Lance on the monitor- and heads to the interrogation room]

[Kensi has a heavy sigh]


[Interrogation room.]

CALLEN: The man in the ambulance, the one you're protecting, we think he did this to Sonny.

[Lance gasps when he sees the photo- tears appears in his eyes]

CALLEN: How many foster placements did you have, Lance?

LANCE: Nine.

CALLEN: I had 37.

[Lance is taken aback- like Deeks]

CALLEN: For me, the good ones were the hardest. You start to feel a little bit at home...make a friend...

LANCE: Sleep through the night.

[G chuckles]:

CALLEN: Yeah. Yeah, that was great, wasn't it? And then something would happen.

LANCE: And they'd ship you off.

CALLEN: Usually not to someone so nice. Only, this time, you don't let anyone in...'cause it's too risky.

[G sighs]

CALLEN: But here's the thing, Lance...we're not in foster homes anymore. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves...we're not that helpless little kid anymore, either. [Sharply] We need to find the son of a bitch that did this to Sonny.

[Lance breathes deeply]

LANCE: I called Sonny, told him what I saw in the ambulance, that I got video of it. He told me to send it to him, so I did. Sonny thought we could get some money. He told me to follow the guy. I left a note on his car telling him to check out the Web site. We posted just enough video to show him we could screw him if we wanted.

CALLEN: Sonny went to Malibu to trade the footage for a payoff.

LANCE: I led you to the wrong guy so we could pull it off.

[He sighs]

LANCE: Sonny said we could get, like, 50 grand. He said that he'd take me to Hawaii. We'd live it up. Surf pipeline every day.

[Callen is sorry for Lance, crying]


[OPS center.]

ERIC: I downloaded Lance's video from Sonny's cell phone. The killer is...Clint Sears, 45.

[He types on his computer, Sears’ record pops up; Eric has a wry chuckle]

ERIC: Convictions for fraud, and a Homeland file connecting him to Al Qaeda-friendly players.

NELL: And I've got credit card records here that show Sears and our Naval scientist, Stone, frequenting the same restaurant half a dozen times over the past month.

SAM: Sears must be the middleman between Stone and the buyer Demir.

KENSI: And he was probably following him to the airport to make sure he got on the plane when Stone got into the car accident.

DEEKS: So, to save the deal, he ambushes the ambulance and cuts the device out of him.

CALLEN: Is this his current address?

ERIC: It is. And his computer is on. Remote-accessing it now. Hm. Doesn't seem to be any current activity.

SAM: He could just be away from his computer.

ERIC: He could, but I don't think so. Uh, the last Web site that he visited was a traffic check, two hours ago.

CALLEN: Where to?

ERIC: Calabasas.

NELL: Oh. I also got a hit on Demir's car. He was headed north on PCH 30 minutes ago.

ERIC: That's the quickest way from this side of the hill.

HETTY: That's lot of ground to cover and not a lot of time, if Sears is already there.

ERIC: There's not a lot of traffic cams in the hills, so...chances are slim that we'll get another hit.

NELL: Got something else. Looks like Sears has entered several amateur ceramic competitions.

DEEKS: The aluminum silicate.

NELL: Says here he's a member of Agave Ceramic Studio in Calabasas.

ERIC: Got it-- Agave Studio, Palmwood Drive.

HETTY: That would be familiar territory for Mr. Sears. He'd know the layout should things go wrong.

CALLEN: Demir's halfway to Malibu. LAPD can't detain him 'cause of his diplomatic status.

ERIC: Well, that's not the only way to slow him down.

[He types…]


[…And traffic lights turn red; stay red…]

[Horn honks- again and again- people sighs- horns continue honking- lights stay red…]

[Agave Studios – Sears looks at his watch]

[OPS center.]

CALLEN: [Over radio] Eric, we're approaching Agave Studios.

ERIC: Copy that.

CALLEN: [over radio] What about Demir?

ERIC: Oh, he's not going anywhere for a long time.

[Agave Studios. Sears hides when he spots the cars – of Kensi and Sam. ♫ The agents pull out their guns ♫ - split ♫ - Sam and Callen search inside ♫ G spots a hand and a weapon ♫ he waves at Sam ♫ Stears is making a pottery with his other hand ♫]

CALLEN: Federal agents! Sears, put your hands in the air!

[Guy grabs his weapon and shoots at Callen- The Special Agent runs behind a crate and shoots- there’s a gunfire between them; Deeks and Kensi appear, Sears aims at them -Sam manages to hit him…Deeks searches his pocket]

DEEKS: Got it.

[They sigh in relief]


[Venice Beach - ♫ Kensi and Deeks in wetsuit are paddling towards the waves on surf boards. ♫ Sam and G are on the sand ♫]

CALLEN: I don't see your wet suit.

[Sam chuckles]

CALLEN: No surfing for you?

SAM: No.

CALLEN: Uh-huh.

[G’s phone rings]

SAM: I just want some curry shrimp.

CALLEN: Mm-hmm.

[Sam goes to the food truck]

CALLEN: Hetty.

HETTY: [Over phone] Mr. Callen, I thought you'd like to know that

[NCIS office.]

HETTY: the microbotic device is safely back at the Naval Tech Lab, and Mr. Demir is on a plane back to Turkey. The CIA will be keeping a close eye on him.

[Venice Beach]

CALLEN: That's good to know. How about Lance?

[NCIS office.]

HETTY: Ah, young Mr. Eddings? He was picked up by that woman with the-the curious name.

[Venice Beach]

CALLEN: Freedom.

HETTY: [Over phone] Indeed. Right after he was released. They seemed very happy to be reunited.

[NCIS office.]

HETTY: It's funny, isn't it, how people...find their way in life.

[Venice Beach]

HETTY: [Over phone] Anyway, I think, uh, Mr. Eddings will be fine.

CALLEN: Me, too.

HETTY: [Over phone] How's the surfing lesson going?

[Deeks is just disappearing in the ocean]


CALLEN: Swimmingly.

[He turns his phone off- Sam is back- pissed off]

CALLEN: Where's the shrimp curry?

SAM: He said he sold the last one to the bad surfer who looked like the dude from Scooby-Doo.

♫ ♫ Kensi rides a wave- WooHoo! ♫ ♫


                                             -------------- THE END ------------

Kikavu ?

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Austin83  (06.06.2019 à 20:58)

Ah ah ah ah cet épisode est vraiment pas mal, Deeks a droit à beaucoup de moquerie, mais bon lol c'est vrai qu'il a un côté de Sammy et Scoobiddo :p mais c'est ce qui fait son charme <3 !!! J'adore le cours de surf :p pour une fois il apprend quelque chose à Kensi :p !!! l'enquête était vraiment pas mal, et la scène du bar reste ma préférée !!!!

schumi  (03.06.2019 à 23:31)
Deeks a l'air d'avoir des dons culinaires particuliers: on dirait Moi! Rose en pince encore pour nate c'est cool ça nous permet d'avoir de ses nouvelles. On a enfin l'occasion de voir deeks pratiquer sa passion: le surf. J'avais jamais fait le rapprochement avec sammy de scooby doo mais c'est très drôle. C'est pas très gentil pour deeks mais bon lui aussi il aime les chiens après tout lol.


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !